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Buanoy National High School

Buanoy, Balamban, Cebu

Mid – term Examination in Practical Research 2

Name: __________________________________________ Year & Section: _______________Date: _____________ Score: __________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Choose the best answer. Write your answer on the space before the number.
_________1. The following are the characteristics of a quantitative research, EXCEPT:
a. It can be replicated or repeated
b. Personal comments, memos, and official records
c. Typically uses larger samples
_________2. Which of the following is NOT part of the research process?
a. Interpreting facts
b. Collecting opinions and commentaries
c. Recording data
_________3. Population refers to ______________________.
a. data b. instruments c. respondents
_________4. This is another term for respondents.
a. topic b. subject c. title
_________5. Quantitative research follows a step by step process. This means that it is ___________________________.
a. Systematic b. Objective c. Accurate
_________6. Quantitative research uses the following, EXCEPT:
a. Observation b. frequency c. percentage
_________7. The following are the characteristics of a good research, EXCEPT:
a. Biased b. Logical c. Empirical
_________8. Which is NOT a purpose of research?
a. To verify b. To plan c. To discover
_________9. This is an element or entity which can be measured for quantity or quality.
a. Figure b. title c. variable
_________10. This kind of variable are measured in ranges and can be denoted by non – whole numbers.
a. continuous variables b. ratio variables c. nominal variables
_________11. This kind of variable examined for changes.
a. dependent variable b. independent variable c. extraneous variable
_________12. Refers to variable that is considered to affect the dependent variable.
a. dependent variable b. independent variable c. extraneous variable
_________13. This variable is not categorized as dependent or independent variable in a study.
a. dependent variable b. independent variable c. extraneous variable
_________14. This refers to general area of interest that you would like to pursue in your research.
a. Research topic b. Criticism c. Research statement
_________15. A factor in selecting a research topic which can be studied within your abilities.
a. Relevance b. interest c. manageability
_________16. This is a factor in selecting a research topic is called ______________ when it relates to the needs of your
study’s target audience or when it is considered important in people’s daily lives.
a. Relevance b. interest c. manageability
_________17. The following are guidelines in writing a research title, EXCEPT:
a. Refrain from using abbreviations unless they are commonly known
b. Avoid using phrases such as “A Study of..” and “An Investigation of..”
c. Indicate the year the study has been conducted
_________18. This gives the readers important information about the research being conducted.
a. Statement of the Problem b. Significance of the study c. Background of the study
_________19. This is an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies.
a. gap b. title c. variable
_________20. What is one of the components to consider in establishing the research gap?
a. It cites the reason why the researcher chooses to study a particular topic.
b. Establishes relationships between the factors that have been identified.
c. Gives opinion to the chosen research.
_________21. These questions aim to see the changes that might happen to one variable when the other variable changes.
a. Factor – relating questions b. Situation – relating questions c. Situation – producing questions
_________22. These questions lead to promote explicit course of action or conditions under which a goal could be
a. Situation – producing questions b. Situation – relating questions c. Factor – relating questions
_________23. This explains how the study will be beneficial to the different stakeholders of the society.
a. Statement of the Problem b. Significance of the study c. Background of the study
_________24. The statement, “There is a significant relationship between age and maturity.”, expresses
_______________ hypothesis.
a. Alternative hypothesis b. Null hypothesis c. None of the above
_________25. This is called as the heart of a research study.
a. Rationale b. Title c. Statement of the problem
_________26. _________________ is a statement of expectation or prediction that will be tested by research.
a. Variable b. assumption c. Hypothesis
_________27. If the results show significant difference, then the null hypothesis is___________________________.
a. Neglected b. accepted c. rejected
_________28. Definition of terms is essential to the study because they __________________________ words.
a. Describe b. define c. compare
_________29. Null hypothesis is express in __________________ statement.
a. subjective b. negative c. positive
_________30. A data must meet the standard of ______________________.
a. Objectivity b. subjectivity c. originality

II. Directions: Identify whether the underlined variable is DEPENDENT or INDEPENDENT. Write your
answer before the number.

________________________________1. What corrupt practices trigger off one’s resignation? (d)

________________________________2. In what way does maturity increase emotional stability? (I)
________________________________3. To what extent does texting decrease students’ grammatical competence?(d)
________________________________4. What bad habits of students trigger failing grades? (d)
________________________________5. What are the effects of Korea-novelas on the Filipino value system? (I)

III. Identification. Directions: Identify what kind of quantitative study the statement is referring to.

________________________________1. The goal is to determine the nature of relationship between variables without looking
into the cause. (Corre)
________________________________2. This study observes and report on a certain phenomenon. (des)
________________________________3. To infer the causes of a phenomenon which has already occurred. (expost)
________________________________4. It uses a purposive selection of participants which made it incapable of stablishing
cause – effect relationship. (QE)
________________________________5. It is done through testing of a thing under controlled environment. (E)

IV. True or False. Directions: Write BTS if the statement is true and BLACKPINK if the statement is false.
_________________1. More often, specific problems are stated in interrogative form, while research objectives are stated in
declarative form.
_________________2. The researchers commonly use the alternative hypothesis because it is a denial of difference of an effect,
which is easy to reject or accept.
_________________3. The introductory statement is usually the general problem or goal based from the research title.
_________________4. The most benefited group should be stated first in the significance of the study.
_________________5. Question form should possess the characteristics of SMART.
_________________6. Background of the study is also known as rationale or introduction.
_________________7. In writing the research title, indicate the SUBJECT and SCOPE of the study by specifying your
dependent and independent variables.
_________________8. The significance of the study provides a brief explanation on how the study was conceived, how will it
be conducted, and the possible contribution it may give to the society.
_________________9. Selecting your data must be within the availability and accessibility of data.
_________________10. Refrain from using abbreviations unless they are commonly known.

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“It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.”


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