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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

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Glycerol from biodiesel production: Technological paths for sustainability T

a,⁎ b c
Marcos Roberto Monteiro , Cristie Luis Kugelmeier , Rafael Sanaiotte Pinheiro ,
Mario Otávio Batalhad, Aldara da Silva Césare
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luis, km 235, São Carlos 13565-905, SP, Brazil
Department of Materials Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luis, km 235, São Carlos 13565-905, SP, Brazil
Production Engineering, Campus Três Lagoas, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Ranulpho Marque Leal, 3484, Três Lagoas 79620-080, MS, Brazil
GEPAI, Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luis, km 235, São Carlos 13565-905, SP, Brazil
GASA, Department of Agribusiness Engineering, Fluminense Federal University, Av. dos Trabalhadores, 420 - Vila Santa Cecília, Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil


Keywords: Increases in biodiesel production have led to a surplus of crude glycerol, which represents a major bottleneck in
Biodiesel the biodiesel production chain and has created new challenges to its sustainable use. Although there is a wide
Glycerol range of potential uses for crude glycerol, they are limited by its degree of purity, which affects its physical,
Sustainability chemical and biological properties. This paper presents a review and analysis of patents related to the use of
glycerol in the period from 1993 to 2015, showing the quantity and diversity of work related to the search for
alternatives to add value to glycerol. It was found that 85.7% of the filed patents fell into four categories of
applications: 1) manufacture of chemical products; 2) production of polymer compounds; 3) production of
biofuels and biogas; and 4) purification and use of glycerol. In this regard, the development of new technologies
for the use of glycerol, without the need for traditional purification steps, are fundamental. This paper portrays
the efforts that have been made in this direction and the obstacles that still have to be overcome.

1. Introduction A downside to this promising scenario is that biodiesel production

costs are not competitive when compared to the costs of fuels derived
The use of biodiesel as a renewable fuel that is an alternative to from fossil fuels [14–16]. Government policies, fiscal incentives and
petrodiesel has been seen as an important transition strategy in the emissions laws have been deployed in order to encourage the devel-
search for new energy sources. Biodiesel can be produced from many opment of the global biodiesel market and assist in overcoming the
renewable sources. These include the following types of plant oil: ba- effect of production costs. However, rapid growth in the biodiesel in-
bassu, canola, crambe, palm, oilseed radish, sunflower, jatropha, lu- dustry has raised concerns related to ethical issues [17]. In addition,
pine, soybean, peanut [1], castor bean [2,3], and macaúba [4,5]. It can advanced production technologies utilizing the ideal feedstock for
also be made from animal fat [6], waste cooking oil [7,8] and photo- biodiesel have had limited success, and glycerol – the main byproduct
synthetic algae [9–11]. in this process – is still a major bottleneck in the biodiesel production
Global biodiesel production has been growing in recent years. In chain [18,19]. Therefore, finding new uses for glycerol is very im-
2016 more than 30.8 million m3 (Mm3) were produced, 7.5% more than portant in order to ensure the sustainability of global production of
in 2015. The main producing countries in 2016 were the United States biodiesel. Otherwise, glycerol could become a barrier to increased
(5.5 Mm3), Brazil (3.8 Mm3), Germany (3.0 Mm3), Indonesia (3.0 Mm3) biodiesel production and threaten the environmental gains from re-
and Argentina (3.0 Mm3). The countries of the European Union pro- placing fossil fuels with renewable resources.
duced 10.7 Mm3, i.e. the equivalent of 34.7% of global biodiesel pro- Regarding the amounts of glycerol produced in the biodiesel sector,
duction, in 2016 [12]. the transesterification reaction produces biodiesel and glycerol at a
It is estimated that in the future, biodiesel production will grow by volumetric ratio of 10:1, that is, for every 1 m3 of biodiesel, 0.1 of crude
around 4.5% annually, reaching 41 Mm3 in 2022. It is expected that the glycerol is produced [20]. In 2015, global production was almost 30
European Union will remain the main producer and consumer of bio- Mm3, and it is estimated that more than 300,000 m3 of glycerol were
diesel, and that countries such as Argentina, the United States, Brazil, produced. The boom in the biodiesel industry means an increase in
Thailand and Indonesia will continue to lead the biodiesel market [13]. surplus production of glycerol.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.R. Monteiro).
Received 3 November 2016; Received in revised form 16 November 2017; Accepted 20 February 2018
Available online 10 March 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

The objective was to gather information on the main advances that

allow the use of glycerol as a raw material providing added value in the
production of goods. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents the method used to collect the data. Section 3 highlights the
most common chemical reactions used to obtain glycerol, various ap-
plications in industry, and the main chemical reactions used with gly-
cerol to obtain intermediates and / or chemicals. Section 4 presents
some of the applications of crude glycerol derived from biodiesel in the
production of chemical products, polymer compounds and biofuels,
such as hydrogen. Section 5 presents final considerations.

