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Personal Data's
Name : Daniel Roy Vicky
Place/Date of birth : Perawang, 20-11-2004
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Not Married
Home Addres : Huta Baringin Dusun II Kel. Pansur Batu Kec. Pollung
Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan
Phone : +62 895-4152-13410
Emergency Contact :
Home Addres :
Email :

Name of Documents Number Date of Issue Place of issue Date of Expire

Certificate Of Competency

Issuing Authority Grade of License Number Date of Issue Date of Expire

Certificate of Proficiency

Issuing Authority STCW Course Number Date of Issue Date of Expire

Aceh Besar Basic Safety Training 6212233989013822 15/07/2022 15/07/2027
Aceh Besar Advanced Fire 6212233989063822 21/09/2022 21/09/2027
Aceh Besar Security Awarenes 6212233989313822 19/08/2022 19/08/2027
Aceh Besar Seafaress With Designed 6212233898323822 27/09/2022 27/09/2027
Security Duties

Certificate of Proficiency

Issuing Authority STCW Course Number Date of Issue Date of Expire

Seaman History Record of Sea Service and Period

Campany Rank Period

Vessel Name Type Flag GT/HP
Name ON Off
Duta Bahari Tongkang Indonesia 889 PT.SMB Kelasi 20/08/2022 20/12/2022

Yours Faithfully,

Daniel Roy Vicky

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