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Overall critical reflection Roya Kargar


A. What did you find most valuable about the course MCDW (an insight, the
experience of a moment, a meeting, a particular aspect or part of it, ...)?
Can you say why that was the most valuable?

The most valuable experience I had during the course was when we were
talking about the difficulties to live in a foreign country as an international
student. After that some of the students and discussed more stories and
we also talked about what are the advantages of being an international
students or what we like about the city and people. At that moment, I
found out that, we have so much more in common than I expected. We
talked about movies, books, songs...

During the trip to Rotterdam, there was a moment in the food court where
all of 4 girls were alone. It was a great moment for me, we shared our
personal life with each other and I felt really close to them. I will always
remember that night as a fantastic memory.

B. Looking back on the course and its purpose, what would you like more of?

In this course we shared a lot about different cultures. For me, it was the
best way to learn about other countries. I gain a lot about cultural
differences. I also, realize that not all of my thinking about different
counties were true and It was the best way to learn.

C. What did you ‘miss’? What would you like to change?

I am an introverted person and I have difficulties in finding friends or being

in a group when I do not know most of the people. I always try to work on
that. Having dialogue sessions was a great opportunity for me to practice.
When I talked about these classes with my consultant, she encouraged me
to participate. I always wanted to know, how was it for the others, did they
liked me? An anonymous feedback from the other students would be very

D. What was the biggest challenge for you on a personal level? How did you
challenge yourself to make the change? Looking back on it, would you
approach it differently yourself next time?
I applied for the program late. I missed the two first weeks. I was terrified
to join the class when all the students knew each other. It was a big
challenge for me to fit in. But in my first class, Melanie’s class, she was very
kind to me. Introduced me to the whole class and helped me a lot. Wangshi
was also very supportive. If it wasn’t for them, I would have a hard time to
find a friend. Next semester, Wangshi, my best friend in the class will not
be there. Thanks to the dialogue sessions and other students, I think now I
am better to fit in a new group.

E. Has the course (or some aspects of it) changed you in how you listen to
yourself or others? Did you gain a new insight?

Personally, I am a better listener than a speaker. With the help of this class
where we have to share our stories after listening to others, now I am more
comfortable talking and sharing without scaring.

F. We encountered four other groups of people to experience genuine

dialogue: with students from the regular teacher training program
(November 29), with inhabitants from Leuven (December 8), with kids
(December 19), with students leaving Belgium in the second semester
(December 21). Please indicate for each session in twee sentences your
take away. If you were not present, just mention ‘not applicable’.

(November 29): On that day, we worked on the separate groups, one of us

with 3 of them. I felt, it was my responsibility to make them comfortable
with me, since the session was held in our class. I realize how important it
is to be a good host. To try to be the first one to talk despite how much it
was difficult for me. Hope they had a good time.

(December 8): In my group, there was a diversity in age. I learnt a lot form
the older member, their perspectives. The was a huge diversity in our
culture. We talked a lot about Leuven. I was impressed about their
knowledge of my county.

(December 19): I had a great time with kinds. I taught it would be difficult
to manage a big group of children but it was easy. I saw much more
diversity than I expected

(December 21): not applicable

G. For students who missed two or more of the above dialogue sessions, see
additional reflection on Toledo (under assignments).
H. In what ways have you meant/tried to do something for others in class?

Most of the students, by default, had an idea about my country where the Iranian
people and the government are in the same page. I tried to change their idea to
separate people and the government.

I. If you could write down in six sentences "the story" of this course, what
does it sound like? (if you want, can you add one picture that represents
to you the beauty of intercultural interactions (one that you took
yourself, or found on the internet).

I think I can summarize the story of the class in the following order:

1- Always first listen. Listen, listen.

2- Do not judge
3- Respect the differences
4- Ask for more information, try to find more point of view
5- Share (to fit in a group)
6- Do not be afraid of asking questions specially if you are new in a

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