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Setting up an external DNS server with BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) on Ubuntu involves
several steps:

Install BIND:

sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc

Configure BIND by editing the named.conf file:

sudo nano /etc/bind/named.conf

In this file, you will need to specify the DNS zones you wish to host, as well as any options or settings
for BIND.

Create zone files:

These files contain the actual DNS records for your domains. The location of these files is specified in
the named.conf file.

Configure the firewall to allow DNS traffic:

sudo ufw allow 53/tcp

sudo ufw allow 53/udp

Start the BIND service:

sudo service bind9 start

Verify that BIND is running and configured correctly:

sudo named-checkconf

sudo named-checkzone /path/to/

Configure your domain name registrar to use your new DNS server's IP address as the authoritative
name server for your domain.
Test your new DNS server by using dig command or nslookup command.

Please note that this is a high-level overview of the process and there are many additional details and
considerations that need to be taken into account when setting up a production-ready DNS server, such
as security, performance, and monitoring.

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