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Chapter I



A butcher or Meat shop business appears to be not only extremely

profitable, but also recession-proof. Individuals must eat even in the face of adversity.

Because meat is consumed on a daily basis, the industry doesn’t have any downtime –

unless it’s during Lent. Meat products have higher profit margins than other commodity


Due to the African Swine Fever 2019 outbreak, many countries including

Philippines have taken an action, directing all government agencies including Local

Government Units to strictly implement and comply with the National Zoning and

Movement Plan for the prevention and control of ASF. Selling pork raised at one’s

residence is a popular, profitable way for Philippines citizens to make a living. Both pork

and chicken are the top consumed meats, but pork is the top consumed meat in the

country. The National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) is an agency under the

Department of Agriculture which regulates all matters related to meat inspection and

hygiene. NMIS handles all importation and exportation of raw meat.

Meat Shop businesses in Maasin City is dominant, as it is the capital of Southern

Leyte, making it for the entrepreneurs to have a good opportunity to enter the butchery

industry. ASF is the worst disease to hit the Philippine swine industry in recent years.

“Bantay ASF sa Barangay”, a multi-stakeholder partnership between the public and

private sector and veterinarians, seeks to control the spread of ASF and assist in the

repopulation of farms affected by the disease. During the implementation of the

precautionary measures in Barangay Combado Maasin City, instituted by the city

government, activation of barangay responders and the establishment of checkpoint to

prevent the entry and exit of pigs, pork, and pork products takes place.

These protocols negatively affect the livelihood of the families of Meat shop

owners that depends on pigs as a source of income, as means to capitalize savings, and as

‘safety nets’ during time of hardships. The LGU’s indemnification funds or “ayuda” to

the meat shop owners who are swine raisers whose hogs are intentionally depopulated,

and their suppliers of pigs that are not affected of ASF, are their primary hope for

survival. When the executive order has been lifted up, the meat shop business in

Barangay Combado is slowly going pace.

The outbreak jeopardizes several meat shop owners in their industry. The fact that

their business is regulated by the government, it is difficult for them to defy the law.

Some owners are not covered by social programs such as the Social Security System

(SSS) or PhilHealth (Lorenzo,2020). Meat shop owners primarily rely on their daily

sales. Thus, their income depends on their buyers. The more they provide the meat, and

the more the customers buy their products, the more they generate income. Most of the

owners are not covered by SSS or PhilHealth since they do not belong to a certain

company or in a government, it is not mandatory for them to apply membership on these

social programs.

The main key of the study is finding the level of impact of “Bantay ASF sa

Baranggay” to the daily sales of meat shop owners, if there is a significant difference on

their sales before and during the implementation of the protocols. Believing that the result

will assist meat shop owners in understanding the situation if ever the ASF rises again, or

other phenomena that affects their business. Aims to enlighten all the precautionary

measures that should be followed, further knowledge on the compliance on the rules and

regulations imposed by the government and the possible consequences to those who

contravene the law.

Our motivation for the thesis is that we both are interested in this topic, since it is

very relevant and it may affect our future in working life. Because of the changes that had

to be made in the middle of the outbreak, the changes could become the new normal in


future. So, we feel like this is the right time to research now in the midst of possible


We are keen to find the changes that the ASF Outbreak brought to the managing part of

being a meat shop owner.

Researchers are determined and challenged to conduct a study in order to raise

awareness about the level of impact between the daily income of meat shop owners

before and during the implementation of “Bantay ASF sa barangay”. Believing the fact

that there are many meat shop owners in Barangay Combado who are affected, and for

further proposal of interventions in the future.

Theoretical Background of the Study

This study was anchored on the Prospect Theory, which was submitted by

Tversky and Khaneman (1992) and The Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines Act No.


The Prospect Theory views the concept that it is an advantage to consider current

situation positively for this will leads on selecting risky options. It facilitates prediction

into the near future about how a manager makes a decision during uncertainty.

The law underpinning this study is the Republic Act 9296, also known as The

Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines. It is an act to strengthen the country’s meat

inspection system to assure safety and quality of meat and meat products for human

consumption both in the domestic and international markets.

Hence, the “Bantay ASF sa Barangay” serves as the independent variable and the

daily income of the meat shop owner is dependent on the imposed implementation. All

aspects of their business operations declined ever since the implementation of the local

ordinances and protocols, thus, affecting all the elements composing their business, such

as the shop itself, their stocks/supplies, suppliers, and also its income. The relationship

between the income of the meat shop owners before and during the implementation of the

local ordinance is associated with the study.

