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Storing Data – Large volumes of data

and information can be stored and
Computer – it is a programmable machine that
is designed to perform arithmetic and logical
5. Versatility – It can perform different
operations or work with Information
types of tasks with ease.
automatically and sequentially on the input
6. Can Communicate – Has the ability to
given by the user and gives the desired output
communicate provided there is a
after processing.
Computer Hardware – Components of the 7. Can Multi-task – The computer needs to
computer that you can touch. perform different tasks at the same
Computer Software – set of programs that
makes the hardware perform a set of tasks in a Applications of Computers
particular order.
- Education: it is a tool that can be used
Hardware and software are complimentary to as an aid for learning and imparting
each other, and both must work together for education.
meaningful results. - Entertainment: it can be used for
games, movies, chatting, books, etc.
4 Parts of the Computer - Sports: it can be used to watch a game,
1. Hardware – mechanical parts that make view the scores, improve the game, play
up the computer as a machine. games and create games
2. Software – A set of instructions that - Advertising: it can be used to output
tells the computer about the tasks to be advertisement of different products and
performed and how these tasks are to brands.
be performed. - Medicine: medical practitioners and
3. Data – isolated values or raw facts, researchers use computers to access
which by themselves has no information about the advances in
significance. The data is provided as an medical research or to take opinion of
input to the computer, which is doctors globally. Medical histories can
processed to generate some meaningful also be stored in the computers.
information. - Science and Engineering: scientists and
4. User – People who write computer engineers use the computers for
programs or interact with the performing and simulating complex
computer. scientific calculations. It is also for
designing and making drawings.
Characteristics of a Computer - Government: the government uses
1. Speed – the computer needs to be able computers to manage its own
to process data very fast, at the rate of operations and also for e-governance.
millions of instructions per second. Also, for government websites.
2. Accuracy – The computer needs to have - Home: People use computers to play
a high degree of accuracy. games, work, maintain home accounts,
3. Diligence – The computer cannot get communicate, paying bills, for
fatigued or tired and needs to be education, etc.
consistent. -
Advantages of a Computer Generation of Computers

1. Automatic – can work by itself or - A computer is a component of

without human intervention. electronic equipment that processes
2. Speed – it needs to perform tasks in a information or data.
few seconds. - Each generation of computers has
3. Accuracy – it has to be consistently brought considerable improvements in
highly accurate. computing speed and power.
4. Diligence – cannot get tired nor fatigued - The evolution of computers to their
5. Versatility – it has a lot of uses and can current condition is defined in terms of
be utilized computer generations.
6. Power of Remembering – it needs to - Capable of storing, retrieving, and
retain knowledge and not just select processing data.
First Generation
Disadvantages of a Computer
- Employed a huge number of vacuum
1. No self intelligence – computers are tubes, that produced a lot of heat.
used to do risky and dangerous work - They were difficult to program because
and where sharp actually is needed. they used machine language.
2. No decision making power – computers - ENIAC, the first successful electronic
cannot make any decisions on its own. computer was invented by J.P. Eckert
3. No learning power – It needs and J.W. Mauchy
instructions or a human input. - First Gen Examples: ENIAC, EDVAC,
4. Emotionless – They do not have UNVAC, IBM-701, IBM-650
emotions and work per instruction - Advantages of First Gen Computers:
given to them. o Vacuum tubes were used as
5. Curtail human capabilities – It makes us electronic component
humans more dependent on them. o Computations were performed
6. Caution – Can cause health problems to in milliseconds.
humans. - Disadvantages
o Too Large
o Outputs large amount of heat
======================================= due to vacuum tubes.
Timeline - Produced less heat, but far less than
first-generation computers.
1940 – 1956 – First Gen Computers
- Transistors enabled computers to
1956 – 1963 – Second Gen Computers become smaller, quicker, less
expensive, more energy efficient, and
1966 – 1971 – Third Gen
more reliable.
1971 – Present – Fourth Gen - Transistors are much smaller than
vacuum tubes.
Present – Next – Fifth Gen
- A transistor is another type of electronic - Personal computer operating systems
component that can function as an were developed
amplifier or a switch - Introduction of interactive graphic
- Second gen examples: CDC 1604, CDC devices and language interface to
3600, Honeywell 400, Univac 1108, IBM graphics system
1620, IBM 7094 - Examples: IBM PC, Apple II, VAX 9000,
- Advantages: CRAY, DEC10, STAR 1000
o Smaller than 1st gen - Advantages:
o Less hardware and o Small
maintenance problem o No airconditioning needed
- Disadvantages: o Less need of repair
o Required frequent maintenance - Disadvantages:
still o Latest technology is required
o Frequent cooling was required for the microprocessors