2. Methodology

This review presents a systematic documentary analysis based on

the identification of the main work dealing with the use of glycerol
from biodiesel production. The search for alternatives to the use of
Fig. 1. Traditional applications of glycerol in industry. Adapted from Cornejo et al. [23].
glycerol from new applications was based on a patent search in the
following databases: the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial
In 2011, it was estimated that 2 million tons (or just 40%) of a total Property (INPI) [33]; the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of the
of 5.1 million tons of glycerol were used, the remaining 3 million tons U.S. Department of Commerce [34]; the European Patent Office (EPO)
was surplus. Among European Commission directives is a goal of in- [35]; the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [36]; and
creasing the proportion of biofuels in use, which has led to estimates the Derwent World Patents Index [37]. Also included were published
that global production of glycerol will reach 7.66 million tons in 2020 scientific articles related to the terms biodiesel, glycerin and glycerol.
[18]. Patent filings from 1993 to 2015 were included in the review (Table 1).
Between 2008 and 2012, world production of glycerol increased by In addition to the patent analysis, a literature review was conducted
9.3% per year, driven mainly by increased biodiesel production. It is to identify articles published on the theme in a specific period. Since the
estimated that by 2025 this growth will be 3.5% per year. In 2012, in beginning of the use of biodiesel as fuel, many works on the use of
the global market for oleochemicals, glycerol accounted for about 26% glycerol have appeared, especially related to its chemical transforma-
of the volume sold in the segment of chemicals derived from oils and tion. A search was conducted in the Web of Science and Scopus, using
fats of animal and vegetable origin [21]. the string (glycerol or glycerine or glycerin) and (biodiesel), covering
Glycerol is a versatile renewable raw material used mainly in the the period from January 1993 to September 2017. The total numbers of
chemical industry. It can be used as a humectant in sweets, cakes, meats articles found were 3555 in the Web of Science and 3960 in the Scopus
and cheeses, and also as a solvent, sweetener and preservative in bev- database. Fig. 2 shows the results, organized by year.
erages and foods, giving flavor and color to foods and soft drinks [22]. The data clearly show a constant increase in the number of scientific
This wide range of industrial applications, coupled with the in- articles in this area and a sustained increase in the interest of re-
creased availability of biodiesel, has boosted the world market for searchers in this subject. Between 2008 and 2016, the number of arti-
glycerol and encouraged the search for new applications, since the cles increased by about 3.5 times in the Web of Science and practically
traditional uses of glycerol, as shown in Fig. 1, are not able to absorb doubled in Scopus.
growing production. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate new al- The data also indicate that a large number of articles have been
ternatives for enhancing its use and avoid market saturation [23]. In published in the last 10 years, mainly in the following areas: chemistry,
recent years, a number of studies of the use of glycerol have been de- chemical engineering, engineering, energy fuels, environmental science
veloped [24–30]. and biotechnology (Figs. 3 and 4). In both databases, the energy area,
The present article is a review of the literature related to innova- where a large proportion of articles on biodiesel are located, includes
tions in the applications of glycerol from the biodiesel production much of the major research relating to aspects of the production and
process. The review included scientific articles present in the Scopus use of glycerol obtained from biodiesel.
[31] and Web of Science [32] databases and analysis of patents filed
with the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) [33],
3. Overview of the production chain from biodiesel to glycerol
the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of the U.S. Department of
Commerce [34], the European Patent Office (EPO) [35], the World
The terms glycerol (1,2,3-propanetriol), glycerin, and glycerine tend
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [36] and the Derwent World
to be used in the literature. However the term glycerol generally applies
Patents Index [37] related to the application of glycerol in new products
to the pure substance (Fig. 5), while the expression glycerin applies to
and processes.
commercial products of solutions of glycerol in water, usually

Table 1
Databases searched, terms used and search scope (1993–2015).

Patent Database Terms used Scope

National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI [33] Biodiesel, glycerin and glycerol Entire database
Patent and Trademark Office of the U.S. Department of Commerce (USPTO) [34] Biodiesel, glycerin, glycerol, Issued patents (USPTO-IP) and patent
byproduct and coproduct applications (USPTO-PA)
European Patent Office (EPO) [35] Biodiesel, glycerin, glycerol, Entire database
byproduct and coproduct
World Intellectual Property Organization. This is a global patent organization that collects data Biodiesel, glycerin, glycerol, Databases for Africa, Asia, and Europe
from national patent offices (Africa, America, Asia and Europe) (WIPO) [36] byproduct and coproduct
Derwent World Patents Index. This is a patent database belonging to the Web of Science Biodiesel, glycerin, glycerol, Entire database
(Thomson Reuters) (DERWENT) [37] byproduct and coproduct

