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1. A. naked B. wicked C. cooked D. contracted

2. A. compulsory B. confide C. conical D. contractual
3. A. evaporate B. communicate C. contemplate D. coordinate
4. A. investigate B. aborigine C. convenient D. supervisor

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that need correction.
5. The professor together with his three students have been called to court.
6. It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass the exam.
7. Looking from afar, the village resembles a small green spot dotted with tiny fireballs.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
8. _______ she neglected her study during the term, she couldn't pass the exam.
A. Although B. Because C. So that D. So
9. _______of popular expressions in our language have interesting backgrounds.
A. A large number B. The large number C. A great deal D. A sum
10. ____________ you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to $100 a day.
A. Unless B. Although C. Provided that D. As soon as
11. It is imperative that this letter __________ immediately.
A. were sent B. sent C. be sent D. send
12. Nowadays children would prefer history ______ in more practical ways.
A. be taught B. to teach C. to be taught D. teach
13. ____ the terrible weather forecast, we decided not to travel.
A. having heard B. we heard C. having been heard D. being heard
14. . _____for their strong fiber include flax and hemp.
A. Plants are grown B. Plants grown C. Plants that grow D. To grow plants
15. The man _____ a black suit is a football referee.
A. to wear B. wearing C. wears D. who wear
16. He got an excellent grade in his exam, _______ the fact that he had not worked very hard.
A. because of B. in spite of C. on account of D. instead of
17. The police have begun an__________ into the accident which happened this afternoon.
A. investigating B. investigatory C. investigate D. investigation
18. Parts of the mountain road have been washed_____________ after the floods.
A. through B. off C. out D. away
19. The teacher said that I would be able to speak English fluently_____________ six months.
A. since B. by C. in D. till
20. - Bill: “Have you been able to reach Peter?” - Mike: “________________”
A. There’s no approval. B. It’s much too high.
C. Yes. I’ve known him for years. D. No. The line is busy.
21. - Mary: “Don’t forget to drop me a line when you settle down.” - Linda: “Trust me. __________”
A. I drop you a line when I settle down. B. I don’t. I’ll keep you in touch.
C. I will. I’ll keep you in touch. D. I won’t. I’ll keep you posted.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Lee doesn’t like conventional dressing. She prefers something modern and shocking.
A. new B. old C. social D. traditional
23. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. speed B. expectation C. improvement D. treatment

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The villagers had to work very hard on the fields all day, but there was not enough food for them.
A. deficient B. few C. little D. tiny
25. Mr. Brown is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a charity organization.
A. hospitable B. honest C kind D. mean
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence which has the same meaning as the
original one.
26. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after graduation, ______.
A. an employer will give me a full-time job B. I would be offered by the university
C. I will be employed full-time by the university D. the university will employ me full-time
27. He has been to the school library many times______.
A. after the semester starts B. while the semester is starting
C. if the semester has started D. since the semester started

28. : I wish I hadn’t accepted the invitation to her birthday party.
A. I insisted on having been invited to her birthday party.
B. I was very glad to accept the invitation to her birthday party.
C. I regret accepting the invitation to her birthday party.
D. If only I had come to her birthday party.
29. “How brave you are!” he said to the firemen.
A. He asked how brave the firemen were.
B. He blamed the firemen for their discouragement.
C. He criticized the firemen for their discouragement.
D. He praised the firemen for their courage.
30. I would have worn the right shoes if I had known I was going to do all this climbing.
A. I did not go climbing because I did not have the right shoes.
B. As I did not know I was going to do so much climbing, I did not wear suitable shoes.
C. I would have gone on the climb if I had been wearing the right shoes.
D. I would love to go climbing, but I do not have any shoes that would be suitable.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the following blanks.
Automobiles and industries mainly (31)____________ for air pollution in most cities. They pure into the air such
gases as carbon monoxide, sulphur and nitrogen oxides, which are very (32)____________ to humans. Worse still, these
gases after a series of chemical changes, turn (33)____________ toxic acids. They fall down in ‘acid rain’, raising the acidity
in the air, soil and water to dangerous levels and affecting not only trees but also fish and other wildlife. Many industrial
countries in Europe and North America have (34)____________ bad affects from those ‘rains’.
Surely, man faces no more urgent problem than that of saving his own survival. Scientists, social organization and
governments should sit down together to solve the air (34)____________ problem.

