Kelompok 8 Speed Reading

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By group 8:
PBI 1.2

Furqan hadiansyah
Rijal Qalbi
Masmi Wu’un Samon




Alhamdulillah we prays and thank you for the presence of Allah SWT, because for all the
abundance of his mercy we can arrange this paper in a timely manner. Our prayers and
greetings are bestowed on our lord the Prophet Muhammad, along with his family, friends and
all of his people to the end of time.

This paper discusess speed reading. In preparing this paper, we get a lot of guidance,
assistance, and encouragement from various parties. The content of this paper is far from
perfect because of our limited ability, both the ability to procces conception or apperception
ability. So that it is expected that if the contents of our paper are lacking, that is why we expect
criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this paper.

Hopefully this paper can be useful for writers and readers, and become an addition to the
scientific treasure for all of us.

Gowa, 7 November 2018




CHAPTER I (Prelimianary).............................................................................................1


B.Formulation of the problem............................................................................1

CHAPTER II (Discussion)...............................................................................................2

A.Defination of speed reading ................................................................................2

B.The porpuse of the speed reading.......................................................................2

C. techniques of speed reading...............................................................................2

D. Speed reading methods.................................................................................3

E. How to calculate reading speed………………………………………………………………………3

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................4




A. Background
Reading is not a natural activity, but a set of components that are mastered
privately and gradually, which are than intergrated and become automatic.
But in today’s fase - paced era, when we don’t want the demands of life ton
increase, the reader can no longer just bring pleasure, but as a means of echieving
acceleration it self. This means the people must pursue all information. The people must
have the skills to collage data quickly and correctly. And here speed reading is the main
thing. No one can read fast because of talent. So it must be understood that speed reading
is not merely face breaking code and immediately completing a book. Speed reading is
how one can read with a better understanding in a faster time and remember it well. In
this paper further reading techniques will be precented.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is the definition of speed reading?
2. What is the purpose of speed reading?
3. What techniques are used in speed reading?
4. How to read fast?
5. How to calculate reading speed?


A. Defenition of speed reading

Speed reading is a type of reading that prioritizes the speed of reading without having to
re-read from the reading. the speed of reading in the material and the purpose of reading
and also the mastery of the reader towards the contents of the reading..

B. The purpose of speech reading

There are four purpose of speed reading:
1. Obtain a general impression of a book, article or writing is short.
2. The purpose of speed reading is to find in formation as quickly and accurately as
possible from a reading. So that people can absorb more information needed in a
shorter time
3. Find certain things of reading materials.
4. Find or put the necessary materials in the library.

C. Techniques of speed reading

speed reading techniques are not everyone will be immediately adept to read fast.
This skill requires exercise that maybe repeatedly so that one can master the right
techniques in quick reading. This is exercise are considered are important to do because
usually someone learned newly to quickly read to some problems that can be a horarding
in quick reading. Requirement to be able to tread quickly is to know with exactly what
materials are being sought. It can be achieved by raising scratch. Just looking for parts

To be able to read quickly indeed need certain techniques .in general there are two
techniques :
1. scanning techniques
scanning techniques read is reading information that the reading is read jumper by
involving associations and imagination, so in understanding reading one can connect
the sentences with one word. In this techniques is not all the words, sentences are
read. Usually keywords that are concerned readers. For example treading news
papers, look in for titles,or news topics that are considered interesting.
2. Scamming techniques
Scamming methods is reading in an outlines (glimpse) to get the general picture of
the content of the book. After that track the information you want to be in advance.
To smooth the skimming methods than to first read to contents, the introduction, title
or subtitles, and the conclusion. From the part of this book is minimal we can
interpret what the core is the contents of the book we will read. This techniques is
usually done when we look for something specialized in the text. The function of the
scamming is to recognize the topic of the reading to know opinions or peoples
opinions to get the important part we need to know the organization of writing, the
order of the principle idea, and the way.

D. Speed reading methods

There are tips and four speed reading techniques:
1. Get used to reading in word groups. Avoid reading word for word.
2. Don’t repeat the sentences that have been read. A common habit that often inhibits
the speed of reading is always repeating what has been read.
3. Don’t always stop long at the beginning of a line or sentences. This will brek the
relationship of meaning between sentences or words. We can forget what we just
4. Look for key words indicate the main idea of a sentences.

E. How to calculate reading speed

.1. Calculate the number of words (including titles and punctuation)

2. Calculate your reading speed using the formula:

The number of words in the reading: long reading x 60 = ...

Information :
. 201 - ... Words per minute = very good
151 - 200 words per minute = good
101 - 150 words per minute = medium
51 - 100 words per minute = less



Speed reading is a type of reading that prioritized by using eye movements and
carried out sound which aims to obtain accurate and accurate information in short time
the speed of reading, as well as extent of familiarity with the reading material the
speed of reading must be in line with the speed of understanding reading material. To
be able to read fast, certain techniques are needed, namely scanning techniques and
skimming techniques. The scanning techniqures is to read an information where the
reading is read jumpet by involving association and imagination. While the skimming
technique is to read at a glance to get an overview of the contents of the book.


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