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Djumada I-Ula
1439 Hijri

Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
The first mistake (misunderstanding the scholars)........................................................................................ 3
The second mistake (in matters regarding Usool al-Deen)......................................................................... 8
The third mistake (establishing the Hujjah/proof) ......................................................................................13
Why are the excusers of the Mushrikeen stubborn in their protection of these Kuffar? ...........21
The ruling on he who does not make Takfeer upon a clear Kaafir ......................................................23
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................25


‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬

All praise is due to Allah, and Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon His Final Messenger, his
pure family, his noble companions, and all those who follow them with righteousness until
the Day of Judgment. To proceed:

It has become clear to me that as polytheism and Kufr spreads among the people,
monotheism is becoming something Ghareeb (strange). So much that even many of those
who claim to be upon truth and Tawheed no longer understand its meaning.
But what struck me the most is an incident in which I met a group of men who belong to a
popular masjid. And as we were discussing Tawheed, I heard the strangest of things:
These men who call themselves as being upon the Sunnah of the prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) and who claim to follow the Salaf as-Saliheen, said that a Muslim Muwahhid
(monotheist) can commit major shirk (polytheism), worshiping the graves, the trees, the
rocks, the planets, the angels and the jinn, and even the Shaytaan himself and still stay a
Muslim due to his ignorance! So ask Allaah to have mercy upon you, then ask Allaah of a
healthy mind, how far the roots of Kufr have taken hold of this nation!?
For if these men are among the religious of this land (i.e they attend lectures, uphold prayer,
etc.) then how about the average person who attributes himself to Islaam?

And if these men, and others who share the same corrupt opinion, had been loyal to their
Fitrah (natural inclination) they would never have excused the Mushrik as being a Muwahid,
but they were misguided and mislead by Shubuhat (suspicious arguments) in the
fundamentals of our religion that have become widespread in our time. They follow men
whom they believe possess great knowledge, but what does the knowledge of the world avail
you if you do not understand the fundamental principles of Tawheed?
For indeed our era has seen many books being published about the matter of excusing the
ignorant who commits major Shirk. Books that are contrary to the consensus of the former
scholars, and yet these corrupt books hide behind the known scholars but the scholars are
innocent of their corruption.
It is therefore the aim of this work to clarify the stance of the great scholars and the mistakes
of the modern researchers regarding this matter. The modern researchers being the men who
think they are students of knowledge and who study the books of the scholars but they do not
study from the point of view of the Qur’an and Sunnah, rather from the point of view of
Ahlul bid’a of our time.
I proceed and ask Allaah of Tawfeeq and to make this work a sword that will break the shield
of the Mushrikeen. That is, destroy the suspicious arguments that protect the Mushrikeen
from Takfeer of the Muslims:

The first mistake (misunderstanding the scholars)
Know, may Allaah keep you steadfast upon that which pleases Him, that many books are
written upon the sayings of scholars such as the imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab (may
Allaah have mercy upon him) in which the author seeks to determine the issue of excuse due
to ignorance.
So the author may find sayings from the imam regarding the issue of ignorance without
further research or looking into the context, and thus he writes his book based upon his own
Ijtihaad (personal understanding) from what he read in the books of the scholars.1

And so the modern researcher may find sayings from the imam in which the imam excuses
the ignorant. Then the researcher will mistakenly write and spread his books claiming that the
ignorant is to be excused in all matters. So his popular opinion will spread like fire in our age
of tolerance towards sin and kufr. For indeed many people are on the lookout for each and
every excuse that will give them permission to become close to the unbelievers.

And herein lies the mistake of the researcher, when he looks into the texts he mistakenly
believes that the former scholars excused all matters of ignorance. As soon as he
reads/believes this, he looks passed the other texts from the same author(s) in which they do
not excuse ignorance. And the state of such a researcher is the same as the Murji’a who
accept the texts which speak of forgiveness but ignore the texts that speak of punishments. As
well as the Khawarij who likewise accept the texts that speak of punishments but ignore the
texts that speak of forgiveness.
And may Allaah bless Ahlul Sunnah for they have reconciled between the texts of hope and
the texts of punishments so they have formed a truthful belief and all praise is due to Allaah.

So on one hand we have researchers who find sayings from the imam Muhammad Ibn abd al-
Wahhab in which he does excuse the ignorant and on the other hand we have researcher who
find saying from the shaykh in which he does not excuse the ignorant. And thus we also see
books claiming that the scholars of the Salaf never excused ignorance no matter the issue 2
But the balanced truth will be found when we look at the following:

1 - The sayings of the scholars in matters where they excuse ignorance.

2 - The sayings of the scholars in matters where they do not excuse ignorance3 .

We must also remember to objectively look into the sayings of the scholars4 in their correct

1 According to his understanding and the understanding of like-minded people of today, not according
to the understanding of the former scholars.
2 The mistake here is that the researcher has left other texts of the (same) scholars in which they do

excuse ignorance.
3 See for example the book “The Manhaj of al-imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab in matters
regarding Takfeer”
4 We will look at examples from the sayings of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab and many others.

The researcher will thus find sayings of the imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab in which
he does not excuse the ignorance such as his saying in his book Kitab Al-Tawheed5
“He does not excuse the ignorant”.

And in his saying in his book Kashf Al-Shubuhaat page 11:

“For a person may become an infidel by a mere word leaving his tongue while he is
ignorant” 6

Then we have other sayings of the imam in which he does excuse ignorance such as his
“And regarding what the enemies have said about me that I make takfeer by suspicion or
make takfeer upon the ignorant who hasn’t recieved the hujjah (evidence): Then this is a
great lie by which they (the enemies) wish to distance the people from the religion of Allaah
and His prophet” al-Rasaa’l al-Shakhsiyah7 : 25

So then, does Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab excuse the ignorant or not?

The answer is that the objective and sincere researcher will look at all of the sayings of the
imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab in their correct context and thus determine in which
instances the imam excused ignorance and in which instances he did not excuse ignorance.

Because the imam did not have the opinion that all cases of ignorance are excused, nor that
ignorance is never excused, rather he had the opinion that ignorance is excused in some
instances and not excused in other instances. As the following examples will show:

First example:
He said (may Allaah have mercy upon him) while explaining the benefits from the verses of
sura Al-Hijr under benefit number 4, says:
“The ignorant is not excused because he is able to ask (for guidance).” (see: “Tafseer of the
works of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab” page 212)

So according to this example we see that the ignorant who is not excused is the ignorant who
is able to ask (i.e seek knowledge) but does not do so for whatever reason.

