CCTE Legal Compliance Assessment Rev 03

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COMPANY CSCEC-China Construction Third Engg (M) Sdn Bhd DEPARTMENT HSE Department





Part Act/ Summary Item Reference
Reg. Application
I Preliminary
IV 15 General Duties of Employers And Self Employed Person
Provision and maintenance of plant and system of work;ensure absence of risk to health with the use or All workplace operations
operation, handling, storage and transport of plant and substances; provide information, instruction, training and
supervision; provision and maintenance of access and egress, working environment and adequate facilities
Duty of every employer and self employed persons
16 To formulate safety and health policy, prepare and revise the policy statement and bring the statement All workplaces with more than 5 employees
and any revision of it to the notice of the employees
17 General duties of employers and self employed persons to persons other than their employees
- Is to ensure he and other person (not being his employees) are not exposed to risks to their safety and health All workplace operations
18 Duties of an occupier of a place of work to persons other than his employees
-Is to ensure that all of access and egress are safe and without risks to health; prevention of risks to safety and All workplace operations
health that may arise from the use of any plant or substance in the place of work.
19 Penalty for an offence under Section 15,16,17 or 18
Fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgir or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both All workplace operations
V 20-23 General Duties of Designers, Manufacturers And Suppliers
VI 24 General duties of employees at work
To take reasonable care of himself and other persons; cooperate with his employer or any other person All workplace operations
on the requirement imposed; wear at all times any protective equipment provided and; comply with
any instruction or measure on OH&S instituted by the employer
25 Duty not to interfere with or misuse things provided pursuant to certain provisions All workplace operations
26 Duty not to charge employees for things done or provided All workplace operations
27 Discrimination against employee All workplace operations
VII 28 Medical surveillance
29 Safety and health officer
Only for workplace operations., where the Contract Value exceeds RM 20 Million.
- An occupier shall employ a competent person as a safety & health officer (which this section applies). Contravenes to the provisions be liable to a fine not
exceeding RM 5,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 month or both

30 Establishment of safety and health committee at place of work

All workplace operations with forty and more employees.
Applicable for forty or more persons employed at the place of work or the Director General directs the establishment of such a committee at the place of work

31 Functions of safety and health committee

(Please refer to Safety and Health Committee Regulation 1996) All workplace operations with forty and more employees.
VIII 32 Notification of Accidents, dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning And Occupational
Diseases And Inquiry
To notify the nearest DOSH office of any accident etc occurred or is likely to occur at the place of work All workplace operations

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
XI 39-50 Enforcement and investigation All workplace operations
48 Improvement notice and prohibition notice All workplace operations
XII 51-62 Liability for offences All workplace operations
I 1-4 Preliminary
II 5 Membership of Committee
Shall consist of a chairman, a secretary, representatives of employer and representatives of employee. Applicable to all workplaces with 40 or more
For 100 persons or less employed at the workplace, there shall not be less than 2 representatives each from the employees employees.
and management. Where more than 100 persons employed, there shall not be less than 4 representatives each
from the employees and the management.
6 (1) -(3) Appointment of chairman and secretary of committee
An employer or his authorized manager shall be the chairman of a safety and health committee; the secretary
of the committee shall be the person who is employed as the safety and health officer at the work place;
where there is no safety and health officer, the chairman may appoint another person to act as the secretary
7 Appointment of other members of committee
8 Adequate employee representation
9 Vacancy
10 Removal of member of committee
III 11 Functions of safety and health committee
- Assist in the development of safety and health rules
- Review the effectiveness of safety and health programme
- Carry out studies on the trends of accident, incident that occurs at the place of work
- Report on any unsafe or unhealthy condition or practice together with recommendations for corrective actions
- Review the safety and health policies at the place of work
- Inspection of place of work
12 (a) - ( c ) Inspection of place of work
SHC shall inspect the place of work, discuss the observations/findings and make a recommendation
13 Investigation into any accident etc.
SHC shall inspect the place of work as soon as it safe to do so, after any accident etc; SHO shall furnish
the chairman with the report of his findings; A meeting shall be held to discuss the cause of accident and make
recommendations of the measures to be taken to prevent the reoccurrence
14 Action to be taken on report and recommendation of committee
15 Matters to be considered by committee
- Reports submitted by SHO, safety audit report, reports and factual information provided by occupational safety
and health officers and report by other government agencies on matters pertaining to safety and health.

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
16 Investigation of complaint
17 Resolution of complaint Applicable to all workplaces with 40 or more
18 Assistance of committee - A SHC shall assist an employer in competition, talks etc. in relation to S&H employees.
19 Rules on safety and health - An employer (in consultation with SHC) shall prepare & promote rules on S&H
20 Sub-committee
IV 21-27 Meetings of safety and health committee
V 28-31 Provisions of training and information
- Employer to ensure that SHC members have a basic understanding/knowledge of the SHC functions; provide
adequate training to SHC members; duty to make available relevant document and information etc.
VI 32 Penalty
I 1-3 Preliminary
II 4 - 13 Registration of a Safety and Health officer
- SHO shall registered with Director General of DOSH (with certain qualification). The registration valid for 3 years. Only for workplace operations., where
Compulsory to attend continuous education programme for renewal of registration. the Contract Value exceeds RM20 million
III 14 Notification of a safety and health officer
IV 15 Duties of an employer
An employer shall provide the SHO adequate facilities, including training, equipment and appropriate information
16 An employer shall permit SHO at least once in a year to attend continuous education programme
17 An employer shall direct one supervisor to assist the SHO in any investigation of accident etc.
18 Duties of safety and health officer
To advise the employer on safety and health at the place of work; inspect the place of work; investigate any
accident etc.; assist the employer or safety and health committee in organizing and implementing OH&S
programme; to become secretary of the SHC; assist SHC in any inspection of the place of work; to
collect and analyse statistics on any accident etc.
V 19 Safety and health officer to submit report - before the tenth of a preceeding month
20 (a - c) Action to be taken on report and recommendation of committee
The report shall be kept at least for a period of 10 years
VI 21 Miscellaneous
1 Citation and commencement
2 Interpretation Only for workplace operations., where
3 Class or description of industries required to employ safety and health officer e.g. any building the Contract Value exceeds RM20 million
operation or work of engineering construction where the total contract price of the project exceeds RM 20 million