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

synthetic precursors and/or materials with higher added value and

possibility of insertion in several areas. Fig. 8 shows some of the major
chemical reactions used in glycerol transformation.
Glycerol obtained from the synthesis of biodiesel, known as crude
glycerol, presents dark coloration, water content, catalysts, free fatty
acids, mono-, di- and triacylglycerols, salts, alcohol (usually methanol)
and biodiesel. These impurities can vary from 20% to 60%, depending
on the raw material, the efficiency of the catalytic process, and the
stages of preparation and purification of biodiesel (Schwengber et al.
An important aspect of the production chain of glycerol is its direct
relationship with the biodiesel production chain; the growth of bio-
diesel production has led to a large surplus of glycerol, affecting its
market value. The market price for crude glycerol (80% purity) is be-
tween US $0.09 and US $0.20 per kg. However, for pure glycerol, that
figure is between US $0.60 and US $0.91 per kg. Projections show that
in 2020, world production of glycerol will be approximately 41.9 bil-
lion liters. The 2012 data on the Brazilian market for glycerol showed
Fig. 2. Number of publications in the Web of Science and Scopus databases using the that the value of a ton of glycerol with purity of 99.7% was five times
string (glycerol or glycerine or glycerin) and (biodiesel) (1993–2017). greater than that of a ton of crude glycerol [45].
Biodiesel plants usually use crude glycerol to generate energy or sell
containing more than 95% glycerol [20]. These products differ in the product without any treatment. Combustion of crude glycerol as an
content of glycerol, color, odor and traces of impurities. alternative to energy generation is one of its main applications; how-
Crude glycerol is commonly used to designate glycerin from the ever its high viscosity hinders flow spraying, pumping and flame sta-
biodiesel production process, which contains about 70–80% glycerol, bility [44]. In addition, uncontrolled burning promotes the formation of
along with water, catalysts, fatty acids and dissolved salts [20,38,39]. acrolein (2-propenal), an unsaturated aldehyde that causes severe risks
Among the most common routes for glycerol synthesis are hydro- to human health [46].
lysis (Fig. 6A), saponification (Fig. 6B), or as a byproduct of the The glycerol produced by saponification and hydrolysis presents
transesterification reaction (Fig. 6C) of vegetable oils and animal fats. higher purity and higher percentages of glycerol compared to that re-
[23,40,41]. sulting from the transesterification reaction. Previously, the glycerol
Although there are other methods, such as fermentation or hydro- market was directly related to trends in demand in the pharmaceutical,
genolysis of carbohydrates, they are not used industrially [22]. The food, cosmetic, polymer and oleochemical markets. However, emer-
main route used in the biodiesel industry is obtaining the alkyl esters gence of the biodiesel industry led to a significant increase in the global
from the transesterification reaction (Fig. 8) of vegetable oils and an- supply of glycerol, which change the dynamics of its market. Currently,
imal fats with ethanol or methanol, mainly using basic catalysis. As a the transesterification process used to obtain biodiesel is the main
byproduct of the reaction, one molecule of glycerol is formed for every mechanism responsible for global production of crude glycerol.
three molecules of methyl or ethyl esters, which are the basis of bio- In a study of the agents of the glycerol and biodiesel production
diesel [42,43]. chains, Pinheiro [47] cited the emergence of two consumer markets for
Glycerol has a wide variety of applications (Fig. 7), mainly as a raw glycerol. The first was the already-existing market, which demanded a
material for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products [25,39]. Ac- product of higher purity, depending on the quality specifications of the
cording to the Glycerine & Oleochemical Division of SDA, there are over markets, mainly food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic. The second was
1500 applications for glycerol, which include dozens of categories the use of crude glycerol from biodiesel in the transformation of pro-
ranging from food to foams [22]. However, possibilities of use are ducts or chemical intermediates. This market is characterized by con-
limited by degree of purity. sumption of high volumes of the product, lower requirements for
This wide diversity of applications is due to the wide variety of quality, and lower prices.
chemical reactions that can be used with glycerol to convert it into Biodiesel-producing industries are focused on the technological

Fig. 3. Main subject areas in the Web of Science database with publications on glycerol or glycerine or glycerin and biodiesel (1993–2017).

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

Fig. 4. Main subject areas of the Scopus database with publications on glycerol or glycerine or glycerin and biodiesel (1993–2017).

companies. This reality does not favor technological innovation by

biodiesel production companies in relation to the byproduct the crude
glycerol. However, there is a trend for companies not belonging to the
biodiesel production chain to engage in a search for technological so-
lutions for the use of crude glycerol as a raw material for other products
[47]. The relationship between the production chains of glycerol and
biodiesel is shown in Fig. 9.
The possibility of using glycerol for different applications is based
on its physical and chemical properties, which include: low volatility,
hygroscopicity, plasticizing effect, promotion of softness and flexibility,
Fig. 5. Chemical structure of glycerol. solvent power and solubility, high miscibility, compatibility with a
wide range of materials, stability, high viscosity, antifreeze properties,
challenges of production processes and storage of biodiesel, treating nontoxicity, and being an emollient, bodying, and sweetening agent
crude glycerol as industrial waste. This means that the development of [22].
new applications to allow added value and the exploitation of new Despite the wide range of possible applications, the use of crude
markets do not have high priority in the business strategies of glycerol is limited by its degree of purity, because impurities affect its

Fig. 6. Hydrolysis (A), Saponification (B) and Transesterification (C) of triacylglycerols.

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

Fig. 7. Various applications of glycerol. Adapted from Mota et al. [39].

community is interested in seeking new opportunities for the use of

glycerol, mainly that derived from the production of biodiesel.
Table 3 presents a detailed analysis of the studies. Among the 1716
patents examined, 827 (48.2%) were related to the use of glycerol in
the development and manufacture of other chemical compounds.
As shown in Table 3, 85.7% of the patents fell into four categories of
applications: 1) manufacture of chemical products; 2) production of
polymer compounds; 3) biofuel and biogas production; and 4) pur-
ification and utilization of crude glycerol. This last category is of great
importance for the use of this byproduct, since the main problem of
glycerol generated through the biodiesel production process is its de-
gree of purity.