Third Generation Fifth Gen Computers

- Silicon transistors replaced germanium - New Super Breed of Computers

transistors. - Artificial Intelligence is being built into
- Integrated Circuits were developed and computers
used - C++ has been developed
- Fortran IV and optimizing Fortran - Development of more user-friendly OS
compilers were developed - Examples: Desktops, Laptops,
- Standardisation of cobol was another NoteBooks, UltraBooks, ChromeBooks
major development. - Advantages:
- Examples: IBM 360/370, CDC 6600, o Fastest
Honeywell 600 Series, PDP, TDC-316, o Easy to repair
IBM 370/168 - Disadvantages:
- Advantages: o Tend to be sophisticated and
o Good storage complex tools.
o Less expensive and better o Can give more powers to
accuracy companies allowing them to
o Faster infect your computer.
- Disadvantages
o Air Conditioning was required
o Highly sophisticated technology #3 TYPES OF COMPUTERS
required for the manufacturing
of IC chips What is a computer? A computer is a device or
o Tactile sensitivity is decreased a machine that carry information, manipulate
data, and show result to the user.
Fourth Generation
Types of Computers According to Functionality
- Made using very large scale integration
technology 1. Analog Computer – it uses continuously
- Development of microprocessors. changeable entities like mechanical,
electrical, hydraulic, etc.
2. Digital Computer – A class of device that Components of a Computer System
solve problems by processing
1. Hardware – mechanical parts that make
information. It uses binary such as 0s
up a computer as a machine –
and 1s.
a. I/O – accepts data from the
3. Hybrid Computers – analog and digital
user and provide information to
4. Supercomputers – Fastest and
the user,
expensive machine. Fast processing and
b. CPU – brain of the computer,
speed commonly measured in FLOPS.
electronic circuits that interpret
5. Mainframe Computers – Large and
and execute program
powerful systems generally used in
instructions and communicate
centralized databases. Multi-user,
with the other hardware units,
operates at high speeds, and large
transforms data to information.
storage capacity.
c. Memory – stores data,
6. Minicomputers – digital computers also
information, and instructions.
a multi-user. High speed and large
2. Software – collection of computer
capacity than microcomputers.
programs, procedures and
7. Microcomputer – Single user, small and
documentation that performs some
low-cost computers. Consists of CPU
tasks on the OS.
input, output, and storage unit and
software. Application Software
8. General Purpose – designed to perform
a wide variety of functions and a. Application – software used by
operations. Simply by using a general- the user to perform a specific
purpose computer and different task.
software, various tasks can be b. Installed according to user
accomplished. requirements
9. Special Purpose – Designed to be task c. The user interacts with the
specific and most of the times their job application softwares.
is to solve one particular problem. d. Cannot run independently.
Needs System Software.
e. Word processors, web
browsers, media players, etc.
System Software
What is a computer?
1. For operating computer
- High-speed electronic device that hardware.
manipulates data into meaningful 2. Installed when OS is installed
information. 3. No need for user interaction
4. Can run independently
Input -> Process -> Output 5. Compilers, debuggers, driversm
3. Data
4. Users
#5 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT timing and control signals, and decodes
instructions and initiates the actions
- Also called the Central Processor, Main
called for by the instructions
Processor, or just the Processor. It is
- Arithmetic Logic Unit – Performs
electronic circuitry that executes
arithmetic operations such as addition,
instructions comprising a computer
subtraction, division, multiplication, and
logical operations like sorting and
- Performs basic arithmetic, logic,
comparing data.
controlling, and input/output
- Memory Management Unit – Where
operations specified by instructions in
the instructions and data are stored
the program.
while processing is done. Enables the
Functions of the CPU system to run multiple tasks, as
independent programs running in their
- Carry out processing own private virtual memory space.
- Perform arithmetical and logical
operations How a CPU Operates:
- Control all other parts of the machine
- The most fundamental operation of
- and sending timing signals
most CPUs is to execute a sequence of
- Executing programs stored in memory.
stored instructions that is called a
Main Parts of the CPU program. The instructions to be
executed are kept in computer
1. Fetch: CPU retrieves instructions
somewhere in the computer’s memory.
2. Decode: This is where the CPU
translates the signals received from
step 1 into signals that control the other
parts of the CPU
3. Execute: Signals are sent to the various
parts of the CPU to perform each step
of the instructions, such as
mathematical operations that are
performed by the ALU.
4. Store: Results from the complete
execution of the instructions are then
stored back in memory.