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
I 1-4 Preliminary
II 5 Identification of chemicals hazardous to health
Register of chemicals hazardous to health All workplace operations with chemical
5 (1) An employer shall identify and record in a register all chemicals hazardous to health used in the hazardous to health are used.
place of work
5 (2) The register shall be maintained, updated and contained the following information:
-A list of all chemicals hazardours to health used
-Current chemical safety data sheet except for pesticides
-Average quantity used, produced or stored per month or per year
-The process and work area the chemicals are used
-The name and address of the supplier
III Permissible exposure limit
6 Ceiling limit - To ensure the exposure of any person to hazardous chemical listed in Schedule I shall not
exceed the ceiling limit
7 Eight-hour time-weighted average - To ensure the exposure of any person to hazardous chemical listed in
Schedule I in 8 hour shall not exceeds the eight-hour-time weighted average airborne concentration specified
for the chemical in that schedule.
8 Compliance with permissible exposure limit using respirator
9 Assessment of risk to health
To carry out written assessment of the risks of the chemical. The assessment shall contain the potential risks,
the method and procedures, the nature of hazard, degree of exposure, control measures, training requirements etc.
10 Review assessment
11 Assessment to be carried out by an assessor
12 Assessment of risk to health report
13 Assessment report
14-19 Action to control exposure
20-21 Labelling and relabelling
22-25 Information, Instruction and Training
26 Monitoring of exposure at the place of work
27 Health surveillance
28 Medical removal protection
29 Warning sign
30 Record keeping

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
I 2 (1) Interpretation
II Notification and reporting of accident and dangerous occurrence
5 Any accident either death or serious bodily injury (as specified in the First Schedule) which prevents the person from All workplace operations
perfoming his normal occupation for more than 4 days or any dangerous occurrence (as specified in the First Schedule),
the employer shall notify the nearest DOSH office by quickest means available and to send a report within 7 days
Reporting of cases of occupational poisoning and occupational disease
7 Where a person at work suffers or likely to suffer from one of the occupational poisonings or occupational diseases
(specified in the Third Schedule) the employer shall send a report to the nearest DOSH ofice within 7 days by using
an approved form
III No interference at accident or dangerous occurrence scene
No person (unless authorised) remove, interfere or disturb any plant, substance, article or things related to the incident,
except to safe life, prevent injury or relieve the suffering of any person; maintain the access of the general public to an
essential service or utility or to prevent further damage, serious loss of property or environment.
IV 10 Records
Every employer shall record and maintain a register in an approved form of all accidents and dangerous occurrences
which have occurred or all occupational diseases which have occurred or are likely to occur.
The record shall be kept at the place of work for at least 5 years from the date on which it was made.
The employer shall send to the Director General before 31 January of each year, such extracts from the registry for
a period of 12 months ending on 31 December of each year.
V 13 Penalty
Any person who contravenes of these Regulations, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine
not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.

I Citation and commencement
2 Exception
Section 16 of the Act (Duty to formulate safety and health policy) shall apply to every employer and All workplace operations with more than 5 employees
self-employed person except those who carry on an undertaking with not more than five employees

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Reg. Application

II 10 Provisions Relating to Safety, etc.

Without prejudice to any law with respect to local authorities, in respect of any factory, Applicable to all workplace operations
the following provisions relating to safety shall apply:
(a) foundations and floors shall be of sufficient strength to sustain the loads for which they are designed; and no
foundation or floor shall be overloaded
(b) roofs shall be of sufficient strength to carry where necessary suspended loads
(c) all floors, working levels, platforms, decks, stair-ways, passages, gangways, ladders and steps shall be of safe
construction so as to prevent a risk of persons falling, and structurally sound so as to prevent a risk of collapse,
and shall be properly maintained and kept, as fas as reasonably practicable, free from any loose material and in a
non-slippery condition;
(d) such means as are reasonably practicable shall be provided, maintained, and used so as to ensure safe access
to any place at which any person has at any time to work;
(e) every opening, sump, pit or fixed vessel in a floor, or working level shall be securely covered or securely fenced
so as to prevent risk of persons falling; and
(f) all goods, articles and substances which are stored or stacked shall be so placed or stacked:
a) in such manner as will be best ensure stability and prevent any collapse of the goods, articles or substances or
their supports; and
b) in such a manner as not to interfere with the adequate distributuib of light, adequate ventilation, proper operation
of machinery, the unobstructed use of passageways or gang-ways and the efficient functioning or use of fire-
fighting equipment
III 26 Training and Supervision of Inexperienced Workers
No person shall be employed at any machine or in any process, being a machine or process liable to cause Applicable to all workplace operations
bodily injury, unless he has fully instructed as to the dangers likely to arise in connection therewith and the
precautions to be observed, and
a) has received sufficient instruction in work at the machine or process; or
b) is under adequate supervision by a person who has knowledge and experience of the machine or process
V 35 Building Operations or Works of Engineering Construction
(1) Every person who undertakes any building operations or works of engineering construction shall not later than Applicable to all workplace operations fall
seven days from the commencement of those operations serve on the Inspector written notice in the prescribed under Building Operations or Work of
Engineering Construction
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to -
(a) building operations or works of enginering construction the carrying out of which does not involved the use of
machinery and which the person undertaking them has grounds for believing will be completed in a period of less