31. A. bring B. get C. account D. count

32. A. harmful B. powerful C. awful D. painful
33. A. in B. into C. out D. over
34. A. suffered B. influenced C. offered D. bothered
35. A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Who talk more – men or women? Most people believe that women talk more. However, linguist Deborah Tannen, who
has studied the communication style of men and women, says that this is a stereotype. According to Tannen, women are
more verbal – talk more in private situations, where they use conversation as the “glue” to hold relationships together. But,
she says, men talk more in public situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. Tannen
points out that we can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one “best friend”, their play includes a
lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups; their play usually involves more doing than talking. In school, girls
are often better at verbal skills, boys are often better at mathematics.
A recent study at Emory University helps to shed light on the roots of this difference. Researchers studied conversation
between children age 3-6 and their parents. They found evidence that parents talk very differently to their sons than they do
to their daughters. The startling conclusion was that parents use more language with their girls. Specifically, when parents
talk with their daughters, they use more descriptive language and more details. There is also far more talk about emotions,
especially sadness, with daughters than with sons. 

36. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Little girls and little boys have different ways of playing.
B. Women talk more than men.
C. It’s stereotype that women talk more than men.
D. Women talk more in private, and men talk more in public.
37. Which word is similar in meaning to  “glue”  in line 3?
A. means B. sticky substance C.  game D.  rope
38. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Researchers have studied the conversations of children and their parents.
B. Parents do not talk much about sadness with their sons.
C. Study at Emory University can help to explain the differences between communication styles of boys and girls.
D. An Emory University found that parents talk more with their daughters than with their sons.
39. The word they in line 3 refers to__________.
A. situations.                B. women             C. men and women             D. men
40. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Women talk more in some situations, men talk more in others.
B. Men and women have different styles of talking , which may begin in childhood.
C. Men are more sociable than women.
D. According to Deborah Tannen, the belief that women talk more is partly right but most wrong and oversimplified.
41. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Girls have more practice discussing sadness than boys do.
B. Parents don’t enjoy talking with their sons as much as with their daughters.
C. A recent study found that parents talk differently to their sons and daughters.
D. Boys don’t like to be with their parents as much as girls do.
42. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?
A. Parents use more language to talk with their daughters.
B. Boys don’t like showing their emotions.
C. Parents give more love to their daughters than their sons.
D. Girls are thought to be more talkative than boys.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Education was of primary importance to the English colonists and was conducted at home as well as in
established schools. Regardless of geographic location or finances, most Americans learned to read and compute
numbers. For many, the Bible and the other religious usually made them good primers. Many families owned one or
more of Shakespeare’s works, a copy of John Bunyan’s classic “A Pilgrim’s Progress”, and sometimes collections
of English literary essays, poems, or historical speeches.
In 1647 the Massachusetts School Law required every town of at least 50 household to maintain a grammar
school. The law was the first to mandate public education in America. In the middle colonies at the time, school
were often dependent on religious societies, such as the Quakers and other private organizations. In the South,
families employed private tutors or relied on the clergy to conduct education. At the outset, most elementary
schools were for boy, but schools for girls were establishes in the eighteen century in most cities and large towns.
In spite of the informal atmosphere of most American schools, the literacy rate in the colonies of mid-eighteenth
century America was equal to or higher than that in most European countries.
Before the American Revolution, nine colleges had been founded, including Harvard, William and Mary, Yale; the
College of New Jersey ( now Princeton ), Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth, and King College ( later Columbia University ).
By 1720 the natural sciences and modern language were being taught, as well as courses in practical subjects such
as mechanics and agriculture. At the end of the 18 th century, medical schools were established at the College of
Philadelphia and at King’s College.
43. According to the passage, most Americans learned how to
A. Read B. write C. farm D. speak a foreign language
44. What does the passage primarily discuss ?
A. The primary importance of education in English colonies.
B. Education in North America as English colony
C. Education in early day of the USA
D. Education in English colonies
45. According to the passage, all the following sometimes substituted for schoolbooks EXCEPT
A. historical speeches B. works of Shakespeare
C. biographies D. literary essays
46. According to the passage, all the following subjects are mentioned as being taught in colleges in the 1700s
A. languages B. science C. medicine D. economics
47. According to the passage, the middle colonies often depended upon which group to provide education ?
A. Colleges B. Established primary schools
C. Private organizations D. Businesses
48. According to the passage, who often conducted education in the South ?
A. Politicians B. doctors C. Clergy D. Public school teachers
49. Which of the following words best describes the English colonists’ attitude toward education ?
A. Indifferent B. Distrustful C. Casual D. Enthusiastic
50. How well educated were Americans in comparison to most European countries ?
A. The same or better B. much worse C. far better D. less or equal

