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APDE Campoalegre Name: Maricarmen Mejía

IB Date: August 4, 2022

English – IV Course Section: C Code # 14

In favour of complementary medicine

1. For each of the gaps marked [ a] - [ j ] in the text, choose a word from the
options provided which renders the sentence meaningful.

[a] Methods
[b] Vast
[c] Deluding
[d] Effective
[e] Improved
[f] Practiced
[g] Rejected
[h] Contradiction
[i] Better
[j] Legitimate

2. Based on the information in the text, match the first part of the sentence with
the appropriate ending on the right.
a. In the 1980s, many people thought 1. treats people better than mainstream
b. Alternative medicine patients naturally 2. comes second to its effectiveness.
c. The government believes that the 3. believe a therapy will work.
mechanism with which a treatment
d. The author believes the placebo effect 4. alternative medicine was there to stay.
e. According to the article, NHS adopted 5. is a treatment on its own.
alternative medicine because
6. it is thought beneficial in the a. 9.
development of mainstream medicine. b. 3.
7. comes second to the placebo effect. c. 2.
8. its effect surpassed that of mainstream
medicine. d. 5.
9. alternative medicine´s boom was e. 6.
10. do not question the suitability of a
certain therapy.
3. Answer the following questions.

a. What does the author mean by `were to fade back into New Age
mysticism` (lines 2-3)?

A// That alternative medicines would never be mainstream and just be

practiced by those who believed in the New Age mysticism.

b. What does ´maybe it just hasn`t been found yet` (line 49) imply?
A// That, even if something doesn’t exist now, it doesn’t mean that it will never
be created or found.

c. According to the author, what should happen if a complimentary

medicine treatment is proved to be safe?
A// They should be an option for patients to choose from because they can
help a lot of people.

d. What effective alternative medicine treatments are mentioned in the


A// Acupuncture, osteopathy, chiropractic, and herbal medicines.

e. According to the author, what could be effective in treating health


A// Certain complementary medicines

f. To which medical system do the majority of the UK inhabitants resort?

A// Mainstream medicine


10 items, 4 points each ………………………………. 40 points

5 items, 6 points each ……………………………….. 30 points
6 items, 5 points each …………………………….…. 30 points

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