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
than six weeks; and
(b) a person undertaking any operations in a place in which building operations or works of engineering construction
are being carried out in respect of which notice has been given under subsection (1)
I 3-9 General Conditions
All workplace operations where steam boiler
II 10-44 Steam Boilers
is used.
All workplace operations where unfired
III 45-64 Unfired Pressure Vessels
pressure vessel is used.
IV 65-86 Miscellaneous Provisions
I 1-6 General
All workplace operation where lift is used
II 7-30 Design, Construction, Installation and Tests
(inclusive of passenger/material hoist)
III 31 Maintenance
IV 32-34 Miscellaneous
1-3 Introductory
I 4-12 General Conditions
Every dangerous part of every driven machine, prime mover and transmission machinery shall be securely Applicable to all workplace operations
fenced. No opening in any fence shall be of such dimensions that any person can touch the moving parts of
the machinery enclosed by the fence.
II 13-15 Prime Movers
III 16-21 Transmission Machinery
IV 22-41 Driven Machinery
V 42-44 Duties and Liabilities
I 3-18 Machinery required to be in charge of persons holding certificates of competency
A person in charge of a steam boiler, steam engine, internal combustion engine or dredge shall hold an For workplace operation with the usage
appropriate certificate of competency. of specified machinery
II 19 Instruction to be given to persons working on machinery
An owner/occupier shall not permit any person to work on any machine unless instructions given in terms Applicable to all workplace operations
of precautions to be taken against any danger; in the use and where necessary the adjustment of the safety
appliances provided and; precautions to be observed during the operation, cleaning and maintenance of the
machinery. Training to be given to operators of certain machinery.
20 Training to be given to operators of certain machinery
21 Miscellaneous

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
1 Citation
2 Interpretation
5 Machinery installed on any floor above the ground floor
6 Floors
Every part of any floor where any person is likely to pass shall be maintained in a level, good and non- Applicable to all workplace operations
slippery, free from holes, splinters, protruding nails etc.
7 Access to place of work
Clear and unobstructed space shall be provided and maintained at all machinery. Applicable to all workplace operations
8 Openings generally to be fenced
9 Stairway opening
Every stairway opening except at the entrance thereto shall be fenced on every exposed side by guard rails Applicable to all workplace operations with stairway
and toe-boards
10 Fixed ladder
11 Catwalk, runway or gangway
12 Working at a height
Where any person be liable to fall a distance of more than ten feet, his safety shall be ensure e.g. by using a Applicable to all workplace operations with work activities
safety belts or ropes. above ten feet
13 Confined Spaces
Where any work has to be done inside any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pressure or other vessel or other Applicable to all workplace operations with confined space
confined space in which dnagerous fumes are liable to be present, a manhole shall be provided which shall activity.
not be less than sixteen inches wide or not less than eighteen inches in diameter if circular. No person shall
be required or permitted to enter any confined space unless all practicable steps have been taken to remove
any fumes; it has been ascertained by a suitable test the confined space is free from dangerous fumes; a
reliable and competent person is stationed at the entrance of the tank or vessel to supervise the operations.
Suitable respiratory protective device, reviving apparatus, belts and ropes shall be provided,maintain,
and readily accessible.
14 Dangerous liquid
Every fixed vessel, structure etc. which the edge is less than three feet six inches above the adjoining floor, Applicable to all workplace operations having specified
etc. which creating risk of accidental immersion of any portion of the body it shall either be securely covered dangerous liquid.
or securely fenced to at least three feet six inches. A warning notice, indicating the nature of danger shall be
posted prominently nearby.
15 Containers for volatile inflammable substances
Every drum, can or similar vessel containing volatile inflammable substances shall be kept securely closed Applicable to all workplace operations having specified
when not in use and be removed immediately from the premises when it have been emptied. volatile inflammable substances.

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
16 Precaution against ignition
Fire, flame or naked light or other agent likely to ignite volatile inflammable substances or fumes is not allowed Applicable to all workplace operations having specified
inside any room or cabinet. No person is allowed to smoke in this area and notice of prohibiting smoking volatile inflammable substances.
shall be posted.
17 Precautions with regard to explosive or inflammable dust, fume or substance
18 Hot pipes
19 Object on inclines Applicable to all workplace operations
20 Stacking of material
21 Safety provisions in case of fire
Every factory building shall be provided with not less than two exits from every floor. Applicable to all workplace operations
22 Fire fighting appliances
23 Cleanliness
24 Space for each person
25 Ventilation
26 Air cleanliness
27 Partake of food or drink
28 Temperature
29 Lighting
30 Seating facilities
31 Work benches
32 Working clothes, personal protectiave clothing and appliance
33 Dressing room
34 Drinking water
35 Water unsafe for drinking
36 Washing facilities
37 Sanitary convenience
38 First aid
39 Duty of occupier
40 Compliance with any other written law
41 Penalty
42 Compoundable offences