Components of the CPU

- Control Unit: nerve center of the

computer system, directs the
operations of other units by providing
#6 INPUT DEVICE o Pick Devices – used for
providing input by pointing to a
What is an input device?
location on the computer
- These allow the user and other monitor.
applications to input data and  Light pen – light
instructions into the computer for sensitive pen-like input
processing from external world. The device and is used to
input data can be text, audio, video, etc. select objects directly
- Examples are mouse, microphones, on the computer
scanners, cameras, joysticks, keyboards. screen.
 Touch screen – accepts
3 Main Functions of Input Devices
input when the user
1. Receive the data from the user. places a fingertip on the
2. Convert data into binary form or computer screen.
machine language.
3. Provide converted data to computer 2. Source Data Entry Devices – are used
memory for processing. for audio input, video input and to
enter the source document directly to
2 Classifications of Input Devices the computer. It does not need to be
1. Human data entry devices – Input typed/keyed or pointed to a particular
devices that require data to be entered location. These are devices that uses
manually to the computer. The data sound and visual input without the user
may be entered by typing or keying in manually doing something.
or by pointing a device to a particular Examples:
location. o Audio Input: allows users to
Examples: send audio signals to a
o Keyboard – used for entering computer for processing,
text data. recording, or carrying out a
o Pointing Devices – input device command.
used to move the cursor on o Video Input: provided to the
screen. computer using cameras.
 Mouse – small hand- o Optical Sensors: input data
held device having two directly from the source
or 3 buttons on its document without copying and
upper side. typing data. Other common
 Trackball – a type of examples are OCR, MICR, OMR,
mouse before lasers, it and a barcode reader.
looks like an upside- o Scanner: input device that
down mouse, and it accepts paper documents to
uses a ball for tracking. input data directly into the
 Joystick – commonly computer from the source
used for playing document without copying and
videogames. typing the data.
- The input is provided to the computer Examples of RAM:
using an input device and must be
- Standard DIMM DDR4 – most common
translated to a form that the computer
type and found on standard PCs
can understand. The translation is done
- SODIMM DDR4 – common for laptops
by the input interface of the device.
- ECC RAM – used for servers and
- Input can also come from a storage
workstations due to its Error Correction
device on the computer or another
- DDR5 RAM – new generation of RAM,
piece of equipment such as musical or
50% bandwidth increase from DDR4.
thermometer or sensors.
- Virtual Reality devices are also called an Non-Volatile: Also called permanent
input. VR devices such as motion memory due to it not losing data when
trackers, joysticks, track pads, sensing power is not present nor not needing to
gloves, device control buttons, haptic refresh periodically. Slower and bigger than
feedback systems, treadmills, and full its counterpart, mainly used for data and
body suits. media that needs to exist for a long time.