Prospect Theory The Meat Inspection Code of the
(Tversky and Khaneman, 1992)
R.A. 9296
Facilitates prediction into the near
future about how a manager makes An act strengthening the meat inspection
decision under risk and uncertainty system in the country

Demographic Profile

 Years of Operation
 Annual Income
 Average numbers of weekly customers before and
during the protocol was implemented

Impact of “Bantay ASF sa Barangay” to the daily sales of the meat shop

Implementation of “Bantay ASF sa Barangay”

Challenges that each meat shop owner is facing during the implementation of
“Bantay ASF sa Barangay”

Figure 1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study

Prospect Theory. This theory as described by Tversky and Khaneman (1992) Prospect

Theory is a theory of decision-making under condition of risk. It describes how

individuals make a strategic choice between probabilistic alternatives where risks are

involved and the probability of different outcome is unknown. It facilitates prediction

into the near future about how a manager makes a decision during uncertainty. Decisions

are based on judgements. Judgements are assessments about the external state of the

world. They are made specially challenging under conditions of uncertainty, where it is

difficult to foresee the consequences or outcomes of events with clarity.

In connection with the study, the theory is closely related to the concept of

strategic choice and managerial decision-making under condition of risk. The decision

made by the meat shop owner may be associated with strategic choice, such as choosing

new suppliers and other alternatives to keep their business in the long run. On the other

hand, the concept of managerial decision-making under condition of risk is associated

with the meat shop owner’s alternatives to maintain their business despite the ASF

outbreak, it includes relocation of their business, acquiring new suppliers, and new

pricing strategies. The concept of adaptation aims to analyze the factors between the

environmental context and organizational structure, assuming the idea that the greater the

adaptation, the better the performance (Guerra,2007).

The Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines Act No. 9296. The National Meat

Inspection Service is a specialized regulatory agency in the Department of Agriculture

that is the country’s sole national controlling and competent authority on all matters

pertaining to meat inspection and hygiene both for locally produced and imported meat. It

was created under Presidential Decree No. 7 as National Meat Inspection Commission

and renamed as National Meat Inspection Service under R.A. 9296, otherwise known as

“The Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines, “As amended by R.A. 10536. NMIS is

tasked to formulate, promulgate and implement laws, policies, programs and projects

governing the post- harvest flow of meat in order to protect the interest and welfare of

consumers and promote the development of the livestock and meat industry. The Bantay

ASF sa Barangay program (BABay ASF), a multisectoral-partnership between the

government, the private sector, and other organizations was launched as a way to mitigate

the spread of ASF. The program aims to improve biosecurity, implement strict

monitoring using biosensor test kits, and support the repopulation or restocking of swine

farms affected by the ASF.

To mitigate the widespread of ASF outbreak, the Duterte administration’s twin

Hog repopulation and “Bantay ASF sa Barangay” (BABay ASF) program — led by the

Department of Agriculture (DA) in partnership with the local government units (LGUs),

hog raisers’ groups, and the private sector — is gradually boosting the local swine

industry towards recovery. The DA through its Agricultural Credit Policy Council

(ACPC) has initially set aside P500 M for lending to backyard raisers and micro and

small enterprises (MSEs) under its Agri-Negosyo (ANYO) loan program. As of July 30,

2021, the ACPC has lent P119.5 M to 1,274 small hog farmers and MSEs.

The law emphasized the necessary measures that would be implemented to secure

the health and welfare of the Filipinos. The recent strike of the ASF outbreak affects not

only the Hog raisers and Meat Industry but also the people, economy, and other sectors in

all aspects. Supply of pork and pork-related products suddenly decreased, especially on

those area which has a high record of ASF cases. In the study, the daily income of the

meat shop owners is the main focus since the issuance of local ordinances on the

implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay the operation of their business had to stop

temporarily. As for the lifting of the said checkpoint to prevent the entry and exit of pork

products, and the declaration of Barangay Combado as ASF-Free area, the delivery of

supplies continues as well as the operation of meat shop businesses. The depopulation of

hogs leads to shortage of supplies, and the new price ceiling that has been set for the

products lead to the decrease of income which is unusual from the income before the

crisis. With the above-mentioned theory and law, the researchers perceived that the issues

and challenges encountered by the meat shop owners which drastically affects their daily

income is in relation with the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay. Hence the

study is conceived to address the problem.