See the different categories of ignorant people, who is excused and who is not excused, in the
book “Tareeq Al-Hijratayn” by Ibn AlQayyim r.h. He says in the chapter “Tabaqat
“Yes, indeed this matter should be clarified: And it is the difference between a muqallid (i.e
follower of a madhab) who possesses some knowledge and knows the truth but has turned his

5 Page number 28, the print of imam Muhammad bin Sa’ud

6 The print of the Ministry of Islamic affairs
7 The print of the University of Imam Muhammad bin Sa’ud

back to it, and a muqallid who does not possess the same. And both of them are included. For
the one who refrains from seeking knowledge despite being able to do so is not excused by
Allaah because he has left that which is waajib of him (i.e seeking knowledge) and as for the
one who is unable to seek knowledge then they are likewise of two types, one of which
sincerely wants to seek knowledge but is unable. He has the status of arbab al-fitrah and
those whom the message has not reached. The second type is the one who is unable and
unwilling to seek knowledge. Nor does he seek out to change his state.
So the first type says: “O Allaah if I knew there was a religion better than what I am in
currently, then I would have converted to it and I would have left that which I am upon now.
But I do not know anything besides what I am upon and am unable to do anything about it.”
Whilst the second type is pleased with his current state and does not ask for a better way.
Both types are helpless but they are not equal…”

Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab says in his book “Mufeed alMustafeed”:

“In the name of Allaah the most Gracious,
(imam)Muslim narrates in his Sahih from Umar bin ‘Abasah AlSalmi r.a who said: “During
the times of Jaahiliyah (ignorance), I used to think that the people are upon misguidance.
And that they are not upon truth when they worship false idols. Then I heard great news of a
man in Makkah. Then I traveled to him and it turned out to be the messenger of Allaah peace
and blessings be upon him and I searched for him until I found him in Makkah and I said to
“And who are you?” He replied: “I am a prophet”. I said: “And what prophet?”He said:
“Allaah has sent me”. I said: “with what (message) did He send you?” He replied: “He sent
me with upholding kinship and destroying the false idols, and that Allaah should be
worshiped alone with no partners…”

The imam mentioned this hadith and then mentioned some benefits of which are:
“Let the muslim seek out the wisdom of this hadith for Allaah relates to us the stories of the
prophets and their followers that the later Muslims may relate themselves to them. And
Allaah relates to us the stories of the kuffar and hypocrites that we may seek to be careful not
to fall into their mistakes. And from the wisdom of this hadith is that the ignorant Arab (i.e
Umar bin Abasah) when he heard that there was a man in Makkah who is speaking about
religion against the people (i.e the mushrikeen), he did not hesitate at all. Rather he hastened
to reach the prophet (peace be upon him) due to the love and sincerity he had for religion in
his heart. And Allaah most high has explained this: {And if Allaah had known goodness in
them He would have made them listen} meaning, Allah would have kept them upon the right
religion and “made them listen” means he would have made them understand. So this shows
that the lack of understanding among the people today is justice from Allaah (because they
deserve it due to the evil and insincerity in their hearts). So if this was the example of an
ignorant who asked (Allaah) of this (i.e learning truth), then how about the ones who (today)
claim to follow the prophets and narrate from them narrations, and have people from among
them who can teach him, and yet do not move a finger (to learn)? And if it so happens that
they come to listen (while being lazy) then it is as Allaah most High says: {No mention comes

to them anew from their Lord except that they listen to it while they are at play with their
hearts distracted.} 21:2-3 …” - Mufeed AlMustafeed page 283-284

Second example: He, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said while explaining the benefits
from the verses of sura Al-Hijr:
“The word of Allaah {While ye do not feel} means (while you) are ignorant. From this (verse)
we derive that it is Wajib to seek knowledge. For the human is not excused due to ignorance
in many matters”8 (see: “Tafseer of the works of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab” page 350).

His saying “For the human is not excused due to ignorance in many matters” shows that
there is a difference between the ignorant people. For one kind of ignorant man does not seek
knowledge despite knowledge being available to him, so he is not excused. While another
kind of ignorant man is unable to seek knowledge despite him sincerely wanting to seek
knowledge, and so he is excused (in the hereafter).

And Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him) says in “Al-Haashiyah”:
“The one who is able to seek knowledge but does not do so, Allaah does not excuse him. As
for the one who is unable to seek knowledge, he is of two kinds: The first kind is the one who
wishes to seek knowledge and loves the truth but it is impossible for him to seek it. This kind
of ignorant has the status of ahlul-fitrah9 and those whom the da’wah did not reach.
The other kind is the ignorant who is unable and unwilling to seek the truth. Who already is
contend/pleased with what he is upon (so even if knoweldge was available, he would not seek
it out).”

Note that although ahlul fitrah are not considered Muslims in this world, they may still be
excused by Allaah in the hereafter.
And thus Ibn alQayyim points out the issues in which a person is excused and the issues in
which a person is not excused10 .

The scholar Ishaaq Bin AbdulRahmaan bin Hassan (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said:

“And we say: All praise is due to Allaah and we ask His aid, and we do not say other than
what our shuyuukh have said such as our shaykh Muhammad (bin abdul Wahhab) in
“Ifaadah almustafeed” and his great grandson in his refutation of the iraqi (Dawud bin
Gergees, who excused the grave worshipers) and likewise this is the saying of the scholars of
this religion before them and which is known by necessity from the religion of Islam. Indeed
the matters regarding Usool Al-Deen are only to be taken from the Qur’an and Sunnah and

8 In other places he showed the difference between the one who is not excused in matters of Usool
Aldeen and he who is excluded from this (in the hereafter) such as the one who lives in a far away
isolated place, or is new to Islam, and in concealed matters.
9 Look at the saying of Ibn Qayyim rahimahullah about this kind of ignorant man, for he said about
such ignorant men that their status is that of ahlul Fitrah and the consensus on ahlul Fitrah is that they
are not muslims.
10 This shows that he saw a difference and that he didn’t simply judge them all with the same ruling.

ijma’ (consensus) which the scholars were upon. And not from any scholar in and of
himself.” - Takfeer Al-Mu’een: 7
I say: If indeed we only take our evidence in Usool Al-Deen from the Qur’an and Sunnah and
Ijma’ of the scholars then that is which we should look into, and not our own ijtihaad or that
of many so called “scholars” today. Indeed the mushrikeen have never been excused due to
their ignorance, neither in the Qur’an nor Sunnah nor among the Sahabah.

I must also note that a large source of corruption is the fabrications and lies that have been
attributed to Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab (r.h), in which it is claimed that he excused the
grave worshipers. An example of which you see below:

Two versions of the same letter of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. The original letter is found in the book of his great grandson Abdul Latif
aal alShaykh r.h. The distorted one is found in Durar al-sinniyah. Note however that not everything in the durar is fabricated as it is a
collection of texts from different sources.

If a student/researcher reads the fabricated letter of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, he may
believe it without further research like a blind follower. But if he knows that the Salaf never
excused major shirk he would have researched the matter and found the true undistorted letter
in which the shaykh clearly mentions that he made Takfeer of the grave worshippers in the
Arabian peninsula.

So to conclude the first common mistaken opinion among many researchers today:
It is wrong to say that the scholars excuse ignorance in all matters and likewise wrong to say
that the scholars do not excuse ignorance at all no matter the issue.
Rather the scholars excused ignorance in some issues but did not excuse ignorance in other
issues (Usool alDeen). This misunderstanding is made easier by distorted and fabricated texts
attributed to the scholars of Islaam, but the sincere student who relies first and foremost upon
the Qur’an and Sunnah will not be misguided by these fabrications, and all praise is due to

The second mistake (in matters regarding Usool al-Deen)
There is another mistake commonly made regarding this issue11 and it is: “Is this issue
regarded as being from Usool al-Deen (fundamental principles in Islam, or what the scholars
call: necessary to know to be a Muslim)?”

For in matters of Usool-Aldeen there is no excuse. As for other than that, there can be
The imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab clarified this in a crystal clear manner in Rasa’il
Al-Shakhsiyah (1/244):
“For he whom the hujjah/evidence has not been applied to, he is the one who is a new revert
in Islam or the one who was born in a far-away isolated place or in concealed matters such
as Al-Sarf wal-’Atf, for in such matter a person is not made takfeer upon until the
hujjah/evidence has been explained to him. And as for Usool Al-Deen which Allaah has
clarified in his book, then the hujjah/evidence of Allaah is the Qur’an 12 . So whomever the
Qur’an has reached, then the hujjah/evidence has reached him…”

Thus you can see, may Allaah have mercy upon you, his clear words in which he
differentiates between the clear matters (Usool al-Deen) and the matters which are concealed.
And so he judges them separately.

