The Young Generation Is The Hope of The Nation

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The young generation is the hope of the nation

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us give thanks for the opportunity to gather on this sunny day.

Honorable Mr. and Mrs. teacher

And don't forget my friends whom I love and I'm proud of.
On this occasion, I will talk about the role of the younger generation as the nation's hope. We are the
next generation of young people.

Which is the spearhead for the future of the nation to respond to challenges in the future that are
better. In order for this country to be more advanced, it really needs a young generation who has a
noble personality, good character and is able to apply the knowledge they have.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Indonesia is a country that has its own complexity and uniqueness. Composed of various tribes and
cultures, various languages and customs, and has thousands of islands separated by seas. Indonesia
has earned the nickname of an agrarian country as well as a maritime country. These differences can
create divisions within a nation, or they can actually make this nation more united. This is where the
position of youth is highly relied upon, the younger generation is the foundation of this country so that
it continues to unite and achieve a common vision and mission.

However, unfortunately many of Indonesia's young generation are currently mired in the flow of
globalization which has a negative impact.
Circulating currents that are too fast indeed have positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is
that many technologies are developing to facilitate human activities. However, it can have a negative
impact when the mentality of the youth and the next generation of this nation gets worse.

Indonesia continues to need young leaders who are tough, fair, wise and able to survive the negative
currents of globalization.

We can do this firmly with the contents of the Youth Pledge, namely:
1. Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia
2. Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah satu, tanah air Indonesia
3. Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, menjunjung tinggi bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia
We as youths must be able to show maturity and maturity of mind in order to be able to manage this
country better. We must also have a fair and wise leadership character. Not only personal and group

At least we continue to learn and try to be better by studying harder, being active in social activities
and playing an active role in giving opinions on the problems around us.

Hopefully we can be the youth that this country needs.

Thus my speech, I hope it can provide inspiration. If there are any mistakes, I say sorry.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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