4. Applications of crude glycerol derived from biodiesel

Due to the increasing supply of glycerol, many studies have sought

chemical routes for different industrial processes to transform it into
derivatives, as can be seen by the growing number of patents filed and
in the documents published by researchers and scholars in the area.
Glycerol was initially viewed as just being a residue of the biodiesel
production chain, after purification processes. However, it has come to
be seen as a valuable byproduct and a raw material for the production
of products with higher added value in various industrial sectors. In
addition to being used in the creation of several synthetic inter-
Fig. 8. Pathways for possible glycerol derivatives. Adapted from Mota et al. [39].
mediates, it is a product that comes from a process that uses renewable
resources, mainly vegetable oils and animal fat.
physical, chemical and biological properties. The search for alternative
uses of glycerol is evident when one looks at the growth in the number 4.1. Chemical products
of new applications filed in patent databases between 2002 and 2015 in
the INPI, USPTO-IP, USPTO-PA, EPO, Derwent and WIPO databases In patents involving the manufacture of chemicals, some compo-
(Fig. 10). Prior to this period, from 1993 to 2001, no records were nents stand out for the quantity presented. The case of 1,3-propanediol
found. production is highlighted by the synthesis of residual glycerol; this was
Note that most of the patents related to glycerol were filed during present in a total of 31 patents in the various databases analyzed. This
the last seven years of the period (Table 2). WIPO and the USPTO compound is an important chemical with several applications in med-
yielded 19.9% and 56.7% of the total patents, respectively. Although icine, polymers, cosmetics, food, adhesives, lubricants, solvents, and
Brazil is one of the world's largest producers of biodiesel, the number of others [48].
Brazilian patents was low compared to other countries. In the period The synthesis of 1,3-propanediol involves environmental issues. The
from 2002 to 2015, only 70 patents were registered in the INPI, 4.1% in use of microorganisms is preferred, especially in biomedical, cosmetic
relation to the global total. In general, it is evident that the scientific and tissue applications. Among the microorganisms that are known to

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

Fig. 9. Representation of the relationships between the production chains of biodiesel and glycerol. Adapted from Pinheiro [47].

Table 2
Distribution of patents related to applications of glycerol in the period from 2002 to 2015.


2002 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
2003 0 1 3 0 1 1 6
2004 0 4 1 0 0 0 5
2005 3 2 8 1 5 3 22
2006 2 5 6 5 15 1 34
2007 10 2 20 5 28 0 65
2008 8 4 38 11 30 18 109
2009 17 7 54 14 45 26 163
2010 9 26 108 16 33 14 206
2011 7 45 107 21 52 18 250
2012 6 51 72 27 37 19 212
2013 6 82 78 34 41 28 269
2014 2 89 68 18 35 24 236
2015 0 47 43 3 20 24 137
Total 70 367 606 155 342 176 1716

Fig. 10. Patents related to glycerol applications in the period from 2002 to 2015. Another compound mentioned was 1,2-propanediol, shown in 27
patents. This is an important chemical that presents medium value and
produce 1,3-propanediol, species of the family Lactobacillaceae offer has an annual production of about 1 million tons in the United States
great potential for production from glycerol, reaching concentration of [51]. Its production by hydrogenolysis of glycerol is of great interest
85 g/L [49]. because of the renewable nature of this chemical route, which employs
The global production of 1,3-propanediol is constantly growing, a catalyst base of noble metals such as platinum, ruthenium, palladium
having already reached approximately 45,300 t annually. This increase and rhodium or a catalyst base of transition metals like copper, nickel
is due to its extensive use in the production of value-added products, or cobalt. Without the use of glycerol, 1,2-propanediol is obtained by
since it is an important chemical intermediary in the manufacture of the hydration of ethylene oxide or propylene oxide. This chemical has
polyester and polyurethane. It is estimated that by 2019, global demand applications in unsaturated polyester resins, such as antifreeze and
for 1,3-propanediol will be 150,000 t per year, with estimates that its deicing agents, pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, liquid detergents,
price will increase from US $157 million in 2012 to US $560 million in flavorings, personal care products and paint [52].
2019 [27,50]. Glycerol can also give rise to other products through the

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

Table 3
Applications for glycerol.

Applications INPI EPO Derwent WIPO USPTO - IP USPTO - PA Total

Manufacture of chemical products 22 79 90 199 172 265 827

Production of polymer compounds 10 32 11 44 62 136 295
Production of biofuels and biogas 8 12 24 16 45 70 175
Purification and production of glycerol with higher purity 14 11 17 42 46 44 174
Industrial control and reuse (Power sources, air filters, dust control, antifreeze) 3 6 9 16 21 36 91
Agricultural supply (Composting, pesticides, feed) 3 6 16 14 10 42 91
Pelletizing agents (Pelletizing of iron ore, cement, paving, organic compounds) 2 2 5 5 5 8 27
Surface protection 4 7 3 6 3 3 26
Rheological agents (Extraction of petroleum, various fluids) 4 0 1 0 3 2 10
Total 70 155 176 342 367 606 1716

bioconversion process, in which the use of specific microorganisms with present a unique combination of characteristics such as colorless
crude glycerol produces ethanol. Although conversion to ethanol is still transparency, easy adhesion, elasticity and light stability. Acrylic acid
small in volume, this process, when refined, can be considered a po- produced from propylene obtained from non-renewable resources cur-
tential option for biorefineries that are based on a variety of raw ma- rently has a market of more than 3 million tons/year and presents in-
terials [53]. creasing demand for the monomer and its derivatives [61].

