Childhood and Adolescence Assignment

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Coursework Elective disorders of childhood and adolescence

The coursework contains two sections.

1 interview a parent of a child with one of the following disorders.
Autism spectrum Disorder
Learning Disability

You need to ask the following questions only. From the parent/ primary caregiver
1 What is your childs diagnosis, are they officially diagnosed by a professional?
2 At what age diagnosis done
3 What are some challenges you face as a parent because of this diagnosis
4 Did professionals explain you about the childs disorder, if so what did they tell?
5 Are you satisfied with child support you currently get?

part 2 Essay. - Some children experience difficulties in developing cognitive, social,

moral and behavioral skills in the same way or at the same phase as the majority.
Some may Experience significant delay in development in these areas compared to the
other children resulting in personal distress, social and/or occupational dysfunction.

Key to helping children overcome these problems is identifying the underlying causes
and mechanism that contribute to the problems. If the interventions are not based on
addressing the underlying causes a complete and a successful recovery could be

For the Chosendisorder of childhood/ adolescence, discuss the underlying

eitiology/causes as well as interventions based on theories and models in
psychology.You could use a variety of theories (example, biopsychosocial model)

Your content, arguments and facts should be supported by reliable empirical evidence
and supported by in-text citations and references.

The essay should be 1500 words and 500 to 700 words for the parent interview.
Therefore total 2000 words +- 10% and the students should follow the standard format for
assignments explained to them during the AWPS sessions.
Plagiarism policy will be strictly implemented and the soft copies should be submitted via
Marks will be deducted for
Wrong format or referencing style
Spelling & Grammar
Instructions and guidelines.
You will have been advised on how to upload coursework and other guidelines and regulations through a
guidance session during the first semester. If you have missed this session, please contact the program
manager to arrange an individual session.
Coursework may only be submitted late if it has been granted a deferral/extension. Coursework submitted
late without approval will be marked as zero.

Plagiarism and cheating

Please note that by submitting your coursework you are declaring that your coursework is entirely your own
work. If you are in any doubt regarding the correct referencing of sources or what constitutes plagiarism or
collusion, please consult your course handbook. If you still have any queries or doubts regarding plagiarism or
collusion, please speak to the module leader or your program leader. Students found guilty of plagiarism or
collusion face severe penalties, so it is essential that you understand and follow standard procedures for
referencing other people’s work.
The University takes very seriously any attempt to cheat in coursework or examinations by any student and if
a case is proven, this can result in expulsion from the University. Cheating refers to plagiarism, collusion,
taking unauthorised materials into an examination (this list is not exhaustive). Please refer to the essential
information within your Student Handbook.
In summary, if plagiarism is indicated by Turnitin, an inquiry will be held. If the student is found guilty by the
panel on the first occasion, the coursework will be marked zero and the student is given a chance to re-sit the
particular coursework. A formal warning letter will also be issued by the panel. If the student is found guilty
for the second time, he/she could be suspended for a period of 6 months or expelled from CIRP.

CIRP has adopted the Harvard Referencing System as the standard format for citations and references. There
are staff members who can provide detailed support on the Harvard system of referencing. You could book
an appointment with them by contacting your program manager. There is also a useful reference guide on
the Harvard style that we advise you to download and keep. You will find the link for downloading in the
Coursework Marking Criteria
Heading Fail (below 40%) Pass (50-59%) Merit (60-69%) Distinction (70%+)

Interview The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction clearly The introduction clearly indicates the
missing or incomplete. indicates the selected disorder indicates the selected disorder selected disorder and defines according to
(25 marks)
and main psychological and and all important psychological accepted diagnostic systems and all
behavioral problems related to and behavioral problems related important psychological and behavioral
the disorder. to the disorder. problems related to the disorder are
explained well.

Introduction, The student has not The student has clearly The student has clearly identified The student has clearly identified three
Selection of clearly identified nor identified three psychological three psychological approaches psychological approaches in explaining the
variety described three approaches in explaining the in explaining the disorder and disorder and the causes and mechanisms
psychological psychological disorder but the causes and the causes and mechanisms based on clear theories are described
theories approaches in mechanisms are not described based on clear theories are comprehensively clearly linking them to
explaining the comprehensively. described comprehensively. But the problems.
(50 marks)
disorder. a clear link between causes and
problems are not made.
Support with The student has not Student has provided some Student has provided empirical Student has provided empirical evidence
empirical provided empirical empirical evidence but does evidence and demonstrates a and demonstrates a very good range of
evidence. evidence or the not demonstrate a good range good range of evidences. evidences of high quality.
evidence is incorrect of evidences.
(15 marks)
or incomplete.

References and in No or poor references References and in text References and in text citations References and in text citations given and
text citations and in text citations. citations given but with given and are correct and in line are correct and in line with format. The
errors. with format. range and number of references and
(10 marks)
citations are very good.

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