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A Research Study Presented to the

Integrated Basic Education Department Lourdes College

Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research I

Accountancy, Business, and Management

Bonggay, Angely Eve A.

Inson, Neftali Rose T.

Llenares, Missy Jane B.

Pangilinan, Alona Jay J.

Rojo, Trisha P.

Tatad, Fritz Melvin

Topia, Devy Mar

Ms. Janna Kaye T. Bodiongan, LPT Teacher

May 2022

This is to certify that I have supervised the preparation of and read the research paper
prepared by Full Names of Members in alphabetical order entitled RESEARCH
PAPER TITLE IN CAPITAL AND BOLD and that the said research paper has been
submitted for final examination by the Oral Examination Committee.


Practical Research 2 Teacher/Research Adviser

As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have examined

this research paper, presented before the committee on May 14, 2022, and hereby
recommend that it be accepted as fulfillment of the requirement of the course Practical
Research 2 (PR2).

Mr. Rolebert Dizon Mr. Mc Rollyn Vallespin

Panel Member’s Name/Date Panel Member’s Name/Date

This research paper is hereby approved and accepted by the Lourdes College Senior
High School Office as fulfillment of the requirement for the course Practical Research
2 (PR2).


Strand Coordinator, ABM & TVL Senior High School Coordinator

The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on education systems

worldwide, not just in the Philippines. With the transition of students from face-to-face

to distance learning, the researchers chose this study to evaluate the effectiveness of

management skills on academic performance during the pandemic of Grade 12 students

in the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand in one of Cagayan de

Oro City's private schools. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness

of management skills in students, especially now that management skills is in need for

the students to improve since it will be an immense help to them in college.

To test the hypothesis, the method used to collect their responses was an online

survey questionnaire. The questionnaire will include questions intended at measuring

the level of management skill among ABM 12 students because the students were

dealing with a pandemic and rely only on their devices for schooling. The correlation

was 0.181913, showing that the variables had only a very weak positive relationship.

The correlation result between management skills and academic performance

of ABM 12 students shows a low positive correlation between variables, indicating that

students' academic performance has a low connection with management skills. As a

result, the researchers have rejected their null hypothesis and replaced it with an

alternative hypothesis that claims there is a substantial correlation between

management skills and student academic success.

Keywords: management skills, academic performance, pandemic


The researchers wish to extend its sincerest appreciation to the God Almighty

for without Him, the researchers could not overcome the challenges and obstacles that

they have encountered throughout this project.

The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation to all those who

provided the researcher’s possibility to complete this project, particularly the

researcher’s parents who provided them moral supports, and for their classmates and

friends for cheering them up.

Moreover, the researchers would like to give big thanks to the people who are

behind the success of this research paper. This paper and this research would not have

been possible without the unending and exceptional support of our mentors.

First, to our Practical Research I and II teacher, Ms. Janna Kaye Bodiongan,LPT

for investing her full effort in guiding the researchers in achieving its goal. She showed

patience and gave motivation to the researchers in order to complete this project.

Moreover, we would to express also our deepest gratitude to Mr. Silvino V. Allado Jr.

and Ms. Sherry Jane C. Bual, for validating the survey questionnaire specifically face

and content validity. Also to Ms. Farrah Xenita Cajote for giving us seminar on how

can we use inferential statistics in efficient and effective way using the Microsoft Excel

in tabulating the results.

Latly, this research paper would not be successful without the sacrifice and

efforts of the researchers who devoted much time and effort in order to produce an

effective and a research that can contribute to the different sectors of the society.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers









Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 3

Conceptual Framework 6

Statement of the Problem 7

Hypothesis 7

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 8

Significance of the Study 8

Definition of Terms 9


Academic Performance 11

Flexible Learning 15

Management Skill Components 17

Communication Skills 21
Decision Making 21

Planning 22

Problem Solving 22

Online Distance Learning 23

Summary 25


Research Design 27

Research Setting 28

Respondents and Sampling Procedure 28

Research Instrument 29

Validity and Reliability Test Result 30

Date Gathering Procedure 31

Statistical Treatment 32

Ethical Considerations 35


Research Question 1 36

Research Question 2 39

Research Question 3 40



Summary of Findings 43

Conclusions 44
Recommendations 45



Permission Letter to the Research Instrument Authors 55

Request Letter to the Validators 56

Evidence of Granting Permission to the Validators 57

Validation Assessment Tool 58

Validity and Reliability Test Result 60

Permission Letter to the Senior High School Coordinator 61

Permission Letter to the Advisers/Subject Teachers 62

Consent Letter to the Respondents 63

Survey Questionnaire (or Interview Questions for quali) 64

Statistical Results 66




COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the education system not only

in the Philippines but the whole world. Many things have changed, from how teachers

and students connect to a class to how educational activities enhance the students' skills

needed for their future education. Due to this pandemic, many students are urged to

stop attending classes and stop their education because of the new learning mode. Face-

to-face classes have been blocked and changed into a new way of learning for most

students in the Philippines. According to the Department of Education survey, in the

school year 2020-2021, there is a drop of 2 million learners that are unenrolled for the

school year. In kindergarten, there is a drop of 239,547 learners, while in Elementary,

1,263,482 learners dropped out, and in High School, there is a drop of 348,644 students

(Luz, 2020). Distance learning is very new to many students, especially online learning.

All things needed for the education to continue are digital, and classes are done virtually

through various online platforms like Google Meet, Zoom Meetings, and Facebook


According to Kapur, R. (2019), "To promote management skills among

students, educators need to provide various opportunities. There is an organization of

competitions, events, and other school activities, in which students are encouraged to

participate". Students can improve their communication, intellectual, and analytical

thinking skills by participating in these events and initiatives. Students can enhance

individuals' managing skills by engaging in tasks and activities that allow them to
perform the managerial responsibilities of planning, organizing, directing, leading,

coordinating, and controlling.

With the transition of the face to face learning to the distance learning of the

students, the researchers chose this study to assess the effectiveness of management

skills towards the academic performance during pandemic of the Grade 12 students in

the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand in one of the private

schools in Cagayan de Oro City. Management Skill is one of the essential skills that an

ABM student should have because it is significant in the course they will take in College

or the Career they will have in the future. Management skills can help the personal

growth of a person or an employee needed for the company's general development.

Management Skills can help the company run smoothly to achieve its goal successfully

(CareerBuilder, 2020).

Students need to have this Management Skill because this will be of great use

nowadays for the students to successfully achieve their everyday activities and tasks to

achieve their goals. The students' Skills in Management are needed to be enhanced

while studying because there will be activities wherein they would be able to use these

skills and know how to apply them in real life. There is a big difference in how the

students can improve their crafts because they are getting frustrated because of this new

learning model (Hara & Kling, 2020). Many factors contribute to the student's

frustration, especially now that they need to enhance their skills for the degree they will

take in college.

Therefore, this study's goal was to determine the effectiveness of management

skills towards the academic performance of the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and

Management students in one of the private schools located in Cagayan de Oro City.

This study's primary purpose is to know the level of effectiveness of management skills
to the students, especially now that the management skill is a need for them to enhance

because it will be a great help for them in college. This research study can also give the

instructors or teachers ideas to identify if the students improved their skills now that we

are currently in a pandemic. With this, they can propose some activities that will

significantly help the student's skills.


The central theory adopted for this study is Wedemeyer's Theory of

Independence and Autonomy (1977), as cited by Simson (1999) since the aim of this

study is to assess the effectiveness of academic performance towards management

skills, i.e., problem-solving skills, of the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) students.

In this theory, Wedemeyer believed that there is a significant need for autonomy

or independence of the learners for them to decide their learning objectives, choose a

strategy and the means for them to achieve goals that they made, and to have a chance

to display Excellency of the selected goals (Distance, 2014).

Furthermore, Wedemeyer thought that the traditional ways of acquiring education and

teaching failed to utilize modern technologies (Simonson, M. et al., n.d). Wedemeyer

came up with the idea that the universality of learning telecommunication would guide

the students into having learnings anytime and anywhere (Distance,

2014). The present technologies today will give more opportunity and possibility to be

implemented. Due to the world's situation right now, academic performance of the

students will have a significant change since the education settings is changed from

what students commonly do before. This leads them to set a distance learning system
where students can emphasize their independence and have the chance to adopt modern

technologies in their journey for learnings (Simonson, M. et al. n.d).