The schematic diagram in Figure 1 outlines the flow of the study. It presents the

theory and law which supports the claim of the present study: the Prospect Theory as

described by Tversky and Khaneman is a theory of decision-making under condition of

risk, it describes how individuals make a strategic choice between probabilistic

alternatives where risks are involved and the probability of different outcome is unknown

and the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines Act which states that it is a specialized

regulatory agency in the Department of Agriculture that is the country’s sole national

controlling and competent authority on all matters pertaining to meat inspection and

hygiene both for locally produced and imported meat. The diagram suggests that the

Prospect Theory and The Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines Act are the premises of

this study to examine the relationship between the daily income of the meat shop owners

before and during the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay, and the possible

intervention to be proposed.

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the impact of the implementation of “Bantay ASF

sa Barangay” to the daily income of meat shop owners in Barangay Combado, Maasin


Specifically, the researchers will seek an answer to the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profiles in terms of

1.1 Years of Operation

1.2 Annual income

1.3 Average numbers of weekly customers

1.3.1 Before

1.3.2 After

2. What is the level of impact of “Bantay ASF sa Barangay” to the daily sales of

meat shop owners?

3. What are the daily sales of the meat shop owner before and during the

implementation of “Bantay ASF sa Barangay”?

4. Is there a significant difference of the daily sales of meat shop owners before and

during the implementation of “Bantay ASF sa Barangay”?

4.1 Before

4.2 After

5. What are the challenges that the meat shop owners are facing during the

implementation of “Bantay ASF sa Barangay”?

6. Based on the findings, what intervention program can be formulated to mitigate

the impact?

Statement of Hypothesis

There is a significance difference between the daily sales of meat shop owners

before and during the implementation of ASF Ordinance.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to determine the impact of the implementation of “Bantay ASF sa

Barangay” to the daily income of meat shop owners to gain additional information that

might be helpful for them. This study will help the meat shop owners to have the

knowledge of the policies and ordinances that are being implemented that needs strict

compliance. This will give them an idea on how to make strategies if ever they will face

uncertainties that might badly affect their business. This study will help their customers

to adjust and to know the policies and ordinances that are being implemented as they are

the one of those who buys the products that the meat shop owners produced. The

Barangay council will learn from the problems, solution, and recommendations in this

paper that will help them in developing programs that will be benefited by the entire

constituents. Future researchers could also use this as a reference which could help them

come up with new knowledge that the researchers haven’t discussed yet in this study.

Furthermore, other Local Government Unit could use this study as a guide and reference

to formulate other strategies that would be financially relevant.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the impact of the implementation of “Bantay ASF sa

Barangay” to the daily income of meat shop owners in Maasin City proper, specifically in

Barangay Combado, Maasin City. This study is limited only to the 10 purposively and

randomly selected meat shop owners located in Barangay Combado.

Definition of terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the

context of this research.

ASF (African Swine Fever) - is a highly contagious viral disease of pigs

Butchery - the work of slaughtering animals and preparing them for sale as meat

NMIS (National Meat Inspection Service) - is an agency under the Department of

Agriculture which regulates all matters related to meat inspection and hygiene

Ordinance - a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority

Policies - a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party,

business, or individual

Pork Products - These products may include blood, bones, hides, skin, lard, feet (pig's

trotters), internal organs, and chitterlings (pig's small intestine).

Product - a product is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use

as of the consumer demand; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy

the desire or need of a customer

Chapter II


This chapter presents review of literature and studies related to the impact of the

implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay to the daily income of meat shop owners.

This attempt to review references that will be useful in relation to annual income of the

business, Implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay, sales of meat shop owners before

and during the ASF outbreak, the challenges they encountered, and other factors

influencing the level of impact of Bantay ASF sa barangay to their daily sales that will

lead to the formulation and proposal of a program or intervention.

Annual Income

Annual income according to Business terms, is the total earnings within a one-

year period for a person or a business. It is common to mention the annual income on job

vacancy ads and on business reports. When speaking about annual income it is important

to make the correct distinction. There are two types of annual income. These are gross

annual income and net annual income. Gross annual income is the amount of money

earned before any deductions. For an employee, gross annual income includes wages,

bonuses, tips and any other financial incentives. Gross income for an employee is also

called gross pay. For a business gross annual income is the total revenue per annum

before the costs and other deductions are calculated for. Net annual income is the amount

of money earned after all the deductions have been made. In the case of an employee, the

net annual income is found by deducting all taxes and other fees to be paid from the gross

annual income. This is also called net pay. Net annual income for a business has already

factored in taxes, production costs and other costs associated with running the business.

According to Suheyli Reshid (2010), every firm is concerned with its profitability.

Profitability indicates how well management of an enterprise generates earnings by using

the resources at its disposal. In the other words, the ability to earn profit is called

profitability. In addition, Gnanasooriyar and Momchilov (2008) confirm that profitability

is one of the important tools for the efficient performance of any enterprise.