4.2. Polymer compounds 4.3. Production of biofuels

Two terms appear more frequently in the patent databases for 4.3.1. Hydrogen production
production of these compounds: polyols, with 22 patents; and acrylic or Glycerol can be used in the production of fuels from renewable
propenoic acid, with 14 patents. Both compounds are polymerized for sources, called biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel [42]. Further-
the production of polymers such as polyester, polyurethane and acrylic more, hydrogen production is gaining prominence; among other uses, it
[54]. can also meet energy demand from the transportation sector, which
The use of glycerol for the production of biodegradable plastics, year after year invests in the development and production of vehicles
mentioned in 5 patents, is highlighted. Of the 5 patents analyzed, 3 powered by alternative sources of energy. This is gradually contributing
referred to the production of propene from crude glycerol. Propylene, to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and the reduction of greenhouse
one of the most important olefinic monomers for the polymer manu- gas emissions. Interest in this topic can be measured by the number of
facturing industry, is the raw material for polypropylene, a thermo- patents filed: of the 1716 patents analyzed, 175 (10.2%) cited tech-
plastic substance used in food packaging, hygiene and cleaning pro- nologies for the production of biofuels from glycerol.
ducts, toys, hospital supplies, car parts, carpets, fabrics, furniture, etc. Hydrogen gas represents a clean option when used to generate en-
Propene also is used in the production of acrylic derivatives for paints, ergy. However, environmental gains from hydrogen use are directly
adhesives, fibers and superabsorbent polymer for disposable diapers related to the type of raw material used for its generation, which can be
[55]. from renewable and non-renewable resources [62]. Hydrogen use has
Propene is obtained from fossil resources; for example, steam re- been notable in the generation of electric energy and in the transpor-
formation of naphtha is one of the main chemical processes used. tation sector, through the use of fuel cells or internal combustion en-
However, it is already possible to rely on a technological route to obtain gines [63,64]. Although its use eliminates the serious problems caused
this product using the selective hydrogenolysis reaction supported on by the emission of gases from burning traditional fuels, hydrogen gas
commercial catalysts based on ruthenium, and palladium and mo- production faces major challenges. These include the development of
lybdenum (Zn / Mo, Cu / Mo and Fe / Mo) [56]. With the use of new technologies with greater economic viability, establishment of dis-
chemical routes that do not harm the environment, propene has begun tribution infrastructures, final consumption, and government support.
to be called "green propene.” This allows new perspectives on obtaining The use of hydrogen gas has value in industry due to a wide variety
products and plastic packaging, as well as replacing the renewable re- of applications as a chemical and energy input. Its use in the chemical
source propene, which enables the development of a market that uses and petrochemical industries stands out, especially in the following
the surplus of glycerol from biodiesel production. areas: oil processing for sulfur removal (hydrodesulphurisation); hy-
Acrolein can be obtained as an oxidation product of dehydration of drocracking for the production of fuels and fertilizers; the pharmaceu-
glycerol. It is an important chemical intermediate for the production of tical industry for the production of vitamins, surfactants and adhesives;
acrylic acid, widely used for the synthesis of adhesives, paints, plastics the food industry for hydrogenation of oils and fats; in metallurgical
and rubbers [57], and is also used in the production of superabsorbent processes as a reducing agent for metallic ores; the electronics industry
polymers and butyl acrylate, one of the raw materials most used in the in semiconductor manufacturing processes; and, more recently, gen-
manufacture of paints, adhesives and mortars. eration of energy as a fuel cell input. Although it presents a wide variety
Acrylates are widely used in water-based coatings, paints, leather of applications, the demand for hydrogen is higher in the oil refining
finishing, and paper coatings, and in the manufacture of plastics, fab- and fertilizer industries [63,65,66]. In a review study, Sarma et al. [67]
rics, chemical intermediates, etc. [58]. Obtaining acrolein represents a described the use of crude glycerol as a raw material for the production
competitive alternative in the production of propylene [59], and as of hydrogen from microbial processes, and they concluded that the
discussed by Zhao et al. [60], represents a versatile intermediate for use microorganism Enterobacter aerogenes produced the highest amount of
in the synthesis of several products, appearing as an alternative to the hydrogen, a rate of 80 mmol L−1 h−1.
conventional petrochemical process. Currently, various technologies are applied to the production of
The glycerol oxidation reaction presents potential for transforming hydrogen from glycerol. Although the processes for obtaining glycerol
glycerol into value-added products, improving the economics of bio- designated for hydrogen production involve high costs, the use of raw
diesel production, and providing industry with new alternative sources material from a renewable resource and decentralized production could
of chemicals. That is because the resulting acrylic acid and its esters make these technologies more accessible and competitive. In order for