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Applicable to all workplace operations with
I 3-9 Notification of operation of factory, use of machinery, accidents and Industrial diseases
the usage of specified machinery
II 10-12 Certificate of fitness
III 13-32 Inspection
IV 33-42 Inspection fees
I 1-4 Preliminary
II 5-7 Permissible Exposure Limit
No employee shall be exposed to noise level exceeding equivalent continuous sound level of 90dB(A) or Applicable to all workplace operations
exceeding the limits specified in the First Schedule or exceeding the daily noise dose of unity. No employee
shall be exposed to noise level exceeding 115 dB(A) at any time.
III 8-14 Exposure Monitoring
Every occupier shall conduct employee exposure monitoring to determine if any employee may be exposed to Applicable to all workplace operations
noise level at or above the action level. Within two weeks after the receipt of the employee exposure moni-
toring results, the occupier shall notify each employee of the results of the monitoring.
IV 15-16 Methods of Compliance
The occupier shall reduce and maintain employee exposure to noise level below the limits by engineering Applicable to all workplace operations
control, administrative control or both methods. When the controls provided not reduce the employee exposure,
the occupier shall provided hearing protection devices.
17-19 Hearing Protection Devices
An accupier shall, at no cost to the employee, provide an approved hearing protection device. An occupier Applicable to all workplace operations
shall establish and implement procedures on the issuance, maintenance, inspection and training in the use of
hearing protection devices.
VI 20-26 Audiometric Testing Programme Applicable to all workplace operations
VII 27 Employee Information Training Applicable to all workplace operations
VIII 28 Warning signs
Warning signs shall be posted at entrances to or on the periphery of all well-defined work areas in which Applicable to all workplace operations
workers may be exposed at or above the limits. The sign shall clearly indicate that the area is a high noise
area and that hearing protection devices shall be worn.
IX 29-32 Record keeping
X 33 Miscellaneous

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
I 1-4 Preliminary
II General Provisions
5 Application of Factories and Machinery (Fencing of Machinery and Safety) Regulations 1983 Applicable to all workplace operations
6 Machinery installed on any floor above the ground floor
No machinery shall be used above the ground floor unless the structure is designed and constructed as to Applicable to workplace operations having machinery
support the load imposed. The floor shall also be maintained in good and safe condition. installed above ground floor.
7 Drowning hazards
Where employees are exposed to the hazard adequate PPE and training shall be provided Applicable to workplaces with drowning hazard.
8 Slipping hazards
Employer shall not permit worker to use slippery passageway, platform etc. Oil, grease, water and other Applicable to all workplace operations
other substances causing slippery shall be removed, covered etc.
9 Tripping and cutting hazards
All passageway, platforms and other places of work shall be kept free from accumulations of dirt, debris or Applicable to all workplace operations
obstruction. Any projection shall be removed.
10 Access to workplace
Stairways, ramps or runways shall be provided as the means of access for working above or below ground Applicable to all workplace operations with elevated
floor. working level
11 Dust and gases
Dust and gases shall be controlled by ventilation Applicable to all workplace operations
12 Corrosive substances
Alkalis,acid, toxic or hazardous substances shall be stored and used properly. Suitable PPE shall be provided. Applicable to all workplace operations having such
Clean water/appropriate cleansing materials shall be readily available. hazardous substances
13 Eye protection
Suitable eye protection shall be used and provided while engaged in welding, cutting, chipping and grinding. Applicable to all workplace operations
14 Respirators
The employer shall provide the employee with the respirator where required by the Regulations. The Applicable to all workplace operations
employer shall maintain the respirator in a good condition.
15 Protective apparel
16 Electrical hazards
The employer shall ensure the exposed circuit are so located, provide warning signs. No wiring shall be left Applicable to all workplace operations
on the ground unless it is unavoidable. Where it is necessary to lay electric wiring on the ground, the wiring
shall be weatherproof types with adequate mechanical protection.
17 Power driven saws
All portable power-driven hand operated saws shall be equipped with guards Applicable to all workplace operations

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Reg. Application
18 Public vehicular traffic
Where work to be performed close proximity to the highway or public vehicular traffic may cause danger to Applicable to all building operations and
men at work, the working area shall be barricaded with suitable warning sign etc. work of engineering construction operations
19 Stability of structure
No wall, chimney or other structure shall be left unguarded which may fall, collapse or weaken due to
wind pressure or vibration.
20 Illumination of passageway
For passageways, stairways and landing, the illumination shall be not less than 50 lux Applicable to all workplace operations
21 Storage of materials and equipment
All building materials shall be stored or stacked in a safe and orderly manner so as not to obstruct passageway Applicable to all workplace operations
22 Disposal of debris
Debris shall be handled and disposed off by a method which will not endanger persons Applicable to all workplace operations
23 Numbering and marking of floors
Each floor of every building under construction shall be appropriately numbered or marked at the landing at Applicable to all building operations
every floor of every staircase or other means of access
24 All persons who are performing any work or services at the worksite shall wear safety helmets
25 Site safety supervisors
The main contractor of a worksite shall appoint a part-time site safety supervisor on safety supervision Applicable to all workplace operations
and promoting the safe conduct of work generally within the site.
The duties of a site safety supervisor shall include inspecting and rectifying any unsafe place of work;
correcting any unsafe practice; ensure sub-cons comply with the applicable act and regulations and; to liaise
with the sub-cons supervisor.
26 Contractor safety supervisors
Every contractor other than the main contractor who employs more than twenty persons shall appoint a part-time Applicable to all workplace operations
contractor's safety supervisor exclusively on safety supervision and promoting the safe conduct of work
generally by his employees.
27 Safety committee
The main contractor of a worksite with fifty or more persons are employed shall establish a safety and Refer to OSHA
health committee. The safety committee shall meet at least once a month.
28-32 Concrete work
Formwork and reshores shall be certified by a Professional Engineer. Where the formwork is of two or more Applicable to all building operations
tiers it shall have sufficient cat-walks. A designated person shall supervise the erection of formwork and make
III thorough inspection to ensure the formwork is safe. Stripping shall not commence until the concrete is fully
set in accordance with the Professinal Engineer's specification and approved by him.