Gnanasooriyar claims that profitability is an index of efficiency and it is regarded as a

measure of efficiency and management guide to greater efficiency. Profitability is the

entity's ability to "produce" gain. Market economy requires profitability in the enterprise,

after paying taxes, not just to cover all its costs, but also to ensure expanded reproduction

and prosperity. Therefore, all these scholars confirm the authenticity of many economists

that the profitability is one of the important indicators for the efficient operation of an


Implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay

The Bantay ASF sa Barangay program (BABay ASF), aims to control African

swine fever (ASF) and revive the livelihoods of both backyard and commercial swine

farmers through biosecurity, surveillance, and monitoring, as well as restocking of swine

farms affected by the disease. In the third quarter of 2019, the Philippines confirmed its

first case of African swine fever (ASF) in Rizal Province. More than a year later, over

400,000 hogs have been culled, thousands of barangays have been infected, and at least

P56 billion in losses were declared in the local hog industry due to the highly contagious

disease that is ASF. The first case of African Swine Fever (ASF) was reported in the

Philippines although it has been plaguing most parts Asia. Since then, even with the

constant efforts to stop its spread, it has reached various regions in the country, Eastern

Visayas is no exemption with Leyte being the province greatly affected. Municipalities in

the eastern part of Leyte province is now suffering from the mortalities of pigs that could

lead to severe economic loss. With this rising challenge in the local swine industry, the

government through the Department of Agriculture and its attached agencies has doubled

its efforts in mitigating the effects of ASF starting in the barangay level.

In February 2021, the Bantay ASF sa Barangay program (BABay ASF), a

multisectoral-partnership between the government, the private sector, and other

organizations was launched as a way to mitigate the spread of ASF in Northern

Mindanao. The program aims to improve biosecurity, implement strict monitoring using

PCR and ASF Nanogold biosensor test kits, and support the repopulation or restocking of

swine farms affected by the ASF. The program will also help affected local hog raisers in

their search for funding sources for alternative livelihood projects either from the

government or donor agencies.

On January 10,2022 an executive order regulating the entry and movement of live

hogs, pork, pork-related products, and by-products into and within the province of

Southern Leyte and establishing African Swine Fever (ASF) preventive and control

measure was released. This aims to intensify the risk management, surveillance and

monitoring of each municipality with regards to ASF and strengthen biosecurity

implementation in the barangay level. This would also provide capability building and

awareness to Barangay Biosecurity Officers (BBO). BBOs will serve as field responders

in monitoring the African Swine Fever in their municipalities.

Sales of Meat shop

Sales is a process that results in a transaction between two or more parties in

which the buyer receives the offering and the seller gets something of value in return

which is usually money.

Edward and Ronald (2009) tried to find some antecedents of price sensitivity and

concluded that price sensitivity was positively related to perceived brand parity and

negatively related to involvement, innovativeness, and loyalty. Innovativeness, brand

parity, and brand loyalty appear to mediate the influence of involvement on price

sensitivity. Consumer’s sensitivity to price had a significant impact on product

innovativeness as most of the product purchase decisions were being made based on price

rather than the brand or accessibility (Abdullah, Muhammad and Robel 2014). Chen and

Guan (2013) found price discounts can stimulate sales because of the downward demand

curve, but they can depress sales because consumers expected a lower price in the future.

An increase in price sensitivity strengthened the aforementioned two effects, and the

dominant effect determines whether price discounts can generate sales. Graciola, Toni

and Lima (2018)’s study results showed that store price image positively impacted on

customer repurchased intentions, with low and high price levels moderating these effects.

Price sensitivity also presented moderating effects. Andrée (2020) conducted a study of

Millennial utilitarian consumer behavior by price sensitivity and ethical consumption.

They found Millennial consumers were less price sensitive in regards to product attribute,

and favor ethical consumption over price. Wang, Pham and Dand (2020) focused on the

link between perceived food quality and environmental consciousness and organic food

purchase intention. The result was that price sensitivity moderates the relationship

between perceived food quality and organic food purchase intention. Furthermore, price

sensitivity moderates the indirect effect of environmental consciousness on organic food

purchase intention through perceived food quality. In a low-cost switching environment,

certain firm actions undertaken by service employees can improve consumer loyalty,

satisfaction and reduce price sensitivity (Wonjoo and Nicole, 2020).

