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Only a word but is so powerful: it may create or destroy someone, it may make someone free or
make someone trapped, it may be forced or willing, it may be available or unavailable, but what really is
marriage, and who is it for? Some may say that marriage is just a contract saying that half of your
property would be inherited by your partner when you die, some say it's a union between two people with
love and trust as their foundation, some say that marriage is just a mere formality and that you can marry
anyone you like regardless of race and gender, most say that it's a legal and a formal ceremony
specifically of man and woman, and that sanctity of marriage must be preserved. With these varying
points of view, and despite the hate and criticisms, in our Christian country, should we still consider the
legalization of Same-sex marriage? I believe we should. Legalizing something that wouldn't affect most
people’s lives directly and would just have something to talk about should not be criticized.

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