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IV 33-38 Structural steel and precast concrete assembly
V 39-42 Cleaning, Repairing and maintenance of roof, gutters, windows, louvres and ventilators Applicable to all building operations and
VI 43-45 Catch Platforms work of engineering construction operations
During the demolition of the exterior walls of a structure more than 12.2 metres high, catch platform shall be
erected. Such platform shall be designed and certified by a Professional Engineer.
VII 46-57 Chutes, Safety Belts and Nets
All openings of chute except the top openings shall be closed when not in use. Chutes exceeding 12m Applicable to all building operations and
height shall be designed by a Professional Engineer. Safety belts, life lines and all devices for the attachment work of engineering construction operations
of life lines shall be of adequately strength and of a type approved by the Chief Inspector. At all times during
use, the safety belt shall be attached to a life line which is securely attached to a sufficient anchorage and
shall not be longer than is necessary to permit the employee to perform his work.
VIII 58-61 Runways and ramps
All runways and ramps shall be constructed and securely braced and supported. Runways and ramps for Applicable to all building operations and
the use of employees shall be not less than 430 mm in width and 25 mm thick planking. For the use of wheel- work of engineering construction operations
barrow, handcarts or hand trucks it shall not less than one metre width and 50mm thick planking. Ramps shall
have a slope not exceeding one in four and the total rise of a continuous ramp used by men carrying material
or using wheel-barrows shall not exceed 3.7 m.
IX 62-71 Ladders and step-ladders
Every ladder and step-ladder shall be of good construction, sound material and adequate strength. Adequate Applicable to all building operations and
handhold shall be provided to a height of at least one metre above the place of landing. Ladder with missing, work of engineering construction operations
broken or defective rung, broken or split side rails, faulty or defective construction shall not be used. Ladders
shall be provided to give access to all floors or to scaffolds or platforms where work is being performed more
than 1.5m above ground.
X 72-98 Scaffolds
Applicable to all building operations and
No scaffolld shall be erected or altered or be dismantled without direct supervision of a designated person.
work of engineering construction operations
Every metal tube scaffold exceeding 40 metres in height and every scaffold exceeding 15 metres in height
with scaffold activity
shall be constructed in accordance with the design and drawings of a Professional Engineer. A copy of the
drawings shall be submitted to the Chief Inspector prior to the erection of the structure. The result of the
scaffold inspection are entered by the designated person into a register which is to be kept at the worksite for
inspection by an Inspector.
XI 99-110 Demolition
On every demolition job, danger sign shall be posted around the property, all doorways or thoroughfares Applicable to all building operations and
work of engineering construction operations
giving access to the property shall be keep barricaded. Before commencing any demolition work all gas,
with demolition activity
electric, water and other supply lines shall be shut off and capped. During the demolition work the walls of all
structure adjacent to the structure which is to be demolished shall be examined and where necessary
shoring, bracing and sheet piling shall be provided.

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XII 111-118 Excavation work
All public walkways, sidewalks and thoroughfares bordering or running through any excavation site shall Applicable to workplace with
be provided with substantial guard-rails or board fences. No employee shall be permitted to enter any specified excavation works
excavated area unless sheet piling, shoring or other safeguards are provided. Planks used as sheet piling
shall be at least 50mm thick. In every excavation of more than 1.2m deep there shall be provided ladders,
stairways or ramps to furnish safe access to and egress from such excavation. Trench excavation - Where
the trench to be excavated exceeds 4 m in depth the pilings, shoring and bracing used as a protection shall
be constructed in accordance with the design and drawings of a Professional Engineer.
XIII 119-134 Material handling and storage, use and disposal
All materials shall be stacked, blocked, interlocked and limited in height so that it will be stable and safe Applicable to all workplace operations
against sliding and or collapse. Aisles and passageway shall be kept clear for the free and safe movement
of material handling equipment or workers. Material stored inside buildings under construction shall not be
placed within 1.8 metres of any hoistway or inside floor openings, nor within 3m of an external wall which
does not extend above the top of material stored. Whenever materials are dropped more than 6m, an enclosed
chute of wood, or equivalent material, shall be used.
XIV 124-134 Piling
Applicable to all building operations and
Where necessary, the adjoining areas to be piled shall be supported by underpinning, sheet piling, shoring,
work of engineering construction operations
bracing etc. in accordance with the design of a Professional Engineer. The testing of piles shall be conducted
with piling activity
under a direct supervision of a designated person. A ladder extending from the bottom of the leads to the over-
head sheaves shall be permanently attached to the structure supporting the leads. Where a structural tower
supports the leads, suitable working platforms of adequate strength shall be provided.
XV 135-146 Blasting and the use of explosives
Applicable to all building operations and
The use of explosives shall be under immediate control of a designated person who has training, knowledge,
work of engineering construction operations
experience of the explosives. No blast shall be fired while any person is in the danger zone as determine by
with blasting activity
the blaster. Before blasting, the owner should take every precaution for the protection of life and property and
warning notices shall be given to all residence and others in the immediate vicinity of the blasting operation.
All use and handling of explosives shall be stopped immediately upon the approach of thunderstrom.
XVI 147-153 Hand and power tools
When power-operated tools are designed to accommodate guards, they shall be equipped with such guards Applicable to all workplace operations
when in use. Employees exposed to the hazard of falling, flying, abrasive, splashing objects or exposed to
harmful dusts, fumes or gases shall be provided with necessary PPE.
XVII 154 Penalty

