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1 The conscience uses of skill, craft, and creative imagination in the production Art
of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.
2 The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, Aesthetics
with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgment
concerning works of art. Also, esthetics.
3 The ordering of the physical environment by means of architecture, Environmental
engineering, construction, landscape architecture, urban design and city Design
4 The aspect of architecture and city planning that deals with the design of Urban Design
urban structures and spaces.
5 The aspect of architecture and interior design that deals with the planning, Space Planning
layout, design and furnishing of spaces within a proposed or existing
6 The science or art of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling materials in Tectonics
7 The art and science of applying scientific principles to practical ends in the Engineering
design and construction of structures, equipment, and systems.
8 Any of the sciences, as sociology and anthropology that seek to discover Behavioral
general truths from the observation of human behavior in society. Science
9 The science of human social institutions and relationships: The study of the Sociology
origin, development, structure, functioning, and collective behavior of
organized groups of human beings.
10 The art, business or profession of designing, arranging, or modifying the Landscape
features of a landscape for aesthetic or practical reasons. Architecture
11 A phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms Color
of an individual’s perception of hue, saturation, and lightness for objects and
brightness for light sources.
12 Designating a color having high lightness and low saturation. Pale
13 Designating a color having high lightness and strong saturation. Brilliant
14 A system for specifying colors arranged in three orderly scales of uniform Munsell System
visual steps according to hue, chroma, and value, developed in 1896 by
Albert H. Munsell.
15 The degree by which a color differs from a gray of the same lightness or Chroma
brightness, corresponding to saturation of the perceived color.
16 The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or less of the incident Value



light, corresponding to lightness of the perceived color.

17 A scale of achromatic colors having several, usually ten, equal gradations Gray Scale
ranging from white to black.
18 The absorption of certain wavelengths of the light incident on a colored Selected
surface, the remaining portion being reflected or transmitted. Absorption
19 A color produced by mixing two secondary colors, or a secondary color with Tertiary Color
one of its constituent primaries.
20 A triangular diagram developed by Faber Birren to describe the relationship Color Triangle
between a pure hue, white, and black, which combine to yield secondary
tints, tones, shades and grays.
21 The shape and structure of something as distinguished from its substance or Form
22 The visual and esp. tactile quality of a surface, apart from its color or form. Texture
23 The apparent texture of a surface resulting from the combination and Visual Texture
interrelation of colors and tonal values.
24 Of or pertaining to shapes and forms having Irregular contours which appear Organic
to resemble those of living plants or animals.
25 Of or pertaining to shapes and forms which resemble or employ the simple Geometric
rectilinear or curvilinear dements of geometry.
26 Or of pertaining to shapes and forms having an intellectual and affective Abstract
content dependent solely on their intrinsic lines, colors, and relationship to
one another.
27 Something that stands for or represents something else by association, Symbol
resemblance, or convention, deriving its meaning chiefly from the structure in
which it appears.
28 A mark or figure having a conventional meaning and used in place of a word Sign
or phrase to express a complex notion.
29 A unified composition of two-dimensional shapes or three-dimensional Massing
volumes, esp. one that has or gives the impression of weight, density, and
30 Characterized or produced by addition, accumulation, or uniting, often Additive
resulting in a new identity.
31 A method or manner of jointing that makes the united parts, clear, distinct, Articulation
and precise in relation to each other.
32 The organization of elements or parts in a complex system as dominated by Structure
the general character of the whole.
33 An artistic or decorative design, esp. one having a characteristic Pattern



arrangement and considered as a unit of which an idea can be given by a

34 A drawing, not necessarily representational, that outlines, explains or Diagram
clarifies the arrangement and relations of the parts of a whole.
35 The arranging of parts or elements into proper proportion or relation so as to Composition
form a unified whole.
36 A condition of logical, harmonious, or comprehensible arrangement in which Order
each element of a group is properly disposed with reference to other
elements and to its purpose.
37 The state or quality of being identical, homogeneous or regular. Uniformity
38 Harmony in the arrangement of parts or colors that is restful to the eye. Repose
39 The state or quality of being a whole composed of complicated, intricate, or Complexity
interconnected parts.
40 Opposition or juxtaposition of dissimilar elements in a work of art to intensify Contrast
each elements property and produce a more dynamic expressiveness.
41 A system of elements ranked, classified, and organized one above another, Hierarchy
according to importance or significance.
42 A tenuous balance maintained in an artistic work between opposing forces or Tension
elements, often causing anxiety or excitement.
43 A symmetrical condition occurring in one part of a design, often serving to Local Symmetry
center an irregular pattern.
44 The rhythm quality or character of a composition suggesting motion by Movement
represented gestures or by the relationship of structural elements.
45 Harmony of proportion or movement. Eurythmy
46 The art, process, or technique of representing an object, scene, or idea by Drawing
means of lines on a surface.
47 A method or procedure for accomplishing a desired aim or task, as that Technique
employed by an artist’s showing a high degree of skill or command of
48 The technique of drawing lines to represent the contours of a subject, without Contour drawing
shading or modeling of form.
49 The outline of a two-dimensional shape or bounding edges of a three- Contour
dimensional form.
50 A representation of the form or appearance of something, made visible in a Image
sculpture, photograph, or drawing.
51 The technique of drawing a single or multiple line freely and quickly as a Gesture drawing
subject is scanned and perceptions of volume, mass, movement, and



significant details are projected onto the drawing surface.