_______THE END________


1. A. challenge B. snatch C. brochure D. chocolate

2. A. naked B. sacred C. learned D. studied
3. A. psychiatry B. inexpensive C. patriotic D. scientific
4. A. insurance B. reference C. consider D. available

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that need correction.
5. We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on it on our test tomorrow.
6. Had it not been for you help me, I wouldn't have succeeded.
7. Why don’t you congratulate our son about passing his final exam?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
8. ______________the time change, it will now be getting dark an hour earlier.
A. Despite B. Owing to C. Just as D. Instead of
9. Staying in a hotel costs _______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. as much as twice B. twice as much as C. twice more than D. twice as
10. She had to pass all her exams, or___________ she would not have a holiday.
A. instead B. else C. though D. therefore
11. They are having their house_____________ by a construction company.
A. painted B. painting C. being painted D. to paint
12. There are .................................paintings on the wall over there.
A. two interesting little red French oil B. two little red interesting oil French
C. little two interesting oil red French D. two oil interesting red little French
13. On___________ he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. he was told B. having told C. being told D. telling
14. _______ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. That the woman was
C. The woman was D. What was the woman
15. We have to ................ these difficult circumstances.
A. take pride in B. make account for C. take account of D. give way to
16. On special occasions, my family often go___________ for dinner.
A. in B. up C. on D. out
17. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty____ paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
18. ___________ is the natural environment in which plants or animals live.
A. Ecology B. Habitat C. Extinction D. Biodiversity
19. Although the patient’s condition is serious, she seems to be___________.
A. out of danger B. out of order C. out of control D. out of place
20. “Do you like that advanced training course you’re taking, James?” “.................................”
A. No, not everyone B. No, thanks C. Not me, I’m still waiting D. By and large, yes
21. “Sorry, I’m late Mike.” “...........................................”
A. Well, it’s worth a try B. Not on my account
C. No, I wouldn’t mind at all D. That’s all right
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Dr. Jones suggested that final examinations should be discontinued, an innovation I heartily support.
A. inner part B. test C. entrance D. change
23. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favouritefilms.
A. contests B. economics C. advertisements D. businesses
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A. unimpaired B. unskilled C. ill-educated D. unqualified
25. I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish.
A. limited B. excessive C. conceited D. moderate
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence which has the same meaning as the
original one.
26. They left their home early ______________
A. for fear that they wouldn’t miss the first train. B. in order that not to miss the first train.
C. so as to not miss the first train. D. so as not to miss the first train.
27. He has been to the school library many times______.
A. after the semester starts B. while the semester is starting
C. if the semester has started D. since the semester started
28. They don’t know much knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
A. They have little knowledge of the jobs of their choice.

B. They have a few knowledge about the jobs of their choice.
C. They have few knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
D. They don’t have much knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
29. Hardly are appeals allowed against the council’s decisions.
A. It’s too hard for the council to allow appeals against its decisions.
B. The council always allows appeals against its decisions.
C. Allowing appeals against its decisions is not good.
D. The council rarely allows appeals against its decision.
30. When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.
A. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
B. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
C. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher
D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the following blanks.
The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (31) strongly affect the world. When the water
is warm, the amount of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases. Australia could (32)
experience a drought in many parts. On the other hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is
preparing for (33)_ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern makes the
rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier.
This happening is called El Nino and is used by weather forecasters to make long-range
weather predictions. They also know that El Nino will (34)_ unusually heavy rains to the
southwestern part of the United States and make the central part of the country drier at the same time.
According to research, weather forecasters u s e d t o know about the coming weather with certainty. Now
everything has become completely different.
El Nino itself used to be (35) . It would occur every two to seven years. But now, this weather
pattern is becoming more frequent. We cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists
are unsure of the reason for this change on a global scale either.

31. A. that B. what C. when D. whether

32. A. even B. ever C. nevertheless D. however
33. A. severe B. cruel C. strict D. angry
34. A. carry B. fetch C. bring D. take
35. A. notable B. remarkable C. predictable D. incredible
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
A rather surprising geographical feature of Antarctica is that a huge freshwater lake, one of the world's largest and deepest,
lies hidden there under four kilometers of ice. Now known as Lake Vostok, this huge body of water is located under the ice
block that comprises Antarctica. The lake is able to exist in its unfrozen state beneath this block of ice because its waters are
warmed by geothermal heat from the earth's core. The thick glacier above Lake Vostok actually insulates it from the frigid
temperatures on the surface.
The lake was first discovered in the 1970s while a research team was conducting an aerial survey of the area. Radio
waves from the survey equipment penetrated the ice and revealed a body of water of indeterminate size. It was not until
much more recently that data collected by satellite made scientists aware of the tremendous size of the lake; the satellite-
borne radar detected an extremely flat region where the ice remains level because it is floating on the water of the lake.
The discovery of such a huge freshwater lake trapped under Antarctica is of interest to the scientific community because
of the potential that the lake contains ancient microbes that have survived for thousands upon thousands of years,
unaffected by factors such as nuclear fallout and elevated ultraviolet light that have affected organisms in more exposed
areas. The downside of the discovery, however, lies in the difficulty of conducting research on the lake in such a harsh
climate and in the problems associated with obtaining uncontaminated samples from the lake without actually exposing the
lake to contamination. Scientists are looking for possible ways to accomplish this.

