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RV Institute of Technology & Management®


1. To study the performance of given single cylinder 4-stroke engine.
2. To draw the heat balance sheet.

Stop watch
The engine in which the combustion of fuel takes place inside the engine
cylinder is known as Internal Combustion Engine (I.C. Engine). All diesel engines
(Oil Engine) are working on Diesel Cycle also called as constant pressure cycle.
This may be of two stroke or four stroke type In diesel cycle, air is only sucked in
and compressed. Then high-pressure diesel oil is sprayed upon this hot compressed
air and thus ignition is initiated which is called Compression Ignition Engine (C.I.

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

Actual indicator diagram (p-v diagram) always deviates from that of the
Ideal diagram because of the energy loses during the operation. Figure shows the
different processes, which are taking place in an ideal cycle.

3 4 4
Theoretical Indicator Diagram



1 2
7 6 2
Volume Entropy

Processes :
1–2 : Constant pressure suction of air from the atmosphere at pressure P1
2–3 : Compression of air, which increases the pressure of air from P1 to P2
3–4 : Supply of fuel at constant pressure P2
4–5 : Expansion of the gas which decreases the pressure from P3 to P4
5–6 & 6–7: Constant volume exhaust &delivery of air at atmospheric pressure
Definitions :
1) Indicated Power (IP) :
It is the power developed inside the engine cylinder.
2) Brake Power (BP) :
It is the power available at the output shaft, also known as useful power.
3) Frictional Power (FP) :

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

It is the power lost to overcome the friction between the cylinder wall and
the piston.
4) Specific fuel consumption (sfc) :
It is the quantity of fuel consumed by the engine per unit power developed,
expressed in kg/kW-hr.
5) Mechanical Efficiency Mech:
It is the ratio of Brake Power to Indicated Power of the engine. It can also be
the ratio of output power to input power.

6) Thermal Efficiency th :

It is the ratio of net work output to heat supplied.
Thermal efficiency based on Brake power is called Brake thermal
efficiency and thermal efficiency based on Indicated power is called
Indicated thermal efficiency.

1) Full Load or Maximum Load :

It is the maximum load the engine can take under its rated speed.
Willan’s Line Method :

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

This method is also known as fuel rate extrapolation method. In this method a graph
of fuel consumption (vertical axis) versus brake power (horizontal axis) is drawn
and it is extrapolated on the negative axis of brake power. The intercept of the
negative axis is taken as the friction power of the engine at that speed. In most of
the power range the relation between the fuel consumption and brake power is linear
when speed of the engine is held constant and this permits extrapolation. Further
when the engine does not develop power, i.e. brake power = 0, it consumes a certain
amount of fuel. This energy in the fuel would have been spent in overcoming the
friction. Hence the extrapolated negative intercept of the horizontal axis will be the
work representing the combined losses due to friction, pumping and as a whole is
termed as the frictional loss of the engine. This method of measuring friction power
will hold good only for a particular speed and is applicable mainly for compression
ignition engines. The main drawback of this method is the long distance to be
extrapolated from data between 5 and 40 % load towards the zero line of the fuel
input. The directional margin of error is rather wide because the graph is not exactly


The inlet to the cylinder is connected through an air inlet tank with water
manometer. The fuel gauge is connected to main tank, which is graduated to regulate
the flow. The cylinder jacket is water cooled and the outlet temperature can be
measured by a digital temperature indicator. The exhaust gas is passed through a gas
calorimeter and the temperature of the exhaust gas at outlet of the calorimeter can
be measured.
5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®


Dynamometer :
Torque measuring devices are called ‘dynamometers’. Dynamometers can be
broadly classified into two types. They are:
1. Power Absorption Dynamometers:
Power Absorption dynamometers measure and absorb the power
output of the engine to which they are coupled. The power absorbed is
usually dissipated as heat by some means. Examples of power
absorption dynamometers are Prony brake dynamometer, Rope brake
dynamometer, Eddy current dynamometer, Hydraulic dynamometer, etc.

2. Power Transmission Dynamometers:

In power transmission dynamometers the power is transmitted to the
load coupled to the engine after it is indicated on some type of scale. These
are also called torque meters.

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

Prony Brake Dynamometer:

The engine is loaded by means of Prony Brake
System, which is shown in the figure. Engine is Balance

connected to brake drum through a flexible coupling.

Belt is wound over the brake drum. Two ends of the belt
are connected to a spring balance, one of which is rigidly Brake Drum

fixed and the other end is connected to the rotating

handle. As this handle is rotated, belt gets tightened and
Radius of the
Brake Drum
thus it acts as a brake and thus the engine is loaded.
Difference in the value of two spring balance will give
the net load applied on the brake drum.
Rope Brake Dynamometer:
The rope brake as shown in below figure is another device for measuring
brake power of an engine. It consists of a number of turns of rope wound around the
rotating drum attached to the output shaft. One side of the rope is connected to a
spring balance and the other side to a loading device. The power is absorbed in
friction between the rope and the drum. Therefore, drum in rope brake requires
Rope brake dynamometers are cheap and
can be constructed easily but brake power can’t
be measured accurately because of change in the
friction coefficient of the rope with change in

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

The brake power is given by the formula

Brake Power (BP)
BP =2πNT/(60*1000) =__________kW
where, ‘N’ is the Speed in RPM,
‘T’ is the Torque (W*r)
‘W’ is the load in Newtons and
‘r’ is the Radius of the Brake drum.
b) Fuel Measurement :
Fuel is supplied to the engine from the main fuel tank through a graduated
measuring fuel gauge (Burette). To measure the fuel flow, close the stop cock and
start the stop clock, measure the time taken for the consumption of x cc of fuel.

c) Air intake measurement :

The suction side of the engine is connected to an air tank. The atmospheric
air is drawn into the engine cylinder through the air tank. The manometer is provided
to measure the pressure drop across an orifice provided in the intake pipe of the air
tank. This pressure drop is used to calculate the volume of air drawn into the
d) Temperature measurement :
A digital temperature indicator with selector switch is provided on the panel
to read the temperature in degree centigrade, directly sensed by respective
thermocouples located at different places on the test rig.
e) Lubrication :
The engine is to be lubricated by mechanical lubrication. For which SAE40
or equivalent oil can be used.
f) Water flow measurement :

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

A rotameter is provided at the inlet of the engine jacket to measure the

quantity of water circulating in the engine jacket. Valves are provided to regulate its
flow and its flow rate can be directly measured by rotameter in cc/sec.