Furthermore, Lev Vygotsky proposed social constructivism as a learning theory

in 1968. The language and culture, according to theory, are the frameworks through

which humans experience, communicate, and comprehend reality. Language and

culture, according to Vygotsky, are crucial in human intellectual growth as well as how

people see the world. This means that concepts are communicated through language,

which is then interpreted and understood through experience and interactions in a

cultural setting. Because cognitive frameworks are produced by a group of people who

share a common language and culture, knowledge is not only socially constructed but

also co-constructed. The relationship here is that the constructivist views knowledge as

something that students construct on their own based on the experiences they gain from

their lives, whereas the traditionalist views knowledge as something that is passed down

from generation to generation. Knowledge, according to the social constructivist, is

what students create in conjunction with other students, teachers, and peers. Social

constructivism is a type of cognitive constructivism that stresses the collaborative

nature of learning, whether with the help of a facilitator or with the help of other


Vygotsky believed that social interaction is essential for lifelong growth and

that social learning leads to cognitive development. To put it another way, any learning

tasks (regardless of complexity) may be completed by learners with adult supervision

or peer participation. This idea supports the creation of opportunities for students to

engage with their teachers and classmates in the construction of knowledge and

understanding. According to Kapur (2018), social creation of knowledge takes place in

a variety of methods and at diverse locations. It could be accomplished through group

discussion, teamwork, or any type of instructional engagement in an educational or

training institution, a social media platform, or a religious or market place. It could be

accomplished through group discussion, teamwork, or any type of instructional

engagement in an educational or training institution, a social media platform, or a

religious or market place. Students gain information and experience necessary to live

successful and functioning lives as they engage with people, the material and

immaterial surroundings.

Social constructivism is a learning theory that views learning as a social process

in which students collaborate to learn meaningfully through group activities. Teachers

provide instructional assistance by employing teaching approaches that allow students

to find and create information while interacting and cooperating in the learning process.

The student is transformed from a passive listener to an active participant and co-

constructor of information among co-learners as a result of social constructivism, which

shifts the responsibility of acquiring knowledge from the teacher to the student.

Furthermore, the Management Skills Theory of Katz (2010), which was cited

by Gordon (2021), supports the researchers' study. Theorist Robert L. Katz (2010) is

known for providing a framework for a better understanding of managerial skills. These

skills are being classified into three groups, namely conceptual, human, and technical.

Conceptual skills include formulating ideas, and one must understand abstract

relationships, develop ideas, and find solutions to solve the issue or problems in a

creative manner (Gordon, J. 2021). Technical skills talk about different processes,

tactics, and knowledge that anyone can use in dealing with problems. Lastly, human

skills speak about the ability to interact with other people, colleagues, or schoolmates.

It also involves how a person can cooperate and participate in a group setting (Gordon,

J. 2021).
According to Skills Theory, learning skills and knowledge are essential factors
in becoming a great student to have skills in management. It does not dismiss the value
of innate traits, but it contends that developing skills is crucial to leadership. Thus, the
fundamental basis for all inducing expressions to Management skills. The
Characteristics, skills, and performances are all affected by environmental factors
beyond the leadership's control. This is all part of the management skills model. This is
a practical and vital management approach.

In contrast, some people are born with more strength of character than others.
Everyone has the potential to excel, and that everyone must acquire management skills
and understand how to apply them best. This is significant because everyone will be
placed in a management position regardless of how much or how little of a natural
manager. The skills model has a hazy relationship with other management styles, such
as the trait model. Personal characteristics have a significant impact on the development
of several skills. Individuals who are inherently extroverted and have empathy, for
instance –, find it easier to develop social, personal judgment and specific skills.



Effectiveness of the Academic Performance

Management Skill of the ABM 12 students

Figure 1.1: A Schematic Presentation of the Variables of the Study


The study's main focus is to assess the level of effectiveness of the management

skills towards the academic performance of the Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) 12 students in one of the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM)

private institutions in Cagayan de Oro City. Thus, the researchers’ goal is to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the level of management skills of ABM 12 students?

2. What is the level of academic performance of ABM 12 students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the management skills and academic

performance of the ABM 12 students?


The researchers identified (1) null hypothesis through detailed analysis, and

tested at 0.05 level of significance. The null and alternative hypothesis of the study are

presented below.


𝐻𝑜 : There is no significant effect of the management skills towards the academic

performance of the ABM 12 students.


The researchers identified (1) alternative hypothesis through detailed analysis

of the study which is presented below.

𝐻1 : There is a significant effect of the management skills towards the academic

performance of the ABM 12 students.


The general intent of this research is to determine the level of effectiveness of

the Management Skills towards the Academic performance of Accountancy, Business,

and Management (ABM) 12 students. The researchers only limited its coverage to the

Grade 12 ABM students currently enrolled in 2021-2022 at Lourdes College in

Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental. The purpose of this study was only to determine

the effectiveness of Management Skills towards the Academic Performance of ABM

12 students since the researchers have observed that most students are having

difficulties in studying online classes. Since the students were currently facing a

pandemic and only relied on their devices for education, the instrument used to obtain

their responses was in the form of an online survey questionnaire. This was only given

to the Grade12 ABM students who were part of the desired sample size of the study.

Each question in the online survey questionnaire had its own set of options, all relevant

to the study's main topic: the level of effectiveness of Management Skills towards the

Academic Performance of ABM 12 students. For the first question of the researchers’

survey, they will be obtaining the General Weighted Average (GWA) of the students

during the 1st semester of School Year 2021-2022 only. Furthermore, any questions

regarding higher and lower grade levels will not be entertained by the researchers.


This study aims to determine the level effectiveness of Management Skills

towards the Academic Performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) 12 students. The researchers want to learn how practical management skills are

for ABM 12 students, especially now that students are dealing with different mode of

learning with less experience, unlike during face-to-face class before the Pandemic
happens. This study is essential to be conducted so that the grade 12 ABM students will

know how their academic performance is affected by their management skills with the

new usual way of learning through an online platform currently used globally. This

study aims to provide benefits of the following:

Admins. This study will help them improve their understanding of the effectiveness of

management skills to the ABM 12 students.

Teachers. This study might or will help teachers also can get an idea about what kind

of effectiveness of Management skills towards the Academic Performance of (ABM)

12 students in order to create new ways to help the students improve their skills.

Students. This study will give information on the effectiveness of Management skills

towards the academic performance of Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) 12 students.

Future Researchers. This study will help them gain a little information about the

Effectiveness of the Management Skills towards the Academic Performance of ABM

12 Students that they can use in their future research studies.


The following terms are defined in this section of the chapter to help readers

understand the terminology used in the study:

Academic Performance – measurement of the academic achievement of the students

across a wide range of subjects.

Accidental or Convenience Sampling – a type of Non – probability sampling which

refers to a sample that are only available apart from the population.

for students who want to pursue college degrees in business, accounting, or


Effectiveness - capability of generating a desired outcome or capability of producing a

desirable result.

Flexible Learning - method of learning in which students are legally permitted to

choose how, what, when, and where they gain knowledge.

Management Skill - certain characteristics or abilities in which an executive should

have in order to carry out specific tasks in an organization. Students under the ABM

strand should also have this skill because it is a much needed skill in the future.

New Normal – refers to adaption of the situation based on issues on economic,

environmental, social etc. that differs before a crisis occurs.

Virtual – Refers to online simulation upon using digital technologies.



This chapter focuses on the related literature and the results of other associated

researches from different journals, books, internet resources, as well as dissertations

and theses both published and unpublished, to which the present study is related or has

some bearing or similarity that provided sufficient background in understanding the

current research.

The COVID-19 pandemic directly caused schools to close unexpectedly in

2020, affecting over 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries (UNESCO 2020 [32]).

Educators, students, and parents had to quickly adapt to a new homeschooling

condition, which could last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending

on government decisions. Spitzer et al. (2021) discovered that improvements in student

performance in online-learning environments could be due to a variety of factors.

