Infografía de Proceso Proyecto Collage Papel Marrón

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Realizado por:
--Garcia Gomez (Step by step)
Jeniffer Michelle
-Tolentino Marcelo
Maria Angela 03/02/23
-Monter Gonzalez product
Fatima Lizbeth
-Nieto Molina Emilio

First step (collect)

First collect some fairly large plastic
bottles which were going to go to the
trash and were going to pollute the
planet and wash them and dry them
well and then proceed to paint them

After they are dry and everything is
ready to paint them, use a paint that I
had since fourth year and that I did
not use it and proceed to paint them
with a brush and since I finish wait for
them to dry
Images of the results

60 %

Third step
Then I used a sheet that I left over
from a cut that I did of a task and
colored it and I made you bugs and
nose that had my design then use a
cardboard of some cookies that Images of the results
were finished and cut your ears and
paint them

Final step
Finally glue everything and wait for it
to dry, after that in my yard my mom
had a plant that was about to die since
it did not have a base, its pot and I put
Images of the it in my boats that I made and in the
results other I used it to put my colors that I
did not use and they were only thrown
and winnowed

Product data

And in the end the boats that were made helped us a lot since we helped a plant and
that it does not this all things messy. It was also very father to do this type of
activities since we use our time for things that help the planet and benefit us too.

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