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This is the dam; as seen in the picture, it is opened.

When there is excessive water

Inflow during heavy rainfall, waterr is released from the dam reservoirs. There isflood
control and warning system in place to warn communities to evacuate, especially if
the expected water inflow is heavy, but some people are unable to evacuate and are
hurt because of the flooding. Their homes may also be damaged or even destroyed if
the flow of water is strong ad the flood is really deep. Consequently, it is important to
be aware of wheather conditions and to evacuate if necessary. The state of the dam is
not good, as it can break easily and cause major damage in flood prone areas. If it is
not taken care of, there will be major damage to structures, and people may get hurt or
even die from accidents as suddenly opening dams can cause floods because of the
immense volume of water.

The enviroment around the dam can also be damaged by the excess flooding due to
the force of the water, resulting in soil erosion and the destruction of crops and
vegetation. In addition, flooding ca contaminate drinking water sources and create a
potenital hazard to local wildlife. Therefore, It is important to be aware of the current
condition of the dam, and to take the necessary precautions to ensure that it is well

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