Diet 1

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1.What do you know about the problems regarding the disposal

of plastic?

2.Do you use/throw away any plastic for food and drinks at

3.Do you implement any of the school measures for the recycling

of plastic at a personal level eg: also when you are at home

Response 1: Tamanna Vijayan

1. Improper disposal of plastic is a leading issue in today’s

world. It can lead to several environmental
issues. It can cause disruptions in the food chain as animals
eat the plastic and it intercepts their bodily functions,
therefore harming them and wiping out species which
disrupts food chain. Littered plastic also contains harmful
toxins that release into the soil when it is not disposed of
correctly and this causes the soil’s pH to change which
disrupts the plants nutrition.

2. I do not bring plastic to school. I bring all of my snacks in my

lunch box and in the case that I do have plastic with me, I
keep it in my bag and dispose of it in the respective bin
( recycling bin) when I find one.

3. At home, we have a strict system for waste disposal. All the

plastic is in one bin, wet waste in another and dry waste in a
third bin. This ensures proper waste disposal and recycling.
I avoid using plastic as much as I can. I prefer paper bags,
metal water bottles and metal straws.

Response 2: Ishaan Desai

1. I am aware that we do not have a lot of appropriate means

of disposing plastic - such as we use a lot of landfills and we
throw a lot of trash into the ocean which makes me come to the
point of the great pacific garbage patch where millions of tonnes
of plastic is thrown which has also caused a lot of marine life
extinction due to microplastics getting ingested by marine
animals. Burning plastic is also a very bad method of disposing
of plastic as I believe it releases toxic fumes and causes intense
air pollution which is also bad for the environment. I also know
that plastic takes very long to degrade and hence it remains in
the environment for a very long period of time.
2. No - as I use a steel water bottle, I use aluminium foil
instead of plastic wraps.(repetition) I throw plastic into the
appropriate plastic bins and avoid mixing green waste and
plastic waste.

3. At a personal level - Instead of using disposable bags I use

cloth bags, I avoid using straws, I throw plastic into the
appropriate plastic bins and avoid mixing green waste and
plastic waste.

Response 3: Sia Bubna

1. Plastic is not easily disposable and takes years to dispose

of. So when people throw plastic litter on either roads or
landfills it is doing nothing but polluting the environment. I believe
there aren't enough places to dispose plastic and so the large
usage of plastic cans, bags, bottles etc is spoiling our

2. I do use a plastic bottle in school however I make sure i

don't throw away any plastic in areas where they aren't
allowed. I try my best to reuse plastic and throw them in recycle
bins so they don't litter.
3. Yes. At a personal level I try to take all the measures I can
for recycling plastic. I avoid using plastic bags and use cloth
bags instead. I avoid buying plastic phone cases or drinks with
plastic packaging but prefer glass phone covers and paper
packaged food items and drinks.
Response 4: Araish Thakur

1. As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the amount

of garbage that people produce. On-the-go we require easily
disposable products, such as soda cans or bottles of water,
but the accumulation of these products has led to increasing
amounts of plastic pollution around the world. As plastic is
composed of major toxic pollutants, it has the potential to
cause great harm to the air, water and land.

2. I refrain from using plastic however I often carry a juice box

made of plastic which I dispose in the school's dry bin.
3. Our school has strict policies regarding waste management
and plastic usage so by habit at home too I segregate waste
into dry and wet bins. I am good at art so sometimes i also
reuse the bottles for my artistic pieces.
Response 5: Neel Mistry (14 years old)

1. “Plastic is being collected up in rivers closing the water

supply to villages. Sea-creatures like turtles eat up plastic
pieces as if it is food and the plastic ends up choking the
creatures and killing them. Plastics are very long lasting
as well, taking up to millions of years to disintegrate because
of their structures.”
2. I throw away the plastic bottles into recycling machines whic
h give back some paise(pennys) for each bottle. I use plastic
spoons for things I buy from the canteen and throw them
away, as well as the juice cartons I buy outside.

3. I use plastic items to make different artistic sculptures, Igive 
it to recycling homes torecycle the plastic and make some
use out of it. I also use steel bottles and carry my own things
like snacks a lot of the time to save packaging and encourage
everybody else to do the same.

Response 6: Kia Lodha (15 years old)

1. “I know that the throwing away of single-use plastic
increases the amount of plastic already floating around in
rivers and also when the plastics are produced,
microplastics pollute the air and water, thus polluting the
water. I also know that microplastics are in our food, water
and even in our bodies”
2. “No, and I always ask my parents to take spoons and
forks with them so that they don’t use plastic spoons and
forks whenever they eat in their canteens.” 

3. “Yes, I do. I always throw my trash in the recycle bin,

from where the plastic waste gets recycled. I don’t use
plastic bags most of the time, and I don’t take plastic bags
even from the vegetable vendors”

Response 7: Sachin Goel (15 years old)

1. “Good disposal of plastic is not maintained. Garbage
And Trash Cans Are Used Wrongly. People Throw Stuff
On Land And Sea Unknowingly, polluting the already toxic
rivers like the Ganga and Yamuna, creating a water supply
2. Not Usually Since Steel Plates Are Used But For Special
Occasions, And Best Out Of Waste contests, and I refrain
from buying food from the canteen at my school.

3. I Have Several Times used Plastic to make pots for 
Holding Plants, Stationary, And For Different Purposes
like a CD-holder and art.

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