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Career Paths

- A career path is a particular series of jobs that leads you to your desired occupation.
It will give you a sense of direction, a way to determine career progress, and a chance
to attain career goals and milestones along the process.

Importance of Career Path

- A career path gives you clear next steps.
- Your productivity and motivation increase.
- You can determine if your current employer supports your career path.

Kinds of Career Paths

Organizational career path - A career path that you create with your direct manager.
The goal is to climb a career ladder within a company.
Personal career path - A career path that you create for yourself. It's based on a self-
assessment of your skills, interests, hobbies, values, and passions. A personal career
path can lay the foundation of your career without being restricted to one organization.

Types of Career Paths

Knowledge - Knowledge-based career paths allow you to use the knowledge you
acquired over time to do your job. Employees in human resources, marketing, and
accounting all follow a knowledge-based career path.
Skill - Skill-based professions need an understanding of how a specific job function
operates. These are often physical, hands-on, or service skills. Many of these roles fall
in the construction industry, as well as performers, artists, and restaurant chefs.
Entrepreneurs - An entrepreneur solves a problem or a specific need by selling their
own product or service. An entrepreneur can work independently or start a company
and hire employees.
Freelance - People hire independent contractors (or freelancers) to perform a specific
job or project. Freelancers offer many services, including graphic design, consulting,
home repair, and photography.

Skills to help improve your career path

Adaptability - It’s important to remain adaptive and receptive to the changes in your
career path.
Communication - Communication is an important skill for anyone on their career path,
no matter the industry. The capability to effectively communicate will prove that you're
ready for the next role in your career and also your ability to communicate as a strong
Leadership - Having strong leadership skills will help you cultivate your career path.
Problem Solving - Like most career paths, Your work will shift from task-based work to
strategy-based solutions. Problem-solving skills will help you with that transition.
Time Management - Your ability to manage your time will be illustrated by how you
prioritize and assign tasks.

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