But many researchers/men who claim to possess knowledge fail to understand this difference.
They read in the books of the scholars that there is an excuse for ignorance, but they don’t
realize that this does not apply to Usool Aldeen (fundamental principles in Islam) such as
Tawheed. For Usool Aldeen is a requirement to be a Muslim in the first place. Muhammad
Ibn Abd alWahhaab said, while talking about Ibn Taymiyyah that he makes instant takfeer
upon those who derserve it:

“... if he (Ibn Taymiyah) made a mistake, or if someone better than him made a mistake in
this issue, which is the question about the muslim who commits shirk after the hujjah reaches
him, or the muslim who wants to apply this upon the muslims or calls it the truth, or other
such blatant kufr that Allaah and his prophet and the scholars have made clear, that we
believe in the takfeer (of such people) from what Allaah and his messenger have brought to
And if someone made a mistake therein (i.e by saying it is wrong to make takfeer upon
Mushrikeen), and all praise be to Allaah, we do not know of any scholar who contradicts this
principle of takfeer, then he has made the same excuse as that of Fir’aun {[Pharaoh]when he
said, {"Then what is the case of the former generations?"} 20:51 or the excuse of Quraish
{We have not heard of this in the latest religion.} 38:7 - Mufeed alMustafeed from page 290

11 That is, the excuse of ignorance.

12As for those whom the Qur’an did not reach nor was it possible for them to learn about it,
then they are from ahlul fitrah. Not Muslims, but they may be forgiven in the hereafter.)

So it is not an excuse to say “We do not make takfeer upon the Mushrikeen because our
leaders do not do so either”.

And the scholar Ishaaq bin AbdulRahmaan bin Hassan (rahimahullah) said:
And this issue of ours which is the worship of Allaah alone without partners with Him and the
disavowal (takfeer) of worship besides him, and whoever worships others besides Allaah then
he has committed major shirk which puts him outside the fold of Islam. This (principle) is Asl
Al-Usool (the main principle of the fundamentals of Islam) and it is this message that
(mainly) was sent down with the messenger and the book. And the hujjah has been
established upon the people with the messenger and the Qur’an.” - Takfeer alMu’een 8

We benefit numerous things from the saying “This (principle) is Asl Al-Usool (the main
principle of the fundamentals of Islam) and it is this message that (mainly) was sent down
with the messenger and the book.” and these are:

1 - That worship of Allaah alone with no partners is the main principle of Tawheed and Islam
2- The disavowal (Takfeer) of any worship besides Allaah and that whoever worships besides
Allaah then he has committed major shirk which puts him outside the fold of Islam, and this
is the issue of preventing Shirk.

There is another important principle that the shaykh has mentioned, and that is:
“The hujjah being established with the Qur’an and Sunnah”
So whoever the Qur’an and Sunnah has reached, then the hujjah has reached him. More on
that later In Sha’ Allaah.

Following are examples that show the consensus of the scholars regarding this principle
(Takfeer of the worshippers of the graves despite being ignorant):

al-Barbahari (rahimahullah) said: “We do not remove anyone from the fold of Islam until he
rejects a vers from the book of Allaah, or rejects something from the messenger peace and
blessings be upon him, or slaughters in the name of other than Allaah, or prays for other than
Allaah, for if he does anything from the above then it becomes Waajib upon you to remove
him from the fold of Islam. And if he doesn’t do anything from the above then he is a Muslim
believer in Islam.” - Sharh alSunnah: 64

al-Qiraafi says in Sharh Tanqih alUsool page 439:

“And thus does Allaah not excuse ignorance in matters of Usool alDeen according to the
ijmaa’ (consensus).”

Ibn Taymiyah r.h says: “And Allaah says:
{And warn by the Qur'an those who fear that they will be gathered before their Lord - for
them besides Him will be no protector and no intercessor}
{Say, "Invoke those you have claimed [as gods] besides Him, for they do not possess the
[ability for] removal of adversity from you or [for its] transfer [to someone else]."}
{Those unto whom they cry seek the way of approach to their Lord, which of them shall be
the nearest; they hope for His mercy and they fear His doom. Lo! the doom of thy Lord is to
be shunned.}
{Say, [O Muhammad], "Invoke those you claim [as deities] besides Allah ." They do not
possess an atom's weight [of ability] in the heavens or on the earth, and they do not have
therein any partnership [with Him], nor is there for Him from among them any assistant.}
{And intercession does not benefit with Him except for one whom He permits.}

And a group of the Salaf said: “There were tribes who worshipes the massiah and Uzair and
the angels, then Allaah made clear to them that the angels and the prophets cannot remove
harm from them nor can they harm anyone. And that they wish to come closer to Allaah and
ask of his mercy and they fear His punishment. And Allaah most High says:

{It is not (possible) for any human being unto whom Allah had given the Scripture and
wisdom and the prophethood that he should afterwards have said unto mankind: Be slaves of
me instead of Allah; but (what he said was): Be ye faithful servants of the Lord by virtue of
your constant teaching of the Scripture and of your constant study thereof.} {And he
commanded you not that ye should take the angels and the prophets for lords. Would he
command you to disbelieve after ye had surrendered (to Allah)?}

So Allaah glorified is He, made clear: That taking the angels and prophets as Lords is Kufr.
So whoever takes the angels and prophets as intermediaries and makes dua’ for them and
relies on them and asks them of benefits and the removal of harm, such as asking them to
remove their sins and to guide them and remove harm from them (etc.): Then he is a Kaafir
by consensus of the Muslims. And Allaah says:
{And they say: The Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a son. Be He Glorified! Nay, but
(those whom they call sons) are honoured slaves}
- Al Fatawa 1/124

And he mentioned elsewhere: “And the Murtad (apostate): He is the one who commits shirk
or has hatred towards the messenger or towards anything he brought, or stopped denying
Munkar in his heart, or thinks that the Sahabah fought along the Kuffar or approves of it, or
denies something by which there is clear consensus, or puts intermediaries between him and
Allaah: relying upon them and making dua’ for them and asks them..” - Al-ikhtiyaraat: 307

And the imam Muhammad Ibn Abd alWahhab r.h mentioned among the 10 nullifiers of
“Whoever puts intermediaries between him and Allaah, making dua’ for them and asking
them of intercession and relies upon them, he has become a kaafir by consensus. “ AlDurar
al-sinniyah 361/2

And the scholar Abdul Latif r.h (great grandson of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab r.h) said:

“And this is the book of Allaah and the Sunnah of his messenger, and the sayings of the
companions of the messenger and the people of knowledge after them made clear the issue of
associating partners with Allaah. And they divided shirk into major shirk and minor shirk.
And the ruling on the Mushrik who commits major Shirk is that he is a kaafir. This ruling is
widely known by the Ummah and no one disputes this except the ignorant who doesn’t know
what is expected of the people from their religion nor what the messengers have been sent
down with. And this issue is by consensus and not just an opinion of one scholar. And that
this is from among the necessities (to know) in Islam like taqi-alDeen Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn
Qayyim alJawzi and Ibn ‘Uqayl and the author of “alFatawa albazaziyah” and San’Allah
alHalabi and alMaqrizi alShafi’i and Muhammad bin Hassan alnu’mi alzubaydi and
Muhammad bin Isma’il alSan’aani and Muhammad bin Ali al-Shawkaani and others from the
people of knowledge have said. - Misbaah alDhalaam 1/52