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Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
I 2 Preliminary
I 4 Obligations of occupier and employee
II 6 Permissible exposure limit
No employee shall be exposed to mineral dust, containing free silica less than 1 per cent in weight, at a concentration greater
than 5 milligram per meter cube of respisable dust or 10 milligram per meter cube of total dust
averaged over an eight-hour period.
II 7 Permissible exposure limit when using respirators
III 8-13 Exposure Monitoring
IV 14-17 Methods of Compliance Applicable to all building operations and
V 18-20 Personal Protective Equipment work of engineering construction operations.
VI 21-22 Housekeeping
VII 23-27 Medical Examinations
VIII 28 Changing Rooms and Lockers
IX 29 Employee Information and Training
X 30-33 Record Keeping
XI 34 Warning Signs
XII 35 Miscellaneous

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I 2 Preliminary
III 8-21 Abatement of fire hazard Applicable to all workplace operations
IV 22-26 Water and fire hydrants
V 28-36 Fire certificate
VI 40-44 Enforcement
IX 52-59 Miscellaneous
I 1-2 Preliminary
III 30-47 Space, light and ventilation Applicable to all building operations
IV 48-52 Temporary works in connection with building operations
V 53-80 Structural requirements
VI 81-132 Constructional requirements
VII 133-224 Fire requirements
VIII 225-253 Fire alarms, fire detection, fire extinguishment and fire fighting access
IX 254-258 Miscellaneous
I 1-2 Preliminary
IV 9-22 Licenced and registered installations Applicable to all workplace operations with
V 23 Competent control electrical installations
VIII 33 Notification of accident or fire
IX 37-44 Offences and penalty
X 45-52 General


I 2 Interpretation
IV 18-31 Planning control
V 32-35H Development charge
IX 45 Miscellaneous control
II 16 Notice on person causing private street to be in a dangerous or defective condition Applicable to all workplace operations
II 41 Precautions against accident
II 42 Materials not to be deposited without permission
II 46 Obstruction
V 70B(1) - (15) Order to review safety and stability in the course of erection of building
V 85A(1)-86 Periodical inspection of building

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I 1-2 Preliminary Applicable to all construction operations
VI 25-31 Registration of contractors
VIII 34(1)-(8) Levy
IX 35(1)-(5) Enforcement and investigation
X 36(1)-41(2) General
1 Scope and application
2 Definitions Applicable to workplace operations with
3 General requirements confined space activity.
4 Confined space programme
The employer shall formulate a confined space programme I.e.hazard identification, hazard control, stand-by person, permit system etc. The confined space
programme shall be reviewed when the measures taken may not protect employees.
5 Permit system
Before entry is authorised, the employer shall prepare a permit to work system. Before entry begins, the entry supervisor identified on the permit to work shall sign
the permit to authorise entry.
6 Permit to work
The confiend space permit to work shall be the over-riding permit. The permit to work shall contain the information of the confined space to be entered, the purpose
of entry, the date and the authorised duration of the permit,the authorised entrants etc.
7 Isolation requirements
Isolation of services supplying a confined space is required where, owing to the nature of the space or the nature of the service or the material conveyed by the
services, accidental or inadvertent introduction of the material or movement or actuation of machinery would create a hazard.
8 Requirements to ensure safety of atmosphere
Precautions/actions, shall be implemented to establish and maintain a safe breathing atmosphere in a confined space. The action that to be carried out are initial
cleaning, purging, testing and evaluation of the atmosphere in the confined space, retest and/or monitoring and ventilation.
9 Training
Training shall be provided before the employee is first assigned the duties, before there is a change in assigned duties, whenever there is a change in confined
space operations and whenever the employer has reasons to believe either that there are deviations from the confined space entry procedures.

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10 Health requirements of persons working in confined space
The occupier shall ensure that his employees intending to work in a confined space are certified physically and
medically fit preferably by occupational health doctor.
11 Duties of employer
An employer shall ensure his employees/subcontractor that perform work involves confined space entry
Applicable to workplace operations
fulfil his duties as stipulated under Section 15 and Section 18 of OSHA.
with confined space activity.
12 Duties of contractor
Each contractor shall obtain information regarding the confined space hazard from employer; co-ordinate entry
operations with the employer; inform the employer of the confined space programme that the contractor will
follow and; comply with the Code of Practice.
13 Duties of entry supervisors
Each entry supervisor shall have the knowledge of the hazards that may faced during entry; verifies by
checking that appropriate entries have been made on the permit to work; terminate the entry and cancels the
permit; verifies the rescue services are available etc.
14 Duties of authorised gas tester
The authorised gas tester shall have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry; identify all
hazards and recommends control measures to ensure safe entry; be familiar with all confined space entry
equipment used etc.
15 Duties of stand-by persons
Each stand-by persons shall have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry; remains
outside his assigned during entry operations; communicate with authorised entrants as necessary etc.