36. What is true of Lake Vostok?

A. It is completely frozen. B. It is a saltwater lake.
C. It is beneath a thick slab of ice. D. It is heated by the sun.
37. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "frigid" in paragraph 1?
A. Extremely cold B. Easily broken C. Quite harsh D. Lukewarm
38. All of the following are true about the 1970 survey of Antarctica EXCEPT that it ______
A. was conducted by air B. made use of radio waves
C. could not determine the lake's exact size D. was controlled by a satellite
39. It can be inferred from the passage that the ice would not be flat if _______.
A. there were no lake underneath B. the lake were not so big

C. Antarctica were not so cold D. radio waves were not used
40. The word "microbes" in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Pieces of dust B. Tiny bubbles C. Tiny organisms D. Rays of light
41. The last paragraph suggests that scientists should be aware of
A. further discoveries on the surface of Antarctica B. problems with satellite-borne radar equipment
C. ways to study Lake Vostok without contaminating it D. the harsh climate of Antarctica
42. The purpose of the passage is to______
A. explain how Lake Vostok was discovered B. provide satellite data concerning Antarctica
C. discuss future plans for Lake Vostok D. present an unexpected aspect of Antarctica's

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Wood has long been a popular building material in North America because it has generally been plentiful and cheap.
Swedish settlers in Delaware built log cabins as early as 1630s. In New England, British colonists built wooden ‘saltbox
houses’. Most of the wooden homes of Colonial times could be built with simple tools and minimal skills.
In the early 19th century, the standard wooden house was built with beams set into heavy posts and held together with
wooden pegs. This method of construction was time – consuming and required highly skilled workers with special tools. The
balloon – frame house, invented in 1833 in Chicago by a carpenter from Hartford. Connecticut, used a frame of lightweight
lumber, mostly 24 and 26 inches. This type of house could be assembled by any careful worker who could saw in a
straight line and drive a nail.
This revolution in building was made possible by improved sawmills that could quickly cut boards to standard
sizes and the lower cost of lumber that resulted. There were also new machines that could produce huge quantities of
inexpensive nails. Skeptics predicted that a strong wind could send such houses flying through the air like balloons
and, at first ‘balloon frame’ was a term of derision. But the light frames proved practical, and wooden houses have
been basically built this way ever since.

43. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To trace the influence of Swedish and British settlers on American styles of buildings.
B. To stress the importance of wood as a building material.
C. To compare methods of constructing wooden houses in various parts of the country.
D. To describe a revolutionary technique for constructing wooden houses.
44. Which of the following questions about the balloon-frame house is NOT answered in the passage?
A. Where was it invented?
B. What was its inventor’s name?
C. What size was most of the lumber used in its framework?
D. In what year was it invented?
45. The author implies that which of the following types of houses required the most skill to produce?
A. The log cabin built by Swedish settlers. B. Saltbox houses.
C. Standard wooden houses of the early 19th century. D. Balloon – frame houses.
46. All of the following are factors in the development of the balloon - frame house EXCEPT ______.
A. the invention of sophisticated tools B. the production of cheap nails
C. improvements in sawmills D. the falling price of lumber
47. According to the passage, why was the term balloon -frame applied to certain houses?
A. They could be moved from place to place.
B. They could be easily expanded.
C. They had rounded frames that slightly resembled balloons.
D. They were made of lightweight materials.
48. The word derision is closest in meaning to _______.
A. affection B. ignorance C. ridicule D. regret
49. Skeptics thought that the balloon – frame house would be _________.
A. expanded B. blown away C. demolished D. raised
50. Most of the wooden houses of Colonial times were _________.
A. difficult to build B. easy to build C. demanding D. challenging
_______THE END________


1. A. challenge B. snatch C. brochure D. chocolate

2. A. naked B. sacred C. learned D. studied
3. A. psychiatry B. inexpensive C. patriotic D. scientific
4. A. insurance B. reference C. consider D. available