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

hydrogen to become a truly sustainable energy source, its production 4.3.2. Biogas production
from renewable resources must be promoted; however more than 95% In the processes of co-digestion and co-gasification, glycerol also
of the hydrogen produced today comes from raw materials from non- presents possibilities for use as a low-cost raw material, mainly for the
renewable resources [44]. generation of biogas with applications such as fuel for heat-generator
The production of hydrogen by use of glycerol is important for the boilers [70]. The anaerobic co-digestion of crude glycerol can be per-
biodiesel industry, since it adds value to the production chain [68]. formed using waste water containing specific microorganisms that
Shao et al. [69] studied the production of hydrogen by steam reforming promote its biodegradation. The main resulting gaseous products are
of glycerol using Ni-based catalysts, which features good activity in the methane [71] and hydrogen [72]. In addition, the solid fraction consists
cleavage process of C-C, O-H and C-H bonds; these metals are cheaper in an organic matter containing considerable amounts of residual or-
and more available compared to noble metals. In these catalysts, the ganic carbon, which can be released into the soil as fertilizer. [73].
high content of cerium in the Ni/CeZrO catalyst, up to 77.3%, allows an An example of an application is mixing crude glycerol and pig
increase in glycerol conversion and selectivity to hydrogen. A favorable manure, which presents some advantages. These include: high water
aspect of the use of steam reforming of glycerol is that this reaction is content in the manure that acts as a solvent for glycerol; the presence of
highly endothermic and, at low pressure, favors selectivity for hy- a wide range of macro- and micronutrients that are necessary for the
drogen. development of microorganisms; and the fact that glycerol is a biode-
Schwengber et al. [44] presented a review of the catalytic reform gradable product [74].
process of glycerol for the production of hydrogen using the following In a study by Astals, Nolla-Ardèvol and Mata-Alvarez [75], glycerol
processes: steam reforming (SR), partial oxidation reforming (POR), was used as a co-substrate mixed with pig manure. The results showed
aqueous phase reforming (APR), autothermal reforming (ATR) super- that the thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion (above 35 °C) of pig
critical water reforming (SWR) and liquid phase reforming (LPR). manure with 3% (w/w) of glycerol allowed production of biogas at a
Steam Reforming is the process most commonly used by the che- rate 180% higher when compared with manure-only digestion. Al-
mical industry to obtain hydrogen from natural gas. It is becoming a though the percentage of crude glycerol used was small, the study
promising alternative for the use of glycerol, since the processing of showed that there is great potential for using this process as a way to
glycerol by catalytic reform requires few changes in the industrial expand biogas production.
processes currently in place for production of hydrogen. In another study using glycerol with pig manure, Astals, Nolla-
Partial oxidation reforming consists of a reaction of glycerol that Ardèvol and Mata-Alvarez [73] found that the co-digestion of a small
occurs under atmospheric pressure, where the oxygen amounts are percentage (4% w/w) of crude glycerol in pig manure allowed an in-
below the ideal stoichiometry for complete combustion. This is an crease of 400% in the production of biogas in mesophilic conditions (up
exothermic process whose efficiency depends directly on the control of to 35 °C).
the amount of oxygen entering the mixture. In addition, this process The addition of glycerol can be part of co-digestion, not only in pig
offers the potential to be efficient in terms of energy and also allows the manure, but also in other residues, such as fruit and vegetable residues
production of synthetic gases according to the different amounts of [76], organic solid waste [77], and sewage sludge [78] among others.
oxygen added. This increases the possibilities of using glycerol with the specific re-
These two reform processes (SR and POR) are inserted into the sidues that occur in certain regions.
process called autothermal reforming (ATR), characterized by energy In addition to the production of biogas and organic matter, anae-
self-sufficiency, where the SR process is endothermic and the POR robic co-digestion also produces hydrogen (biohydrogen) [72]. Ac-
process is exothermic. The reactor itself provides the energy to generate cording to Silva et al. [79], hydrogen can be produced under mesophilic
the products. At this early stage, the addition of oxygen leads to in- conditions by combining food waste with crude glycerol itself. In this
creased oxygen production, which makes the use of glycerol attractive study, they obtained a maximum yield of 180 mL H2/gVS (mL H2 per
in the reform process attractive. gram of volatile compounds) at a concentration of 5% crude glycerol.
The aqueous phase reforming process is generally performed at high
pressures (59 atm) and moderate temperatures (270 °C). Through a 4.4. Additives
continuous flow, glycerol is converted to the aqueous phase without
pre-vaporization. The cleavage of C-H bonds leads to the formation of In the area of fuel additives, Izquierdo et al. [80] stated that the
products of interest, among them hydrogen and carbon dioxide. etherification reaction of glycerol with liquid-phase light olefins, cata-
Another process consists of so-called supercritical water reforming, lyzed by acidified macroporous ion exchange resins, allows a larger
consisting which is another route option for the production of hydrogen volume of diesel oil to be mixed with light olefins, improving product
using glycerol. This process is characterized as operating at high pres- properties, also allowing their use as additives in biodiesel.
sure and low temperature (218 atm, 374 °C). This provides interesting Oxygenated additives, mainly those derived from biomass, such as
properties such as low viscosity and high diffusivity, besides attracting ethanol, biodiesel derivatives, and some derivatives of glycerol such as
increasing interest due to its high efficiency and selectivity in the diethyleneglycol, propylene glycol and dimethyl ether, have been stu-
production of hydrogen. died because they lead to remarkable improvement in the combustion
All these reform processes use catalysts that act as agents of re- process and engine performance. One of the alternatives is the chemical
duction of activation energy, favoring the kinetics of the reaction. transformation of glycerol into derivatives with energy potential that
However, these catalysts must be highly active and stable, generate the can compete with those produced from petroleum, such as tertiary alkyl
smallest possible amounts of coke, be sintering-resistant, and not fa- ethers.
cilitate undesirable parallel reactions such as methanation or Additionally, some additives generated from glycerol (by ester-
Fischer–Tropsch synthesis [44]. ification routes with glycerol acetylation and by etherification routes)
Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen are the major lead to the improvement of the viscosity of liquid fuels in octane and /
compounds in the process of thermal decomposition of glycerol. The gas or cetane number according to the type of engine used, in addition to
mixture resulting from the process has minority fractions that may making it possible to reduce emissions of pollutants [81].
contain methane and short-chain alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, The catalytic etherification of glycerol, as described by
ethylene, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetone, and acrolein. The main Viswanadham and Saxena [82] and Melero et al. [83], is a chemical
glycerol reforming processes involve fixed bed reactors and catalysts at route that allows for obtaining additives as oxygenated blends for use
temperatures in the range 300–900 °C [44]. with diesel oil, making the fuel exhibit lower viscosity and better cold
properties, improving both yield and quality.