- Drives: Storage devices used to store

big amounts of data. Can come in
#7 COMPUTER MEMORY 120GB – 12TB sizes.
Computer Memory – holding place for - ROM: Read-only memory is a type of
instructions and data. non-volatile memory that contains
critical processes that is needed to boot
- Electronic devices used to store data for up a pc like the BIOS. These are stored
the computer to access during around the motherboard.
- Volatile and Non-volatile Examples of Drives:

- Magnetic Hard Drives – HDDs, uses

magnetic patterns which is then located
Volatile/RAM – Also called temporary memory. on a spinning disc.
Random Access Memory stores data and - Solid-state Drives – SSDs, uses new
computer programs that the PCU then reads technology like floating gate transistors
and accesses. Its volatile due to it losing data and NAND. Way faster storage than
when power gets cut from the computer. HDD
- DRAM/SRAM - Optical Discs/Drives – uses light and
o DRAM is common RAM or dark spots which is then read by a laser.
called a RAM stick, made up of - USB Flashdrives – portable storage that
small transistor and a consistor. uses flash memory and a USB interface
o SRAM or Static RAM is fast and that enables it to be plugged in to
do not require refreshing, but
low capacity. Made up of 6 Device Maintenance and Care
interlocked consistors and it
stores cache. 1. Eject Flashdrives Properly
2. Turn off system via shutdown
3. Avoid placing magnets hear HDDs
4. Cool your devices properly - Wang Laboratories – created the single
5. Backup your files. in-line memory module (SIMM) in 1983.
- Fugio Masuoka invented flash memory
Computer Memory History
in 1984
- Charles Babbage proposed the first - Samsing introduced the KM48SL2000
analytical Engine in 1837 synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) in 1993.
- Gustav Tauschek developed drum - DDR SDRAM – began being sold in 1996.
memory in 1932. - DDR2 SDRAM – began in 2003
- John Atanasoff tested Atanasoff-Berry - XDR DRAM – began being sold in June
Computer 2007
- Freddie Williams a patent for the CRT - DDR4 SDRAM – began being sold in
(cathode-ray tube) storing device on September 2014.
December 11, 1946
Conclusion: Computer Memory is so crucial
- Jan Rajchman began work on the
that the computer without it will not start.
selectron tube capable of storing 256
bits words.
- Freddie Williams memory system the
Williams-Kilburn tube was working in #7 COMPUTER PORTS
1947. - An Interface or Point of Connection
- Jay Forrester came up wit the magnetic- between the computer and its
core memory in 1949 for the Whirlwind peripherals.
computer. - Main function is to allow data from a
- USA government ERA1101 in 1950 peripheral to go in and out from the
- Jay Forrester applied the patent for device.
magnetic-core memory, early type of - Also called as Communication port as it
RAM in May 11, 1951. is responsible for communicating
- ENIAC added a core memory expansion between the computer and the
in July 1953 peripheral device.
- Konrad Zuse made the Z22
- MIT introduced the whirlwind machine Types of Ports
in March 8, 1955.
1. Serial Ports: can only communicate one
- John Schmidt designed a 64-bit MOS p-
bit at a time the Serial port is used to
channel static RAM in 1964
connect serial devices such as Modems,
- Dr Robert Dennard was granted a
Network, printers, mouse.
patent on a one-transistor DRAM cell in
2. Parallel Port: mostly used for printers.
June 4, 1968.
Parallel Ports in contrast to Serial Ports
- Intel released the 3101 Schottky TLL
transfer data one bit at a time. Parallel
bipolar 64 bits static random-access
ports transfer multiple bits
memory (SRAM) in 1969.
simultaneously in parallel. Examples are
- Intel released the first commercially
printers, scanners, external drives.
available DRAM, the Intel 1103 in
3. PS/2 Port: Before the use of USB for
October 1970.
keyboards and mouses PS/2 ports were
- George Perlegos developed the Intel
the fad. Developed by IBM, PS/2 ports
2816, the first EEPROM in 1978.
were mainly used for the keyboard and
mouse. It is a mini DIN plug that has 6 provides the instructions for telling a
pins. computer what to do and how to do it.
4. USB Port – Universal Serial Bus port. It is
an interface that covers a wide range of
2 Types of Software
devices that utilize it such as:
Keyboards, mouse, music players, flash 1. System Software – set of computer
drives. It is also capable of power programs which makes hardware
transmissions such as modern phone operate on some data to generate the
chargers. necessary information.
Types of USB
o Operating System – a type of
o USB 1.X: Transfers up to system software that man ages
12mbps. the computer’s hardware and
o USB 2.0: Transfer rates upto software resources.
60MBps. Also known as hi- o Language Translator – Convert
speed USB human readable application
o USB 3.0: Transfer Rates up to programs into machine
640MBps. SuperSpeed USB. readable form.
o USB 3.1: Transfer Rates up to o Utility/Service Program – serve
10GBps. SuperSpeed+ specialized data processing
o USB C: Reversible plug, 24-pin problems like text editors,
double-sided connector for use librarian, subroutines, and
with USB devices. system aids.
5. DVI Port – Digital Video Interface. 2. Application Software – performs a
Developed to be an industry standard specific function may it be educational,
for transmitting digital video content to personal, business. It is also known as
display devices at resolutions as high as an end-user program or a productivity
2560 x 1600. program.
a. DVI-A (Analog) o Each application is designed to
b. DVI-D (Digital) assist users with a particular
c. DVI-I (Integrated) task that may be related to
6. Ethernet Port – used to connect your creativity, productivity, or