52 The drawing of lines represents the three-dimensional structure and Analytical
geometry of a form, proceeding generally from the whole to the constituent drawing
53 The rendering of light and dark values in a drawing to create the illusion of Shading
three dimensionality, represent light and shadow, or give the effect of color.
54 Shading composed of two or more series of intersecting parallel lines. Crosshatching
55 Monochromatic painting in shades of gray to produce three-dimensional Grisaille
56 A sketch showing the general features of a design or plan. Esquisse
57 A drawing esp. a perspective of a building or interior space, artistically Rendering
delineating materials, shades and shadows usually done for the purposes of
presentation and persuasion.
58 A drawing that is shaded off gradually into the surrounding paper so as to Vignette
leave no definite line at the border.
59 A drawing or painting in which objects are rendered in extremely fine detail to TrompeToeil
emphasize the illusion of tactile and spatial qualities.
60 An elevation drawing of a façade, surrounded by a decorative arrangement Analytic
of drawings of important details and sometimes a plan or section of the
61 An orthographic projection of an object or structures as it would appear if cut Section
through by an intersecting plane to show its internal configuration, usually
drawn to scale.
62 An orthographic projection of a section made by cutting with a plane that is Oblique section
neither parallel nor perpendicular to the long axis of an object.
63 An orthographic projection of an object or structure on a vertical picture Elevation
plane parallel to one of its sides, usually drawing to scale.
64 The parts of a solid that receive no light because they are tangent to or Shade
turned away from a theoretical light source.
65 Any of various single-view drawings characterized by parallel lines remaining Paralinedrawing
parallel to each other rather than converging as in linear perspective.
66 A part of a drawing that is made transparent to permit representation of Phantom
details otherwise hidden from view.
67 A paraline drawing of an isometric projection, having all lines parallel to the Isometric
principal axes drawn to true length at the same scale.
68 A paraline drawing of an oblique projection, having the receding lines Cavalier line
perpendicular to the picture plane drawn to the same scale as the lines



parallel to the picture plane.

69 Any of various techniques for representing three-dimensional objects and Perspective
spatial relationships on a two-dimensional surface.
70 A distorted image that appears in natural form only when viewed at a special Anamorphosis
angle or reflected from a curved mirror.
71 A dimensionless geometric element that has no property but location, as the Point
intersection of two lines.
72 A coordinate determined by measuring parallel to the x-axis. Abscissa
73 Any of a set of numbers that serve to specify the location of a point on a line, Coordinate
surface, or in space by reference to a fixed figure or system of lines.
74 A coordinate determined by measuring parallel to the y-axis. Ordinate
75 A straight-line segment that joins a variable point to the fixed origin of polar Radius vector
coordinate system.
76 The angle formed by the polar axis and a radius vector in a polar coordinate Polar angle
77 The reference axis from which the polar angle is measured in a polar Polar axis
coordinate system.
78 A geometric element generated by moving point and having extension Line
without breadth or thickness.
79 Extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never Parallel
converging or diverging.
80 The space between two lines diverging from a common point, or within two Angle
planes diverging from a common line, the figure so formed.
81 Energy derived from the sun in the form of solar radiation. Solar energy
82 The angular elevation of a celestial body above the horizon. Altitude
83 The average rate at which radiant energy from the sun is received by the Solar constant
earth, equal to 430 Btu per hr. sq. ft. used in calculating the effects of solar
radiation on buildings.
84 A great circle on the earth’s surface passing through both geophysical poles. Meridian
85 A house designed to absorb and store solar heat in order to supplement or Sola house
replace conventional heating methods.
86 A device or system designed to use solar radiation to heat an absorber Solar collector
through which a transporting medium, as air or water, is circulated.
87 A bank of earth placed against one or more exterior walls of a building as Berm
protection against extremes in temperature.
88 A glass-fronted exterior masonry wall that absorbs solar heat for radiation Tromba wall



into the interior of a building, usually after a time-lag of several hours.

89 A glass enclosed porch, room, or gallery used for sunbathing or for Solarium
therapeutic exposure to sunlight.
90 Any of various exterior devices consisting of fixed horizontal or vertical fins Sunshade
angled to shield a window from direct sunlight.
91 A manually or electrically controlled exterior venetian blind for protecting a Shutter blind
building interior from solar gain and glare.
92 Basic visual features are extracted from this input. Extraction
93 The three-dimensional, stereoscopic vision resulting from the use of both Binocular vision
eyes at the same time.
94 The entire field encompassed by the human eye when it is trained in any Field of vision
particular direction.
95 The portion of the cerebral cortex of the brain that receives and processes Visual cortex
impulses from the optic nerves.
96 The apparent displacement or change in direction of an observed object Parallax
caused by a change in the position of the observer that provides a new line
of sight.
97 Pertaining to perception of the spatial relationships among objects within the Visuospatial
field of vision.
98 A perception of visual stimuli that represents what is perceived in a way Optical illusion
different from the way it is in reality.
99 The act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind. Perception
100 A unified configuration, pattern, or field of specific properties that cannot be Gestalt
derived from the summation of the component parts.



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