And he, rahimahullah, also said:

“...Rather the evidence and the texts all agree that the one who asks the dead the supplication
towards them is shirk and that the one who commits these acts is among the lowest of the low.
And that the one who associates others with his Lord and puts intermediaries and partners
between him and Allaah in worship his actions are null and void. And Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn
Qayyim alJawzi made clear that this is forbidden and that it is from among shirk Akbar
(major Shirk) such as explained in the book “Ighatha al-lahfaan” and others. And ibn ‘Uqayl
made takfeer of anyone who asks the dead for help. And no one from among the people of
knowledge disputes this.” - Misbaah alDhalaam 3/393

And he (Abdul Latif) also said:

“So the shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab is but one among the people of knowledge
and he has not gone against the people of knowledge. And the issue of asking the dead is a
clear issue by which there is consensus among the scholars of the Ummah. And shaykhul
Islaam made clear the Kufr of the one who puts intermediaries between him and Allaah,
asking them and relying upon them. And he said in a reply to the Christians: That the
prophets all agreed upon Takfeer of anyone who asks the dead and that no one deserves to be
worshipped in this manner except Allaah. - Misbaah alDhalaam 3/447

And he (shaykh Abdul Latif r.h) also said:

And this/your issue is a dangerous one, for it is saying that the worshippers of the graves and
false idols whom our shaykh (Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab) made takfeer upon are Muslim
believers, forgiven are they for their sins and forgetfulness. And this is the wrong opinion of
the objector (who does not make takfeer), hence why he quoted Abi Abbas to show his error.
For this (error) is (the opinion) that whoever makes takfeer of the worshippers of graves has
made takfeer upon Muslims for a sin that he (the mushrik) is forgiven for.
But in truth all people of knowledge make this kind of takfeer (upon the mushrik), rather the
consensus (ijma’) of the messengers is enough proof of that. Shaykh al Islam abu alAbbas
narrates from the great scholars of his maddhab (He who puts intermediaries between him
and Allah, asking them and relying upon them has become a kaafir by consensus). Saying:
‘Because he has committed the action of the worshipers of false idols, who said:
{We worship them only that they may bring us near unto Allah} - 39:3 ‘
And Ibn Hajar Al-Shafi’i mentioned in his book “I’laam biQawatin alIslaam” that the doors
of apostasy are explained by the fuqaha’ regarding shirk in the Ruboobyah (of Allaah) and
the shirk in the Uloohiyah (of Allaah). “Whoever knows this, he will know that the excuser of
the mushrik has left the fold of Islam by judging the mushrikeen to be Muslims. Rather by
(objecting to make takfeer of the mushrikeen) he is saying that the Muslims and the noble
messengers were wrong (in issuing takfeer upon the mushrikeen). - Misbaah alDhalaam:

And he (shaykh Abdul Latif r.h) also said (in his reply to al-Sahaaf who excused the ignorant
mushrik): “This jaahil (ignorant) Sahaaf who thinks that the one who worships others
besides Allaah and takes intermediaries with him and gods besides him and asks them of help
and the removal of evil (from him), he judges them to be muslims because they say the
shahadatayn (la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadan Rasool Allah), and that which nullifies it (the
shahadah) is not applied to him (the ignorant mushrik) and that he therefore is not a kaafir.
So whoever makes takfeer upon (the ignorant mushrik) he is from among the ghulaat who
have transgressed. And this saying contradicts the book of Allaah and the Sunnah of his
messenger and the consensus of the Ummah. Ibn Taymiyah r.h says:
(“Whoever puts between him and Allaah intermediaries, making dua for them and asking
them and relies upon them has become a kaafir by consensus”)
- The end of Abdul Latif’s reply to al-Sahaf: 44

And the sons of Abdul Latif r.h: Shaykh Abdullah and shaykh Ibraahim, and shaykh
Sulaymaan bin Sahmaan: The imam (leadership) is false for the one who doesn’t make
takfeer upon the Jahmiyah and the worshippers of graves or doubts their kufr. And this issue
is crystal clear among the students of knowledge.

And they mentioned some of what their shaykh (Abdul Latif) had mentioned and said:
Likewise the worshippers of the graves, no one who smelled the fragrance of imaan doubts
their kufr. And Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah and his student Ibn Qayyim (may Allaah have
mercy upon them both) mention: that the lack of takfeer in things that make someone a kaafir

(both verbal and action) is only with regards to concealed matters of whom the evidence has
not reached the one (who commits the act of kufr).
So the ignorant person is not to be made takfeer of nor punished until the evidence has been
brought to him. And this is only with regards to matters of dispute among the scholars.
But as for making dua’ for the Saaliheen (dead righteous people) and asking them for help:
Then this is something that no Muslim doubts is haraam (forbidden) and that this is among
shirk Akbar (major Shirk), so there is no dispute on the kufr of such people and the kufr of the
jahmiyah. And as for the ibaadiyah in our times, they are unlike a group from their
predecessors. And what has reached us about them is that their religion is the religion of the
grave worshippers and that they fell into matters of kufr that are too lengthy to discuss here.
And whoever is of their example then there is no doubt about his kufr. So no one regards
them as Muslims except for the one who has been struck in his mind or his religion. And it is
invalid to (pray) behind those who do not make takfeer of these atheists (i.e one who
worships his whims and desires) or who doubts their kuffr. - Aludrar alSinniyah 4/410

So in matters other than Usool alDeen, then a person is excused if he was unable to have the
hujjah (evidence) explained to him.
And as for Usool alDeen, then a person whom the Qur’an did not reach will be regarded as
ahlul Fitrah and Allaah may or may not excuse such a person in the hereafter (but in this
world he is still a mushrik kafir if he worships other than Allaah). And this brings us to the
third mistake:

The third mistake (establishing the Hujjah/proof)

Another mistake is understanding the difference between the hujjah/evidence reaching a
person and the hujjah/evidence being understood by a person. For many researchers have
mixed the two mistakenly in matters of major shirk.
So when a researcher reads “The hujjah reaching a person” in the books of the scholars, he
mistakenly believes that the scholars claim that the hujjah must be explained to a person. So
that a person must be explained that he is committing shirk and if he then becomes arrogant
and continues his shirk then he becomes a kaafir, so the excuser mistakenly says about such
an ignorant person “He commits shirk akbar (major shirk) but he is not a mushrik, he is a
So they make understanding the hujjah a condition before making takfeer in all matters
whether it be matters of Usool-Aldeen or concealed matters and they believe that this is the
creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah. And this is a huge mistake that they have fallen into by
misinterpreting the sayings of the former scholars.