According to Spitzer et al. (2022), the increased use of similar educational

online platforms during the pandemic may have improved student performance within

the software. As evidence by the two independent meta-analyses This have found that

increased exposure to online learning environments can lead to higher academic

achievement among high school students. For college students, a similar effect has been

observed. On the other hand, spitzer et al. (2021) stated that performance improvements

could well be fueled by higher teacher incentives during the pandemic compared to the

previous year. Thus, spitzer et. al (2021) observed that the improvements in

performance stem from higher incentives provided by the teachers during the pandemic

relative to the year before. Higher incentives may have had a greater impact on low-
performing students than on high-performing students, as evidenced by the narrowing

performance gap between them. However, De Paolo et al. (2014) demonstrated the

opposite, incentives have greater effects on high-performing students compared to low-

performing students. Thus, spitzer (2022) stated that this will remain controversial

whether the increased performance of low-performing students can be attributed to

higher incentives. Furthermore, Students who used home-based online learning

software received more tutoring from their parents or caregivers, casting doubt on the

validity of returned homework assignments (Spitzer et al., 2021). While increased

parental and caregiver assistance could explain the overall positive effect of school

closures observed in this study, more research is needed to understand why low-

performing students improved more during homeschooling than high-performing

students. One feasible explanation for this effect is that online learning environments,

such as the one investigated in this study, allow teachers to tailor problem set

assignments to the needs of students. Individualization like this can be thought of as a

graded form of tracking, in which students are divided into different learning groups

based on their academic performance.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread school

closures, and many schools have opted for online learning platforms for their students'

education. This paper estimates the causal effects of online learning on student

performance using administrative data from three Chinese middle schools.

Clark et al. (2020) stated that online learning has a positive impact on students’

educational performance. all other factors are equal, online lessons taught by higher-

quality teachers help in providing additional academic benefits. Students in rural and

urban areas have found that the academic benefits of online learning are similar.

However, students who used computer as a remote learning device made greater
academic progress than those who used a smartphone. Furthermore, clark et al. (2020)

figures that online education has benefited academically weaker students the most,

while top academic performers' educational outcomes have been unlikely to be affected.

Moreover, the findings of the study have significant policy implications for educational

practices when lockdown measures are implemented during a severe pandemic such as

COVID-19. Initially, given the positive impact of online education, schools create

distance learning resources for students when they are physically closed. but since low-

ability students benefit the most, distance education help to narrow the achievement

gap between their higher-achieving peers in school. Also, the academic performance of

students is positively influenced by the quality of teachers who design and deliver

recorded online lessons. Based on the study, the local government hires leading

teachers to create online lessons that adhere to local curriculum standards and then

distributes them to schools and students. Since each school does not have to prepare its

own version of online classes, which may not provide the best educational benefits, this

is a cost-effective endeavor with a lot of potential to generate significant economies of


Furthermore, this alternative way to sharing knowledge to the students faces a

wide range of challenges. Problems in the accessibility, affordability, flexibility,

learning discipline, and policies (Murgatrotd, 2020) are affecting the effectiveness of

this Online Learning, which will be directly affecting the academic performance of

many students. According to Sintema (2020), the level of the academic performance of

the many students will more likely to decline, due to the fact that the contact and

consultation time, when learners are having difficulties in understanding or learning,

are either reduced or for other students, not accessible. With that being said according

to the study conducted by Mahdy (2020), in over 1,392 respondents, 97% of them have
said that their academic performance was affected by the pandemic, compared to the

3.3% who said that the Pandemic had no effect to their academic performance. This

signifies that online learning has a negative effect to the performance of the many

students in school, and according to this study, students are more likely to perform well

academically in traditional face-to-face learning.

Moreover, with the comparative study conducted by Helms (2014), comparing

the student's academic performance in online and face-to-face learning, showed

students engaging online learning had significantly lower grade points average, missed

more grade opportunities and more like to fail the class against the face-to-face learning

students. However, in the study conducted by Spitzer and Musslick (2021), where they

examined the impact of the online learning environment to the academic performance

of K-12 students, specifically in Mathematics, and it suggests that the closures of

educational institutions and engaging online learning has no significant effect to the

academic performance the students. In addition, many studies have also supported their

research, where they suggested that students are more likely to perform well in online

learning compared to having face-to-face classes (Gonzales et al. 2020). Spitzer and

Musslick also cited some factors that contributed, in having the result they have in their

study. One factor is the increased use of different software, they have observed that the

performance improvement of the students are more likely due to the increased of use of

different software applications.

These information from the past studies conducted by different researchers are

much needed information in the present research. This will help the researchers to take

consideration different ideas of the academic performance of many students amidst the

Covid-19 situation that currently affecting the world. These information will be used to

understand the variables of the study and background of the problem. Furthermore,
these information will be used as a support to the hypothesis that are being made the



Flexible learning may imply a state of being within which learning and teaching

are progressively free of time, place/location, and pace of study restrictions. However,

this type of flexibility doesn't finish there. For learners, flexibility in learning might

embrace selections regarding entry and exit points, choice of learning activities,

assessment tasks, and academic resources reciprocally for various styles of credit and

prices. Hence, flexible learning promotes personalized learning in which learners'

needs, preferences, upbringings, and cognitive abilities are prioritized. It exemplifies a

shift away from traditional teacher-centered pedagogical approaches and practices and

more creative, student-centered methods (Wanner & Palmer, 2015). Flexibility is

construed as advantageous to online instruction in studies (Gillingham & Molinari,

2012; Soffer, Kahan, & Livne, 2017) and is a critical faccritical in students' enrollment

in distance learning (Jaggars, 2014).

Moreover, it is a teaching strategy designed to empower students to find out, to

learn effectively, expeditiously, and with gratifying satisfaction. It's the professional's

responsibility as a teacher or faculty to check ways to maximize the potential of the

environments to support students' learning and reduce those components in their

environments that will impede it. It is visible in this study that flexible learning creates

an impact on the students' academic performance due to the way the students are

acquiring knowledge from the teachers that will also affect the students' skills.

Wilson, Luanne, Boldeman, Ursula (2012) conducted a study on "Exploring

ICT Integration as a Tool to Engage Young People at a Flexible Learning Centre." The
present research aimed to collude with teaching staff at a Flexible Learning Centre in

North Queensland, Australia, to investigate the value of integrating ICT in the form of

Web 2.0 technologies to increase young people's engagement with science. The

findings of this case study indicate that ICT integration effectively revives disengaged

young people's enthusiasm for learning flexible education. This could have broader

implications regarding general concerns about declining student engagement and

activity in scientific research during the academic period. Given that the phrase

"flexible education" is now firmly ingrained in Australian educational activity

discourse, it may be contentious with multiple interpretations. This study explains a

way for clarifying; however, the concept of flexible education will be converted into

teaching models that are educated by the specific demands of disciplinary contexts. The

approach combines a flexible learning "matching" tool to convey the understandings

and preferences of scholars and lecturers in the balanced Ecosystem, straddling the line

between student expectations for flexibility and their teacher's demeanor and

capabilities to provide that flexibility within the constraints of the pedagogical context

and educational resources. This article is relevant in the researchers' study in the fact

that it offers several results on how students engage in flexible learning through the use

of Web 2.0 technologies and demonstrate the balance of different standpoints of

educators and learners. This study can aid research by providing us with a concept of

how each learner engages in flexible learning using a technological tool of whether it

is effective.


Management skill is an essential skill that everyone needs to be equipped with.

Students need to have skills in managing their everyday activities and task to achieve
their desired goals. In particular, students in Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) strand are required to enhance their skills in management. Aside from

leadership, organizational, and behavior skills, they really must give importance to their

management skills. Management skills are attributes and abilities that every ABM

student must possess to achieve and fulfill their tasks effectively and efficiently.

Management skills can still be enhanced and develop through learnings and

experiences, which is vital in succeeding and achieving goals for Corporate Financial

Institute (n.d). Leadership can be divided into six different examples that may need to

remember by all ABM students, such as planning, communication, decision-making,

and problem-solving. It is essential in enhancing individuals' management skills that

they can apply in their everyday lives, in whatever they are doing. These facts are

relevant to the researchers' study, as they tackle the management skills that students

must be equipped with. Through these facts being stated, researchers will have a better

understanding of the attributes and abilities, such as planning, decision making,

communication, and problem-solving, that all consist of management skills, as the

researchers' study primarily talks about the effectiveness of the distance learning

towards the management skills. It is essential to know the management skills variable

of the study topic for better understanding and interpretation.

