P.E. 10

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Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”
- Proverbs 16:3
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Score: _____________

Physical Education 10
Quarter 2 Week 1-2
Lesson/Topic: Yoga

Recreation is defined as a means of refreshing one’s strength and spirit after work. It can be a leisurely activity
that diverts your attention to a new undertaking where you might be interested in. it helps you feel relaxed and let you
cope up with stress. Yoga, for example, can be an outlet to de-stress and also be a leisurely activity. It comes from the
Sanskrit word yuj that means “to join together”. It is not a religion, but an art that develops the system of the body, mind
and spirit. Oit gives sense of being and of peace, and it improves the function of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and
hormonal systems, which make the body strong and flexible. It also develops clarity of mind and emotional stability. It
helps you feel relax and manage your mind and well-being.
Yoga evolved from the Indus Sarasvati civilization that existed more than 5000 years ago in India. In the early,
1900s, yoga masters travelled to the West and attracted horders of followers. In the 1930s, hatha yoga was promoted in
India with the work of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Sivananda Saraswati, and other yogis who practiced hatha yoga. Yoga
became popular in the United States only after Indra Devi opened her yoga studio in Hollywood in 1947.
Breathing Mechanics of Yoga
To practice complete yoga breathing, lie on your back or sit on your chair. Lying means abdominal and back
muscles need not be tensed to keep the body upright. In this position, the muscles for breathing work unhampered.
Sitting on a chair position
 Use a chair or stool with a hard surface. Don’t lean against the backrest. Sit close to the seat’s front end.
 Your knees should be below the pelvis. You may use a pillow or folded blanket to raise your pelvis.
 Your feet should be parallel and shoulder width apart on the floor.
 Your hands must be relaxed on your thighs.
 Sitting straight. Sit with your buttocks on your palms. Shift and balance you r weight by moving your upper body
slightly backward, forward and sideward. Remove your hands slowly one at time, and adjust your balance.
Straighten up from the pelvis to the head.
 Keep your joints relaxed.
Complete Yoga Breathing
1. Abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing
 During practice only, breathe out completely by pulling the abdomen in and holding the breath for a few
 Relax the abdominal muscles and breathe in slowly without noise. The abdomen should expand slightly
outward, chest steady.
 Place one hand on the abdomen and the other hand on the ribs to control the movement of the abdomen
and the non-movement of the chest.
2. The practice of “tiger breathing” is helpful if the abdomen would not move at the start. You may gently tighten a
belt around your chest to prevent chest breathing. Here are chest breathing reminders:
 During practice only, breathe out completely by pulling of the abdomen in and keeping the abdominal
muscles tensed.
 Place the thumbs under your armpits on the sides of the rib cage so your fingertips are touching the
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

 Keep the abdominal muscles tensed and breathe in. note that the thorax widens and your fingertips
3. Clavicle (lung tip) breathing
 During practice only, breathe out completely by pulling the abdomen in and keeping the abdominal
muscles tensed.
 Place your right hand under the left collar bone or your left hand under the right collar bone, and breathe
consciously against the weight or slight pressure of the hand.
 Try to pull the collarbone up without lifting your shoulders.
4. Complete breathing
 During practice only, breathe out completely by pulling the abdomen in.
 Place one hand on your abdomen and your other hand on the ribs to control the movement of the
abdomen and chest.
 Let the three kinds of breathing follow each other smoothly in the mentioned order.
 Make sure that after abdominal breathing is through and chest breathing begins the abdomen does not
sink back again, thus filling the chest part of the lungs with air from the lower lungs instead of drawing in
fresh air.
 Once you’re familiar with the complete breathing sequence, you no longer need to control movement of
abdomen and chest with your hands. Then, there is no more forced exhalation by tensing the abdominal
Here are sample poses used in yoga:

Seating and Kneeling Poses

Rabbit yoga pose Child yoga pose Table pose Easy yoga pose

Standing Poses

Warrior 1 yoga pose Goddess squat yoga pose Warrior II yoga pose

Supine Lying Pose

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

Corpse yoga pose Wild Relieving yoga pose Belly Twist

Prone Yoga Poses

Cobra yoga pose Four-limbed staff pose

Just like in other sports, you wear appropriate clothing so that you are comfortable and not feel irritated during
your workout. The best clothing for yoga is Sando or T-shirt and leggings for women and shorts for men. Make sure the
cloth is either nylon or cotton.

Lesson Objective/s:
 Identify the benefit of yoga;
 relate the importance of yoga in a daily life;
 create a three-fold brochure about any therapeutic machines and basic poses of yoga.

Performance Task
As part of the Celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month, you are assigned in a rehabilitation center as a
physical therapist. Your client asked you to create a three-fold brochure illustrating any therapeutic machines and the
basic poses of yoga. You have to wear the appropriate clothing while doing the different poses of yoga. Your goal is to
make it informative. Your audience will be your teacher that will be serve as your client. You will be graded with the
following criteria:
CATEGORY 20 15 10 5 1
Attractiveness & The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's has The brochure has
Organization exceptionally attractive some formatting limited formatting no formatting and
attractive formatting and and and organization of organization of
formatting and well-organized organized of information. material.
well-organized information. information.
Content - Use of facts and Use of facts and Use of facts and Use of facts and Use of facts and
Accuracy/ the quantity of quantity of quantity of quantity of quantity of
Quantity information is information is very information is good information is information is
exceptional. good. but not consistent. present but limited. limited.
Writing - Brochure has Brochure has very Brochure has good Brochure has Brochure has no
Organization exceptional good organization. organization. limited organization
organization organization
Writing - There are no There very few There are some There are several Grammatical
Grammar grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical mistakes are so
mistakes in the mistakes in the mistakes in the mistakes in the numerous that the
brochure. brochure. brochure. brochure. readability of the
brochure is
Graphics/ Pictures Graphics go well Graphics go well Graphics go well Graphics do not go Graphics not
with the text and with the text, but with the text, but with the present in the
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com

there is a good mix there are so many there are too few accompanying text brochure.
of text and that they distract and the brochure or appear to be
graphics. from the text. seems "textheavy". randomly chosen.
Sources Careful and Careful and Careful and Sources are not Sources are not
accurate records accurate records accurate records documented documented
are kept to are kept to are kept to accurately or are accurately or are
document the document the document the not kept on many not kept on any
source of all of the source of most of source of some of facts and graphics. facts and graphics.
facts and graphics the facts and the facts and
in the brochure. graphics in the graphics in the
brochure. brochure.

Sample of Brochure:

Guide Questions:
1. Do you think yoga can really help you manage your stress? Why? Why not? Explain.
2. Would you consider yoga as an active form of recreation? Explain your answer.
3. How can yoga help achieve your health and fitness goals? Discuss.

Good luck! God bless!

Ms. Donna Mae L. Bautro
CP# 0906-434-8950
FB Account: Donna Mae Bautro

Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro
E-Mail: grace.missioncollege@yahoo.com


Prepared by: Checked and Verified by:


Subject Teacher Principal

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