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that need correction.
5. We had better to review this chapter carefully because we will have some questions on it on our test tomorrow.
6. Had it not been for you help me, I wouldn't have succeeded.
7. Why don’t you congratulate our son about passing his final exam?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
8. ....................the time change, it will now be getting dark an hour earlier.
A. Despite B. Owing to C. Just as D. Instead of
9. Staying in a hotel costs _______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. as much as twice B. twice as much as C. twice more than D. twice as
10. She had to pass all her exams, or___________ she would not have a holiday.
A. instead B. else C. though D. therefore
11. They are having their house_____________ by a construction company.
A. painted B. painting C. being painted D. to paint
12. There are .................................paintings on the wall over there.
A. two interesting little red French oil B. two little red interesting oil French
C. little two interesting oil red French D. two oil interesting red little French
13. On___________ he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. he was told B. having told C. being told D. telling
14. _______ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. That the woman was
C. The woman was D. What was the woman
15. We have to ................ these difficult circumstances.
A. take pride in B. make account for C. take account of D. give way to
16. On special occasions, my family often go___________ for dinner.
A. in B. up C. on D. out
17. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty____ paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
18. ___________ is the natural environment in which plants or animals live.
A. Ecology B. Habitat C. Extinction D. Biodiversity
19. Although the patient’s condition is serious, she seems to be___________.
A. out of danger B. out of order C. out of control D. out of place
20. “Do you like that advanced training course you’re taking, James?” “.................................”
A. No, not everyone B. No, thanks C. Not me, I’m still waiting D. By and large, yes
21. “Sorry, I’m late Mike.” “...........................................”
A. Well, it’s worth a try B. Not on my account
C. No, I wouldn’t mind at all D. That’s all right
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Dr. Jones suggested that final examinations should be discontinued, an innovation I heartily support.
A. inner part B. test C. entrance D. change
23. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favouritefilms.
A. contests B. economics C. advertisements D. businesses
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.
A. unimpaired B. unskilled C. ill-educated D. unqualified
25. I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish.
A. limited B. excessive C. conceited D. moderate
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence which has the same meaning as the
original one.
26. They left their home early ______________
A. for fear that they wouldn’t miss the first train. B. in order that not to miss the first train.
C. so as to not miss the first train. D. so as not to miss the first train.
27. He has been to the school library many times______.
A. after the semester starts B. while the semester is starting
C. if the semester has started D. since the semester started

28. They don’t know much knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
A. They have little knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
B. They have a few knowledge about the jobs of their choice.
C. They have few knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
D. They don’t have much knowledge of the jobs of their choice.
29. Hardly are appeals allowed against the council’s decisions.
A. It’s too hard for the council to allow appeals against its decisions.
B. The council always allows appeals against its decisions.
C. Allowing appeals against its decisions is not good.
D. The council rarely allows appeals against its decision.
30. When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.
A. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
B. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
C. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher
D. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the following blanks.
The warming of the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns (31) strongly affect the world. When the water
is warm, the amount of rainfall in Indonesia and the surrounding regions decreases. Australia could (32)
experience a drought in many parts. On the other hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is
preparing for (33)_ rainstorms. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern makes the
rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier.
This happening is called El Nino and is used by weather forecasters to make long-range
weather predictions. They also know that El Nino will (34)_ unusually heavy rains to the
southwestern part of the United States and make the central part of the country drier at the same time.
According to research, weather forecasters u s e d t o know about the coming weather with certainty. Now
everything has become completely different.
El Nino itself used to be (35) . It would occur every two to seven years. But now, this weather
pattern is becoming more frequent. We cannot say when and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists
are unsure of the reason for this change on a global scale either.

31. A. that B. what C. when D. whether

32. A. even B. ever C. nevertheless D. however
33. A. severe B. cruel C. strict D. angry
34. A. carry B. fetch C. bring D. take
35. A. notable B. remarkable C. predictable D. incredible
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
A rather surprising geographical feature of Antarctica is that a huge freshwater lake, one of the world's largest and deepest,
lies hidden there under four kilometers of ice. Now known as Lake Vostok, this huge body of water is located under the ice
block that comprises Antarctica. The lake is able to exist in its unfrozen state beneath this block of ice because its waters are
warmed by geothermal heat from the earth's core. The thick glacier above Lake Vostok actually insulates it from the frigid
temperatures on the surface.
The lake was first discovered in the 1970s while a research team was conducting an aerial survey of the area. Radio
waves from the survey equipment penetrated the ice and revealed a body of water of indeterminate size. It was not until
much more recently that data collected by satellite made scientists aware of the tremendous size of the lake; the satellite-
borne radar detected an extremely flat region where the ice remains level because it is floating on the water of the lake.
The discovery of such a huge freshwater lake trapped under Antarctica is of interest to the scientific community because
of the potential that the lake contains ancient microbes that have survived for thousands upon thousands of years,
unaffected by factors such as nuclear fallout and elevated ultraviolet light that have affected organisms in more exposed
areas. The downside of the discovery, however, lies in the difficulty of conducting research on the lake in such a harsh
climate and in the problems associated with obtaining uncontaminated samples from the lake without actually exposing the
lake to contamination. Scientists are looking for possible ways to accomplish this.

