Hope Grade 12

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S.Y. 2022-2023
H.O.P.E. 3 GRADE 12

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ Score: ________________

Test I - Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer from the choices a, b, c, &
d. Blacken the circle of the letter of your answer.

a b c d 1. Which of the following FITT principle below shall be apply in performing a dance that talks about
the degree of amount of strength and force?
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
a b c d 2. HUMSS 12 students are practicing their ballroom dance performance in 3 times per week to ensure
that they will have a great presentation. Which of the following FITT principle below
they are trying to apply?
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
a b c d 3. Grade 12 students are required to perform Cheerdance as part of their graded performance in
H.O.P.E 3. STEM 12 students practice their routine 30 minutes per day. What FITT principle they are
trying to apply?
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
a b c d 4. How do festival dances enhance one’s fitness?
a. Festival dances are a good form of exercise that allows to utilize your entire body, thus
make muscles strong and enhance the stamina.
b. It reduces the risk of cardio-respiratory diseases.
c. It maximizes the use of energy and enhance cardio respiratory health.
d. all of the above
a b c d 5.Our body exerts great efforts which involves muscles especially in dancing. Which of the following
Physiological indicators of dance being used?
a. Changes of Heart Rate
b. Museo-skeletal Adaptations
c. Motor Control
d. Basal Heart Rate
a b c d 6. The following statements below are benefits of dancing in terms of human’s heart rate , EXCEPT
a. It helps to strengthen the heart muscle and maintain its good condition
b.It helps the heart to respond according to the demands of the moving muscles during activity
c.It makes our bodily system to work efficiently
d.It helps to improve heart conditions to increase chances of acquiring heart related problem
a b c d 7. Camille is dancing for too long that lead her experience a wide range of overuse injuries. Which of
the following dance injuries below she experienced?
a. overtraining b. fatigue c. failure to rest d. poor fitness
a b c d 8. A person who are beginners in performing cheerdance maybe vulnerable to injury because they
don’t have the skills or technique from that particular dance. Which of the following dance injury does
a person encountered?
a. Poor Fitness b. Poor Technique c. Inexperience d. Hazardous Environment
a b c d 9. It is the process of loosing of moisture from the body because of intense dance workshop. What do
you call this kind of dance injuries?
a. Dehydration b. Overexertion c. Hypothermia d. Hyperthermia
a b c d 10. Manuel is an active member of cheerleading squad in their school. Through their rigid practice, he
experienced a condition of having a body temperature which is greatly above normal. Manuel is
experiencing from what kind of dance injury?
a. Dehydration b. Overexertion c. Hypothermia d. Hyperthermia

a b c d 11. One of the student experience a break in the bone as he fall on the stunts during their cheerdance
practice. What dance injury he experienced?
a. Sprain b. Fracture c. Dislocations d. Strains
a b c d 12. It is considered as a dance of privileged people which is performed in a large room?
a. Social Dance b. Folk Dance c. Cheerdance d. Festival Dance

a b c d 13. Which of the following modern standard dance below that showcase a captivating and sensual
movemens originated in South America?
a. Foxtrot b.Waltz c. Tango d. Quickstep

a b c d 14. Daniella is a good dancer. She loves to perform ballroom dance particularly those flirtatious
ballroom dance with full of passion and energy. She is performing a latin dance which is what we
called _________?
a. Cha-cha-cha b. Rumba c. Jive d. Samba

a b c d 15. In recent years, there has been a decline in performing dance among teenagers. The following are
the reasons, EXCEPT one.
a. demands on time b. physically active
c. lack performing skills c. peer influence

a b c d 16. With the rise of modern technology, how does it help the students to perform hiphop dance?
a. Helps the students to search and browse dance steps and pattern.
b. Helps the students to copy different dance videos.
c. Helps the students to easily grab some choreography.
d. All the statements are the benefits on the rise of modern technology.

