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Theme: Revenge
POV: first person (narrator as the main character)

1. Connoisseurship- expertise
2. Immolate- destroy
3. Virtuoso- highly gifted
4. Motley- clothing of different colors
5. Nitre- potassium nitrate
6. Catacombs-underground burial yards, famous in Italy and France
7. Cask- or puncheon; wooden barrel used as container of alcoholic liquors
8. Amontillado- a pale, dry sherry originating in Montilla, Spain
9. Medoc- a wine from the Medoc, France
10. Roquelaire- a knee-length coat
11. Flambeaus/flambeaux- torch
12. Puncheons- a short, upright wooden path

Italian Terms
1. “Nemo me impune lacessit”- No one harms me with impunity (motto)
2. “In pace requiescat” - May he rest in peace.

1. Fortunato- wearing a jester clothing; addicted to wine; the one bricked in
2. Montresor- vowed for revenge; from the mason family
3. Luchesi (did not appear in the video)- the “ignoramus” according to
4. Lady Fortunato (did not appear in the video)


 Fortunato has hurt the narrator a thousand times, and the narrator swears
there will be payback.
 Fortunato has a “weak point,” his love of wine, but other than that, he’s a
“respected” and “feared” person.
 Fortunato wears a jester clothing.
 Fortunato says Luchesi doesn’t have the refined taste buds to tell.
 Fortunato’s plea: to go back to palazzo as Lady Fortunato is waiting; “for
the love of God”
 When Montresor gets no response, he shines his light in the hole, and then
hears “a jingling bells.
 ”No mortal” has messed with Fortunato's tomb for fifty years.
 The final line is more Latin: “ In pace requiescat!” which means what it
sounds like: “May he rest in peace.”

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