Challenges Faced by Meat shop owners

The retail sector comprises an important portion of the economy. Research on

retail management encompasses many topics, including, among others, shelve

replenishment, inventory management, food waste management, product promotions,

product positioning, pricing, or online commerce. Given the wide variety of themes, Caro

et al. (2004) propose a classification of the topics representing the central challenges in

retail management, considering eight categories: (1) Inventory, (2) Pricing, (3)

Assortment, (4) Incentives, (5) Online retail, (6) Industry Studies, (7) Returns, and (8)

Other topics.

Similarly, Mou et al. (2014) provide a complete review of the current state of

research on retail store operations using a classification of six research items/themes and

seven operational decisions. In their literature review, the authors classified a total of 255

journal articles, published from 2008 to 2016. The authors concluded that more than two

thirds of all papers fall in the “Inventory Management Decision” category, and, within

this category, that more than 95% focus on the themes of “Uncertainty”, “Perishability”,

and “Availability”.

A review of these themes quickly and clearly establishes their importance for

retail operations management. The theme of “Uncertainty” comprises three perspectives:

purchase quantity, purchase timing, and purchase preferences of customers. According to

Bouzaabia et al., the in-store operations performance significantly contributes to reducing

the impact of uncertainty in customer-perceived indicators. Reducing uncertainty thus

positively impacts both perishability and availability. Several studies have been made on

how to manage uncertainty. Among other relevant findings, it is curious to note that high

inventory levels make in-store logistics more prone to execution errors, causing a higher

risk for product shrinkage and shelf stockouts. In fresh products categories,

“Perishability” is the biggest concern of food retailers, not only because it negatively

affects the customer perception of quality, but also because of the monetary loss it

creates. Perishable products account for over 40% of sales in grocery chains, and, with

factors such as a limited lifetime, high safety and quality requirements, and short lead

time, they are requirements that are highly complex to manage Finally, “Availability” is

key among all customer-perceived indicators of customer service in retailing, including in

the online channels. Product availability, is defined as the probability of having a product

in stock when a customer order arrives. The higher the stock level on the shelves, the

lower the likelihood of an out-of-stock (OOS) situation; nevertheless, this would lead to

an increase in the capital holding costs, as well as the risk for product shrinkage.

Chapter III


This chapter concentrates on the discussion of the research methods and

procedures adhered to by the researchers in order to answer systematically the specific

problems posed for investigation. Specifically, the research method, population and

samples, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of the

data used for the accurate data analysis and interpretation will be explained on this


Research Design

This study will use a descriptive-comparative research design. According to Black

(2011), the descriptive- comparative research design is defined as the correlations of two

or more variables identified as characteristics in an experiential phenomenon to highlight

the prevalence of statistical differences within the subject. In this study, the researcher

will consider several variables that were not manipulated and established a formal

procedure to conclude that one is different. Hence, the researcher will try to compare the

significant difference between the income of meat shop owners before and during the

implementation of Bantay ASF sa Barangay.

To complete this descriptive-comparative approach; a combination of survey,

documentation and data analysis will be used. A survey was the investigation about the

demographic profile of meat shop owners, the level impact of the implementation of

Bantay ASF sa barangay to their daily sales, on how they are coping with the current

situation with respect to protocol imposed, and the common factors they face during the

African Swine Fever outbreak and what strategies they used to overcome all of these by

means of collecting data. It is a fixed set of questions that can be administered by paper

or pencil or by an interviewer who follows an appropriate script in accordance with the

health protocol such as social distancing. Raw data will be collected from the participants

through survey questionnaires. Once problems and issues be identified, data will be

analyzed to provide probable solutions to the issues and propose appropriate measures.

Documentation is the means of recording or capturing events or phenomena in

which the information can be stored permanently and retrievable. Data analysis is the

process of systematically applying techniques and approaches to describe, illustrate, and

evaluate data.

Research Environment

The study will be conducted in Maasin City, Southern Leyte specifically in

Barangay Combado. Maasin City is a fourth-class city and the capital of the province of

Southern Leyte. It is the Southern Leyte’s commercial and cultural showcase where big

establishments and tourist spots are located. Barangay Combado is located within the

city, thus meat shop owners have the potential to enter meat shop industry.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study will be the selected meat shops registered in

Barangay Combado, Maasin City.