According to Bayot et al. (2019), Individuals' management skills are recognized

as critical components. It is vital to instill managerial skills in all employees, regardless

of their jobs or fields of work. Individuals who gain management abilities are better

equipped to plan, organize, direct, lead, coordinate, and regulate. This fact can be

recognized in the researchers' study since it is a vital managerial skill related to their

research study to look if distance learning is practical to the management skills of

ABM12 students.
According to Kapur (2019), "To promote management skills among students,

educators need to provide various opportunities. There is an organization of

competitions, events, and other school activities, in which students are encouraged to

participate". Students can improve their communication, intellectual, and analytical

thinking skills by participating in these events and initiatives. Students can enhance

individuals' managing skills by engaging in tasks and activities that allow them to

perform the managerial responsibilities of planning, organizing, directing, leading,

coordinating, and controlling. In addition to that, students also have the chance to learn

and appreciate their strengths and weaknesses. They can also instill the attributes of

developing, transforming, researching, and gaining a thorough awareness of areas that

need improvement. They will be able to practice their participatory performance skills

in their educational institution.

According to the study of Kapur (2019), the institution, educators, parents, and

students have the responsibility of developing management skills. The development of

management skills will allow students to work with different functions of planning,

communicating, problem-solving and decision making. Furthermore, in the study

Kapur (2019), about the development of management skills of students have different

kinds that will help students achieve their professional and personal goals. The

following are the factors that would be developed in the development of management


(1)Developing Self Awareness is the very first and foremost the management

skills. Students need to have self-awareness to be able to know weaknesses, and have

time to practice it, will have improvements. In order to have awareness, students must

participate any activities and tasks, to them know their strengths and limitations. (2)

Building relationships by communicating in a Supportive Manner, students cannot

perform tasks and activities, effectively they will isolate themselves. It is important to

have a great relationship with the other students so they can also feel comfortable and

motivated to their tasks or activities. (3) In developing management skills, students

must know how to manage conflicts. Conflicts can be very challenging to deal, with

that, student must know different kind of managing conflict tactics to overcome such

issues, and also to have a very communication skills to minimize misinterpretation of

the information, students wants to convey. (4) Forming practical team work, students

also have to know how to manage a team. Collaboration and cooperation is a must when

working as a team, because of that they can be able to have an effective and efficient

result of their tasks or activities. These are important factors that would help the

researchers in the completion of their study. These facts would give impact to the

variable of the study which is the management skills.

Furthermore, this study that was conducted by Kapur (2019) showed that

students are required to face challenges, to do tasks, activities, and assignments, with

that they need to enhance and develop their management skills to be able to have a

result where it is highly effective and efficient. Furthermore, educators and the

institution are also responsible for the development of management skills of the

students, where they can help them find better management skills than can help them.

Educators and institutions, as well as parents, can let them participate in different

activities, provide guidance and information, and communicate with them, to enhance

their skills in management. Lastly, factors like developing self-awareness, building

relationships by sharing in a supportive manner, managing conflicts, and forming

practical teamwork are critical in developing management skills to achieve their goals

and objectives (Kapur, 2019).


Communication, this skill will be an essential part of the management skills. As

ABM students, they must have excellent communication skills; they need to share

information so that they can easily understand and in an organized manner. Individuals

or students need to have or establish communication channels to allow the best flow of

the information to others. Conclusion: they can develop a collaboration with them and

minimize or no conflicts that could happen in the Corporate Financial Institute (2015).

This information is relevant to the study as commutation skills are part of the set of

management skills that students of ABM 12 must enhance to ensure the development

of their management skills in their everyday activities.


Decision Making. As an ABM student, it is very vital to have a strong decision

making skills, as it will prepare them for college and in their careers in the future. To

be able to master this skill, they must have evident and right decisions, to really assure

their success in their task or activities. Furthermore, one must be accountable for every

decision to make and have the willingness to take the responsibility whatever the result

of the decision Corporate Financial Institute (2015). Thus, having excellent skills in

terms of decision making, it is guarantee that the task will be effectively carried out.

In this case study, decision-making will be discussed in the context of planning.

Collaborative planning is a different way to planning than the traditional, rational

approach. Collaborative planning is based on the notion that facts and cognition are

socially formed rather than being viewed as a stage process procedure. Any scenario

has dynamic and political contexts, and collaborative planning supports the inclusion

of various points of view and the highlighting of power dynamics. This is not done to
balance power among stakeholders but rather to recognize the political realities that

exist inside the decision-making process. Info, or evidence, is utilized to make

judgments, but not without the benefit of context and the distinctive experiences and

knowledge of everyone involved Wilson (2011). Information being stated is has a

relevant facts needed in the study, as students may encounter tasks or activities that may

need their decision making skills, which is one of the vital aspects in management skills.


Planning is an act of organizing things before doing the tasks or the activities.

This is where individuals formulate different ways or actions that needs to do, and

identifying and setting goals that need to achieve Corporate Financial Institute (2015).

In planning, it is essential to know how to develop different strategies in fulfilling the

task, aside from that, individuals should also know how to outline and schedule so that

they can have a very processed and organized work. This is a needed information in the

study to understand that in management skills, student must have an excellent planning

skill, to figure out processes to achieve their desired goal.


Problem Solving. In management skills, problem solving also give a strong

attention, due to the fact that it is the ability to tackle and find solutions that can solve

the issues Corporate Financial Institute (2015). In problem solving, one must know how

to identify the problems, from its roots or the cause. They should also know how to find

solutions, to stop or give answers that can solve the problems. Lastly, they must have

the ability to apply and sort thing outs, once they have the solution. Students are

required to work on their tasks, activities, and assignments. They have to do it, to be
able to have skills and experience that they can use in their careers in the future. ABM

students, for instance, they need to acquire Accountancy, Business and Management

knowledge and skills, so that they will be prepared in whatever course they will going

pursue in college that is in line with the strand. With the challenges and tasks that the

students are facing, it is fair for them to develop management skills, to face and deal

with those challenges. These facts are very useful to the topic being study, as it tackles

about problem solving, which is one of the abilities that students need to enhance, for

them to have a great management skills. Furthermore, these facts help researchers to

understand the management skill variable of the study being conducted.


According to Samat (October, 2020) this study discusses the factors that

contribute to the success of online distance learning during the pandemic. COVID-19.

The goal of this study is to identify factors that would allow for online distance learning

during the pandemic. It can be challenging to establish whether or not distance learning

is as effective as promised because many factors can influence a person's performance

when they enroll in a course via the Internet. Some learners work more effectively with

physical activities, and as a result, they may become discouraged by distant learning,

which can often be text-based (Liu, 2011). Distance learning is only productive if they

put in the effort to fulfill the requirements. A lazy person is unlikely to achieve the

desired outcomes. This can impact grades, and it's a common misunderstanding that

simply because a class is offered online, less effort is required to complete it (Xu &

Jaggars, 2013). Moreover, in these studies, virtual learning modules were combined

with classroom instruction, whereas distance learning was delivered entirely online in

this study. It is evident in this study that online distance learning affects the performance
of the student. This will greatly help the researchers in conducting their study because

of the facts and information given by this related study.

According to Amir et al. (October, 2020) it was previously claimed that in a

complete online learning it brings a sense of unreality, and it is mainly dependent on

the students' commitment to the courses. The descriptive nature of the study led to the

adoption of a qualitative approach to evaluate technical skills, views toward the

characteristics of a successful online teacher/student, and level of readiness for

administrators, and also the benefits of online distance learning (Hussin, 2020). The

research was of a quantitative type. It was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During COVID-19, the study brought to light the respondents' lived experiences in

distant online learning. The pandemic has brought home to accounting professionals

who increasingly complete tasks the need of online education. Through training and

huge meetings, unexpectedly went with little warning. In a management skill, a

successful relationship built is integral. They need to know how effective a person is in

dealing with others. The need to earn the respect of their colleagues is a way to lead a

team effectively. Interpersonal skills in management demonstrate managerial authority

and qualities that maintain the ability to have their part as a member of one's team. In

management skills, an effective leader must know how to communicate in any aspect,

including verbally, written, and in listening skills (Shaikh, 2020). Communication and

motivation establish a relationship with trust that allows the feeling of being

comfortable in sharing information with others and vice versa. Making oneself

available and accessible can ensure communication remains. Listening is a way of

letting other people know that they matter and they are heard. Having a positive attitude

can create a healthy environment as well. Even simple gestures can state that even the

interest of others is valued—many managers delegate tasks to colleagues for the

managers to ease their own workloads. The need to identify and analyze the skills of

one person and assign duties to their depending skillset can be effective in what they

are doing. As the planner and strategic thinker, innovation and change are a need to

make their team more productive and profitable. Problem-solving and decision-making

that enables a leader to manage the weight of the pros and cons of a particular situation

quickly and make an informative decision are essential. To ensure a team is productive,

they need to think on their way when a problem can help a group come up with

innovative solutions that lessen the impact of the whole team Smith (2020). As a result,

this study can contribute to the researchers’ study because it is stating facts about the

reviews for academic in online platforms and updating them to suit the unique issues

they are facing on a day-to-day basis while also making studies and evaluations of

student academic performance easier.