a b c d 17. The following statements below are health benefits of modern dancing, EXCEPT one?
a. It brain diet and burns fat
b. It alleviates bones and joint
c. It promotes social disconnectivity
d. It improves physical conditioning

a b c d 18. It is one of the health benefits in dancing that improve ones cognitive domain and help prevent
the onset of dementia in elderly patients?
a. Brain Diet b. Burns Fat c. Creative Outlet d. Physical Conditioning

a b c d 19. Joining any ballroom dance activity will surely expose one to meet new people who may potentially
share common interests. This statement refers to __________?
a. Creative Outlet b. Interesting ideas c. Physical Conditioning d. Social Connectivity

a b c d 20. Tommy is a member of a dance trouped in their school. They perform a dance that intends to give
motivation and support to their sporting team, entertain the audience during sports activity. In what
group he belong?
a. Ballroom Dancer b. Folk Dancer c. Cheer Dancer d. Hiphop Dancer

a b c d 21. This element of cheerdance helps to encourage the supportive spectators to cheer along and bring
the prideful message to the competitors. This element is what we called ________?
a. Stunts b. Yells c. Dance d. Jumps

a b c d 22. Which of the following physical fitness components below that is useful in performing high kicks,
jumps, splits, and stunts sequences during cheerdance performance?
a. Flexibility b. Strength c. Coordination d. Endurance

a b c d 23. Which of the following is a cultural dance performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments
usually done in honor of patron saint or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest?
a. Folk Dance b.Contemporary Dance c.Festival Dance d.Social Dance
a b c d 24. The following are the Do’s in contemporary dance, EXCEPT one?
a. Do take practice for granted
b. Do fine 10-15 minutes each day to strengthen your back, abs and legs
c. Do warm your body up before dancing
d. Do wear appropriate attire

a b c d 25. Stretching is very important in performing different kinds of physical activities especially in dancing.
The following are important reminder in doing stretching, EXCEPT one?
a. Stretch before and after a physical activity
b. Stretch gently and slowly
c. Breathe slow and easy
d. Hold stretches for a minimum of 30 seconds

a b c d
26. Alex encountered injury during the execution of stunts in their cheerdance performance. If he is
able to understand the dance injury risk factor, which events could not have happened?
a. The inexperience of Alex
b. The poor fitness of Alex
c. The accident of Alex
d. The poor posture of Alex

a b c d
27. Due to diversity in dancing, proper attire and dance wear may vary depending on the dance
discipline. If a dancer fails to follow on wearing proper dance attire, what might be the result?
a. Uncomfortable attire that mismatch to dance performance
b. Boost self-confidence and good presence on the dance floor
c. Interpret unseen ideas in dances to the audience
d. Avoid wardrobe malfunction

a b c d 28. If an individual could hardly catch his breath off while performing festival dances, what is the
intensity of his activity?
a.Heavy b.light c.Moderate d.Moderately Light

a b c d 29. Social dances are of two classifications namely,Latin American and Modern Standard Dances.
Which of the following is an example of Modern Standard Dances?
a. Jive/Boogie b. Tango Argentino c. Swing d. Rumba

a b c d 30. One of your classmate encountered injury as she accidentally fall on the ground while performing
her stunt for your upcoming cheerdance performance. As a student, what are you going to do?
a. Seek advice from the classmates
b. Leave the group and don’t resume anymore the dancing practice
c. Stop the dance and ask assistance to the school guard
d. Perform the basic RICE formula (Rest, Ice, Compression, & Elevation)

a b c d
31. Lina is known as a dancer in their school. In order for her to have a great performance and
maintain her energy level, she needs to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.
From the information given, what particular eating habits does Lina need to apply?
a. Emotional Eating
b. Balanced Eating
c. Social Eating
d. Distracted Eating