Research Instruments

The instrument will use a researcher-made survey questionnaire (Appendix C) to

know the respondent’s demographic profile and eventually to determine the level of

impact of Bantay ASF sa Barangay to the respondent’s daily sales. The draft of the

questionnaire was based on the researcher’s readings and previous studies relevant to the

study which will be validated by an expert. The initial findings will be presented and

discussed in order to propose appropriate measurements.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of request to conduct the research will be sent to the city mayor in order

to gain his approval. A separate letter of request to collect the list of registered Meat shop

owners will be addressed to the LGU office. Data will be collected through the utilization

of survey questionnaires to the respondents. Before the respondents fill up and answer the

questions, consents will be asked and they will sign the “informed consent letter” as

evidence for his/her involvement in study. Before distributing the questionnaires,

permission will be asked first to set the date, time and venue of survey. Necessary follow

up questions will be asked to clarify some information. Participant’s ideas, answers and

contributions during the discussion will be documented and summarized for further

analysis. Upon receiving the responses from the questionnaire, the researchers will

compile the data collected which will be sorted and tallied to apply the appropriate

statistical treatment for further analysis and interpretation of the data gathered. The

results of the interview will be quantified and analyzed for the relationship of words or


Statistical Treatment

The information that will be gathered during this descriptive-comparative design

were going to be summarized, analyzed and presented based the formulated research

problems. The following were used in this study:

Frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation will be used to analyze data

of the demographic profile of the respondents, answers to survey questionnaires.

Paired T-Test is used as a statistical tool that investigates the relationships

between variables.

Ethical Consideration

The researcher will follow the ethical principles in research in conducting the

study especially during the data gathering procedure. In the conduct of the study, three

basic principles will be properly observed: the principles of respect of persons,

beneficence and justice. In the observance of respect for persons, two ethical convictions

will be further observed: first, those individuals should be treated as autonomous agents,

and second, that persons with diminished autonomy were entitled to protection. In

affording beneficence, respondents will be treated in an ethical manner not only by

respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm, but also by making efforts to

secure their well-being. Two general rules will be observed in the observance of

beneficence: (a) do not harm and (b) maximize possible benefits and minimize possible

harms. Lastly, the principle of justice will be applied. In the treatment of respondents, the

principle of "fairness in distribution" or "what is deserved” will be observed. To further

observe justice, the following will be also observed: (a) to each person an equal share, (b)

to each person according to individual need, (c) to each person according to individual

effort, (d) to each person according to societal contribution, and (e) to each person

according to merit.

a. Risk-benefit assessment

Risks. There will be risks involved in the said undertaking as to the threats of the

lack of time to finish the undertaking considering this research was time – consuming and

the privacy involved in it that there will be a need to ensure that the responses would be

held with strict confidentiality and would only be used for study purposes.

Benefit. The benefit of the said undertaking ensures that they are able to share

their sentiments or experience and through the findings the government will improve its

present system being used in relation to the meat shop owners.

b. Consent, documentation of informed consent

The respondents will fill out the informed consent that ensures their voluntary

participation in the research undertaking and that they thoroughly understood the nature

and purpose of the said undertaking. They will be briefed in order that they would

understand the research undertaking and ensure cooperation in order to yield a positive

outcome or result. This Informed consent also provides that they would be interviewed or

had to answer the questionnaire for approximately 20 minutes about their experiences in

terms of the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay protocol. It was also conveyed

that the participation of the respondents in the research undertaking is entirely voluntary

and they might withdraw from the study at any time they wish. It also assures the

respondents that the information would be held with strict confidentiality. The research

undertaking will be thoroughly explained to the respondents making sure that they

understood the consent form and agreed to participate. They will be then asked to sign in

with their signature and the date in which they signed. The consent will involve a clear

discussion of (1) respondents’ status that allowed the respondents to know that the

information they provided would only be used for research purposes; (2) study goals

which reflected the overall goals to determine the impact of the daily income of meat

shop owners before and during the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay protocol;

(3) type of data that will be collected from the prospective respondents; (4) procedures on

how the study was done and where data collection was done through personal interview

with the respondents and through answering questionnaires; (5) nature of the

commitment where the interaction process with the respondent will take for

approximately 20 minutes of their time; (6) selection of respondent which will be done

through purposive sampling (for subject); (7) potential risks where respondents were

associated with potential risks of loss of time and privacy during the participation of

respondents most especially during the interview process; (8) potential benefits in which

this study also benefited the respondents through the improvement of ways/solution in

improving the present situation of the latter; (9) social awareness and possible

interventions that could help the respondents; (10) compensation where this study was

mainly non-monetary and snacks were provided to the respondents as a way of incentive

or compensation; (11) confidentiality pledge where a certificate of confidentiality was

given to respondents to protect the study from force of involuntary disclosure and the

information given will be kept confidential and would only be used in research purposes;

(12) voluntary consent where the participation was strictly voluntary and respondents

were not forced to participate in the study; (13) right to withdraw and withhold

information where every respondent of this study had the right to withdraw from

participation at any time and should be treated in the usual and customary fashion.

