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Feedback Session
First candidate:

Part 1. Do you like travelling? (travelling)

Useful vocabulary and ideas

1. It changes your mind

2. To get away from it all


3. To feel homesick
4. Hoards of tourists

Part 3. Do people in your country like to travel? (travelling)

Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. There are so many beautiful and adventurous places here
2. People of Uzbekistan are athirst to travel from one place to another
3. People of Uzbekistan are always keen on discovering wonderful moments
through travel.

Second candidate:

Part 1. When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. To go sighteeing
2. To enjoy breathtaking views of the place

3. To search about the history of the place
4. To record the experiences I get there
5. I just jot down in my travel diary so that whenever I open and read it I can
relive those memories.

Part 3. How has travelling changed, compared to several

decades ago? (travelling)
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. People now travel for uploading travel blogs, pictures or everyday travel
videos on social media.
2. The mode of transportation has improved a lot, as travel now is cheaper,
comfortable and faster.

Third Candidate:

Part 1. Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

Useful vocabulary and ideas
Travelling in a group:
1. It’s always safe and most affordable
2. We go on a trip as a group we are bonded with different type of people and
make a lot beautiful ,sour and sweet memories.

Travelling alone:
3. It increases your confidence
4. You can enjoy your own company
5. To step out from your comfort zone

Part 3. Whom do people usually travel with? (travelling)

Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. family friends or loved ones

2. To spend their most adventurous moments of life.
3. With ther co-workers

Fourth candidate:

Part 1. Would you say your country is a good place for

travellers to visit? (travelling)
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. One of the best countries to travel to because of its rich and diverse culture.
2. People in Uzbekistan welcome others with such a warm heart

Part 3. Do you think travel can (or, does) change people’s

ways of thinking? (travelling)
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. Has made people better communicators.
2. People can get to know a lot more about the world around them
3. You become a well-rounded person just by experience

Fifth candidate

Part 1. How do children celebrate their birthdays in your

country? (birthdays)
Useful vocabulary and ideas

1. Prepare many birthday gifts

2. Visit an amusement park and enjoy the rides with close friends
3. Decorate their child’s room with balloons and streamers

Part 3. What are the disadvantages of not travelling?

Useful vocabulary and ideas

1. Many educational and health benefits will be missed.
2. You cannot boost confidence within yourself
3. You will not be able to deal with the stress, if you don’t take a break and travel.

Sixth candidate:

Part 1. How did you celebrate your last birthday? (birthdays)

Useful vocabulary and ideas

1. To go on vacation
2. to have a great ceebration with a lot of fun and birthday gifts
3. to play different games
4. it was out of this world

Part 3. Do people in your country prefer to walk or take a car

for short trips? (travelling)
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. To take a walk
2. Walking is preferred because firstly it is, of course, environmentally friendly
and also it boosts up our immune system ,energy, and also keeps our heart
healthy and fit

Seventh candidate:

Part 1. Is there a difference between the way you celebrated

your birthday in the past and in the present? (birthdays)
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. I used invite even those people whom I knew for a month
2. Now, I am mature and I like to have special get-togethers with close
people on my birthday

Part 3. Do people from your country like to travel abroad?
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. to experience more about the culture, food , people ,climate , of foreign

Eighth candidate:

Part 1. What kind of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. Jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces
2. Wallets
3. Perfumes
4. Money

Part 3. Can you explain why some people go abroad to work?

(tv programs)
Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. To get more exposure and gain experience.
2. Some people like to travel a lot. So they take up a job which will help them in
3. to learn a new language.

Nineth candidate:

Part 1. What do people living in the countryside like to do?

Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. to go fishing
2. to play football

3. to go for bike rides
4. to get together with friends

Part 3. What factors affect how people feel about travel?

Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. whether they travel alone or with a companion
2. most oof the time, it depends on weather as well
3. whether they have enough money

Tenth candidate:

Part 1.Where do you actually meet your friends? (meeting

Useful vocabulary and ideas
1. Cafes, pubs and restaurants
2. Fitness clubs and gyms

Part 3. Is it important to take photos when travelling?

Useful vocabulary and ideas
Old friendship
1. Memories fade away
2. To keep memories
3. To have moments of reminiscence
4. To show and share with other people

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