a b c d 32. Cartwheel is a type of tumble in which the body moves sideways imitating a wheel. In performing
this kind of tumble what particular sequence of movements you are going to apply?
1. Lift the behind leg up to kick
2. Allow upper body to fall down, and put your hands on the ground
3. Kick foot over the head
4. Start in a Lunge
a. 1,2,3,4
b. 4,1,2,3
c. 4,2,1,3
d. 1,3,2,4

a b c d 33. Back tuck is also similar to backhand spring execution but it doesn’t require the hands to touch the
ground when executed. In performing this kind of tumble what particular sequence of movements you
are going to apply?
1. Land with both feet
2. Swing and reach arms overhead, at the same time, jump upward
3. From standing position, slightly bend knees to a sitting position with arms at the side
ready to swing back
4. After a brief stretch in the air, pull knees upward tucking to the chest to rotate
a. 3,2,4,1 b. 3,4,2,1c. c.3,1,2,4 d. 3,4,1,2

a b c d 34. Formations play a vital role in cheerdance since most of the cheerdance competitions are viewed
from the top by the spectators. Example of the basic cheerdance dance group formations are the
following, EXCEPT one?
a. Window b. Block c. Bowling Pin d.Sun

a b c d 35. Grade 12 students are required to organize their own dance event as part of their final
requirements. In the choices below, what do you think is the first and important thing to be consider?
a. Financial Aspect b. Program Layout and Design
b. Participants d. Planning and Conferences

a b c d 36. Cooperation and unity in each group is very important element for a successful dance event
organizing team. As a grade 12 students, what are you going to do to have this cooperation and unity?
a. Constant communication and understanding
b. One day planning conference for the upcoming dance event
c. Everyone can act as a leader in their team
d. Assigned a leader that posses a strong personality

a b c d 37. Dance contribute and provide great factor in human’s health. If you are going to create a dance
event proposal, what particular dance genre you are going to proposed to address health issues and
a. Social Dance b. Folk Dance c. Dance Fitness d. Cheerdance

a b c d 38. In the preperation of a dance event, student should create their own dance matrix to be submitted
and check by their H.O.P.E. 3 teacher. The following are the content of dance matrix proposal,
a. Participants b. High Budget c. Venue d.Sound System

a b c d 39. Dance event is a final requirement of grade 12 students in H.O.P.E. 3 subject. As a student, how
are you going to create your dance event proposal?
a. Create a program flow
b. Consider the dance genre, participants, date, time, and venue
c. Always include in the proposal – bugettary requirements, guidelines, mechanics, & criteria
d. All of the choice fround in a to c are useful in creating a dance event proposal

a b c d 40. HOPE 3 is a subject that develop students potential in organizing a dance event either inside the
school premise or in their own community. Through this, students are equipped with knowledge and
ideas in creating the said event. The following are the benefits of the said event, EXCEPT one ?
a. Help students not to boost their self confidence
b. Develop students creativity and artistry in creating a dance event
c. Encourage students to develop their full potential as a succeful event organizer someday
d. Help students to promote dance as a avenue in the development of human’s health


Division Unified Test in H.O.P.E GRADE 12
SY 2019-2020





H.O.P.E 3 (Dance)

12 a
13 c
14 a
15 b
16 d

19 d

20 c

21 b
Discusses the nature of the different dances. 15
22 a

24 b

28 d

29 b

32 c

33 a

34 d

1 b
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve
3 2 a
and/or maintain HRF.
3 c

4 c
Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate
3 5 b
of percieved exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to
monitor and/or adjust participation or effort. 6 d

9 a
Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration,
3 10 d
overexertion, hypo-and hyperthermia during MVPAs
participation. 31 b

7 7 a
Demosntaretd proper etiquette and safety in the use of
8 c
facilities and equipment.
11 b
25 d

26 c

27 a

30 d

17 c
Explains the value of optimizing one’s health through
3 18 a
participation in physical activity assessment.
23 c

35 d
Organizes dance event for a target health issue or concern
36 a

37 c
38 b

39 d

40 a

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