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This short story of Jun Cruz Reyes “Utos ng Hari” talks about the life of a student

as reflected in the experiences of Jojo, a scholar but disruptive student of Philippine

School of Science and Technology. The readers get to know Jojo as a stubborn

student in the eyes of his teachers. In addition, he tends to annoy his teachers with his

antics, not to mention his frequent absenteeism. Jojo’s student life epitomizes the same

exact struggles of those who believe they are imprisoned by the shackling policies of an

educational institution. He represents those who have something to say but are

voluntarily silenced because of the system. They choose to mute themselves because

their resistance will only lead them nowhere.

One day, a teacher named Mrs. Moral Character summons Jojo in her cubicle

after lunch. The teacher confronts him about his class behavior to which he just replies

with a hesitant smile because he knows he can never outwit his teacher. Here, it can be

seen that in spite of his seemingly bad record as a student, Jojo knows how to show

respect. Being a teenager, Jojo is at the life stage of exploring the real world. Because

he can bravely challenge and attack (not physically though) his teachers, Jojo has some

kind of smartness on that part. I can also say that Jojo is open-minded and reflective

because of his ability to create in his mind inquiries about the realization about life and

the power that somehow other people enjoy.

Indeed, being a student is challenging. You have a lot of projects and

assignments to do in order to adhere to school requirements. What’s equally

troublesome is that you also have to deal with teachers who are “really strict” and those

pretending to be “strict”. Then there’s this obligation to co-exist with annoying smart-

aleck classmates. We call this in Filipino values system “pakikisama” or smooth inter-
personal relationship. In a world full of different perspectives, personalities, and

circumstances, “pakikisama” is a skill that one must acquire. Truth be told, the higher

ones have the authority and those in the lower strata must obey. This system is

inevitable, whether in an educational institution, government, or corporate world: caste

system is the glaring reality. However, it’s tough to manifest this value especially if it

does not match your own belief systems and expectations. I think this is what bothers

Jojo. There’s a myriad of things he wants to prove to himself and to the world he lives

in. The thing is, he doesn’t even know how to start; all because of the inkling that it will

not be acceptable for the people around him. For Jojo, it seems he’s being tied with her

teacher’s shoe lace. He has to compromise between what the teacher wants and what

he needs to do. He has to let the dominant dominate the learning process no matter

how he contradicts it at the back of his mind.

Another character portrayed in the short story is Mrs. Moral Character. I believe

that she is the embodiment of all teachers in the story. She is all in one: Mr. Discipline,

Mrs. Gles-Ing and Mr. Mathematician. Based on the ingenuity of Reyes’s storytelling

technique, Mrs. Moral Character plays the role of perfectionist, moralist, and intruder in

Jojo’s personal life. As a Social Science teacher, Mrs. Moral Character is a perfectionist

who demands evidence-based correct answers from her students during class

discussions. She is also a moralist because before beginning her actual lesson, she

delivers first a sermon on the virtue of honesty, for instance. She is an intruder

especially when she tells Jojo about people spotting him in the school chapel.

Even though this is how teachers are characterized in the story, it does not mean

that they play the role of villains/antagonists. Looking at the other side of the coin,
teachers may be perfectionists because they only want their students to learn the

rudiments of everything from researching to reporting. They only want to lead a better

way for students: that is precisely the reason why, apart from teaching students the

content of the subject, teachers have to preach about the relevance of living a virtuous


As a student in the past, I can relate to Jojo’s experiences. There were times that

I also wanted to break free from traditions imposed by schools. Sometimes, I wanted to

tell my teachers to take it slow but I didn’t have the guts. At the back of my mind, I

already knew the reply:” It’s your choice so deal with it.” And so, I had to go on or else I

wouldn’t have finished high school, college, or even graduate school.

As a teacher, I also understand what the teachers in the story are trying to drive

at. I only want my students to learn things no matter how hard the process is.

Sometimes, it’s good to experience hard knocks in life. Whatever situation we are in, we

can’t do otherwise if it is “utos ng hari” because as the Filipino saying goes, “Utos ng

hari, hindi nababali.”


The author’s subject position in “Utos ng Hari” is based on his perspectives as a

teacher himself. Details of the setting are focused mainly on the school which is rich in

experiences. The story is a reflection of both student-life and the concept of freedom. It

shows the hard fact of life wherein a person cannot fully express his/her real feelings

because of fear of rejection and judgments. These barriers cause a seemingly

paralyzing tendency for an individual to accept the status quo no matter how hard it is.
For students, this situation may be likened to a “hostage crisis”. Yes, they are

alive but it’s like their hands and feet are tied. They can only burst in muffled cries of

resistance, whimpering and grieving silently. Although, there are really students who are

a pain in the neck not because they were born that way but because of several factors

mostly traced back to their family background or upbringing. For teachers, this story

only validates what some of them are doing. It couldn’t be denied that there are really

teachers who think high of themselves who believe that they have the power to pass or

fail a student. But looking at it closely, the passing or failing of a student is the student’s

doing himself/herself. The teacher’s job should be on the effective facilitating of learning


The king in the story literally refers to Jojo’s teachers who are responsible for

teaching and disciplining students. However, these teachers are not the ideal ones as

they are very strict because of the system. Students may either be reprimanded or

punished once they are caught doing or saying something that displease their teachers.