The review of related literature and studies that are provided in this chapter are

all essential components for the progress and deeper understanding of this study. This

chapter will help the researchers have the most understanding in the study that they are

doing because there are provided information that is related to the researchers’ study.

This chapter includes the studies related to Academic Performnance, The Management

Skill Components and the Online Distance Learning from foreign and local studies.

Moreover, it is evident in the reviews that there is a need of the students to enhance its

management skill but the learning of the students has been affected because of the

presence of COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this is the gap that the researcher will be more

focused on wherein the aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the
management skills towards the academic performance of Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) 12 students during pandemic.



This chapter presents the study’s research design, research setting, selection and

description of the respondents, the sampling procedure, research instruments that were

used, the data gathering procedure, the data analysis technique, and ethical



This research study will make use of the quantitative type of research design.

Bhandari (2020) defined it as a process through which researchers will collect

numerical data and analyze them. The researchers chose this research design to know

how many people think, act, or feel in a specified way. In addition, this type of research

method could be used for descriptive research wherein researchers seek a general

summary of the variables being studied; correlational research is a type where the

relationship of variables of the study are being investigated. This research study focused

on a descriptive-correlational design. In descriptive-correlational design, this describes

the different variables classified as the independent and dependent variables and the

relationship that occurs between the variables, naturally without the aim to have a

cause-and-effect relationship connection. A structured investigation is needed in this

design (Katzukov, 2020). This research design is suited for the study because the main

focus of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the management skills towards the

Academic performance of the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)

wherein online survey questionnaires were given to respondents to know the

relationship between the variables. This chapter presents the study’s research design,
research setting, selection and description of the respondents, the sampling procedure,

research instruments that were used, the data gathering procedure, and the data analysis



This research study will only be conducted in one of the Religious of the Virgin

Mary (RVM) private institutions that is located in Cagayan de Oro City, province of

Misamis Oriental.


The respondents of this study will focus on the Senior High School students in

one of the RVM private institutions located in Cagayan de Oro City, wherein the

researchers specifically chose the students in SHS under the Accountancy, Business,

and Management (ABM) strand as the study’s sample because they are the respondents

that are most suitable for the current study. In the school year 2021-2022, the current

population size of the entire Senior High School department in one of the Religious of

the Virgin Mary (RVM) private institutions is 891. For the result to be significant in

quantitative research, it was suggested by Conroy (2013) that the ideal number of

respondents should be at least 100 or 10% of the population size. Out of 891 Senior

High School students in one of the private institutions in Cagayan de Oro City, 90

students will be chosen to participate in the study. It is a reasonable number of

participants for the researchers to gather the needed data and information for the

analysis. Moreover, the sample size is enough for the researchers to achieve the

objectives of this study.

The sampling procedure that will be used in this study will be Purposive

Sampling. According to Robinson (2014), purposive sampling is a procedure wherein

the researchers will rely on their judgment in choosing the participants who will be part

of the survey. This is also called judgmental sampling because the researchers are the

ones who will judge who the respondents are. Moreover, in this procedure, the

researcher must reject the individuals who do not fit the criteria the researchers made.

Since this study focuses on the effectiveness of the management skill towards the

academic performance of the students, specifically from the Grade 12 ABM students,

the use of a purposive sampling procedure will be the most suitable technique for this

study. Using this method will not only help the researchers obtain the needed data and

information study but also give focus to the objectives of this study.

For a participant to be part of this research study, the participant should be

enrolled in the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand in the Senior

High School Department in one of the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) private

institutions in the city within the school year 2021-2022. The participants must belong

to the study population to assure that the researchers could accomplish the study’s

desired goals and objectives.


In this study, the researchers will have to formulate a modified questionnaire

because of the instrument used in the survey. The questionnaire will consist of a

question which ask for their General Weighted Average during the 1 st semester of the

school year 2021-2022 and 10 questions for the problem no. 2. The questions that will

be used in the questionnaire will be based on the questions of the study. The GWA will

be used in order for the researchers’ to know what is the level of academic performance
of the students. On the other hand, the questionnaire will consist of questions that will

aim to answer the question, what is the level of management skill of ABM 12 students.

Furthermore, the Likert scale will be used as the answer type for the questions,

a rating system more used in a questionnaire designed to measure the participant's

perception of a specific topic Jamieson (2013). For the set of questions, the Likert scale

will include 1 (Never), 2 (Rarely), 3 (Sometimes), 4 (Often), 5 (Always), wherein each

point corresponds to a particular matter. With the use of the Likert scale, the data

provided will be valuable and show the effectiveness of management skills towards the

academic performance of the students. Moreover, the researchers will be able to know

and get the mean scores of the participants' choices, which will help the researchers

analyze the data.


For the validity test results of the research instrument that will be used for

conducting the survey, the researchers looked for an English and statistics teacher who

would help them validate. The teachers were provided a validity tool that would help

them assess the survey questionnaire the respondents prepared. The survey

questionnaire includes 10 questions that will help the researchers determine the level of

management skills of the students. The validity tool will help the researchers because

it will also include suggestions to enhance the survey questionnaire. Moreover, the

validity testing result is "highly valid" because the over-all mean ended up at 4. This

means that the questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data for the

investigation, allowing only a 6–10% error.

After the researchers have their validity test result, they proceed to acquire their

reliability test result by doing pilot testing. This was done to check the consistency of

the results for their survey questionnaire. There were 30 respondents for their pilot

testing. The researchers used Del Seigle's (n.d.) Reliability Calculator to determine the

reliability level of the research questionnaire they will use for their survey.Since a

Likert scale was utilized, the result was based on the coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha.

Based on the reliability calculator, the Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.874546178, which means

that it is good.


For authorization to conduct the online survey, the researchers will need to

produce a letter of consent to the Senior High School Coordinator, all advisers in the

Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, and the Strand Coordinator.

In addition, the consent letters will also provide to the research participants for their full

approval in participating in the research study. After being approved, the researchers

will ask the advisers to list the students who were currently enrolled in their class to

select participants. Upon getting all the approval of the coordinators and advisers, the

researchers will prepare questionnaires that contain close-ended questions because this

study is quantitative. The questions will focus on the information the researchers are

looking for, as questionnaires are undeniably crucial for researchers because they give

a limited, quick, and efficient way of gathering amounts of data from samples of

populations. The researchers will collect data by distributing online survey questions

via Google Forms to meet the study's objectives. The respondents' identities and

responses will be kept confidential by the researchers. After collecting the data from
the respondents' answers, the researchers will then record, describe, analyze and

interpret the data provided by the respondents.


In this current study, there will be two statistical techniques that will be utilized.

The descriptive statistical technique will be used for the set of questions because the

questions refer to the study's variables. Descriptive Statistical Technique is

summarizing or describing the characteristics of the data Hayes (2021).

The second statistical technique that will be used is the inferential statistical

technique, in particular the Inferential Correlational Statistical Technique will be used

for the third research question. This will be used because of its ability to correlate the

relationship between variables (Kuhar (2010). According to Chin & Lee (2008),

inferential statistics will help the researchers describe the data that the researcher got

and draw conclusions from the data given. With the use of this technique, the

researchers will be able to decide on the data based on the hypothesis testing methods.

Through the use of inferential statistical treatment, the researchers will be able to

answer the third question of the study because it tackles the relationship between the

two variables: distance learning and management skill of the students.

The following scoring procedures will be utilized for Part 1 and Part 2.