36. What is true of Lake Vostok?

A. It is completely frozen. B. It is a saltwater lake.
C. It is beneath a thick slab of ice. D. It is heated by the sun.
37. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "frigid" in paragraph 1?
A. Extremely cold B. Easily broken C. Quite harsh D. Lukewarm
38. All of the following are true about the 1970 survey of Antarctica EXCEPT that it ______
A. was conducted by air B. made use of radio waves
C. could not determine the lake's exact size D. was controlled by a satellite

39. It can be inferred from the passage that the ice would not be flat if _______.
A. there were no lake underneath B. the lake were not so big
C. Antarctica were not so cold D. radio waves were not used
40. The word "microbes" in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Pieces of dust B. Tiny bubbles C. Tiny organisms D. Rays of light
41. The last paragraph suggests that scientists should be aware of
A. further discoveries on the surface of Antarctica B. problems with satellite-borne radar equipment
C. ways to study Lake Vostok without contaminating it D. the harsh climate of Antarctica
42. The purpose of the passage is to______
A. explain how Lake Vostok was discovered B. provide satellite data concerning Antarctica
C. discuss future plans for Lake Vostok D. present an unexpected aspect of Antarctica's

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Wood has long been a popular building material in North America because it has generally been plentiful and cheap.
Swedish settlers in Delaware built log cabins as early as 1630s. In New England, British colonists built wooden ‘saltbox
houses’. Most of the wooden homes of Colonial times could be built with simple tools and minimal skills.
In the early 19th century, the standard wooden house was built with beams set into heavy posts and held together with
wooden pegs. This method of construction was time – consuming and required highly skilled workers with special tools. The
balloon – frame house, invented in 1833 in Chicago by a carpenter from Hartford. Connecticut, used a frame of lightweight
lumber, mostly 24 and 26 inches. This type of house could be assembled by any careful worker who could saw in a
straight line and drive a nail.
This revolution in building was made possible by improved sawmills that could quickly cut boards to standard
sizes and the lower cost of lumber that resulted. There were also new machines that could produce huge quantities of
inexpensive nails. Skeptics predicted that a strong wind could send such houses flying through the air like balloons
and, at first ‘balloon frame’ was a term of derision. But the light frames proved practical, and wooden houses have
been basically built this way ever since.

43. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To trace the influence of Swedish and British settlers on American styles of buildings.
B. To stress the importance of wood as a building material.
C. To compare methods of constructing wooden houses in various parts of the country.
D. To describe a revolutionary technique for constructing wooden houses.
44. Which of the following questions about the balloon-frame house is NOT answered in the passage?
A. Where was it invented?
B. What was its inventor’s name?
C. What size was most of the lumber used in its framework?
D. In what year was it invented?
45. The author implies that which of the following types of houses required the most skill to produce?
A. The log cabin built by Swedish settlers.
B. Saltbox houses.
C. Standard wooden houses of the early 19th century.
D. Balloon – frame houses.
46. All of the following are factors in the development of the balloon - frame house EXCEPT ______.
A. the invention of sophisticated tools B. the production of cheap nails
C. improvements in sawmills D. the falling price of lumber
47. According to the passage, why was the term balloon -frame applied to certain houses?
A. They could be moved from place to place.
B. They could be easily expanded.
C. They had rounded frames that slightly resembled balloons.
D. They were made of lightweight materials.
48. The word derision is closest in meaning to _______.
A. affection B. ignorance C. ridicule D. regret
49. Skeptics thought that the balloon – frame house would be _________.
A. expanded B. blown away C. demolished D. raised

50. Most of the wooden houses of Colonial times were _________.
A. difficult to build B. easy to build C. demanding D. challenging

_______THE END________


1. A. naked B. wicked C. cooked D. contracted

2. A. compulsory B. confide C. conical D. contractual
3. A. evaporate B. communicate C. contemplate D. coordinate
4. A. investigate B. aborigine C. convenient D. supervisor

