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You'll never appreciate a meaningful relationship until you've failed, and boy, I've done that many a

time, to the extent where I'd pretty much given up hope on finding love.

I think people often confuse infatuation with true love. I include my former self in that statement. The
problem with being infatuated is that you aren't acting as your true self, often you end up doing bat
s*** crazy things just to seek approval. True love is about being authentic, at ease with the other

How did I know I was in love?

When you don't care where you are. I was happiest sitting on the floor eating with him, than dining at
some swish restaurant. It's not the place that matters, it's the person.When he kissed me on the
forehead after waking up early for me on a Sunday, and helping me with my work.When we can talk
about everything & anything. Intellectual, crap, deep. There's nothing I can't tell him.When I let him see
me cry when I was grieving for the loss of my father.When I fell asleep on him, and woke up to his heart
beat.When I knew he was a man of integrity.When he's 6000 miles away and I trust him implicitly.When
I had a dream on a Saturday night about him being attacked by a snake, for some reason I couldn't reach
him. It's the only dream I've had of him. On Sunday morning, I told him, he sent me a picture of a
'beware of snakes' sign on a walk he did in Hong Kong that day. I got an irrational fear, and told him not
to walk that path again. I feared losing him, given that he was my family.When I met someone that
finally put me first.

Given we're best friends, and similar natured, we don't have any major conflicts. If one of us were to be
in trouble, it would be me, as I'm a lot more laid back.

I don't think you'd question knowing whether you really love someone, you just know...

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