16 Duties of authrised entrants

Have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry; use the equipment correctly; communicate
with the stand-by person as necessary; exit from the confined spaces as quickly as possible whenever an
order to evacuate is given by the stand-by person, the entrant detects a prohibited condition or an evacuation
alarm is activated.
17 Rescue and emergency services
Rescue and first aid procedures and provisions need to be planned, established, and regularly rehearsed.
18 Additional precautions during occupancy of confined space
Portable electrical equipment, non-electrical equipment and maintenance of equipment used for entry shall
be take into precaution.
19 Record keeping

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ARM ACT 1960
Part Act/ Summary Item Remarks
Reg. Application
Section 4 (3) Permit to carry and use arm(s) and ammunition
Only the holder of this permit is authorised to carry and use the arm(s) and ammunitions e.g. for working Applicable to all workplace operations with usage of
using the nail gun/ramset fastener. nail gun/ramset fastener
I 1-2 Preliminary
III 22 Disablement benefit Applicable to all workplace operations
III 23 Presumption as to accident arising in the course of employment
III 24 Accident while travelling
III 25 Accidents happening while meeting emergency
III 28 Occupational diseases
III 37 Medical benefit
III 38(1) & (2) Scale of medical benefit
III 39 Establishment and maintenance of hospital, etc.
III 40 Organisation's power to co-operate with existing institutions or promote measures for health,
welfare etc. of insured persons
III 45 Claimant of disablement benefit or invalidity pension to observe conditions
III 46 Recipients of disablement benefit to observe conditions
III 53 Employer not to dismiss or punish employee during period of temporary disablement.
III 57 Evidence of temporary disablement
III 58 Persons competent to issue medical certificate
III 59 Medical certificate
III 60 Time of granting of medical certificate
III 66 Form of claim for temporary disablement
III 68 Notice of accident
III 68A Notice of occupational disease Applicable to all workplace operations
III 71 Report of accident by an employer
III 71A Report of occupational disease by an employer
III 72 Employer to arange first aid
III 73 Employer to furnish further particulars of accidents
III 77 Occupational diseases
III 78 When insured person required to undergo medical examination
III 83 Claim for permanent disablement benefit
III 83A Date of accrual of permanent disablement benefit
III 84 Commutation of small periodical payments of permanent disablemenet benefit
III 85 Report of death of insured person by employment injury
III 106B Provisional payment for permanent disablement

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III 106D Benefit for two successive accidents
III 106E Payment pending appeal Applicable to all workplace operations
IV 107-129 Miscellaneous
GAS SUPPLY REGULATIONS 1997, PU (A) 287 / 997 Remarks
27 Installation In Vicinity Underground Structure
27 (1) Except where permitted in writing by the Director General, no person shall install or allow to be installed a gas Applicable to workplace operations with gas
installation where it passes through or interferes with an underground structure that is not used solely for a gas installation installation activity or in the vicinity of gas
27 (2) Except where permitted in writing by the Director General, no person shall install or construct an underground installations.
structure that interferes with a gas installation by passing over, under or enclosing the gas installation until an
agreement has been entered into with the licensee for the removal or alteration of the gas installation.
28 Notice to Licence
A person who intends to construct an underground structure within one metre of a gas installation shall notify the
licensee operating in the area or his agent in writing in not less than three working days before commencing
excavation for the structure
31 Not to Commence Excavation Work Until Information Is Received
31 (1) a) No person shall commence an excavation work until he ascertains that
a) the request for information under regulation 29 has been made; and
b) the information on the location of gas installation under regulation 30 has been giben
32 Duty of Notify Licence on Intention to Excavate
Where a person who intends to carry out excavation work is aware that a gas installation is in the vicinity of the
proposed place of excavation, he shall nonify the licensee or his agents operating in that area of his intention to
excave in the area in not less than three working days before commencing excavation.
40 Blasting
40 (1) A person who intends to blast in the vicinity of a gas installation shall comply with the provisions of regulations 28
to 38 and shall, in addition, notify the relevant licensee or his agents in writing of his intention to blast in not less
than three working days prior to the blasting
40 (2) Where a person, whilst in the process of construction, discovers that blasting is required, he shall submit a notice
in writing to the Director General in not less than one working day before carrying out the blasting
45 Steps to be Taken When Gas Leakage
45 (1) Any person who causes damage to a gas installation which results in the leakage of gas shall immediately take
reasonable steps to -
a) notify the persons in the premises or near the premises that may be affected by the leakage;
b) notify the Director General or the licensee, as the case may be;
c) warn all perons in the building which is near to the place where the leakage occurs and where gas odour is
present to evacuate the building
d) notify the nearest police station
e) extinguish all flames and sources of ignition in the vicinity of the gas installation