M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

Some ethers, acetals and acetis of glycerol have been identified as A study by Tomaszewska et al. [90] pointed to the viability of in-
high-value additives capable of replacing those whose raw materials are dustrial production of erythritol from glycerol. The final product con-
of fossil origin. These additives are products with great potential for use centration (201.2 kg/m3) was obtained by a batch process using
in both diesel and biodiesel blends [84]. Glycerol acetals are easily 325 kg/m3 glycerol after seven days of cultivation. This result was
synthesized and used in alternative fuels or fossil fuels, or in mixtures of comparable to, or even better than, that obtained using another sub-
alternative fuels [85]. strate (glucose) and osmotic microorganisms. Another advantage of this
The use of acetals reduces the emission of harmful substances process is the low amount of byproducts formed, and the remaining
during the burning of fuel in engines. One promising additive is 2,2- matter (biomass) can be used as animal feed.
dimethyl-4-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxolane (known as solketal). When Another important product is mannitol, another polyol. It is present
added to gasoline, it causes an increase in the octane number of the fuel in fruit, vegetables and mushrooms; it has a sweet taste and low caloric
and contributes to a reduction in the formation of gum. In the case of value [91]. It is used as a valuable additive by the food and pharma-
diesel, biodiesel, and their mixtures, this additive acts to reduce emis- ceutical industries, besides serving as raw material in the production of
sions of gases such as oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydro- bioethanol [92,93].
carbons, aldehydes and particulate matter [85]. However, the commercial production of mannitol occurs through a
hydrogenation reaction of a glucose/fructose mixture at high tem-
4.5. Production and purification of glycerol of higher purity perature and pressure, and is associated with problems such as low
catalyst selectivity, difficulty in separating the product and byproducts,
One of the major difficulties in the reuse of glycerol derived from and high cost. Yoshikawa et al. [91] reported that the production of
biodiesel is its high impurity content; variations in the purity level mannitol by the biotechnological route represents an attractive alter-
make commercialization difficult. The food, pharmaceutical and cos- native. In their study, glycerol was used in its crude form, together with
metics industries, which are currently among the largest consumer a strain NBRC 10406 of the yeast Candida azyma from the NITE Bio-
markets, require high-purity glycerol. The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) logical Resource Center (NBRC); this proved to be efficient in the pro-
indicates that glycerin is commonly available commercially at anhy- duction of 25% mannitol (m/v) in glycerol.
drous glycerol content levels of 96.0%, 99.0% and 99.5%. The Another alternative for the use of glycerol is in the preparation of
European equivalent of the USP is the Pharmacopoeia Europaea polyglycerol. It is highly branched, light-colored, viscous, highly so-
(Ph.Eur.), in which listings are commonly followed by a percentage luble in water and other organic polar solvents such as methanol, and
indicating glycerol content (e.g., Ph.Eur. 99.5%) [22]. essentially non-volatile at room temperature. It is available commer-
The degree of purity of crude glycerol and the needs of the market cially for different applications, ranging from cosmetics to controlled
justify the large number of patents filed (174) on purification processes. drug release. One of the processes for obtaining it is to link individual
Purification can make use of processes such as vacuum distillation, glycerol monomers to polyglycerol, a route that can be used to physi-
which avoids degradation of glycerol by maintaining controlled pH, cally enhance the structure of glycerol [89].
pressure and temperature, which may allow for obtaining glycerol with Obtaining new products with added value allows the surplus of
high purity. This process utilizes already-established technology, can be glycerol to be used as a source of raw material in the biorefinery in-
applied in both small-scale and large-scale industries, uses low-cost dustry itself. Zakaria et al. [94] evaluated the use of catalyst screening
chemicals, and is adaptable to different qualities of raw material. Also to convert glycerol to light olefins, oil derivatives obtained by thermal
worth mentioning is the use of the ion exchange adsorption process, cracking of natural gas and crude oil, which are widely used in the
which removes impurities such as fatty acids, inorganic salts and free production of plastics and chemical intermediates and in the solvent
ions [86]. industry. The authors investigated the catalytic performance of the
A similar process was carried out by Dhabhai et al. [87], through conversion of glycerol to olefins, using as catalysts zeolites impregnated
sequential physicochemical treatment (saponification, acidification, with metals such as lithium, magnesium, chromium and copper, in
phase separation and extraction), membrane filtration, and treatment order to improve the activity of acidic sites on the surface of these
with activated carbon. This sequence of treatments was shown to be catalysts. It was observed in the catalytic tests that the highest pro-
promising for the purification of crude glycerol, with a maximum yield duction of ethylene in terms of gas selectivity was obtained with the
of 97.5% of high-purity glycerol. Cu/ZSM-5 catalyst (18.62%), followed by the Cr/ZSM-5 catalyst
4.6. Other alternatives for the use of glycerol Sun et al. [95] studied the production of propylene by catalytic
conversion in the vapor phase of glycerol using over Cu/Al2O3 and acid-
With the phenomenal growth in biodiesel production, the increase loaded Cu / Al2O3 catalysts at ambient H2 pressure. A high propylene
in the availability of glycerol in the market represents a source of cheap yield of 84.8% was obtained by double bed catalysts at 242 °C.
raw material for the production of chemical intermediates of greater Glycerol is also used in the co-gasification and co-liquefaction pro-
added value, and stands out as an alternative to burning in boilers. cesses of biomass and organic waste to obtain products with higher
Glycerol can be used in catalytic reactions (Fig. 8) for oxidation, de- added value. Given that hydrogen production represents one of the
hydration, acetylation, esterification, reforming, and etherification, main green energy sources of the future [96] and is used in the pro-
among others, which allow for obtaining products with different ap- duction of second-generation chemicals, the literature shows [97,98]
plications for the food, chemical, pharmaceutical and automotive in- that the process known as co-gasification of biomass and organic re-
dustries [88,89]. sidues allows the production of a synthesis gas (syngas) that presents
Tomaszewska et al. [90] evaluated the use of a Yarrowia lipolytica important energy characteristics, which may complement or replace the
microorganism strain to obtain erythritol with glycerol as the substrate. use of petroleum derivatives.
Erythritol, a polyol, is a natural component of the human diet, found in The use of co-gasification requires additional study to identify
fruit, fermented food, honey, seaweed and mushrooms. It is also used in which residues are best-suited for application with glycerol and to
the chemical, cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries. It has quantify the proportions of the constituents. These studies are im-
health benefits because of its low caloric value and does not affect in- portant because of the need to describe how the products of interest can
sulin levels in the blood. Obtaining it by chemical processes involves be effectively obtained, since this influences the process, along with
high costs and low production. Hence the search to obtain it through other components of the composition of the raw material [99].
biotechnological processes, making use of glycerol as a low-cost and The co-gasification process consists of thermochemical conversion
unconventional substrate. of the carbon present in the raw material. In this case, crude glycerol is

