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1/25/23, 8:21 Python Lists



Lists DAT E :

1. Data Structures are used to group multiple items?

A False B T rue

2. How many values can a variable store?

A 1 B 456743

C 11 D 4

3. Why would you use lists in a program instead of variables? 1
1/25/23, 8:21 Python Lists

4. Which brackets are used to create Lists?

A {} B []

C ()

5. Spot the error in this program:

friends = Alice", "Bob","Liz"]

A friends = B "Bob",

C "Liz"] D Alice"

6. What does .append () do?

T o add a new item to a specified

A position in the list. B T o delete the item specified.
C T o find the index of a specific item. D T o add a new item to the end of the list.

7. What does .insert() do?

A T o add a new item to a specified

T o find the index of a specific B
item. position in the list.

C T o delete the item specified. D T o find the index of a specific item. 2
1/25/23, 8:21 Python Lists

8. what does .remove() do?

A T o find the index of a specific item. B T o delete the item specified.

T o add a new item to a specified T o add a new item to a specified

position in the list. position in the list.

9. What is a Variable

Represents a particular value held in

A the memory. B T akes and input from a user.
C Displays the results.

10. What is a syntax error?

Part of the code breaks the rules of

A the programming language. B A sequence of characters.
C A sequence of lines. D A type of encryption.

11. What is String in Python?

A T /F B Whole numbers only

A sequence of characters. they can be

C Decimal numbers. D letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation
marks or spaces. 3
1/25/23, 8:21 Python Lists

12. What is Input in Python?

A Data sent to a computer for processing. B Decimal numbers.

A sequence of characters. they can be

C letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation D T /F
marks or spaces.

13. What is Integer in Python?

Whole numbers both positive and Decimal numbers.


A sequence of characters. they can be

C Data sent to a computer for D letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation
processing. marks or spaces.

14. What is a Data structure?

Part of the code breaks the rules of the

A A sequence of lines. B programming language.

An organised collection of
C A type of encryption. D related elements. 4
1/25/23, 8:21 Python Lists

15. What does Print () do?

Holds a single value.

A Acts as a guide B
Is used to output information on the user's screen.

C Helps people understand code. D 5
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