computer to the internet as well as communication.
connect and communicate with other o The collective noun “application
computers or networking devices. software” refers to all
a. Registered Jack (RJ) applications collectively.
i. RJ-45
Examples of App Softwares:
ii. RJ-11
o MS Suite, Chome, Adobe,
Zoom, Spotify, Slack.
- This refers to the collection of computer
programs and related data that
System Software – designed to - Hard copy can be stored permanently
control and manage the hardware and is portable.
and other resources of the system. - Devices that generate hard copy output
are called Hard Copy Devices.
o Pre-installed with the OS
- Hard Copy Devices:
o Commonly referred to as
o Printer – device that accepts
general-purpose software
text and graphic output from a
o Acts as an interface between
computer and transfers the
application software and the information to paper.
system. 2 Types of Printers:
o Developed in low-level 1. Impact Printers – use the
language or machine code that typewriter approach of
is more compatible with the physically striking a
system hardware. typeface against the paper
Application software – designed to and inked ribbon. (Dot
accomplish tasks for a specific Matrix Printer, Drum
purpose based on user request. Printer, Daisy Wheel
o Third party software that can be 2. Non Impact Printers – Do
downloaded and installed not hit or impact a ribbon
according to user needs. to print. They use electro-
o Application software is static chemicals and ink-jet
commonly referred to as technologies. (Inkjet, laser
specific-purpose software. printers).
o Hosted on the platform, which
is provided by the system Both form character and
software. images, one is direct and one is
o Programmed in high-level without physical contact.
languages such as C++, Python, o Plotter – printer that interprets
Javascript. commands from a computer to
make line drawings on paper
with one or more automated
#9 OUTPUT DEVICES pens. A type of pen plotter that
wraps the paper around a drum
- Equipment or Hardware that gives out with a pin feed attachment.
the result of the entered input.  Flatbed Plotter – is a
- Once processed it is called an Output computerized plotter
Unit. that works using an arm
2 Types of Output Devices that moves a pen over
1. Hard Copy Devices o Computer Output on Microfilm
- Tangible form on a paper or any surface – enables the output of
is called hard copy output. computers be recorded directly
on microfilm rather than on 1. LCD projector is a type of
paper. projector based on liquid-
crystal displays which can
display images, data and video.
2. Soft Copy Devices It offers more contemporary
options for showing video.
- Output obtained in an intangible form on a 2. DLP Projector – Digital Light
visual display, audio unit or video unit is called Processsing, provides shartp,
soft copy output. high-quality projections iwwht
- Soft copy allows corrections to be made, can the potential for 3D capabilities.
be stored, and can be sent via electronic devices Tend to have more mirrors and
to other users. therefore more pixels and
higher definition.
Soft Copy Devices 3. Video Output
1. Monitor – common output device 4. Audio Response – Audio System
which is provided along with the - Complete sound system consists of
computer to view the displayed output. sound cards, microphones, speakers,
- An image on a monitor is created by a and the appropriate software.
configuration of pixels or dots. - The software allows editing of sound,
- Clarity depends on 3 Factors like cutting, copy, amplification and
o Resolution of Screen creation of vibrant sound effects.
o Dot Pitch
o Refresh Rate
2 Kinds of Monitors #10 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
a. Cathode-ray tube a specialized
1883: Algorithm for the Analytical Engine
vacuum tube in which produces
(Charles Babbage)
images. Produced when an
electron beam strikes a 1949: Assembly Language
phosphorescent surface.
1952: Autocode
b. Liquid-crystal display is a flat-
panel display or other 1957: Fortran
electronically modulated optical
device. Uses light-modulating 1958: AlgoL
properties of liquid crystals 1959: COBOL
combined with polarizers.
2. Projector – output device that can take 1959: LISP
images generated by a computer or a 1964: BASIC
Blu-ray player and reproduce them onto
a screen, wall, or other surface. 1970: Pascal
o Typically surface projected is
1972: SmallTalk
large, flat and light colored.
1972: C
2 Types of Projectors
1972: SQL
1978: MATLAB 3. Tedious and error prone to write
code manually
1983: Objective-C
4. Not portable
1983: C++ - Assembly Language
1. Less error-prone
1987: Perl 2. Coding easier than machine
1990: Haskell language
3. Replaces 1 and 0s with English
1991: Python instructions
1991: Visual Basic 4. Mnemonic codes for corresponding
machine language
1993: R
High Level
1995: Java
- Procedural – written as sequence of
1995: PHP instructions E.G: Recipes, morning
1995: Ruby
1. Top down approach
1995: JavaScript 2. No proper way of hiding data
3. Data is not secure
2000: C#
4. Code is interdependent
2003: Scala and Groovy 5. Reuse is difficult
- Object Oriented – interaction of
2009: Go functions between objects
2014: Swift 1. Bottom up approach
2. Helps in wrapping data and
Types of Programming Language functions in an class
What is Programming Language? 3. Helps build secure programs
4. Code is modular
1. Artificial Language 5. Can be extended for reuse
2. Designed to communicate instructions
to a machine Examples of programming languages
3. Used to create programs that control - C
the behavior of a machine. - C#
Program - BASIC
- Java
1. List of instructions - Visual Basic
2. Used to control the behavior of a - Phyton
machine - HTML
Levels of Programming Languages

