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School Year 2022-2023


Miss Erika Maravilla


LESSON: Practice Occupational Health and Safety

Week 10

Date: October 24 - 28, 2022

Learning Competencies:
LO1. Identifies and evaluates hazards and risks

1. Explains workplace hazards and risks (M)

2. Identifies hazards and risks in the workplace (A)
3. Explains the causes of hazards and risk (M)

Kindly read the following instructions:

1. Read and understand the information provided in the lesson.
2. Keep the answer sheets clean/neat.
3. Manage your time properly.
4. Use the following icons as your guide:

This icon is a sign that the next part of the lesson contains important
information that you need to read and study.

This icon indicates reminders or points to remember about the lesson.

This icon signals that the next part of the lesson contains activities that
you have to answer. Be mindful of the page/s where the particular activity
that you have to answer is located.

The lessons are designed to help you identify the hazards and risks in the workplace. The
information contained herein will surely help you in answering the given tasks/activities.

The words ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ are used often to describe dangers in the workplace. A lot of the time,
they are used interchangeably, and while you might have thought they mean the same thing, they
actually have very different meanings.
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School Year 2022-2023
In this lesson, we will explain the distinction between them so you can safely manage all the hazards
and risks in your workplace.

Read and Understand

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a planned system of working to prevent illness and
injury where you work by recognizing and identifying hazards and risks. It talks about providing a safe
working environment to achieve an injury-free workplace and a healthy atmosphere that protects
every worker against illness. As an effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, clients,
and other members of the community who are affected by the workplace environment.

Hazards and Risks

A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or
someone under certain conditions at work. Basically, a hazard can cause harm or adverse effects (to
individuals as health effects or to organizations as property or equipment losses).

Examples of Hazards and Their Effects

Workplace Hazard Example of Hazard Example of Harm Caused

1. Thing Scissors Cut

2. Condition Wet floor Slips, falls

3. Source of Energy Electrical cords and plugs Electric shock

4. Practice Slouching Strain injury

Types of Hazards
1. Chemical hazard. A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause harm, primarily to
people. Chemicals of all kinds are stored in our homes and can result in serious injuries if not
properly handled. Household items such as bleach can result in harmful chlorine gas or
hydrochloric acid if carelessly used. Gasoline fumes from containers for lawn mowers or boats
can result in major health hazards if inhaled.

2. Electrical hazard. Working near an electrical hazard is dangerous and can be fatal. Any work
on or near energized equipment must be done only when measures are in place to provide
protection from electric shock and burn. With adequate safety measures in place, every
electrical injury and fatality can be prevented. An electric hazard is considered to be removed
when protective measures are put in place at the source (remove hazard or de-energize), or
along the path (place electrical insulation/barrier between the worker and the electrical
hazard). Where PPE is relied upon for worker protection, an electrical hazard is considered to
remain and it is still necessary to address safety requirements for other workers in the area.

3. Ergonomic hazards. Ergonomic hazards impact employers, workers and their families. Poor
workplace design, awkward body mechanics or postures, repetitive movements, and other

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ergonomic hazards induce or contribute to a staggering number of cumulative trauma
1. Cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) affect hands, wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders, the
lower back, and the cervical spine area. Structures involved include tendons, muscles,
bones, nerves, and blood vessels. One can plan strategies for abatement by learning to
recognize the hazards that contribute to CTD. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) has published the Ergonomic Program Management Guidelines.
OSHA has also given Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for an Ergonomic Standard
that will affect all industries. A companywide ergonomic assessment should be developed,
followed by a well-written ergonomic plan. Ergonomic abatement will decrease the costs
associated with CTD and ultimately impact the corporate "bottom line."
4. Psychological hazard. The psychosocial hazard has recently been acknowledged in
legislation as a workplace hazard. This type of hazard relates to mental health and behavioral

5. Radiation Hazard (RADHAZ) describes the hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels,

electronic hardware, ordinance, and personnel.
In the military these hazards are segregated as follows:

1) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel (HERP)

2) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO)
3) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel (HERF)
6. A biological hazard, or biohazard, is anything coming from living organisms (i.e. pollen, fungi,
animals, insects, bacteria, and viruses) that could be a threat to someone's health. It is
represented by the biohazard symbol, which is used everywhere in the world.

7. Physical hazards are the most normal occurrences in the workplace. They are usually easy
to detect, however, very often are neglected because people are too accustomed to them.
Another reason may be due to lack of knowledge or people do not see situations as hazards.

These are the hazards that may be encountered when using the sewing machine:
1. Cuts and injuries from sharp edges, knife blades, scissors and pins
2. Finger injuries while sewing
3. Back injury from poor posture and improper lifting procedures
4. Eye strain from poor lighting

What is Risk?

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School Year 2022-2023
Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health
effect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss.

Factors that influence the degree of risk include:

● How much a person is exposed to a hazardous thing or condition,

● How the person is exposed (e.g., breathing in a vapor, skin contact), and
● How severe are the effects under the conditions of exposure?

What is risk assessment?

Risk assessment is the process where you:

● identify hazards,
● analyze or evaluate the risk associated with that hazard, and
● determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the hazard.
5 Factors That Cause Health and Safety Hazards

Health and safety hazards can appear due to factors such as people, equipment, material,
environment, and process. More accidents and incidents are often not a result of a single event. Multiple
factors contribute to such unfortunate events.

Therefore, it is very important for employers to understand those factors for building a strong health
and safety (H&S) program. Each of the five factors has that cause H&S hazards at a workplace have unique

Following are the 5 factors that cause health and safety hazards:


The first factor that can cause a H&S hazard is people. People’s actions, whether they display them or not,
have a significant impact on workplace health and safety. Therefore, actions become one of the major factors
that cause health and safety hazards.

People play a major role in connecting with the other four factors in their own unique way. Hence, a Job
Hazard Analysis (JHA) becomes crucial. It helps understand the tasks based on the process flow.


Equipment includes tools and machines that people work with. Further, equipment includes those to which
people are nearby. Equipment can include fixed machines, vehicles, material handling devices, hand tools,
protective equipment, and personal gear.

Material includes raw material, products, hazardous chemicals, and other substances that workers use,
process, or handle. Therefore, it is important to be aware about the damage material can cause to the
property. These damages could be owing to spills, corrosions, burns, or explosions.


Environment refers to all parts of a workplace. Moreover, there are six aspects of a workplace that can be a
potential hazard. The condition of all surfaces on which people walk or where the company places its things
is important.

Further, unsafe or poor conditions such as overcrowding and poor ventilation become important.
Furthermore, hazards caused by physical agents such as light, temperature, and noise are vital to analyzing.
It is important to consider housekeeping hazards such as spilled cleaning fluids since they can be inhaled.
Maintenance hazards such as blocked stairs, debris on stairs, and blocked floors and exits are critical for
hazard analysis.


The process considers how things are done at the workplace as a whole. Therefore, it connects the previous
contributors – people, equipment, material, and environment. Moreover, the process covers the hazards that
may be prevalent in a process between these factors.

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Great! Now that you are done reading and understanding the information above, let’s check
what you’ve learned by answering the following activity.

Activity Time

Answer Activity 1: Hazards and Risks in the Workplace. Write your answers in Activity Sheet 1 on
pages 6-7.

Good job!

● K-12 Learning Module (Dressmaking/Tailoring – Grades 7 and 8)

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