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f) notify the Fire Services Department; and
g) warn the traffic, vehicles or pedestrian in the vicinity not to enter the area which has been rendered hazardous
by the leakage Applicable to workplace operations with gas
46 Exposure of Installation installation activity or in the vicinity of gas
A person who exposes a gas installation for more than three metres whilst carrying out an excavation work installations.
shall immediately notify the Director General or the licensee, as the case may be, and shall after that support
the gas installation securely on its original line and grade at the intervals of not more than three metres to the
satisfaction of the Director General or the licensee
50 Backfilling
A person who is backfilling an excavation which exposed a gas installation shall -
a) take precaution so as not to damage the gas installation, its protective wrapping or a catodic protection device;
b)thoroughly tamp the backfill under the gas installation;
c) support the gas installation adequately to the satisfaction of the Director General or the licensee to ensure that
it will remain in its original line and grade during the backfilling; and
d) ensure that the backfilling will not diminish the lateral support of an unexposed gas installation
64 Shutting Off Gas Supply for Safety Reason
1) Where the supply of gas is shut off in any premises for safety reasons, it shall not be restored until all
necessary steps are taken by the responsible person or his representative to ensure that gas can be resupplied
without causing danger to a person or property
2) Rectification work on the supply of gas shall be carried out by a competent person or any other person with
the supervision of a competent person
5 Building to Comply With Requirements
1) Except as provided in subsection (2), no employer shall house or cause or permit to be housed any worker For workplace operations with workers accommodation.
employed by him or by any other person (with whom he has contracted for the purpose of executing any work for
or connected with his business, trade, operation or interest) in any building either owned by him or is within his
possession or control which does not comply with the provisions of this Act or any regulation made thereunder.
6 Supply of Water and Electricity and Maintenance of Houses
1) Where workers and their dependents are provided with housing at their place of employment it shall be the duty
of the employer of such place of employment -
a) to provide free and adequate piped water drawn from a public main, or where the Director General so permits
in writing, to provide free and adequate supply or potable piped water drawn from any other sources which
shall be filtered and treated in a manner approved by the Director General;
b) to provide adequate electricity supply;
c) to ensure that the buildings are kept in a good state of repair and painted to present a satisfactory apperance; and
d) to ensure that no unauthorised extensions or structural alterations are made to the buildings

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4 Employer's liability for compensation
(1) (a) If in any employment personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment is Applicable to all workplace operations.
caused to a workman, his employer shall, save as hereinafter provided, be liable to pay compensation and any
expenses incurred in the treatment and rehabilition of such workmen under section 15 in accordance with the
provisions of this act
b) An accident happening to a workman while he is, with the express or implied permission of his employer,
travelling as a passenger by any vehicle, ship, vessel or aircraft to or from his place of work shall, notwithstanding
that he is under no obligation to his employer to travel by such means, be deemed to arise out of and in the course
of his employment, if the accident would have been deemed so to have arisen had he been under such an obligation,
and if at the time of the accident, the vehicle, ship vessel or aircraft is being operated by or on behalf of his
employer or by some other person by whom it is operated in pursuance of arrangements made with his
employer and is not being operated in the ordinary course of a public transport service except when the injured
workman is himself an employee of the public transport service concerned and would otherwise be entitled to
receive compensation under paragraph (a) of this subsection.
c) An accident happening to a workman in or about any premises at which he is for the time being employed
for the purposes of his employer's trade or business hsall be deemed to arise out of and in the course of his
employment if it happens while he is taking steps, on an actual or supposed emergency at those premises, to
rescue, succour or protect persons who are, or are thought to be or possibly to be, injured or imperilled, or to
avert or minimise damage to property.
d) An accident happening to a workman shall be deemed to arise out of and in the course of his employment
notwithstanding that he was at the time of the accident acting in contrevention of any statutory or other
regulations applicable to his employment, or of any orders given by or on behalf of his employer, or that he
was acting without instruction from his employer, if -
I) the accident would have been deemed to have arisen had such act not been done in contravention as aforesaid or
without instruction from his employer, as the case may be; and
ii) such act was done for the purposes of and in connection with the employer's trade or business
5 Compensation for Occupational Diseases
(1) If a workman who is employed in any occupation described in the Second Schedule conctracts a disease or
injury shown in the said Schedule to be related to that occupation, or if a workman who has been employed in
such occupation contracts such a disease or injury within twelve months after ceasing to be so employed, and
if disablement or the death of such workman results from the disease, compensation shall be payable as if the
disease were a personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of that employment, and all the other
provisions of this Act shall apply accordingly, subject to the provisions of this section

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19 Liability in Case of Workmen Employed By Contractors
(1) Where any person (in this sectin referred to as the "principal") in the course of or for the purpose of his trade or Applicable to all workplace operations.
business contracts with any other person otherwise than as a tributer (in this section referred to as "the contractor")
for the execution by or under the contractor of the whole or any part of any work undertaken by the principal, the
principal shall be liable to pay to any workman employed in the execution of thw work any compensation which
he would have been liable to pay if that workman had been immediately employed by him and where a claim has
been made to the principal for compensation this Act shall apply as if references to the principal were substitud
for references to the employer, except that the amount of compensation shall be calculated with reference to the
wages of the workman under the employer by whom he is immediately employed.
(2) Where the principal is liable to pay compensation under this section, he shall be entitled to be indemnified by the
person who would have been liable to pay compensation to the workman if this section had not been enacted.
26 Compulsory Insurance by Employer
(1) Every employer shall insure and keep himself insured with an insurer within the meaning of the Insurance Act
1963 in respect of any liability which he may incur under this Act to every workman employed by him.

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