Low level

- Machine Language #11 FLOWCHART

1. Directly run on CPU
What is a flowchart?
2. Series of bits like 0s and 1s
- A pictorial representation that
symbolizes the operations and decision
to be followed by a computer in solving
a problem. It is effective and
inexpensive analytical tool.
- It is also a road map
- Efficient means of communication
- Analytical Tool
- Concise form of documentation

The flow chart is effective and Inexpensive

- A programmer can quickly show a series

of alternative approaches to a problem.
- They provide an excellent and concise
form of documentation.

Advantages of Flowcharts

- Helps clarify complex processes

- Identifies steps that do not add value to
the internal or external customer,
including: delays; needless storage and
transportation; unnecessary work,
duplication, and added expense;
breakdowns in communication.
- Helps team members gain a shared
understanding of the process and use
this knowledge to collect data, identify
problems, focus discussions, and
identify resources.
- Serves as a basis for designing new

Symbols: Rules for Drawing Flowcharts

1. Use conventional flowchart symbols.

Each symbol should have one exit point
except the decision symbol. Each
symbol should also have one entry and
in the case of decision, it is a must.
2. The flow of control in the problem can
be shown with the help of arrows, but
the flow lines should not cross each
3. Processing logic within the flowchart
should flow from top to bottom and
from left to right
4. Instructions written within the various
flowchart symbols should be
independent of programming languages
5. Flow lines coming out of the decision
symbol should properly be labelled.
6. If the flowchart becomes large and
complex, then make use of ordinary
connector symbols to avoid crossing of
flow lines.
7. Every flow chart must have the start
and end points.

How to plan and draw a basic flowchart?

1. Define your purpose and scope

2. Identify the tasks in chronological order
3. Organize them by type and
corresponding shape.
4. Draw your chart.
5. Confirm your chart.

Types of Flowcharts

1. Linear Flowchart – diagram that

displays the sequence of work steps
that make up a process. This tool can
help to identify rework and redundant
or unnecessary steps within a process.
2. Deployment Flowchart – shows the
actual process flow and identifies the
people or groups involved in each step.
Horizontal line defines customer-
supplier relationships.
3. Opportunity Flowchart – allow you to
see where a process can be improved.
They highlight the opportunities for


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