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@ BIR Form No, 2316 Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax Withheld Rapin fe Patones epariment of France Bureau of intenall Revenue DIDS rary 2018 (ENS) For Gompersaton Payment With or Withou Tex Weld 2316 HENS tw) 208, From WDD) 2101 a3 Far apo rman as Coed Connecter none ou Wii ton Pe Soe pa 52 Te) 62 ie) coe 0000, |}, NON-TAXABLE/EXEMPT COMPENSATION INCOME TST aS Ca Tae Fa Bais) PRO COE a — Lr sassy not 2809008 AADRIAS, CATHY ANN ENDOMA vanaf Bas er F250.000 a. Rear axzicas fo Neier sa a ‘al A u =I Unté. 34784 Kalamata, Cebu City ¢,2,0,0 ams aa fb ic Hane Aan ae Unit 3, FRA Kaun 4,00 0 [B® Nan St Dire AWE) Foreign Address: GE ZipCode 31 Hazard Pay ame) OO WA } = | ae a iene Nara Volo 2149,9,5 Yas 409 OWES Siar inna Wage vale pr dav 0.00] fo Sa Maar Wane peo aol x aT 13 on nol eer oncom Pari - Employer ivormaton Preven ae 360 | | 986 | | 038 | | 0000 RAMON DUTERTE MEMORIAL NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Fa Reamerea nares TaN To Cade |V.RAMA AVE. GUADALUPE CEBU CITY 6000, Fs Type of Erover Tia Eioyer Seon Fa Soest a a z | vA Fs Regaerea nares eA Ep Case N/A Pana Somme Employer (Sumo hems 3 and #0) Lest Tol Non Tablet Compensation ‘nce fom Present Eels (rom Ren 38). J+ Taxis Conpeoten reane ton Pest Engler om 10 ena en 90) vo ho 50 253,841.54) jz Aas Teste Conzoaaen cameo - Promise” faeces — EP ancmenees 253,841, {Sumot tems 21 and 2) 844. Js Tax Due = 25 Amount of Taxes Wess 25A Present empoyer 280 Provous Employer - = Total Aunt Tes Wel adsed (Sim ofan 254.08 258 87: We ras pay at aR Tan ODES {ne provsions of ie Nana eral Reve Cage, 28 aandod ath equation usbes nde hry there Fura, we ge yur const he prcering of yous rman 2012 (RA No 1017) rept ae tl prone 5 colenpites unter he ata Prag CCONFORME: ES ae Oe TTS crema on TAG rem [ Bunlge —] Gel, ate he ponatos ot pajay, Wale Woman Tren ada revored under BR For No GOK wrich har ben Sed wth Bea tera Revere sARIN Snare Oe FT ceo Auharzes Representa) a isan aye Rand (ea t Resting! Human "NOTE: The BIR Data Privacy is in The BIR webstte (www Dir gov ph) 944,00] 11,000.00] 31,121.06 0.00} 101,065.06] J+ sss, Gsis, phic & Pag-tig Contributions ‘and Union ues (Employee share ony) ‘Salaries & Other Forme of Compensation [36 Tota Non-Taxable/Exempt Compensation Income (Sum of ems 270 38) Jb. TAXABLE COMPENSATION INCOME REGULAR 7 Basic Salar [38 Representation 0.09] Prot Sharing - Fees incing Dxectors Fees “Texabl 1th Month Pay Bones HezarPay Overtime Pay r | thers (Spec an 498 s0 Tota Taxable Compensation | ‘Sum of tems 37 and 496), lL Ty ant Bel of Me a = ese 253,841.94] ‘Tin and coves pao owesomt OI 12,012,022 owesines [52 1,7 worms [0,1 10,4 10 2,0 22 id pour Pa. C10 Taare m7 T dakar panales 6 pariay Wats GuRe oter ReDad Ta oT focome Tx Retums(R Form No 170) since coed prey compensation income from enone employe the Phipies er te carder year ha tae hve been cere wares by my employe (ax dvs eqs ex wth), a te Bet rom Jer nar i Form No. 231 na sere te sre purporeg # IR Fem No. 1700, has boon fled purus othe rovion of Raven gyatons ER) No 22002, CATHY ANN ENDO! se

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