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The heroic tale of Mulan is told. She is a female character who is

capable of doing everything a man should be able to do. She also fights
the bad to bring about peace in the land and finds a way for the bad to
change for the better. Mulan is a powerful figure who shows that all
women are capable of being warriors.

Mulan demonstrated, despite her young age and character, that we

must have the courage to fight for what is right and defend ourselves,
even as women. Mulan also fought for her country and the honor of her
family, despite the fact that women were discriminated against in their
time. I agree that there are some skills women can have. Mulan poses as
a man in order to prove her worth to everyone. She enlists in the army to
do just that, proving to everyone that she is capable of anything a man is
capable of, regardless of skill level or prior experience.

The film demonstrates that a woman is capable of doing anything a

man is capable of doing, and this is true even if you are a woman. She
demonstrates that she is capable of doing seemingly impossible tasks
that only men can achieve. It also shows that women should not be taken
lightly and should not be discriminated against.

Mulan is a movie about a woman named Mulan who does not fit into their
society’s standards. Ever since she was a child, she has been seen as an unusual
girl as she does things that they brand as unbefitting for a woman. They think that
women should only serve men as housewives and that they should submit to men.
In their time, women were looked down on. They think that women are not
capable of doing things that men can do.

She joined the army, pretending to be a man. She showed excellent sword skills,
exceeding most of the men in their military. They were unaware of the fact that
she was a woman and she was looked upon by her teammates, but she was
discovered eventually and was expelled from the army. But she came back,
relaying a message that the attacks were a diversion and the enemy had a plan to
execute the emperor. At first they didn't believe her, but her comrades stood up
for her and eventually convinced them to follow her plan to save the emperor, and
they succeeded. The emperor rewarded her, and when she went home, she was
idolized by the people around her.

The movie showed that women are also as capable as men and that women are
capable of doing things that men can do, even exceeding them at certain times.
She showed that women shouldn't be looked down on and should be treated
equally. It made me realize that it takes courage to speak up about the things you
want to do and to never let society limit the things you are capable of.


Mulan’s heroic story is shared. She is a woman who can perform all
tasks that a guy ought to be able to. In addition, she fights the evil to bring
about peace and seeks a means to make the evil turn for the better. Mulan
is a strong role model who demonstrates that all women have the potential
to be warriors.

Mulan showed through her young age and character that even though we
are women, we must have the courage to stand up for what is right and
defend ourselves. Mulan also fought even though it was clear that she
would not survive an enemy encounter, doing so for the honor of her
family and her country.

I agree that women are capable of having some skills. Mulan assumes a
man’s identity to establish her value to everyone. To prove to everyone
that she is capable of anything a male is capable of, regardless of skill
level or prior experience, she enlists in the army to achieve precisely that.

The movie showed that, despite being a woman, a woman is still a capable
of doing anything a man is capable of doing. She demonstrates that she is
capable of completing jobs that only men are able to complete.

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