And this too is a grave mistake because many researchers do not make takfeer upon anyone
except he who verbally denies Islam, as the typical statement of ahlul bid’a goes: “We do not
make takfeer except for arrogance and denial” and they think that this is the view of ahl
alSunnah walJama’ah but in truth it is the statement of the Jahmiyah may Allaah protect us
from their evil. The scholar Abu Yatteen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) says:

“So if he who commits major shirk is excused due to his ignorance, then who is the one who
is not excused?” For indeed this view necessitates that Allaah has no hujjah upon anyone
except the denier, but the holder of such a view has no evidence to back it up. Rather his view
cannot hold, for if he holds this view then how can he make takfeer upon he who doubts the
prophet peace be upon him? Or who doubts the resurrection? Or other such issues from
Usool Aldeen. For doubting is ignorance! And the Fuqaha’ may Allaah have mercy upon
them say about the Murtad (apostate): “As for the Muslim who is made takfeer upon after his
Islaam, (this takfeer is a result of) a verbal thing (he says), an action (he does), a doubt (i.e
he doubts) or a belief (i.e he believes something that makes him a kafir). And the reason for
his doubt is ignorance. But according to the (wrong opinion) then we must necessarily
refrain from making takfeer of the Jews and Christians and the worshippers of the sun and
moon and statues due to the ignorance. And those whom Ali ibn abi Taalib r.a burned to
death, for indeed they were ignorant!
And the scholars have by consensus made takfeer upon the one who doesn’t make takfeer
upon the jews and christians or who doubts their kufr, and we assume that most of them are
indeed ignorant. And the shaykh Taqi Aldeen said:

He who insults the Sahabah, or believes Ali r.a is a god or a prophet, or that Jibra’il made a
mistake (in revelation), then he is no doubt a kaafir. Rather there is no doubt about the kufr
of the one who doesn’t make takfeer of him!
And whoever assumes that the Sahabah became murtadeen (apostates) after the messenger
peace be upon him except for a handful of them, or that they became wrongdoers, then there
is no doubt in the kufr of such a person (who says that). Rather, the one who doubts his kufr
is himself a kaafir (…).
And there’s no doubt that the people who share this opinion are people who study and
worship but the reason for their opinion is their ignorance and Allaah has said about the
Kuffar that they are doubtful of your da’wah. And that they are doubtful about resurrection.
So they (the mushrikeen) said to the messengers:
{"...indeed we are, about that to which you invite us, in disquieting doubt."}
{...And indeed they are, concerning the Qur'an, in disquieting doubt.}
And Allaah also said that the mushrikeen said:
{...We know not what isthe Hour. We assume only assumption, and we are not convinced.}
And Allaah said about the kuffar:
{Indeed, they had taken the devils as allies instead of Allah while they thought that they were
And Allaah says:
{Say, [O Muhammad], "Shall we [believers] inform you of the greatest losers as to [their]
deeds?} {[They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are
doing well in work."}
And Allaah called them ignorant, such as when He (most High) says: {...having hearts
wherewith they understand not, and having eyes wherewith they see not, and having ears
wherewith they hear not. These are as the cattle - nay, but they are worse! These are the

And Allaah also blames the blind followers, for Allaah says about them: {Rather, they say,
"Indeed, we found our fathers upon a religion, and we are in their footsteps [rightly]
And yet despite (their ignorance) Allaah made takfeer of them. And the scholars used these
verses as evidence, that blind following is not permitted in matters about knowing Allaah and
his messenger. And the hujjah of Allaah most high has been established upon the people with
the sending of the messenger to them, even if they do not understand the hujjah of Allaah and
its signs.” - Intisaar hizb’Allaah wal-Muwahideen, page 42

And he (shaykh Abu Yatteen r.h) also said: “The scholars of every madhab (school of
thought) mentioned many things by which a person may fall into kufr of verbal sayings,
physical actions and beliefs that will make a person fall into kufr. And they did not limit this
takfeer to the denier only, for the one who says that the one who commits kufr akbar is only a
wrong mujtahid or a blind follower, or ignorant and excused, then he without doubt has gone
against the book (Qur’an) and the Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars. And if he thus
does not make takfeer upon the one who merely doubts the message of Muhammad (peace
and blessings be upon him) then he himself becomes a kaafir without doubt” - Al-Intisaar
page 46

Following shows the opinions of other scholars regarding this issue:

Ishaaq bin Abdul-Rahmaan (may Allaah have mercy upon him) says:

“It has reached us that a group of people who claim to be knowledgeable and claim to be
followers of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab say that the one who worships others besides
Allaah by worshipping false idols that he is not to be made takfeer upon at once. That there
was a man who made takfeer upon a man who made dua to the prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) and asked him for help. But another man told him not to make takfeer upon
such a person until it is explained to him (his shirk)” - Takfeer Almu’een page 5.

And he (Ishaaq r.h) continues:

“Seek out the letters of the shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab - may Allah have mercy
upon his soul - and the letters of his sons for they will clarify these shubuhaat (suspicions
arguments) as we will clarify. For indeed the one who has little knowledge, if he sees the
state of people today and sees the opinions of the former scholars, he will indeed be confused
and There is no might nor power except in Allah.
And this is because some (men) who have researched this matter said about such a person
who worships others besides Allaah that
“perhaps he is committing shirk but he is not a mushrik”. What a strange matter is this!
So praise your Lord and ask Him of good health. For indeed this saying is from among the
sayings of Al-Iraaqi (Dawud bin Gergees) whom the shaykh Abdul Latif has refuted.
And the (ignorant) one who told me about this (i.e excusing the mushrikeen) said that some
students asked him about this to which he (falsely) answered:

‘We make takfeer upon his shirk but not upon the person committing it until we explain it to
him, and our evidence is what we saw in the letters of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, that he
did not make takfeer upon the ignorant worshippers of Quba Al-Kawaz and Abdul Qadir
except for the one whom he had warned…’
What a strange thing! Ask Allaah for sound health and that He protects you…”
- Takfeer Al-Mu’een page 6.

As you can see, shaykh Ishaaq (may Allaah have mercy upon him) refutes those who hide
behind shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab r.h when they excuse the Mushrikeen (such as
those who read the fabricated letter of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab) and indeed
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab is innocent of them.

So their misunderstood argument “he (Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab) did not make takfeer
upon the ignorant worshippers of Quba Al-Kawaz and Abdul Qadir except for the one whom
he had warned…” is the source of their corrupt opinion, and they did not consider it in the
context of Muhammad bin abdul Wahhab’s other statements. So they did not treat it as a
problem and therefore did not try to solve it in the first place. Rather they made it into part of
the religion and thus adopted it and thought they were upon truth.
The scholar Ishaaq (may Allaah have mercy upon him) says:
“And they entered upon shubuhat (supicious arguments) and they became deluded by the
many ignorant followers they had and (as a result of) mixing with people who had no
knowledge and with the philosophers and Mushrikeen (among the Arabs of our time). And
thus they stopped issuing takfeer even if (he be) a mushrik except in name. And their false
innovation became widespread until it became a characteristic of the “ikhwan” and all of
this is because - and Allaah knows best - because they left the books of Usool and stopped
focusing on them and stopped fearing aberration.” - Takfeer alMu’een: 6

And he also said: “And this shubuha that we mentioned had already befallen some people
during the time of shaykh Muhammad (ibn Abdul Wahhab) rahimahullah but the one whom it
befalls would seek out to solve it (as he would be confused by it) but (sadly) the people that
we mentioned above did not treat it as a problem rather they treated the shubuha as part of
the religion, and they judge the mushrikeen in general as a people who need (islamic)
explanation (before they judge them as kuffar) and anyone who opposes them is deemed an
ignorant (by them) and so they did not correct themselves…
O our Lord! Do not blind our hearts after (we received) guidance. Allaah is the greatest!
How numerous are the deviants while they feel not! - Takfeert alMu’een page 9

Had they returned to the scholars of Najd they would have known the answer to this shubuha
(suspicious argument) - which is the takfeer of the one who worships others besides Allaah -
and other shubuhat that they had adopted.

