Pie Chart

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The pie charts depict the satisfaction levels of guests of the Parkway hotel regarding

its customer service in 2005 and 2010.

Overall, in 2010, the percentages of people who were contended about the customer
service quality of this hotel inclined considerably than that of 2005.

Now turning to the details, in 2005, almost every visitor out of five opined that the
customer service of Parkway hotel was poor, while 15% thought that it was very poor.
Roughly half of the survey takers expressed their satisfaction regarding their experience
with the hotel's guest service and 14% said that it was good. One out of twenty such
visitors were quite satisfied and they thought that the service was actually excellent.

According to the survey result in 2010, it is evident that the percentages of happy
guests out of 100 who expressed their opinion soared than that of five years
earlier. 28% of them thought that the service was excellent which was around 6 times
higher than the poll result of this same category in 2005. Guests who thought that the
service was good accounted for 39, a great increase than that of 2005.Finally, the ratio
of guests who were dissatisfied with the hotel's guest service declined significantly as

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