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that need correction.
5. The professor together with his three students have been called to court.
6. It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass the exam.
7. Looking from afar, the village resembles a small green spot dotted with tiny fireballs.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
8. _______ she neglected her study during the term, she couldn't pass the exam.
A. Although B. Because C. So that D. So
9. _______of popular expressions in our language have interesting backgrounds.
A. A large number B. The large number C. A great deal D. A sum
10. ____________ you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to $100 a day.
A. Unless B. Although C. Provided that D. As soon as
11. It is imperative that this letter __________ immediately.
A. were sent B. sent C. be sent D. send
12. Nowadays children would prefer history ______ in more practical ways.
A. be taught B. to teach C. to be taught D. teach
13. ____ the terrible weather forecast, we decided not to travel.
A. having heard B. we heard C. having been heard D. being heard
14. . _____for their strong fiber include flax and hemp.
A. Plants are grown B. Plants grown C. Plants that grow D. To grow plants
15. The man _____ a black suit is a football referee.
A. to wear B. wearing C. wears D. who wear
16. He got an excellent grade in his exam, _______ the fact that he had not worked very hard.
A. because of B. in spite of C. on account of D. instead of
17. The police have begun an__________ into the accident which happened this afternoon.
A. investigating B. investigatory C. investigate D. investigation
18. Parts of the mountain road have been washed_____________ after the floods.
A. through B. off C. out D. away
19. The teacher said that I would be able to speak English fluently_____________ six months.
A. since B. by C. in D. till
20. - Bill: “Have you been able to reach Peter?” - Mike: “________________”
A. There’s no approval. B. It’s much too high.
C. Yes. I’ve known him for years. D. No. The line is busy.
21. - Mary: “Don’t forget to drop me a line when you settle down.” - Linda: “Trust me. __________”
A. I drop you a line when I settle down. B. I don’t. I’ll keep you in touch.
C. I will. I’ll keep you in touch. D. I won’t. I’ll keep you posted.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Lee doesn’t like conventional dressing. She prefers something modern and shocking.
A. new B. old C. social D. traditional
23. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. speed B. expectation C. improvement D. treatment

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The villagers had to work very hard on the fields all day, but there was not enough food for them.
A. deficient B. few C. little D. tiny
25. Mr. Brown is a very generous old man. He has given most of his wealth to a charity organization.
A. hospitable B. honest C kind D. mean
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence which has the same meaning as the
original one.
26. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after graduation, ______.
A. an employer will give me a full-time job B. I would be offered by the university
C. I will be employed full-time by the university D. the university will employ me full-time
27. He has been to the school library many times______.
A. after the semester starts B. while the semester is starting
C. if the semester has started D. since the semester started
28. : I wish I hadn’t accepted the invitation to her birthday party.
A. I insisted on having been invited to her birthday party.
B. I was very glad to accept the invitation to her birthday party.
C. I regret accepting the invitation to her birthday party.
D. If only I had come to her birthday party.
29. “How brave you are!” he said to the firemen.
A. He asked how brave the firemen were.
B. He blamed the firemen for their discouragement.
C. He criticized the firemen for their discouragement.
D. He praised the firemen for their courage.
30. I would have worn the right shoes if I had known I was going to do all this climbing.
A. I did not go climbing because I did not have the right shoes.
B. As I did not know I was going to do so much climbing, I did not wear suitable shoes.
C. I would have gone on the climb if I had been wearing the right shoes.
D. I would love to go climbing, but I do not have any shoes that would be suitable.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the following blanks.
Automobiles and industries mainly (31)____________ for air pollution in most cities. They pure into the air such
gases as carbon monoxide, sulphur and nitrogen oxides, which are very (32)____________ to humans. Worse still, these
gases after a series of chemical changes, turn (33)____________ toxic acids. They fall down in ‘acid rain’, raising the acidity
in the air, soil and water to dangerous levels and affecting not only trees but also fish and other wildlife. Many industrial
countries in Europe and North America have (34)____________ bad affects from those ‘rains’.
Surely, man faces no more urgent problem than that of saving his own survival. Scientists, social organization and
governments should sit down together to solve the air (35)____________ problem.