Table 3.1

Scoring Procedure for Academic Performance and Scoring Interpretation (Part 1)

[Direct Scoring]

GWA Range Description Interpretation

90-98 Outstanding Extremely High Level

85-89 Very Satisfactory High Level

80-84 Satisfactory Moderate

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory Low Level

74 and below Needs Improvement Extremely Low Level

Table 3.2

Scoring Procedure for Level of Management Skill and Scoring Interpretation (Part 2)

[Direct Scoring]

Scale Description Range Interpretation

5 Always 4.51 - 5.00 Extremely High Level

4 Often 3.51 - 4.00 High Level

3 Sometimes 2.51 – 3.50 Moderate

2 Rarely 1.51 – 2.50 Low Level

1 Never 1.00 – 1.50 Extremely Low Level

Note. The scoring procedure was adopted from Aiello and Czepiel (1979)
Table 3.3

Scoring Procedure for Correlation (Correlation Coefficient Interpretation) [Question


Size of Correlation Interpretation

±𝟏 Perfect Correlation

±𝟎. 𝟕𝟓 𝒕𝒐 < ±𝟏 Very High Correlation

±𝟎. 𝟓𝟎 𝒕𝒐 < ±𝟎. 𝟕𝟓 Moderately High Correlation

±𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 𝒕𝒐 < ±𝟎. 𝟓𝟎 Moderately Low Correlation

> 𝟎 ± 𝒕𝒐 < ±𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 Very Low Correlation

0 No Correlation

Note. The scoring interpretation was adopted from Jaadi (2019)


Before the distribution of the online survey questionnaires, the researchers will

send a letter of consent to the Strand Coordinators and teachers to ask for permission to

conduct their research and collect data, as well as the letter of authorization to request

for the list of ABM 12 students, which is the study's chosen population for the

researchers to select respondents at random. Following the distribution of the

questionnaires, the researchers will need the consent of the chosen participants, assuring

them that the information they will provide will be used solely for research purposes

and will be kept confidential. In answering the survey questions, respondents are given

the option to accept or decline the invitation to be part of the study.

This chapter presents the data gathered, the results and as well as the

interpretation of the findings. These are presented with tables and figures following the

stated problems which has been stated in the first chapter of the research study entitled

“The Level of Effectiveness of the Management Skills towards the Academic

Performance of ABM 12 students during the Pandemic.”

RESEARCH QEUSTION NO.1: What is the level of management skills of ABM

12 students?

Table 1.1

Level of Management Skill

Description Mean Standard Interpretation


I set and honor priorities. 3.74 1.01 High Level

I know how much time I 3.76 0.86 High Level

need for each activity in

my daily life.

I have a set of goals for 3.64 1.01 High Level

each week ready at the

beginning of the week.

I can share and express my 3.58 0.93 High Level

ideas clearly.
I prefer performing task 4.01 0.96 High Level

myself rather than being

with someone else.

I am great in solving 3.46 0.93 Moderate

problems and I easily

decide on what steps to do

in every problem.

I organize my work 3.71 1.01 High Level


I have a clear idea of what I 3.74 0.98 High Level

want to accomplish during

the week.

I am confident with the 3.54 0.94 High Level

decisions I make.

I know how to properly use 3.76 0.96 High Level

my management skills.

OVER-ALL MEAN 3.694444 0.960532588 High Level

Table 1.1 shows the respondents’ mean distribution towards their management

skills. The fifth description, with a mean of 4.01, has the highest mean. A high level is

described verbally. This implies that respondents prefer to complete tasks alone rather

than with a group. According to Art Markman (2020), the reason for this is that students'

individual work is better when the task at hand task requires high concentration and

focus and other team members can cause a lot of unwanted disruptions when working

in groups. On the other hand, the sixth description has the lowest mean, with a mean of
3.46 and a verbal description of moderate. Where it shows that some of the respondents

demonstrated that they aren't particularly good at problem-solving or deciding what

measures to take in every situation. However, according to Salvador Briggman (n.d),

the rewards in this society go to those people who solve problems. People who solve

problems are commended in this society. The more people who have experienced the

problem being tackled and value a solution, the more financially rewarded it will be for

the solution. The results are at a moderate level. Thus, some of the respondents shows

that they were still trying to be capable of such skills. The overall mean is 3.694444,

and the verbal description is at a High level.

According to Sarah Williams (2022), Management skills inspire confidence in

young students eager to enter the corporate work culture, allowing them to deal with

the always changing and growing environment. Possessing solid management abilities

is certain to help them advance in their profession, no matter what level they begin at.

With that, the overall mean 'High level' shows that Students can do managing skills

where they engage in tasks and activities that allow them to perform the managerial

responsibilities of planning, organizing, directing, leading, coordinating, and

controlling. In addition to that, students also learn and appreciate their strengths and

weaknesses. They can instill the attributes of developing, transforming, researching,

and gaining a thorough awareness of areas that need improvement. They can show their

participatory performance skills in their educational institution based on the results

RESEARCH QUESTION NO.2: What is the level of academic performance of

ABM 12 students?

Table 2.1

Level of Academic Performance

GWA Range Description Frequency (f)

90-98 Outstanding 38

85-89 Very Satisfactory 36

80-84 Satisfactory 13

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory 3

74 and below Needs Improvement 0

Average: 88.66667 Interpretation: High Level

The table presented above shows the General Weighted Average of the

respondents. The findings stated that there are students who performed very well, even

with the changes from face to face learning, to online learning, as out of 90 respondents,

there 38 who got a GWA of 90 – 98, with a description of Outstanding. However, the

respondent's low level of academic performance among 13 respondents from

satisfactory level to 3 respondents from fairly satisfactory level indicates that there are

still students at this level who experience difficulties in the e-learning system of

education that affects their overall academic performance during the pandemic. The

study by Chung et al. (2020) and Fabitoet al. (2020) determines that poor internet

connectivity is one of the major problems that student encounters in participating in e-

learning classes. In addition, according to Mina et al. (2020) that there is a lack of

technological resources for in participating online learning for many students faces.

Students must be able to access the online learning environment before any online
program can expect to prosper. Access issues, whether financial or physical, will keep

otherwise qualified students out of the course. This is a serious problem in rural and

lower socioeconomic areas. In terms of Internet access, it is not universal, and in some

locations and nations, Internet connection comes at a large expense to the user. If the

number of time participants spends online is limited by their ability to pay for Internet

access, then instruction and participation in the online program will be unbalanced for

all students in the course.

In the final analysis of the data, the respondents’ level of academic performance

during the pandemic showed a High Level, garnering 88.66667. This corresponds to

the study of Zolochevskaya, et al (2021), that the use of e-learning as an alternative way

of continuing the flow of education to the students, is an effective method and has a

positive effect on the improvement of the academic performance and the overall success

of the student. Furthermore, according to Spitzer and Musslick (2021), their study

revealed that low-achieving students showed an improvement in their performance than

those of high-achieving students, indicating the narrowing gap between the academic

performances of low-achieving and high-achieving students during this pandemic.

Therefore, they concluded that online learning has a positive effect on the performance

of the students in school.

RESEARCH QUESTION NO.3: Is there a significant relationship between the

management skills and academic performance of the ABM 12 students?

The researchers made use of Pearson’s Correlation Method in order to measure

the level of effectiveness of the Management Skills towards the Academic Performance
of the students. This was used because of its ability to correlate the relationship between

variables that is needed for this study (Kuhar (2010).

Table 3.1

Correlation Summary Result on Management Skills and Academic Performance

using Microsoft Excel

Management Academic

Skill Performance

Management Pearson Correlation 1 -

Skill Sig. (2-tailed) - 0.002

N 90 90

Academic Pearson Correlation 0.181913 1

Performance -
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.002

N 90

Table 3.1 shows the correlation summary result on management skills and

academic performance of the ABM 12 students. With the help of Microsoft Excel, it

was easier for the researchers to know the result of their correlation. The result ended

up with 0.181913 correlation, which means that there is only a very low positive

correlation between the variables. According to the scoring interpretation that was

adopted from Jaadi (2019),

correlation result between > 𝟎 ± 𝒕𝒐 < ±𝟎. 𝟐𝟓 falls under the “Very Low Correlation”

which the result in the research question 3 fall under. Furthermore, the significance

level is 0.0002 which is less than the alpha 0.05, this means that the null hypothesis of

the study should be rejected. In this research study, the null hypothesis is 𝐻𝑜 : There is
no significant effect of the management skills towards the academic performance of the

ABM 12 students.


This chapter shows the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

that has been made by the researchers after completing the study. The main objective

of this research study is to know the level of effectiveness of the management skills

towards the academic performance of the students, as the study’s respondents.