And this is their problem. They follow the books of some students who are beginners in
seeking knowledge but they think they are major scholars. And so they forget to focus on the
major scholars of the past. And when they do take a look at the books of the former scholars,

they read those books from the point of view of the modern books (that tolerate Mushrikeen)
and so they misunderstand the true meanings of the former books. And the sad reality is that
many so called experts in Aqeedah today have gone against the classical scholars, so when a
student today asks them about an issue in Aqeedah they mislead him unknowingly. And as
shaykh Abdul Latif says:
“So there is no God worthy of worship except Allaah, How strange has this religion become.
And how few are those who understand it…” - Al-Itihaaf page 43

How can something like this befall a religion so clear in its message except via weak minds
and corrupt people.

Let us now return to the origin of the mistake… which is the lack of differentiating between
the arrival of the hujjah and the understanding of the hujjah (Buloogh alHujjah and Fahm
alHujjah). The explanation of which was provided by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab 13 , to
which he answered those who misunderstood it. So he said that the hujjah (in aslul-deen) is
established by the arrival of the Qur’an and not by explaining it because in matters of aslul-
deen the Qur’an is self-explanatory14 on the condition that the hujjah (Qur’an) arrives in the
tongue of the people (that they may be able to read/listen to it). And so he said in Al-Rasaai’l
Al-Shakhsiyah page 224:

“To the brothers, As-Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmat Allaah wa-barakaatuh. to proceed: What
you mentioned from the words of the shaykh Ibn Taymiyah rahimahullaah: ‘anyone who said
such and such, and the hujjah was established upon him’, and that you doubt these
Tawagheet (false idols) and their followers (worshipers), whether the hujjah has been
established upon them (or not), then this is indeed strange! How can you doubt about this
while I had already made it clear to you?
For the one whom the Hujjah had not been established upon is the one who is new to Islam
and the one who lives in a far away isolated place, or with regards to concealed matters such
as Al-Sarf wal-’Atf. For such a person is not to be deemed a kaafir until he knows: But as for
Usool Al-Deen whom Allaah made clear in his book then the hujjah of Allaah is the Qur’an.
So whomever the Qur’an has reached, then the hujjah has reached him. But you do not
differentiate between the hujjah reaching a person and the hujjah being explained to a
person. For indeed most Kuffar and Munafiqeen from among the muslims do not understand
the hujjah of Allaah despite it reaching them, like Allaah says:

13 And the mistaken researchers of today were misled by themselves, not by the great scholars
14 And this explains the statement of the imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab: “We only make
takfeer upon the one whom the hujjah has been established upon”
And in other statements he said: “the hujjah has been established (upon him)” and “after the hujjah
has reached (him)” and other similar sayings, meaning after the Qur’an has reached him in his

{Or do you think that most of them listen or understand? They are only lik e cattle—no, more
than that, they are astray from the ˹Right˺ Way!} - 25:44

And the establishment of the hujjah is of different kinds. It reaching them is a kind, and them
understanding it is another kind. And their kufr is by it reaching them even if they do not
understand it (i.e they understand the words/language but not the deeper meaning)…”

So the shaykh explains to the ignorant people that the hujjah doesn’t have to be explained in
matters of Usool alDeen.

And the scholar Ishaaq said:

“Our matter is worshipping Allaah alone without partners along Him, and our disavowal
(takfeer) of worshipping anyone other than Him, and whomever worships others besides
Allaah then he has committed shirk al-akbar which puts him outside the fold of Islam. It is the
fundamental principle (in Islam) and it is for this message that Allaah sent down the
messengers and sent down the book. So the hujjah has been established upon the people with
the messenger and the book. And this is the answer that you will get from the scholars of this
religion in this fundamental principle regarding takfeer upon whoever worships other than
Allaah so if he repents (then that is good) and if he does not repent then he is to be killed.
None of them (the scholars) mentioned understanding Usool Al-Deen as a condition for this,
rather they only mentioned understanding as a condition in concealed matters for which the
evidence may not have been presented for some Muslims, such as issues that have been
disputed by the people of innovation from among the Qadriyah and Murij’ah, or such as al-
Sarf wal-Atf. And how can the worshippers of graves know when they are not even Muslims.
For how can any act of worship be accepted with shirk when Allaah says:

{the gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel
enters into the eye of a needle. (i.e. never)} - 7:40

{Being true in faith to Allaah, and never assigning partners to Him: if anyone assigns
partners to Allaah , it is as if he had fallen from heaven and been snatched up by birds , or
the wind had swooped ( like a bird on its prey ) and thrown him into a far - distant place} -

{Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that
for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly gone far astray.} -

{...And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter,
will be among the losers.} - 5:5

And other such verses, so (excusing the mushrikeen) is like saying that the hujjah has not
been established with the arrival of the messenger and Qur’an 15 we seek refuge in Allaah
from lack of understanding which has made them forget the book and the messenger.
Rather ahl al-fitrah (are) those whom the message (of tawheed) and the Qur’an did not reach
and they died upon this ignorance and they are not regarded as Muslim by consensus (of the
scholars) nor do we ask forgiveness for them, rather the scholars only differed regarding
their (ahl al-fitrahs) punishment in the hereafter.” - Takfeer al-Ma’een: 8-9

And the scholar Abu Yatteen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said in some of his letters:
“And the Qur’an has shown that doubting matters in Usool Aldeen is Kufr, and doubt is
reluctance between two matters. Such as the one who has doubts whether the prophet peace
be upon him is truthful or a liar. Or is not certain about resurrection and other such matters
such as doubtful about whether Salaah is waajib or not, or doubtful about the
impermissibility of Zina. And this is Kufr by consensus of the scholars. And there is no excuse
for such a person for not understanding these matters, because there is no excuse for him
after the rulings of these matters have reached him even if he does not understand them.”

Pay attention to how the scholars differentiated between the hujjah (evidence) reaching a
person (or what they call sometimes as the hujjah being established as soon as the Qur’an
reaching a person) and understanding the hujjah (i.e the evidence being explained to a
person). And it is clear that with regards to Usool alDeen, then the Qur’an reaching a person
is enough, and so for concealed matters then these require the hujjah to be explained.
But their problem is that they mixed the two, and thus made explaining the evidence a
requirement for Usool alDeen when in reality the messenger and the Qur’an is the hujjah for
the fundamentals of the religion (i.e Tawheed). But they falsely said that there is a difference
of opinion among the scholars in this matter while in reality it is only they who differed from
the great scholars of before.
The scholar Abu Yatteen (may Allaah have mercy upon him) says:
“The hujjah of Allaah is established upon the people by means of the messengers even if the
people do not understand it and its signs” – al-Intisaar liHezb Allaah alMuwahideen page 42

And the scholar Ishaaq (may Allaah have mercy upon him) says:
“This means that the hujjah is established with the messenger and the Qur’an so whoever
hears about the messenger and/or the Qur’an has reached him then the hujjah has been
established upon him. This is clear in the words of shaykhul Islam when he said that the

15 Pay attention to this corrupt opinion of the one who does not make takfeer upon the worshiper of
the graves and others who deserve takfeer. Indeed among the corrupt opinions is that (even) the jews
and the christians are not kuffar. Imam Abdul Latif bin Abdul Rahmaan (may Allaah have mercy
upon him) says:
“And Allaah most High has told us that many kuffar are in fact ignorant, yet Allaah still declared
them kuffar. And indeed we see the Jews and Christians of today as ignorant blind followers. And
indeed they are (still) kuffar and so is the one who doubts their kufr.” - Aldiyaa’ alShaarq page 374

establishment of the hujjah doesn’t mean that a person must understand it with the
understanding of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. Rather if he hears something from the Qur’an and
Sunnah but turns his back on it then he is a kaafir.
Indeed the kuffar altogether had (received)the same hujjah which is the Qur’an, but as
Allaah most High says:
{Indeed, We have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand it, and in their ears
deafness.} - 18:57
So ponder upon this and reflect and ask Allaah for guidance. And these are three instances in
which it is mentioned the the hujjah is established with the Qur’an (in matters of Usool
alDeen) upon anyone who hears it (in his language) even if he does not understand (its
explanation). And this - and all praise be to Allaah - is believed by every Muslim that hears
the Qur’an. But the accursed shaytaan has moved most people away from their fitrah
(natural inclination towards Tawheed/monotheism). - Takfeer alMu’een: 14

