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Visual Information

Use of one or more of the various 
visual media with or without sound. Gen
erally, visual information includes still ph
otography, motion picture photography, 
video or audio recording, graphic arts, vi
sual aids, models, displays, visual prese
ntation services, and support processes. 
Also called VI.

Video Recording
A recording of moving visual
Still Life Photography images made digitally or on videotape.

Photographs cocontainostly
inanimate subject matter, often in small

Audio Recording
Any recording made by any
electronic device capable of recording
sound. This includes but is not limited to
recordings made by digital audio files
and stored on a computer, or in any
other format.
Motion-Picture Photography
Motion-picture photography
is based on the phenomenon that the
human brain will perceive an illusion of
continuous movement from a
succession of still images exposed at a
rate above 15 frames per second.
Graphic Arts Visual Model
A category of fine art, graphic art The graphic representation of
covers a broad range of visual artistic objects and systems of interest using
expression, typically two-dimensional, graphical languages. Visual modeling is
i.e. produced on a flat surface. a way for experts and novices to have a
common understanding of otherwise
complicated ideas.

Visual Aids
Visual materials, such as
pictures, charts, and diagrams, help
Visual Display
people understand and remember Visual displays are depictions
information shared in an oral that convey information by means of
presentation. When giving a speech or elements beyond pure text. Examples
presentation, a speaker communicates include diagrams, maps, and computer
information orally. interfaces.
Visual Presentations 
Visual presentations teach,
entertain, inform or persuade. There are
several different types including a
demonstration, illustrated talk or team
presentation. A demonstration is a way to
teach others how to do or make something.

Support Processes
Support processes are enabling
processes designed to assist the value-
delivering core processes by providing the
resources and infrastructure required by
primary processes.

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