Based on the data gathered and interpreted by the researchers, the findings made

are the following:

1. The researchers discovered that the majority of Grade 12 Accountancy,

Business, and Management respondents felt "occasionally" or “sometimes”

equipped with the management skills that are highly needed especially

during this time of pandemic since the over-all mean of the management

skill resulted to a “High Level” based from the scoring procedure of Aiello

and Czepiel (1979).

2. The over-all average of the General Weight Average of the students for first

semester of the School year 2021-2022 resulted to 88.66667 which means

that the level of academic performance of the students during that semester

is in the “High Level” based from the scoring procedure of Aiello and

Czepiel (1979).

3. The Pearson R Correlation result of the management skill and academic

performance of the ABM 12 students resulted to 0.181913 which means that

both of the variables only have a very low positive correlation based from

the scoring procedure of Jaadi (2019).


Based on the results and findings that have been drawn from the study. The

following conclusions are formulated:

1. The correlation result between the management skills and academic

performance of ABM 12 Students shows that there is a low positive correlation

between variables which indicates that the academic performance of students

has a low correlation to the management skills.

2. Very low positive correlation of the variables signifies that even though the

variables tend to go up in response to each other, the relationship between the

management skill and academic performance of the students is not very strong.

3. The researchers have concluded that the management skills of the Grade 12

students under the Accountancy, Business and Management strand may have an

effect to their Academic performance but it is not that strong to prove that it

really will affect the student’s General Weighted Average. This means that there

are a lot more factors that affect the academic performance of the students and

not just merely the management skills.


The researchers have provided recommendations, based on the conclusions, which

are the following:

1. During the pandemic, flexible learning was introduced and with the sudden

changes from face to face learning to flexible learning, students must really

develop their management skills in doing different academic activities. Given

the fact that, flexible learning gave the students full authority in managing their

studies. Thus, the researchers recommend the students to continue developing

their management skills, even after the pandemic. For this will be a helpful skill

in pursuing whatever career they want to pursue in the future.

2. According to Kapur (2019), educators and/or teachers are also responsible for

the development of the management skills of the students. Therefore, the

researchers recommend them to really highlight different strategies and actions

that will help their students to develop different skills, that are components of

management skills, as these will help the students achieve whatever goals and

desires they want to achieve.

3. Since the study is limited to Grade 12 students, specifically, students under

Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM) strand, the researchers

recommend for the future studies, with the same variables, to conduct it in a

larger population. This is to really ensure the accuracy and reliability of the

measurements of the variables. The future researchers are encouraged to

conduct this study to other Senior High school strands and other grade levels,

to really test the relationship of the academic performance and the management

skills of the students during the pandemic.

4. Since the study mainly focuses on the relationship between the academic

performance and management skills of the students, the researchers recommend

adding and considering other factors that can help in having a depth analysis in

conducting a study regarding the academic performance and management skills

of the students during the pandemic.


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April 10, 2022


Good day! Praise be Jesus and Mary.

We are the researchers from Lourdes College of Cagayan de Oro City and currently
Grade 12 students under the strand Accountancy Business, and Management. We are
currently taking up the subject Practical Research 2 where it aims to produce a proposal
paper to venture for research study in the field of our interest. In fulfilment of our
subject requirements, we are to conduct a study on “THE LEVEL OF
PANDEMIC”. In line with this, we are asking for you favorable approval to modify
your survey questionnaire to be used in our research as this will be of great help in the
fulfilment our study.
Should you have concerns, or queries, you may contact me via email at Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you so

Respectfully yours,


Research Leader

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher/Research Adviser


April 1, 2022

Dear Sir / Madam:

Good Day!
We are the Grade twelve students of Accountancy, Business and
Management strand. We sincerely ask for your assistance for validation of
questionnaires in our research entitled: “The level of effectiveness of management
skills towards the academic performance of the ABM 12 students during the pandemic”.
Its purpose is to know what is the level of effectiveness of the
management skills towards the academic performance of the students, specifically the
Accountancy, Business and Management 12 students. Moreover, it will be conducted
to contribute new aspect of knowledge towards specialization.
In line with this, we ask for your help to the researchers for you to
become a validator for our research questionnaire as an instrument for our research.
We are looking forward for your response about this matter. Thank you
very much and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,

Pangilinan, Alona Jay J.

Leader – Group 1
Grade 12 ABM

Noted by:

Ms. Janna Kaye Bodiongan

Practical Research 2 Teacher






Validators’ Questionnaire Assessment

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

1. The indicators in the

questionnaire consistently and
/ /
accurately measure each
variables of the investigation.

2. The questionnaire fits /

with the variables under
investigation, thus measuring
what it intends to measure.

3. The questionnaire has the

capability to measure items
/ /
or variables within given time

4. The questionnaire has the

ability to distinguish the
/ /
characteristic or properties of
differing attributes of subjects
under study.
5. The questionnaire has the
ability to gather factual data,
/ /
eliminating biases and

6. Quick and complete data can /

be generated by the
questionnaire within the time
frame allowed to obtain data.

7. The questionnaire has no

influence on the variables being
/ /

8. The questionnaire is framed

and clear, simple and in order to
/ /
avoid risk of errors.

9. The questionnaire is capable /

of generating data that will be of
value and practical use to the
sectors concerned in the

Silvino Allado Jr.

Signature Over Printed Name of the Validator


Signature Over Printed Name of the Validator





Likert Scale (Cronbach’s Alpha) - 0.874546178

Reliability Level – Good


April 18, 2022

Dear Sir / Madam:

Good Day!

We are the Grade 12- ABM students of Lourdes College – Section St. Leo the Great,
who has presently proposed a study in compliance with the academic requirements of
the school. We sincerely ask for your support and permission to conduct our survey
questionnaires for our research study entitled: "THE LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS
purpose is to discover and determine if there is a significant relationship between the
management skills and the academic performance of the students. Moreover, it will be
conducted to contribute to new aspects of knowledge towards specialization.

We are looking forward to your response to this matter. Thank you very much
and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,


Group Leader

ABM 12 – LTG

Noted by:


Practical Research 2 Teacher



April 18, 2022

Dear Sir / Madam:

Good Day!

We are the Grade 12- ABM students of Lourdes College – Section St. Leo the Great,
who has presently proposed a study in compliance with the academic requirements of
the school. We sincerely ask for your support and permission to conduct our survey
questionnaires for our research study entitled: "THE LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS
purpose is to discover and determine if there is a significant relationship between the
management skills and the academic performance of the students. Moreover, it will be
conducted to contribute to new aspects of knowledge towards specialization.

We are looking forward to your response to this matter. Thank you very much
and God Bless.

Sincerely yours,


Group Leader

ABM 12 – LTG


Dear Lourdesians,

Good day!

The researchers would like to invite you to participate in a research study

entitled “The level of effectiveness of the management skills towards the academic

performance of ABM 12 students during the pandemic.” With this, the researchers

ask for your cooperation to answer the survey questionnaires that will be provided via

google forms. The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to collect information

about your level of management skill and your GWA to help the researchers assess your

academic performance. The researchers ask you to answer this with honesty. Your

responses will remain confidential and anonymous. No one other than the researchers

will know your individual responses and they will only be use those information solely

for the purpose of completion of this research study. Thank you and Peace be with you!

Respectfully Yours,



Demographic Profile

Name (Optional):


Survey Questionnaire (Modified)

Part 1

As part of the needed data in our research study, we are humbly asking for your
permission to allow us to have your General Weighted Average for the first semester
of the school year 2021-2022 as a mean of knowing what is your level of academic
performance. In line with this, we are also going to ask permission from the strand
leader or SHS coordinator and the subject teacher regarding this matter.
Please put a check mark on the choice you agree on.
___ Yes, I will allow you from getting my General Weighted Average for the 1st
semester of School Year 2021-2022.
___ No, I am sorry. I will not allow you to get my General Weighted Average for the
1st semester of School Year 2021-2022.
What is your general weighted average during the 1 st semester of school year 2021-
2022? ______

Part 2

Instructions: The following items below are the statements to measure your level

of management skill. Please give your honest response to every item. Mark a check

() or click based on the given scale:

1= Never 3= Sometimes 5= Always

2= Rarely 4= Often
Level of Management Skill Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
(Indicators) 1 2 3 4 5
1. I set and honor priorities.
2. I know how much time I need
for each activity in my daily
3. I have a set of goals for each
week ready at the beginning of
the week.
4. I can share and express my
ideas clearly.
5. I prefer performing task myself
rather than being with someone
6. I am great in solving problems
and I easily decide on what
steps to do in every problem.
7. I organize my work properly.
8. I have a clear idea of what I
want to accomplish during the
9. I am confident with the
decisions I make.
10. I know how to properly use my
management skills.



