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Which diseases are the biggest killers?

Listen to the first part of the news and make notes on the story. Then read the article
below and circle the facts that are mentioned in both the article and the news. You can
listen to the story again.

The Times
wrought by typhoid". in preventing this disease
Nine million children affecting some of the world's
are being immunised in most vulnerable children,"
Pakistan, where typhoid is Prof Andrew Pollard, from the
now extremely resistant to University of Oxford, who has
antibiotics. been involved in the trials,
Precise numbers on said.
typhoid are hard to collect "The burden of typhoid is
but it affects between 11 and so huge, we're seeing families
Typhoid vaccine 'works 21 million people around the taking children into hospital to
fantastically well' world each year and kills be treated and being plunged
A new typhoid vaccine works 128,000 to 161,000. into poverty paying for the
"fantastically well" and is More than 20,000 children costs of investigation and
being used to help stop an - aged from nine months to 16 treatment with antibiotics.
almost untreatable strain of years - in Kathmandu Valley, "The arrival of this vaccine
the infection, doctors say. Nepal, took part in the trial. to control the disease is a
Cases of the bacterial Typhoid is a major public- pretty exciting moment."
disease fell by more than 80% health problem in the area. The children in Nepal,
in trials, published in the New Half of the children were as well as those taking
England Journal of Medicine. given the vaccine and their part in trials in Malawi and
Experts said the vaccine cases of typhoid fell by 81% Bangladesh, will now be
was a game-changer and in the first year of the study. followed to see how long
"It works fantastically well protection lasts.
would reduce the "terrible toll

Which vaccines are children given in your country?

In which countries do you think torture is used?
Listen to the next part of the news and make notes on the story. Use what you learn
from the radio story to complete the gaps in the article below. Then listen again and
check your ideas.

December 2019
The Independent
Torture on the Increase Globally
The charity, Freedom from by the charity of either
Torture, has concluded that using or endorsing torture.
torture is being increasingly Freedom from Torture blames
used in many countries and the increase on the worldwide
that more governments are rise in populism and criticised
prepared to condone it. India, President Trump for appointing
Sri Lanka, __________, Turkey, Gina Haspel as head of the
Iran and Brazil are all accused _____________, even though

it is alleged that she led a Freedom from Torture acceptable.

waterboarding programme at says other countries are
a CIA base in ______________. emboldened by these actions
The charity also points out and feel it is acceptable to
that President Trump wants torture their own __________
to make Marshall Billingsley as a result. The charity also
head of the US government's commissioned a YouGov
main ____________________ opinion poll which found that
despite him being an ____ per cent of British people
outspoken supporter of think there are circumstances
harsh interrogation methods. in which torture might be

Do you think there are circumstances in which torture might be acceptable?

Is homelessness an issue where you live?
Listen to the next part of the news and make notes on the story. Use what you learn
from the radio story to complete the gaps in the article below with the correct figures.
Then listen again and check your ideas.

The Guardian

It estimates that a child homeless children.

loses their home every Outside London, the
eight minutes – more than places worst affected were:
_____ children per day. At Luton (one in ___ children);
this rate, 1,647 children will Brighton & Hove (one in
become homeless between 30); Manchester (one in
now and the general 47); and Slough (one in
election on 12 December, 53).
and more than 4,000 by 25 Polly Neate, Shelter ’s
December. chief executive, said: “The
London has the highest fact 183 children become
Thousands of children concentration of homeless homeless every day is a
in Britain to be youngsters, up 33% scandalous figure and a
homeless at Christmas since 2014. About 88,000 sharp reminder that political
At least ___________ children were in temporary promises about tackling
children will be homeless accommodation in the homelessness must be
and living in temporary capital at the beginning of turned into real action.
accommodation across 2019 – equivalent to one in The government
Britain on Christm as day every ___ children. says it is providing
– the highest number for The capital has 26 of the £______________ to help
____ years – according to 30 British local authorities local authorities tackle all
the housing charity Shelter. with the highest rates of types of homelessness.

What do you think is the biggest cause of homelessness?

How would you rate the education system where you live?
Listen to the final story and make notes on the back of the page. Then write a short
article including the facts you noted down. Remember to include a headline.
Do you know where your country ranks in the survey?
teacher’s notes: page 1 student pages: 2

1 Scientists say a new vaccine against typhoid has treatment can plunge an entire family into poverty.
cut cases of the disease by more than 80 per cent 20,000 children in Nepal took part in the trial and
in trials. The jab has been described as a game half were immunized. The results, in the New
changer in tackling the disease which kills up to England Journal of Medicine, showed the vaccine
160,000 people around the world every year. cut cases of typhoid by more than 80 percent. The
Here's our health and science correspondent team at Oxford University which helped develop the
James Gallagher. Typhoid fever is caused by vaccine say it worked fantastically well. New ways
highly contagious bacteria that are spread through of tackling typhoid are needed. The World Health
contaminated food and water. It mostly affects Organization has already warned the bug has
the poorest parts of the world where paying for acquired a crazy amount of antibiotic resistance.
2 A charity is warning that the use of torture is on the and in particular on President Trump's approach.
rise in many countries and that more governments He appointed the current CIA head Gina Haspel,
are prepared to condone its use. A YouGov opinion even though she'd been allegedly in charge of
poll carried out for the group Freedom from Torture waterboarding and other brutal treatment at a CIA
has also found that 29 per cent of British people base in Thailand. And now President Trump wants
think there are circumstances in which torture might to make an outspoken supporter of these methods,
be acceptable. Here's our World Affairs Editor John Marshall Billingsley, head of the US government's
Simpson. Among the countries accused of using main human rights agency. Freedom from Torture
or endorsing torture are India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, says such decisions make other countries believe
Turkey, Iran and Brazil. Freedom from Torture it's acceptable to torture their own prisoners.
blames this on the worldwide rise in populism
3 A report estimates at least 135,000 children in and live. Using data from the government's official
Britain will be living in temporary accommodation homelessness statistics, the charity also found
on Christmas Day. The charity Shelter says this is that one in 24 children in London are in temporary
the highest figure for 12 years. The government accommodation, but Luton has the highest rate in
says it is providing £1.2 billion to help local Britain with one in 22. Shelter describes the impact
authorities tackle all types of homelessness. Our on children across the country as devastating. It
education and family correspondent Lisa Hampele says many are being uprooted from friends, living
reports. Shelter says it's scandalous that so many in cold cramped B&Bs and going to bed at night
children are homeless. More than 180 children scared by the sound of strangers outside. The
are going into temporary accommodation like bed charity says the figures are a sharp reminder that
and breakfasts and hostels every day, it says, and political promises about tackling homelessness
they're often substandard and lack privacy and must be turned into real action.
security with little space for families to cook, eat
4 The UK has improved its overall rankings in shaped changes to education systems across the
influential education tests which measure the UK. In reading and science the UK has improved
ability of teenagers across 80 countries. But relative to other countries, moving to 14th place. In
Britain's progress was described as modest by maths, the UK overall has moved up to 18th place
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and from 27th in 2015. Andrea Schleicher from the
Development which oversees the PISA education OECD said at the current rate of change it would
exams. It also found that teenagers here were less take a very long time before the UK caught up with
happy and more concerned about bullying than in the leading countries such as China, Singapore
many other countries. Here's our education editor and Estonia, and the UK does poorly on another
Branwen Jeffreys. These influential tests measure important measure, only 53 percent of teenagers
the skills and knowledge of 15-year-olds when said they were happy compared with 67 per cent
applied to real-life scenarios. The results have across almost 80 nations in these tests.

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