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Dear Madam/Sir,

I am writing to draw your attention to the motorway that is to be built in the proximity of my home.
My reasoning as to why I adamantly want this construction to not take place is represented by a fair
share of arguments based on my botanist profession, as well as my care for the environment.

With all due respect, such breathtaking natural areas should not be destroyed under any
circumstances. Siphylus-Monkar, a rather rare species of flowers, blooms into its magnificence every
spring in the exact area of the, hopefully, not soon to be motorway and it would be a shame to put a
stop to its gorgeous nuances of blue that brighten up every admirer’s day.

Another strong point that I would like to make clear is the expected rise of the pollution level in this
area which is, sadly, orange. Thus, adding another source of pollution in an already heavily
contaminated space would completely destroy any chance of a healthy life for the citizens living
here. Not only that, but, connecting this to my first argument, the destruction of the ecosystem that
formerly used to provide oxygen and life would add to the rise of pollution levels.

Nevertheless, I have done research into how to find an alternative route and I can confidently
suggest the A99 one, as it already presents itself with weak biodiversity and is fairly similar to the one
chosen in the present.

I hope that you will give this matter your urgent consideration,


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