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Numerical shape optimization among convex sets

ANR SHAPO – Roscoff

Beniamin Bogosel

CMAP, École Polytechnique


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min J(ω)

Q: existence, regularity, find the optimal shape, qualitative results, numerics

Problems of interest: considering constraints like:
constant width
minimal width
or any combination...
Handle arbitrary shape functionals: geometric, PDE constraints, eigenvalues

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1. Blaschke-Lebesgue Theorem. Among planar shapes of constant width the
Reuleaux triangle minimizes the area.

2. Blaschke-Lebesgue in 3D (open). The three dimensional body of constant width

with the minimal volume is one of the Meissner bodies.

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Numerical optimization in this context

given a functional and a set of constraints that guarantee existence of an optimal
set: what the optimal shape looks like?
confirm/disprove conjectures, give new directions for theoretical study
how to discretize shapes?
level-set, phase field, explicit parametrization, polygonal approximation
handle all constraints of interest
evolve of the shape? shape derivative? gradient?

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Possible numerical difficulties
? not all small perturbations are admissible: flat part of a convex boundary

? some constraints are non-local: diameter or constant width

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Previous works on the subject

[Lachand-Robert, Oudet, 05] intersection of half-spaces

[Oudet et al. 07, 13] width constraints
[Bayen, Henrion 12] support function in 2D, Fourier coefficients, quadratic functionals
[Merigot, Oudet, 14] projection on the convexity constraint
[Bartels, Wachsmuth 18] convexity constraint: mesh deformation with research of
admissible perturbations

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Support function
? [Schneider, Convex bodies]
? replace the shape variable ω ⊂ Rd with the function variable p : Sd−1 → R

p(θ) = max(x · θ)
? geometric interpretation: distance to the tangent bounding ω in the direction θ
? can naturally handle width constraints: look at p(θ) + p(−θ)!
? Convexity constraint (in 2D): functional inequality p + p00 ≥ 0

p(θ2 )

p(θ1 )
p(θ3 )

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Examples of support functions

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Explicit parametrization: support function

exact representation of the shape
precise information on geometric elements
can handle efficiently the constraints of interest
constant width
diameter inequalities

Given a general shape functional, its shape derivative and a set of constraints, find an
approximation of the optimal shape!

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? r(θ) = (cos θ, sin θ), t(θ) = r0 (θ) = (− sin θ, cos θ) p(θ2 )

? p denotes the support function
? if ω is strictly convex: a parametrization of ∂Ω is p(θ1 )
given by p(θ3 )
x(θ) = p(θ)r(θ) + p0 (θ)t(θ).

The choice of p and p0 gives a parametrization of ω:
spectral decomposition: direct access to p and p0 - limited to strictly convex sets!
direct choice of values for some angle discretization: how to choose p0 rigorously?

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Spectral decomposition
? decompose p using Fourier series in 2D, spherical harmonics in 3D
? [Bayen, Henrion], Semidefinite programming for optimizing convex bodies under width
constraints]: completely rigorous, limited applicability: quadratic functions
? [Bogosel, Henrot, Lucardesi, Minimization of the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet-Laplacian with a
diameter constraint]: general 2D framework
? [Antunes, Bogosel, Parametric Shape Optimization using the Support Function]: 2D, 3D

? F: a shape functional with shape derivative F 0 (Ω)(V ) = ∂Ω f V · n dσ


? find sensitivity of F with respect to the parameters defining p

Handling the constraints:

convexity 2D: p + p00 ≥ 0 or p(θi ) + p00 (θi ) ≥ 0 for a discretization of [0, 2π]
convexity 3D: Gaussian curvature positive on a finite family of points on the sphere
constant width: p(θ) + p(−θ) = w – some coefficients are 0.
diameter inequalities, inclusion, etc.
Discrete problem: minimization under pointwise and linear inequality constraints.
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Numerical Optimization

start from randomized coefficients: avoid local minima

compute the gradient: derivatives with respect to each parameter
compute gradients of the (eventual) non-linear constraints
use the Hessian matrix when available, LBFGS otherwise.
use a constrained optimization algorithm: fmincon in Matlab or IPOPT in FreeFEM

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min λk (Ω) with diameter Meissner’s conjecture Minimal volume rotors

[Antunes, B.]
[B., Henrot, Lucardesi]

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Segments in the boundary
? [Schneider, Convex bodies]: singularities in the support function of a convex set
correspond to segments in the boundary
? do not assume that the support function is smooth!
? on the smooth parts, the choice of p0 (θ) should be consistent!

Initial try: Take pi = p(θi ), θi = 2πi

N , i = 0, ..., N − 1 as parameters. Take h = 2π/N
and use finite differences approximations:
pi+1 − pi−1 pi+1 + pi−1 − 2pi
p0 (θi ) ≈ p00 (θi ) = .
2h h2
? even number of discretization points: diameter inequalities can be expressed with

wi ≤ pi + pi+N/2 ≤ Wi .