1) Digital RPM indicator to measure the speed of the engine.

2) Digital temperature indicator to measure various temperatures.
3) U-tube manometer to measure quantity of air drawn into the cylinder.
4) Burette with stop cock to measure the rate of fuel consumed during test.

Specific Fuel Consumption

Mech Effy
Brake Thermal Efficiency
Mechanical Efficiency


Brake Th Effy

BP in kW

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®


Type of Engine : 4-Stroke, Single Cylinder, Water cooled, Compression Ignition,

Vertical,Diesel Engine, Crank Start, Kirloskar make

Power P 3.68 kW (5 HP)

Rated Speed N 1500 rpm
Bore D 80 mm
Stroke L 110 mm
Fuel f High Speed Diesel Oil (HSD)
Specific gravity of fuel (Diesel Oil) ρ 850 kJ/kg
Calorific Value of Fuel CV 44000 kJ/kg
Diameter of the Brake Drum 𝐷𝑏 300 mm
Thickness of the rope 𝑡𝑏 20 mm
Orifice Diameter d 16 mm
Coefficient of discharge of Orificemeter Cd 0.65

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®


Temperature in degree Celsius
Engine Spring Air flow Fuel flow
Speed in balance
rpm reading in kg
Manometer mL Time t T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
reading hw in Sec
in mm
F1 F2

1500 10

1500 10

1500 10


1]Maximum load Calculations:

B.P=60∗1000 =__________kW

T=W*r [where r = 0.16 m]

W= 2𝜋𝑁𝑟

=_______N*9.81 = ______kg

2]Brake power:
B.P=60∗1000 = ________𝑘𝑊

W= (F1-F2)*9.81=______N

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

3] Fuel consumption:
mf=𝑡∗1000∗1000 = ________𝑘𝑔/𝑠

where ρ-density of fuel=850kg/m3

4] Heat input:
Qv= mf*CV=_____ kW


5]Air fuel ratio:

Mass of air ma=ρa*Cd*d24 *(2gha)1/2=_____kg
Cd=0.65,d-orifice diameter=0.016m
ha=(ρw/ρa)*(hw/1000) =_______m
ρa=1.1 kg/m3

6]Air fuel ratio:

=ma/mf = _____

7]Brake thermal efficiency:

ȠB Thermal= ∗ 100=______%

8]Brake Specificfuel consumption:

BSFC= ∗ 3600 =______kg/kW hr
9]Indicated power[Using William’s line method]

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

10]Mechanical efficiency
Ƞmech= 𝐼.𝑃 *100=______%

Speed Load in B.P ȠB BSFC F.P I.P A/F Ƞmech
N in kg kW Thermal kg/kW kW kW
rpm hr


Brake thermal efficiency of the engine is found to be ................ . All other

results are tabulated and characteristic curves are drawn.


It is a balance sheet showing the supply and expenditure of heat energy in an internal
combustion engine. Heat energy is liberated inside the engine cylinder by burning
known amount of fuel. Of the total heat energy liberated, an account for its
dissipation from the engine is to be audited. A portion of which may be converted
into useful work, a portion of which may lost with the engine cooling water, a
portion of which may lost along with the exhaust gases. A part of heat is lost by
convection and radiation as well as due to the leakage of gases. Part of the power
developed inside the engine is also used to run the accessories as lubricating pump,
cam shaft and water circulating pump. These cannot be measured precisely and so
5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

this is known as unaccounted ‘losses’. The results of the above calculations are
tabulated in a table and this table is known as ‘Heat Balance Sheet’. It is generally
practice to represent the heat distribution as percentage of heat supplied.

For commercial testing, the following items of energy balance will be

sufficient to know the performance of the engine.

1) Heat input per unit time is considered as 100% energy supply.

2) Heat converted to Brake Power, expressed as percentage of total heat supplied.

3) Heat carried away by jacket cooling water, expressed as percentage of total heat

4) Heat carried away by the calorimeter cooling water, expressed as percentage of

total heat supplied.

5) Heat unaccounted determined by taking the difference between (1) and the sum
of [(2), (3) and (d)] items.

This heat balance sheet can be drawn on hour or minute basis.

Engine cooling water flow rate=______LPM*60= _____ kg/s

Exhaust cooling water flow rate=______LPM*60=_____ kg/s

(1)Heat supplied Qv= mf*CV=______kW

(2)Heat converted to BP=______kW

(3)Heat carried away by engine cooling water

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58
RV Institute of Technology & Management®

Qeng cool=Mw*Cpw*(t3-t2)=______kW

(4)Heat carried away by exhaust gases


(5)Unaccounted heat



in kW % in kW %
(2) Heat converted to B.P

(1) to the (3) Heat carried away by engine cooling

engine water

(4) Heat carried away by exhaust gases

(5) Unaccounted heat

TOTAL 100 100

5th Semester Energy Conversion Laboratory 18MEL58

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