Description Mean Standard Interpretation


I set and honor priorities. 3.74 1.01 High Level

I know how much time I 3.76 0.86 High Level

need for each activity in

my daily life.

I have a set of goals for 3.64 1.01 High Level

each week ready at the

beginning of the week.

I can share and express my 3.58 0.93 High Level

ideas clearly.

I prefer performing task 4.01 0.96 High Level

myself rather than being

with someone else.

I am great in solving 3.46 0.93 Moderate

problems and I easily

decide on what steps to do

in every problem.

I organize my work 3.71 1.01 High Level

I have a clear idea of what I 3.74 0.98 High Level

want to accomplish during

the week.

I am confident with the 3.54 0.94 High Level

decisions I make.

I know how to properly use 3.76 0.96 High Level

my management skills.

OVER-ALL MEAN 3.694444 0.960532588 High Level


GWA Range Description Frequency (f)

90-98 Outstanding 38

85-89 Very Satisfactory 36

80-84 Satisfactory 13

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory 3

74 and below Needs Improvement 0

Average: 88.66667 Interpretation: High Level


Management Academic

Skill Performance

Management Pearson Correlation 1 -

Skill Sig. (2-tailed) - 0.002

N 90 90
Academic Pearson Correlation 0.181913 1

Performance -
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.002

N 90


Tambo, Carmen
Cagayan de Oro City, 9000 Misamis Oriental
Mobile: 09166496757

To keep a complete and accurate record of all the task
in a systematic orderly, logical manner.

SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College
Capistrano-Hayes St., Cagayan de Oro, Misamis

SECONDARY (JHS): St. Mary’s Academy of Carmen

Villarin St, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental

ELEMENTARY: St. Mary’s Academy of Carmen

Villarin St, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis


 Organizing data in the short-term or long-term

 Good in dealing with numbers
 Understanding the problem and solving it in a positive way
 Striving the best in any situation to meet corporate objectives

AUDITOR SMAC Villarin St.Cagayan de Oro 2019-2020
Zone 6 Poblacion, Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
Cell Number: 09657184439
Email address:

I am a person who is energetic, self-motivated,
trustworthy, responsible, and hardworking. I'm a
kind, cheerful, and friendly person who is honest
and reliable, who works well in a team but also
independently since I like to set objectives for
myself that I will attain, and who has excellent listening and communication
skills. I'm a problem solver who thrives on new challenges.

SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College
Capistrano St, Cagayan de Oro City
S.Y (2021 – 2022)

SECONDARY (JHS): St. Mary’s Academy of Tagoloan

Poblacion, Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
S.Y. (2019 – 2020)

ELEMENTARY: Bright Rock School

Zone 6, Bugo – Reyes Main Rd. Reyes
Subdivision, Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City
S.Y (2015 – 2016)

 Communication Skills  Decision-making Skills
 Critical Thinking and Problem  Teamwork
Solving Skills
 Leadership Skills

Master Awareness PSALM Organization Yacapin – Burgos, 2018 – Present
Impact Group Leader Capistrano

Member Theater Arts Club – Poblacion, Tagoloan, June 2016 – March

St. Mary’s Academy of Misamis Oriental 2018
President Book Lovers Club - Poblacion, Tagoloan, June 2020 – March
St. Mary's Academy of Misamis Oriental 2020
Corrales Extension, Puntod

Cagayan de Oro City

Cell Number: 09206615192

Email address:

I am a versatile with excellent time
management capabilities. I am a
competent communicator with shown
interpersonal skills who is used to
teamwork but also capable of acting on
my own initiative. I am constantly eager
to learn new things and take on new

SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College

Capistrano, Cagayan de Oro


SECONDARY (JHS): Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School

Don. Apolinar, Velez St., Cagayan de oro City
ELEMENTARY: City Central School
Yacapin-Velez Sts., Cagayan De Oro City

• Good interpersonal skills • Teamwork skills
• Organizational skills • Exceptional communication skills
• Good ethical judgment and integrity (written and verbal)


GIRL SCOUT MOGCHS Don. Apolinar, Velez December 2020

St., CDO

RED CROSS MOGCHS Don. Apolinar, Velez August 2019


Z6, Gumamela Extension, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
Cell Number: 0997-831-767
Email address:

A Senior High School student taking up Accountancy,
Business and Management that is highly compassionate
in pursuing education. Sees education as a very important
tool in achieving our goals in life.


SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College

Cagayan de Oro City

SECONDARY (JHS): Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High

Don Apolinar Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City

ELEMENTARY: West City Central School

Ilaya St., Cagayan de Oro City


Organizational Skills Boosting productivity, creating structure and order

Creating Detailed Reports Researching, planning, analysis
Analytical Skills Critical thinker, attentive, active listener
Leadership Skills Creative, flexible, strategic thinking skills
Communication Skills Effective written and oral communication
Languages Cebuano, English, Filipino


PSYSC Vice President Misamis Oriental General 2018-2020

Comprehensive High School
YES-O Treasurer Misamis Oriental General 2018-2020
Comprehensive High School
ENGLISH Secretary Misamis Oriental General 2019-2020
Comprehensive High School
MAPEH Vice President Misamis Oriental General 2016-2020
Comprehensive High School
GIRL SCOUT Misamis Oriental General 2018-2020
Comprehensive High School
Sta.Cruz Village Zone-8, Carmen,
Cagayan de Oro City
Cell Number: 09558550919
Email address:

I am a hardworking and honest person.I keep good
time and am constantly eager to master new abilities. I am
kind, helpful, and polite, and I have an excellent sense of
SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College
Capistrano, Cagayan de Oro

SECONDARY (JHS): Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School

Don. Apolinar, Velez St.,
Cagayan de oro City

ELEMENTARY: West City Central School

Ilaya, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro

• Ability to reflect on one's own work. • Basic Editing Skills (Photo and
• Organizational skills Video Editing)
• Computer Literate (Word • Cooking
Processing, PowerPoint,
Spreadsheet & Social Media)

Girl Scout MOGCHS Don Apolinar Velez June 2020
Boy Scout MOGCHS Don Apolinar Velez December 2020

Blk 29 , Lt 6 Barra, Opol Misamis Oriental

Cell Number: 09368012428

Email Address:


Sees challenges to opportunities to exert skills in management,

organization and communication


SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College

Capistrano Street, Cagayan de Oro City

2020 - 2022

SECONDARY (JHS): St. Mary’s Academy of Carmen

Villarin Street, Carmen Cagayan de Oro City

2016 - 2020

ELEMENTARY: Riverdale Academy

Zone 3 Barra, Opol Misamis Oriental

2010 - 2016


● Technical Skills ( Microsoft soft)

● Data Organization

● Oral and written communication skills

● Basic Editing Skills (Photo and Video editing)
● Critical assessment and evaluation



Scout Member St. Mary’s Academy Villarin St. Carmen 2016 - 2020
of Carmen Cagayan De Oro
Samahang Filipino St. Mary’s Academy Villarin St. Carmen 2018 - 2019
Member of Carmen Cagayan De Oro
Zone 8, Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City
Cell Number: (63+) 9266678907
Email address:

A mature, positive and hardworking individual, who
always strives to achieve the highest standard
possible, at any given task. I believe that I posses
a good personality and have the ability and
experience to relate to a wide range of people. I
enjoy learning new things.

SECONDARY (SHS): Lourdes College
Capistrano St, Cagayan de Oro City
S.Y (2021 – 2022)

SECONDARY (JHS): Millennium Christian Academy

Zone 3, Bulua, Cagayan de Oro
S.Y. (2019 – 2020)

ELEMENTARY: Bulua Central School

Bulua, Cagayan de Oro City
S.Y (2015 – 2016)

• Time Management Skills • Creativity
• Basic Editing Skills (Photo and • Teamwork
Video Editing)
• Organizational Skills


Secretary Kinesthetic Club – Zone 3, Bulua, Cagayan June 2019 –

Millennium Christian de Oro March 2020
Copywriting and Journalism Club – Mango Street, Carmen, June 2016
Headline Writing Angelicum Cagayan de Oro March 2018
Scribe Pathfinder Club – Zone 3, Bulua, June 2018 –
Millennium Christian Cagayan de Oro March 2020

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