c. Authorization to access private information

The respondents will be informed that they do not have access to the research but

only the researcher since he has the authority over the research undertaking. The

respondents will be also informed on the output or the results of the research undertaking

since they were the beneficiaries of the research. Inquiry audit will be facilitated by the

researcher through seeking information of knowledgeable persons, outside the entity, the

purpose of which to ensure performing the audit procedures. Researchers will take into

consideration the disclosure of quality enhancement strategies to ensure that the research

was substantial and enriching through collaborative effort. It will ensure that descriptions

of the responses were thick and narratively done. It will ensure that the researcher’s

credibility was observed through ensuring that they could be trusted with the data and

that the responses of the respondents were held with strictest confidentiality. The

researcher will show commitment in the research undertaking through making an

elaborate discussion of the subject matter and the responses of the respondents will be

given analysis and interpretation.

d. Confidentiality procedures

The research will ensure confidentiality through ensuring that the responses were

kept with strict confidentiality and for study purposes only through safe-keeping of

instruments after it had been used to ensure the confidentiality of the research process. In

the case of questionnaires, names will not be placed in the questionnaire. No personal

information of the respondents will be included in the questionnaire.

e. Debriefings, Communication and Referrals

Along with being gracious and polite, the researcher will phrase questions

tactfully. A debriefing will be conducted after data collection was completed to permit

respondents to ask questions or air complaints. Further, after the study, the researcher will

communicate with the respondents to let them know that their participation was

appreciated through a letter. Lastly, referrals were done should research findings deem it

proper, when there were inquiries that needed to be answered to avoid confusion and

ensure clearer understanding of the research undertaking. It could not be avoided that

there would be conflict of interests between the members and it is important to deal with

it in such a diplomatic way in meeting halfway. It is important that the researchers

conveyed exchange of communication and feedback in meeting halfway for the welfare

of the people.

f. Incentives or Compensation

No incentives or compensation will be afforded to the respondents of the study,

considering that the study entailed only answering a questionnaire and questions through

interview and was voluntary in nature. It was non-monetary; therefore, snacks and words

of gratitude were the means of thanking the respondents for participating in the study.

However, one direct benefit that will be afforded to the respondents was the potential to

yield generalizable knowledge about the problem being studied and non-material

compensation to participants, which might come in the form of a social services

education, conference or other creative benefits.

g. Conflict of Interest

Should conflict of interest exist in the study and in order to maintain the

independence and integrity of the SJC Accountancy department, members of the SJC

Accountancy department must identify, eliminate, minimize or otherwise manage real,

potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

In the study, there will be no conflict of interest that arose. The environment as

well as the respondents will not be personally connected and not influenced by the

researcher therefore, there will be no bias associated with the study. Respondents will be

chosen based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria set. No recruitment through

advertisement will be needed in the study as it is pure answering questionnaires. Assent

will not be applied in the study considering that the respondents were all above 18 years

old and were therefore capacitated to give consent.

This study is not collaborative in nature, thus, the researcher being the author held

the intellectual property rights as well as the publication rights and information and

responsibility sharing. Thus, terms of reference would not be applicable in the study.


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Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte

August 16, 2022

Hon. Nacional V. Mercado

Office of the City Mayor

E. Rofols Street, Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City
Southern Leyte, 6600

Dear Mayor Nacional V. Mercado,

Good day!

We, the researchers of Saint Joseph College, are currently doing a study entitled “The
level of impact of the Implementation of Bantay ASF sa Barangay to the daily sales
of Meat shop owners” as our research for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Information System at the Saint Joseph College, Maasin City. The study will help the
researchers to identify the level of impact of the implementation of ASF protocol to the
meat shop owners in Barangay, Combado, Maasin City.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office to allow us to conduct our
research study in your vicinity. We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to
finish the requirement as compliance for our subject and to develop our well-being. We
hope of your positive response on this humble matter. Your approval to conduct this
study will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
The Researchers
Kenneth G. Diabordo

Noted by:



Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte

August 16, 2022

Dear Sir/Ma’am:

We, the researchers of Saint Joseph College, are currently doing a study entitled “The
level of impact of the Implementation of Bantay ASF sa Barangay to the daily sales of
Meat shop owners” as our research for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Information System at the Saint Joseph College, Maasin City. The study will help the
researchers to identify the level of impact of the implementation of ASF protocol to the
meat shop owners in Barangay, Combado, Maasin City.

I have identified you as a meat shop owner here in Barangay Combado, Maasin City. For
this, I am hoping that you would be able to participate in our study. I would like to ask
your permission that I will be allowed to collect your data that will be used in the
research. Rest assured that all your information will be treated with utmost respect and

Please allow us to make initial contact with you or your representative so we can further
discuss the details of our research. Our contact number is 0915-982-4505 and email
address is .