? diameter constraint: upper bound D for all directions, lower bound D for one
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[Al Sayed, B., Henrot, Nacry, Maximization of the Steklov Eigenvalues with a Diameter
? Maximize the Steklov eigenvalues under diameter constraint:

−∆u = 0 in Ω
∂n u = σk (Ω)u on ∂Ω
? Example: with and without convexity constraint

? applying the same method to other functionals works very well. Why?
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Discrete configuration

? pi are the values of the support functions at θi = 2πi

N .
? Denote qi the approximations for the derivatives
? Denote %i the approximations for the radii of curvatire: p(θi ) + p00 (θi ) ≈ %i
A3 A2
? choosing qi determines a polygon A0 ...AN −1 . Is q3
this polygon convex assuming %i ≥ 0?
? when using finite differences: the answer is NO
pi+1 − pi−1 pi+1 + pi−1 − 2pi p2
qi = , %i = pi +
2h h2 A1
p1 q1

Area(∆A1 A2 A3 ) = [6%1 %2 + 12%1 %3 + 6%2 %3 + (p1 − p3 )(%1 − %3 )] h3 + O(h5 )

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Path towards a rigorous idea

? p(θ) 7→ p(θ) + a cos θ + b sin θ corresponds to a translation with vector (a, b).
? using first order finite differences:
translation does not commute with the discretization process
discrete curvature radii are not preserved under translations
? Choose the simplest option which fixes this:
pi+1 − pi−1 pi+1 + pi−1 − 2pi
p0 (θi ) ≈ , p(θi ) + p00 (θi ) ≈ %i = pi + .
2 sin h 2 − 2 cos h
? observe that the formulas are still consistent as h → 0.
? discrete shapes obtained are convex provided %i ≥ 0!

Area(∆A1 A2 A3 ) = [%2 (%1 + %3 ) + 2%1 %3 cos h] sin2 (h/2) tan(h/2).

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Further geometric arguments

? This is the only natural discretization

X(pi+1 , θi+1 )

pi+1 −pi−1
pi 2 sin h
pi+1 +pi−1 X(pi , θi )
2 cos h


X(pi−1 , θi−1 )

? pi+1 + pi−1 − 2pi cos h ≥ 0: Ai is on the correct side of the tangents at Ai−1 , Ai+1 .
? pi+1
2 sin h is the only tangential coordinate that always produces a point on the correct
side of the tangents at Ai−1 , Ai+1
? all convex shapes can be approximated arbitrarily well with the method proposed!

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Before going further: the gauge function
? if θ 7→ ρ(θ) is a radial function parametrizing Ω then
γ(θ) = 1/ρ(θ) is the gauge function of Ω.
? why? Ω is convex is characterized by γ + γ 00 ≥ 0.
? the gauge function of the convex body Ω is the support function of the polar body
Ω◦ = {y ∈ Rd : x · y ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ Ω}

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Numerical setting: gauge function

? discretize γ using γi = γ(θi ) = 1/ρ(θi ) as before.

Question: What is the correct discrete convexity constraint?
? straightforward finite differences for γ + γ 00 ≥ 0 are not ok!

(γi−1 + γi+1 − 2γi cos h) sin h

Area(∆Ai−1 Ai Ai+1 ) = .
2γi−1 γi γi+1
? the correct condition is: γi−1 + γi+1 − 2γi cos h ≥ 0
? the same as for the support function!

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Examples of application
Maximize λk (Ω) under Maximize λk (Ω) under
min λk (Ω): area and constant width constraint: minimal width constraint:
convexity constraints
[Henrot, Oudet] Conjecture Conjecture
[Antunes, Henrot] The Reuleaux triangle is The equliateral triangle is
optimal for 1 ≤ k ≤ 10. optimal for 1 ≤ k ≤ 10.

λ2 (Ω∗ ) = 37.9855
Obtain best known shape
without any effort!

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PDE constrained functional
? taken from [Bartels, Wachsmuth 18]
min u such that − ∆u = fi , u ∈ H01 (Ω), Ω is convex

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The Cheeger inequality

? Minimize λ1 (Ω)/h(Ω)2
? compute the Cheeger constant of Ω at every iteration
? compute the Cheeger set
? compute the associated shape derivatives
? the optimal shape found numerically is the square.

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Combining support and gauge functions
? one can parametrize K and its polar K ◦ using the same set of parameters and the
same set of constraints
? Mahler problem in 2D: minimize |K| · |K ◦ |

general: |K| · |K ◦ | = 6.750 symmetric: |K| · |K ◦ | = 8.000

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Conclusions, Perspectives

Preprint: [Bogosel, Numerical shape optimization among convex sets, 2022]

Arxiv: 2203.06981
spectral decomposition of the support function: works well for strictly convex
shapes in 2D and 3D
working directly with a set of values of the support function/gauge function:
rigorous and flexible framework in 2D: −→ extend to 3D
2D codes available online:

Thank you for your attention!

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