Maybe, this is because of the teachers’ status in life as the ones who are older and

more knowledgeable.

Students most of the time just go with the flow. Otherwise, they will be in big

trouble especially if they have over-controlling teachers. If they fail or pass, so be it. If

you look at the story on a literal level only, you may say this is just about student-life But

studying this story closely, you will see the exaggerations like how teachers are

negatively portrayed like wearing of lavish clothes coupled with brilliant gems on a wash

day, giving a student a passing mark only because the student is respectful and that he

is a son of a handsome doctor, accusing a student as mentally-derailed, etc. Because of

this, it is inevitable that readers will discredit this story because of too unrealistic

situations. Readers may relate the events/people in the story to the actual life scenario.

They (the readers) will think that the story plot is boxed within the school setting and

that most situations are far from what is truly happening. However, through in-depth

analysis, one will realize that the writing of this piece is purposeful and deep.

Makikita sa akda ang

pagkakaroon ng “favoristism”
sa mga estudyante kagaya na
lamang kay Armando na
pinaboran ng kanyang mga guro
na hindi bigyan ng mababang
marka dahil siya’y pogi at ang
ama niya ay isang doktor.
Nailahad sa akda na mayroong
naganap na pag-uusap ang mga
guro tungkol sa paghahatol nila
ng marka sa kanilang mga
estudyante at nailahad sa akda
ang pagkakaroon ng
diskriminasyon kay Minyong na
cultural minority dahil dito
ibinagsak nila si Minyong
at dahil baka rin magbilin
masamang larawan sa kanilang
paaralan ang kanyang pagiging
bobo. Makikita rin sa akda
ang pagdadamayan nina Jojo sa
pamamagitan ng pag-iinom nila
naipahayag ni Jojo ang
kanyang saloobin. At naipakita
sa wakas ng akda ang pagiging
matapang ni Jojo na natutong
ipaglaban ang kanyang
Makikita sa akda ang
pagkakaroon ng “favoristism”
sa mga estudyante kagaya na
lamang kay Armando na
pinaboran ng kanyang mga guro
na hindi bigyan ng mababang
marka dahil siya’y pogi at ang
ama niya ay isang doktor.
Nailahad sa akda na mayroong
naganap na pag-uusap ang mga
guro tungkol sa paghahatol nila
ng marka sa kanilang mga
estudyante at nailahad sa akda
ang pagkakaroon ng
diskriminasyon kay Minyong na
cultural minority dahil dito
ibinagsak nila si Minyong
at dahil baka rin magbilin
masamang larawan sa kanilang
paaralan ang kanyang pagiging
bobo. Makikita rin sa akda
ang pagdadamayan nina Jojo sa
pamamagitan ng pag-iinom nila
naipahayag ni Jojo ang
kanyang saloobin. At naipakita
sa wakas ng akda ang pagiging
matapang ni Jojo na natutong
ipaglaban ang kanyang
This story stirs logical thinking from students wherein they will be able to connect

the events in the story to political and ethical issues. In addition, this story teaches

students how to give reasonable and practical reactions about different circumstances.

Makikita sa akda ang pagkakaroon ng

“favoristism” sa mga estudyante kagaya na
lamang kay Armando na pinaboran ng kanyang
mga guro na hindi bigyan ng mababang
marka dahil siya’y pogi at ang ama niya ay
isang doktor. Nailahad sa akda na mayroong
naganap na pag-uusap ang mga guro tungkol sa
paghahatol nila ng marka sa kanilang mga
estudyante at nailahad sa akda ang
pagkakaroon ng diskriminasyon kay Minyong
na isang
cultural minority dahil dito ibinagsak
nila si Minyong at dahil baka rin
magbilin ng
masamang larawan sa kanilang paaralan ang
kanyang pagiging bobo. Makikita rin sa akda
ang pagdadamayan nina Jojo sa pamamagitan
ng pag-iinom nila naipahayag ni Jojo ang
kanyang saloobin. At naipakita sa wakas ng
akda ang pagiging matapang ni Jojo na
ipaglaban ang kanyang

#1 What reality about “academic grade” is reflected in the story?

Studying isn’t always about getting high grades. It's about getting a good

education and feeling like you learned something from all experiences you gained at

school from the first period to the last period. For Jojo, he could have obtained good

grades, but the drive just isn’t there for him because of his atrocious relationship with his

teachers. Whether grades are important or not, it's all about perspective. Chances are,

good grades are going to play a big role in one’s life.

#2 What does this story tell us about teaching?

This story is an eye-opener for teachers. How nice would it be if all teachers feel

the need to keep the students at the center of their work. Teachers must remember that

education is not a one-size-fits-all product. Standards and expectations are important,

but not all students will be successful with 12 to 14 years of English in basic education,

for example. Therefore, good teachers not only teach the content well, they are also


# What does this story say about the political setting at that time?

Because this story was set during reign of then President Marcos, readers might

say that the story implies a rather deeper meaning other than what is initially being

implied. First is that this story is actually a work about the Martial Law during the Marcos

Regime. Second is that the characters and dialogue actually represent that of things

relating to the Martial Law during the time in which this was written and published by the


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