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Name: Gautam Parihar

Roll no: 301

Div: c
Year: Sybammc
Subject: Film communication
Topic: Nagraj Manjule.

 Context of the film: most of the ideas for his films comes from his own life struggles.
Pitsulya a national award winning short film is a reflection of his own struggles to get
educated. He wanted to show the ground realities of rural Maharashtra. The film focuses
on the desire of a Dalit boy to attend school, and his inability to do so because of his
family's poverty and a deep seated disdain for formal education within his community.

 Context of the director: Nagraj manjule is an Indian director, actor, producer,

scriptwriter, filmmaker, and he works in the Marathi cinema, best known for his Marathi
film sairat, short film pitsulya for which he received national film award in non-feature
film category. Manjule grew up in Juer village in the Solapur district of Maharashtra. He
belongs to the traditionally-nomadic Waddar community, a Dravidian tribe considered
low caste. Manjule is strongly inspired by B. R. Ambedkar, the emancipator of
downtrodden and the father of the Indian Constitution. His films are deeply rooted in his
own experience growing up as a Dalit in rural Maharashtra. His films have focused on the
plights faced by members of these communities, including social discrimination at the
hands of high-caste communities as well as the resulting economic hardships.

 Visual style of filmmaker : No huge sets are used in making of his films, he shoots on
real locations

 Editing of the film :

 Themes explored by the filmmaker :

 Characters :
 Worldviews of the filmmaker :

 Personal opinion on film : Pitsulya is a must watch short film, the emotions and story
portrayed through his direction is amazing.

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