Shaykh Saalih aal alShaykh (may Allaah preserve him) says:

“understanding the hujjah is not a condition, and as for the hujjah being established then it is
a condition for takfeer and punishment”
And by understanding the hujjah it is meant that this hujjah (evidence) is clearer than what
he has of arguments, The important matter is that he understands the hujjah (evidence) and
its arguments/signs from the words of Allaah and his messenger (so as to remove his doubts
and suspicions).
And it is not a condition that the hujjah (regarding concealed matters) is to be understood
like the understanding of Abu Bakr and Umar and the sahabah whom Allaah put light in their
hearts, nor those who followed them, because if it is said that this is how the hujjah is
established then no one can be made takfeer of except the one who denies (islam) outright.
Such an example would be someone who knows the hujjah, and understands the hujjah, and
understands that it is true and despite all this denies it. But Allaah says in the Qur’an that of
them (i.e Kuffar) are those who do not even understand the words of Allaah (i.e. their
{And We have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand it} - 17:46
Meaning that they do not understand the hujjah unlike the ones whom Allaah guided.

And there’s another aspect regarding the understanding of the Hujjah. Which is the language
of it (the hujjah). For indeed the hujjah has to be in the tongue of the people (so they know
the words of the message):

{And We never sent a messenger save with the language of his folk, that he might make (the
message) clear for them.} - 14:4

So the hujjah must be understood by the language of the people it reaches, but it is not
necessary that it must be understood in such a way that the people see it as superior than
their own arguments. The important thing is that the words of the hujjah are understood. So
there’s a difference between establishing the hujjah and explaining the hujjah all according
to the type of shubuha. - Sharh alTahaawiyah

Why are the excusers of the Mushrikeen stubborn in their protection of
these Kuffar?
And finally let us ask an important question: Why are these people of today (i.e. the excusers
of the mushrikeen) so stubborn in their defense for the worshippers of the graves and others
who fell into major Kufr? Why are they so reluctant in issuing takfeer upon them?
The answer is that they are afraid of mistakenly making takfeer upon a Muslim.
And they used as evidence texts that they misunderstood, such as the verse in surat al-Nahl:

“Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his
religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to
disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a great punishment” - 16:106

They understood from this verse that the kaafir is only the one who willingly and
intentionally becomes a kaafir and this is some of the dangerous misguidance in our time.

The Scholar Abdul Latif bin Abdul Rahmaan (may Allaah have mercy on him) says:
“If someone who made takfeer made a mistake while he had justification then there is no sin
on him due to his ijtihaad as he did his best. Like in the story of Haatib bin Abi Balta’ah for
Umar r.a judged and accused him of hypocricy/kufr and asked the messenger peace be upon
him permission to kill him. But Haatib r.a was indeed a Muslim and did not apostate despite
warning the people of Makkah about the upcoming Muslim army (to protect his family, not
because he was allied with the kuffar against Muslims) and yet there was no sin upon Umar
r.a because of his ijtihaad, for he judged upon the apparent. Shaykh Abdul Latif r.h continues:

“So if anyone who issued takfeer has evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah (for his takfeer)
and saw clear blatant kufr such as worship of others besides Allaah, or insulting Allaah or
his signs or messengers or belying them or hating anything that Allaah has sent down (etc.):
Then the one who issues takfeer upon such a person will be rewarded, and he is obedient to
Allaah and his messenger, for Allaah says:
{And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid
Taghut." And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon
whom error was [deservedly] decreed...}
- alItihaaf fi rad a’al al-Sahaaf (from page 29 and onwards).

But the excusers of the Mushrikeen say that if a person’s intention wasn’t to commit kufr or
he did not understand what he was doing and other such false excuses then he is not a kaafir.
And so they are afraid to fall into the same category as the Khawaarij.

And for this reason they unfortunately call ahl al-Sunnah takfeeris and khawarij so that the
people will avoid them and avoid making takfeer of the mushrikeen. And the same story
happened during the time of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab for the very same reason. Abdul
Latif says:

“And many mushrikeen have been mistaken in these times. For they think that whoever makes
takfeer of a person that says the shahadah then he is from the khawarij but this is false.
Saying the shahadah does not protect you from kufr. It is only a shield against kufr for the
one who understands the meaning (of the shahadah) and acts upon it and worships only
Allaah. But as for the one who utters it (the shahadah) but does not act upon it, rather he
worships others besides Allaah and put intermediaries between him and Allaah and asks
them for that which only Allaah can grant, and sacrifices for them and does for them what the
people of Jaahiliyah did (for their false idols) then this type of person is not saved by his
saying of the shahadah. Rather he has contradicted the shahadah as Allaah says:

{When the hypocrites come to you, [O Muhammad], they say, "We testify that you are the
Messenger of Allah ." And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that
the hypocrites are liars.}

And the meaning of the Shahadah “La ilaha illa Allah” is: The worship of Allah (alone) and
not to worship anything besides Him. So whoever does not worship Allaah then he does not
truly testify that no one has the right to be worshiped except Allaah. And whoever worships
others besides Allaah then likewise he does not truly testify that no one has the right to be
worshiped except Allaah. - alItihaaf fee alradd ‘ala alSahaaf, page 33

So if a person says “There is no one worthy of worship except Allaah” and yet he worships
others besides Allaah, then how can such a person be said to have testified the shahadah!

Abdul Latif (may Allaah have mercy upon him) continues :

“And he who makes takfeer of the mushrikeen and only reserves his religion for Allaah so
that he only worships Allaah, then he is among the best of the Ummah and more deserving of
the imamah (i.e he is more deserving of leadership and scholarship than the excuser of
mushrikeen) because takfeer of the mushrikeen is from the most important aspects of Kufr
As for the one who mistakenly makes takfeer upon he who is not a kaafir while having
justification (such as in the example of Umar r.a and Haatib r.a) then he is still among the
good imams on the condition that he fulfilled the conditions of issuing takfeer. So his mistake
will be forgiven according to the Hadith.
And as for the one who issues takfeer out of whims or extremism, or by going against his
madhab, or because he holds the views of the khawarij, then he is a Faasiq (a dissolute
person) and you are not to pray behind him if you can pray behind someone else (better than
him). Except if he is a king of whom you fear his punishment, then you can pray behind him
like the prayer behind the oppressive kings.” - alIltihaaf fee alradd ‘ala alSahaaf, page 34

So the excusers of the Mushrikeen were afraid of becoming extremist Khawarij, but in reality
they became extremist Murji’is because they fell into the grave mistake of refraining from
making takfeer upon those whom Allaah and his messenger (peace be upon him) have made
Takfeer upon.

