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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Name: Brianna Van Bibber Grade Level: 5th

Topic/Central Focus: Subject: Social Studies

Middle America: Mayas Time Frame: 30 minutes

Standard(s) to be met in the lesson:

SS 5.1.2.f Determine how the roles of individuals and groups influenced government.

Learning Objective: Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

- Identify elements of the Olmec culture - The students will fill out a lesson
that the Mayas adopted and improved guide that will have fill in the blanks
on. with the big ideas from the lesson.
- TSWBAT explain the function of the
class system and what that system

Research-Based Best Practice used in lesson and why it is appropriate/useful

- Cooperative Interactions, Elizabeth Cohen’s research shows that cooperative learning
can help students gain a higher understanding of the content they are learning.
Student Engagement used throughout the lesson
The students will listen to the teacher read and themselves read in choral style. This will
encourage the students to follow along with the reading.

The students will also partake in small group discussion as they fill out a study guide and
then again with the whole class.

Academic Language:
Students will be able to explain the vocabulary words and be able to apply them to the class

Materials: Technology:
- Textbooks (They have) - N/A
- Lesson Guides (they have)
- White board markers (I will bring)

Faith/Values Integration:

Updated 8/15/19
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Assets (Knowledge of Students: personal, cultural, community)

Milford is a farming community. Many of the students will understand the concept of farming
and how the farming community of the Maya civilization provided for most of the civilization.

Differentiating Instruction
Identify the elements of the lesson that are differentiated (content, process, product).
Identify the student characteristic you will use to differentiate (readiness, interest, learning profile).
Explain how you differentiate (whole class, groups of students, individuals, or students with IEPs or 504 plans)

The classroom is set up so that students are sat with a partner. The students will have small
group partners to work on the study guides, then the questions that they have or do not
figure out can be brought to light when they bring the discussion back to a whole group

Procedure with time allotments:

A) Hook/Engage/Pre-Assess Students
- I will ask the students to give me an explanation of their last lesson as their hook.
Give them the chance to “play” teacher. I will ask them guided questions; this will
allow them to review their last lesson. (2 min)
B) Communicate the purpose of the lesson to students (objective/assessment)
- I will ask the students to build off the material they learned from the previous class
and then explain the two objectives for the day. (1 min)
- Identify elements of the Olmec culture that the Mayas adopted and improved on.
- TSWBAT explain the function of the class system and what that system means.
C) Instructional Sequence:
- The students and I will read the textbook while also explaining key vocabulary
words and concepts. (15 min)
- While reading, I will draw a picture of a triangle on the board and explain the
social class system and we will write explanations about the people and why we
placed them in a triangle to explain this. (4 min)
- The students will work in pairs to fill out a lesson guide. (5 min)
- The whole class will then review the lesson guide together and answer questions
that may be left after the reading. (2 min)
D) Closure:
- The students explain the ideas that the Mayas built upon from the Olmecs. The
students will also describe why the Mayas location was perfect for the crops they
grew. (2 min)

Updated 8/15/19
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Analyzing Teaching (Reflection):

Completed after the lesson is taught.

Give evidence that the lesson was successful for students meeting the learning

If you could teach this lesson to the same group of students again, what are two or three things you would do
differently to improve the learning of these students based on their varied developmental and academic needs and
characteristics? Consider missed opportunities and other aspects of planning, instruction, and/or assessment.
Explain in the table below.
Clearly state each change you would Explain why and how you would change
make. it.

Updated 8/15/19

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