We are looking forward to your positive response and favorable action on this study.

Sincerely yours,
The Researcher

Noted by



Upon reading and signing this document, I am giving my full consent to be a participant
of the research that will be conducted by Kenneth G. Diabordo of Saint Joseph College,
Maasin City, Philippines. I understand that it will be part of their study, and it will focus
on “the level of impact of “the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay to the
daily sales of meat shop owners”.
I understand that I am being asked to participate in a research study at Saint
Joseph College. If I agree to participate in this study, I will be interviewed and be asked
to answer some questions in the questionnaire for approximately 20 minutes regarding
the issue concern. The interview will be voice recorded. No identifying information will
be included when the interview is transcribed. There is no known risk associated with this

study. The interviews and survey will be conducted right here in my shop wherein my
business is situated. I also understand that the researchers may contact me for more
information in the future.
I am fully aware that I may not participate in the study if I am younger than 18
years old. I realized that my participation in the study is entirely voluntary and I may
withdraw from the study at any time I wanted to. If I decide to discontinue my
participation in this study, I will continue to be treated in a usual customary fashion.
I understand that all the data gathered in this study will be kept confidential.
However, the information may be used in research publications. If I need to, I can contact
the researchers anytime during the study.
The study has been explained to me. I have read and understand this consent
form, all my questions have been answered and I agree to participate. I understand that I
will be given a copy of the consent form.
This study will benefit the respondents, constituents, barangay council, and local
government units.

____________________ Respondent’s Signature


____________________ Researcher’s Signature




Survey Questionnaire

“The impact of the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay to the daily sales of
meat shop owners”

Instructions: Please answer the questionnaire to the best of your knowledge. Kindly
place a check mark “☐” in the appropriate box that represents your response and write
down correct information on the space provided. Rest assured that your response will be
treated with utmost confidentiality.

I. Demographic Profile

1. Name (optional): ____________________

2. Years of operation:
☐Below 5 years
☐5 to 10 years
☐11 to 15 years
☐20 years over

3. Annual Income:

☐Below 300,000
☐300,001 – 500,000/year
☐501,000 – 800,000/year
☐1,000,000 over/ year

4. Average numbers of weekly customers

4.1 before ASF:
☒Below 10
☐11 – 20/week
☐21 – 40/week
☐50 over/week

4.2 during ASF:

☐Below 10
☐11 – 20/week
☐21 – 40/week
☐50 over/week

II. Instruction: Choose the responses from the statements below by checking the
appropriate boxes.

(1-Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Neutral; 4- Agree; 5- Strongly Agree)

QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5

I have difficulty in gaining more income during the

implementation of the protocol

I consider that my daily income before the

implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay is greater than
my income during the implementation

The implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay greatly

affects my source of income as a meat shop owner

The implementation of the government protocol regarding

ASF contributes to my safety and compliance as meat
shop owner

I experienced financial problems because of the

implementation of the protocol

During the outbreak aside from having a meat shop

business, I also have other sources of income

III. Instruction: Choose the responses from the statements below by checking the
appropriate boxes.

Income from driving before the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay

 Below 10,000
 10,001- 40,000/ day
 40,001- 60,000/day
 60,001- 80,000 day
 80,001- 100,000/day
 100,000 over/day

Income from driving during the implementation of Bantay ASF sa barangay

 Below 10,000

 10,001 – 40,000/day
 40,001 – 60,000/day
 60,001 – 80,000/day
 80,001 – 100,000/day
 100,000 over/day

IV. Check the following boxes if you encounter these challenges during the
implementation of Bantay ASF sa Barangay. Leave blank if none


I did not receive any assistance from the Government

I only depend on one supplier

Pork available is expensive

Less numbers of customers

OTHERS (please specify):


V. What can you suggest or recommend to the government regarding this matter

that might solved this kind of uncertainty that may rise again in the future?





Barangay: Olot, Tolosa, Leyte
Birthdate: March 15, 2000
Mother: Ma. Grace G. Diabordo
Father: Pedro O. Diabordo
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Mobile number: 0915-982-4505

Email address:


Elementary Malbago Elementary School

Malbago, Bontoc, Southern Leyte

2011 – 2012

Secondary Tolosa National High School

Malbog, Tolosa, Leyte

2015-2016 – Junior High School

ACLC College of Tacloban

Real St. Tacloban City, Leyte

2017-2018 – Senior High School


Tunga- tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Fourth Year

 Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) – SJC Chapter

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.



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