This is a very dangerous matter concerning those who do not make takfeer of the grave
worshippers or those who commit major Kufr, because the one who does not make takfeer
upon a kaafir then there is a great fear that he himself falls into kufr. So the issue has become
that of imaan and kufr and not between sunnah and bid’ah. So it is not permissible to be a
blind follower in this issue no matter how great a scholar you think you follow. So one must
ask for evidence and for consensus of the great scholars, and never be satisfied with the
ijtihad of men in such a dangerous question. The scholar Ibn alJawzi (may Allaah have mercy
upon him) says about this:
“What is meant is that those who refrained from issuing takfeer upon the grave worshippers.
They do not make takfeer until after the hujjah has been established upon those who
continuously worship the dead and asking them of help. Because those who stopped from
making takfeer of such people, it is they who suffer from this problem. So what is meant is
that the Muwahid (monotheist) Mu’min (believer) who refrained from making takfeer on
some of the grave worshippers - he is not to be called a kaafir because he did not make
takfeer of a kaafir - rather he must first be shown that these specific people that worship the
graves and ask (the dead) of help that they are indeed kuffar…” - Fatawa Nour ‘ala alDarb

A person may for example not know the reality of democracy (i.e. what it means) so he does
not make takfeer of its followers. But if a Muslim knows the reality of it, and knows that its
followers know what it is (i.e. legislating by other than what Allaah has revealed) then takfeer
becomes obligatory.

The ruling on he who does not make Takfeer upon a clear Kaafir

Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab says, regarding the nullifiers of Islam:

“He who does not make takfeer upon a kaafir or doubts his kufr then he is a kaafir himself”

Ibn Baaz in his Fatawaa Nour ‘ala Darb:

“... What is Waajib upon a Muslim is to disavow from those who worship others than Allaah
and to be certain about their kufr and their wrong ways until they believe in the onenes of
Allaah glorified is He. Exactly as Allaah has said about Ibraheem and the Prophets
{So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy
handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.} - 2:256

And disbelief in Taghut (Kufr-bil-Taghut) means disavowing worship to other than Allaah
and to be certain of its wrongfulness. And this answer is to everyone that he should worship
Allaah alone and to believe in this and be certain that only Allaah has the right to be
worshipped. And that whatever the people have worshipped of false idols besides Allaah such
as statues, trees, rocks, the dead, the jinn, the angels, planets etc. that this is worship of
falsehood. Allaah, glorified is He, says:

{That is because Allah is the Truth, and that what they call upon other than Him is falsehood,
and because Allah is the Most High, the Grand.} - 31:30

So the believer, if he knows someone who is worshipping other than Allaah then it becomes
obligatory upon him to disavow him and knowing that his worship is falsehood and regarding
him as a kaafir because of it. If he knows that the hujjah has reached him, that he lives
among muslims, or he knows that the hujjah has reached him as Allaah says:

{And this Qur'an was revealed to me that I may warn you thereby and whomever it reaches.}
And Allaah says:
{This [Qur'an] is notification for the people that they may be warned thereby}
So Allaah revealed the Qur’an to his prophet peace be upon him and made it a notification to
the people. So whoever the Qur’an has reached or the Sunnah and does not return from his
Kufr and his wrongdoing then his ways must be regarded as wrong and he must be regarded
as a kaafir…
And he who knows the Kaafir and the evil which he is upon but does not make takfeer upon
him or doubts his kufr, then he has contradicted Allaah and his messenger and so he is not a
believer in what Allaah has ruled upon the kuffar. So the Jews and the Christians are Kuffar
in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, so it is waajib upon the Muslims to regard them as Kuffar and
wrongdoers. And whoever does not make takfeer upon them or doubts their kufr then he is
like them. Because he has contradicted Allaah and his messenger…”
Sheikh Sulayman bin Sahman rahimuhullah said:

"So know that believing in the falseness of worshipping other than Allaah is not enough for
being saved, but rather it should be accompanied with (declaring takfeer of them and
disavowing them and their religion) - [Tanbiyyat Dhu' Al'Albab]

Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyah rahimuhullah Ta'ala said:

"Indeed all Muslims agreed and all Prophets forbid the worshiping of Taghut (worshiping
other than Allaah) and they made takfeer upon them. You will not become Muslim until you
reject everything that is worshiped besides Allaah .Even Christians and Jews made takfeer
upon the worshipers of statues. - [Majmuatu al fatawa voulme 2 page 118]


We have now made clear that the widespread lies and fabrications about our great scholars
have no hold in reality.
And indeed it is of utmost importance to explain and remove these Shubuhat (suspicious
arguments) of the excusers of the Mushrikeen, now more than ever!
For by Allaah, shirk has only become widespread in the lands of the Muslims because the
people of the land have stopped disavowing (making takfeer) of those who fall into Shirk.
For how can the roots of kufr and shirk be burned as they spread through the lands if there is
no one who dares to make takfeer of them?
So let there be no doubt that whatever has befallen this Ummah of shirk and kufr and
widespread corruption and destruction is only because the people deserved this misguidance.
And that if the Muslims do not make right what has gone wrong then the future will be much
more disastrous for us.

So let there be no doubt that major shirk is not excused for a Muslim due to his ignorance.
That in matters of asl al-Deen, the Qur’an is the hujjah of Allaah.
So whoever the Qur’an reaches and he is able to read it/hear it in his language, then there is
no excuse for him.
And that therefore no Muslim is excused if he commits major shirk after his Islam.
And that those who live in isolated places and never heard of the Qur’an nor the messenger
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), they are from ahlul Fitrah who are not Muslims
but who may be tested and forgiven in the hereafter according to their situation.
And as for matters other than asl-alDeen, then ignorance is an excuse if a Muslim is unable to
learn about his wrongdoing.

And let there be no doubt that a Muslim who knows the Qur’an and Sunnah must make
takfeer of the Mushrikeen, and whoever excuses them by believing that a Muwahid
(monotheist) can be a Mushrik (polytheist), or that a person can commit major Shirk (worship
other than Allaah) and still stay a Muwahid (monotheist) then he himself is a kaafir in what
Allaah has revealed.
Except for he who does not know the reality of specific mushrikeen, for he is excused until he
learns of their shirk.

And let there be no doubt that Tawheed (monotheism) is from our fitrah (natural inclination)
and it is only our surroundings that may misguide and mislead us into worshiping other than
Allaah. The prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says:

"Allah will say to that person of the (Hell) Fire who will receive the least punishment 'If you
had everything on the earth, would you give it as a ransom to free yourself (i.e. save yourself
from this Fire)?' He will say, 'Yes.' Then Allah will say, 'While you were in the backbone of
Adam, I asked you much less than this, i.e. not to commit shirk, but you insisted on shirk.' "
- [Sahih al-Bukhari 3334]

And finaly let us end with a Naseeha (advice) from our shaykh, shaykhul-Islam Muhammad
bin Abdul Wahhab (may Allaah have mercy on him, free is he from the lies of ahlul Bid’a) as
he was advising the Muwahideen:

“By Allaah, By Allaah, my brothers, hold unto ‘Asl alDeen’, its beginning and its end, that is
La ilaha ila-Allaah .
Affirm its meaning, Love those who belong to it, consider them your brothers even if they are
far away from you.
Make the Tawagheet Kuffar, hate the one who loves them or argues on their behalf, or the
one who does not want to make takfeer on them, even if he says:
‘Allaah did not obliged him to make takfeer on them'.
He lied on Allaah and slandered Him. Rather Allaah obliged him with that by ordering him
to make them Kuffar and denounce them even if they are his brothers and children.”
- (Al-Durar Al-Saniyah, 2/119-120)

I ask Allaah of His blessings and mercy for you and me, and to guide us and keep us on the
straight path. And peace be upon those who follow the truth.


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