31. A. bring B. get C. account D. count

32. A. harmful B. powerful C. awful D. painful
33. A. in B. into C. out D. over
34. A. suffered B. influenced C. offered D. bothered
35. A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Who talk more – men or women? Most people believe that women talk more. However, linguist Deborah Tannen, who
has studied the communication style of men and women, says that this is a stereotype. According to Tannen, women are
more verbal – talk more in private situations, where they use conversation as the “glue” to hold relationships together. But,
she says, men talk more in public situations, where they use conversation to exchange information and gain status. Tannen
points out that we can see these differences even in children. Little girls often play with one “best friend”, their play includes a
lot of conversation. Little boys often play games in groups; their play usually involves more doing than talking. In school, girls
are often better at verbal skills, boys are often better at mathematics.
A recent study at Emory University helps to shed light on the roots of this difference. Researchers studied conversation
between children age 3-6 and their parents. They found evidence that parents talk very differently to their sons than they do
to their daughters. The startling conclusion was that parents use more language with their girls. Specifically, when parents
talk with their daughters, they use more descriptive language and more details. There is also far more talk about emotions,
especially sadness, with daughters than with sons. 

36. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Little girls and little boys have different ways of playing.
B. Women talk more than men.
C. It’s stereotype that women talk more than men.
D. Women talk more in private, and men talk more in public.
37. Which word is similar in meaning to  “glue”  in line 3?
A. means B. sticky substance C.  game D.  rope
38. Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Researchers have studied the conversations of children and their parents.
B. Parents do not talk much about sadness with their sons.
C. Study at Emory University can help to explain the differences between communication styles of boys and girls.
D. An Emory University found that parents talk more with their daughters than with their sons.
39. The word they in line 3 refers to__________.
A. situations.                B. women             C. men and women             D. men
40. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Women talk more in some situations, men talk more in others.
B. Men and women have different styles of talking , which may begin in childhood.
C. Men are more sociable than women.
D. According to Deborah Tannen, the belief that women talk more is partly right but most wrong and oversimplified.
41. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the second paragraph?
A. Girls have more practice discussing sadness than boys do.
B. Parents don’t enjoy talking with their sons as much as with their daughters.
C. A recent study found that parents talk differently to their sons and daughters.
D. Boys don’t like to be with their parents as much as girls do.
42. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?
A. Parents use more language to talk with their daughters.
B. Boys don’t like showing their emotions.
C. Parents give more love to their daughters than their sons.
D. Girls are thought to be more talkative than boys.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
Education was of primary importance to the English colonists and was conducted at home as well as in
established schools. Regardless of geographic location or finances, most Americans learned to read and compute
numbers. For many, the Bible and the other religious usually made them good primers. Many families owned one or
more of Shakespeare’s works, a copy of John Bunyan’s classic “A Pilgrim’s Progress”, and sometimes collections
of English literary essays, poems, or historical speeches.
In 1647 the Massachusetts School Law required every town of at least 50 household to maintain a grammar
school. The law was the first to mandate public education in America. In the middle colonies at the time, schools
were often dependent on religious societies, such as the Quakers and other private organizations. In the South,
families employed private tutors or relied on the clergy to conduct education. At the outset, most elementary
schools were for boy, but schools for girls were establishes in the eighteen century in most cities and large towns.
In spite of the informal atmosphere of most American schools, the literacy rate in the colonies of mid-eighteenth
century America was equal to or higher than that in most European countries.
Before the American Revolution, nine colleges had been founded, including Harvard, William and Mary, Yale; the
College of New Jersey ( now Princeton ), Brown, Rutgers, Dartmouth, and King College ( later Columbia University ).
By 1720 the natural sciences and modern language were being taught, as well as courses in practical subjects such
as mechanics and agriculture. At the end of the 18th century, medical schools were established at the College of
Philadelphia and at King’s College.
43. According to the passage, most Americans learned how to__________________
A. Read B. write C. farm D. speak a foreign language
44. What does the passage primarily discuss ?
A. The primary importance of education in English colonies.
B. Education in North America as English colony
C. Education in early day of the USA
D. Education in English colonies
45. According to the passage, all the following sometimes substituted for schoolbooks EXCEPT
A. historical speeches B. works of Shakespeare
C. biographies D. literary essays
46. According to the passage, all the following subjects are mentioned as being taught in colleges in the 1700s
A. languages B. science C. medicine D. economics
47. According to the passage, the middle colonies often depended upon which group to provide education?
A. Colleges B. Established primary schools
C. Private organizations D. Businesses
48. According to the passage, who often conducted education in the South ?
A. Politicians B. doctors
A. Clergy D. Public school teachers
49. Which of the following words best describes the English colonists’ attitude toward education ?
A. Indifferent B. Distrustful
C. Casual D. Enthusiastic
50. How well educated were Americans in comparison to most European countries ?
A. The same or better B. much worse
C. far better D. less or equal

_______THE END________


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