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Grup 2

Genre : Fairly Tale

Title : Cinderella

upon a time where prince had a party to find a partner can prince found a match

Act 1 (Rumah Cinderella)

The sound of knocPrince at the house indicating there are guests, then Cinderella
opened the door, it turned out that it was a party invitation to look for the prince's
partner, then the Step Sister approached him.
Step Sister : (Grabbing Invitation Letter) Dad, I want to look beautiful than usual
Step Father : Yo look beautiful before except him (Staring at Cinderella)
Step Sister : Cinderella, hurry up and prepare the best dress let's hurry (Ngegas)
Cinderella : OK but before that I also want to join in the party
Step Father dan Step Sister Laughter
Step Father : look at yourself looking like a street person
Step Sister : it's really better that you live under a bridge
Cinderella was contemplating looking at herself who was humbled
Step Father : just follow your Sister hope, you better stay at home like a maid
Cinderella also nodded and grieved in a corner while the Step Sisters and Step Fathers
went to a party
Tiba tiba FairlyMan muncul
FairlyMan : bonjur
Cinderella : who are you?
FairlyMan : you don't know? Let me introduce me FairlyMan
FairlyMan : btw you want to go to a party?
Cinderella : How do you know if I want to go to a party
FairlyMan : Of course, see the look on your face that looks sad
Cinderella : But I don't have enough dress
FairlyMan : yeah I know your dress looks like a mop
FairlyMan : : OK I will change
Cinderella : Really
Fairlyman : of course, but you must leave before midnight
Cinderella : thanks FairlyMan
FairlyMan : I think my job is finished bye I have to take a bath
FairlyMan pun pergi dan Cinderella pun bergegas untuk pergi ke Pesta
Di tempat pesta cinderela pun bertemu dengan pangeran mereka tampak terlihat seperti
saling menyukai tidak lama waktu sudah menujukan tengah malam cinderela pun
bergegas untuk pergi tetapi di tengah tengah perjalanan cinderela tisereleu sehingga
meninggalkan sepatu sebelah yang dia gunakan sepatu tersebut di ambil oleh pangeran
dan di simpan dengan baik.

Act 2 Palace (Istana)

Prince : look my friends have princes and I am still single
Escort 1 : Maybe prince must look for it
Prince : Iam used the Tinder application, searched on Instagram and used telegram but the
results not match
Escort 2:or use another options
Prince : exacly at the party then I met the woman I like and she left her shoes next to her
when she fell because of running
Escort 2 : soo
Prince : Soooo your job find a woman who has the fit size for this shoe to be my princes
Escort 2 : what
Prince : and if you blab
Escort 1 : what is a blab
Prince : if you fail you die
Escort 1 : Awwch I am not married yet
Escort 2 : mee too
Prince : Go
Escort 1 & 2 : alright your majesty
Act 3 Village ( di desa )
Escort 1 : look this village is very crowded
Escort 2: oh really well we have to try it
Escort 1 : bonjur do these shoes fit your feet, oh nope
Escort 2 : bonjur look she beautiful
Escort 1 : do these shoes fit your feet, oh nope
Escort 2 : bonjur look this feet
Escort 1 : argh not fit again
This not fit, this not fit, this not fit yeah not fit again this nottt

Escort Sing
Come on somebody fits this shoes right here
Because if there is not we will die
Look at many woman but nothing fit this shoes
I think we just give up is better
If we give up now we will die
We better continue
for a very very fit into the shoes
That Very very fit into this shoe
That very very fits into this shoes
Come onnnnn

Escort 1: (sighs) OK, I'll give up

Escort 2 : wait look we have a chance
Escort 1 : what
Escort 2 : another house, last house
Escort 1 : come on
Act 4 Cinderella House (Rumah Cinderella)
Cinderella sedang sapu lantai
Step Sister : (drop something in front of cinderella) upss sorry my bad hahahaa
Cinderella : why did you do that
Step Sister : because I like it, why do not like?
Lalu ada yang mengetuk pintu Step Sister pun membukanya
Escort :bonjur
Escort pun lalu mencoba sepatu kepada Step Sister dan tidak pas
Escort 1 : okay we die, nothing of them fit these shoes what's the problem with these shoes
Escort 2 : sorry before, is there another woman in this house?
Step Sister : there is a cinderelaa
Cinderella pun mencoba sepatu dan ternyata pas Escort pun merasa senang gembira lalu
Escort pun menghormati Cinderella selayaknya seorang princess
Cinderela pun tampak bahagia karena akhirnya setelah mendapatkan perlakuan yang
tidak sepatutnya dia dapat dari ayah tiri dan Step Sister

1. Sholehah Ayu Utami As Cinderella
2. Ratmita Insani Rahayu As Step Sister
3. Raja Fauzan Ibrahim As Step Father
4. Rayyan Putraku Hakim As Prince
5. Rendi Afandi As Escort 1
6. Risky Alfiyansyah As Escort 2
7. Ridho Ardiansyah As FairlyMan

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