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Worksheet #3


Artificial intelligence may greatly increase the efficiency of the existing economy. But it may
have an even larger impact by serving as a new general-purpose “method of invention” that can
reshape the nature of the innovation process and the organization of R&D. We distinguish
between automation-oriented applications such as robotics and the potential for recent
developments in “deep learning” to serve as a general-purpose method of the invention, finding
strong evidence of a “shift” in the importance of application-oriented learning research since
2009. We suggest that this is likely to lead to a significant substitution away from more
routinized labor-intensive research towards research that takes advantage of the interplay
between passively generated large datasets and enhanced prediction algorithms. At the same
time, the potential commercial rewards from mastering this mode of research are likely to usher
in a period of racing, driven by powerful incentives for individual companies to acquire and
control critical large datasets and application-specific algorithms. We suggest that policies
encouraging transparency and sharing core datasets across public and private actors may be
critical tools for stimulating research productivity and innovation-oriented competition.


Thesis statement:

The efficiency of our current way of life might be considerably improved by artificial
intelligence, but using it as a contemporary style of creation, might have additional effects and
lend the existing organization's innovation methods a fresh viewpoint.

Point 1:

AI has assisted in raising the bar for governmental procedures and initiatives, including more

access to public services for those with low incomes and other disadvantages

collaborating with communities through IT modernization

Point 2:

AI has the potential to improve nearly every aspect of life improving human potential and
creating new efficiency. Many top experts lauded the benefits and consider it as an aim for a
larger audience

Point 3:

Although it is said that AI was created to enhance everyone's lives, it is also recognized as one of
the potential reasons why some people may lose their jobs in the future, or in short, the
unemployment rate will definitely increase. AI eliminates the need for humans to carry out a
variety of manual jobs.

The textual content that is presented is concise and free of any sort of partiality or one-sided
assertions. Sources came from a trusted and known website, but that doesn’t just sit alone, the
researchers made sure that every piece of information that they dropped in their academic article
was proven by the official statistical record and different interviews with different citizens. The
information that they obtained also came from several experts in the technology field. The
researchers acknowledged or credited each and every author that they received intel from, by
using the widely known citation called “APA” or the American Psychological Association.

The research’s main claim is about the efficacy of artificial intelligence among us, the people,
how it affects people's lives, and the benefits and drawbacks as a result. It demonstrates how
artificial intelligence can be used in the future to change the way innovative ideas are developed.
The research paper discussed how artificial intelligence has resulted in a number of successful
and innovative initiatives, as well as how the future will look forward as technology continues to
advance. We can overcome many of humanity's risky limitations by developing an AI machine
that can do risky things for us. Using AI in conjunction with other technologies, we can make
machines make decisions and carry out actions faster than humans. When making a decision,
humans consider many factors, both emotionally and practically, but an AI-powered machine
works on what it is programmed to do and delivers results faster.

Artificial intelligence is a contentious issue in today's world. In schools, colleges, universities,

industry, and everywhere else, we frequently hear about the benefits, potential, advantages,
disadvantages, and threats of AI to humanity. It is the 21st century now; things have changed,
such as people‘s minds, tools, and policies, especially the learning environment. Humans and
machines are not foes, but rather partners. Artificial intelligence’s sole existence is for us to
increase the speed and accuracy of production. As a result of this AI, everything about traveling
has become simpler and faster. Machines help a man with all of his tasks. Thus, have a wide
range of applications. In the modern world, machines are in charge of progress. However, we
must not forget that machines are man's creations and must credit them for their hard work.

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