M.R. Monteiro et al.

Table 4
Some glycerol applications.

Product Reaction Use Researchers and year Ref.

Hydrogen Glycerol steam reforming by Ni/CeZrO catalysts Alternative energy to the use of fossil fuels. Power generation. Shao et al., 2014 [69]
Glycerol supercritical water reforming and autothermal Galera and Gutiérrez Ortiz, 2015 [112]
supercritical water reforming
Glycerol fermentation by Escherichia coli Trchouniana, Sargssyana and [113]
Trchounian, 2014
Ethanol Glycerol fermentation by Escherichia coli and by mixed Constituent of alcoholic beverages. Vikromvarasiria et al., 2014 [114]
culture of microorganism Used as fuel and fuel additive.
1,3-propanediol Glycerol fermentation by microorganisms and by catalytic Important chemical intermediary in the manufacture of polyethers, polyesters and Lee et al., 2015 [50]
hydrogenolysis process polyurethanes.
It has many applications such as fragrances, paints, coatings, adhesives, laminates,
laboratory chemicals and personal care products.
Butanol Glycerol fermentation by Clostridium pasteurianum Potential drop-in liquid biofuel for mixing in gasoline, diesel and aviation kerosene, Khanna, Goyal and Moholkar, [115]
without the need for engine changes. 2013
Excellent solvent for the production of antibiotics, vitamins, hormones and paints.

Also used as raw material for the production of methacrylate and butyl acrylate, the
starting materials for the production of various polymers.
Acrolein Glycerol dehydration by catalysts Production of acrylic acid that originates sodium polyacrylate, a super absorbent Talebian-Kiakalaieh, Amin and [59]
polymer used in hygiene products such as diapers and detergents. Production of DL- Hezaveh, 2014
Methionine (used for animal growth and meat production).
Glycerol carbonate (4-hydroxymethyl- Glycerol with carbonyl sources like CO, CO2, urea or Applications such as high boiling polar solvent, emulsifier for cosmetics, lithium Lanjekar and Rathod, 2013 [116]
1,3-dioxolan- 2-one) dimethyl carbonate battery additives, source of new polymeric materials for the production of
polycarbonates and polyurethanes, gas separation membrane component, and as a
surfactant component.
Valuable intermediary for the production of glycidol, used in resins, plastics and in
the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
Glycerol triacetate (triacetin) Obtained by interesterification reaction of triglycerides with Anti-knock additive when used with biodiesel in diesel, improves engine Calero et al., 2015 [117]
methyl acetate in the presence of strong acid catalysts performance and reduces gas emissions.
Propionic acid Glycerol fermentation by Propionibacterium acidipropionici Chemical product widely used in cellulose plastics, herbicides and perfumes. Clomburg and Gonzalez, 2013 [118]
Succinic acid Glycerol fermentation by Anaerobiospirillum Succiniproducens Used in the agricultural sector and in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Clomburg and Gonzalez, 2013 [118]
Erythritol Glycerol fermentation by Yarrowialipolytica Used in the chemical, cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries. Tomaszewska, Rywinska and [90]
Rymowicz, 2014
Mannitol Glycerol fermentation by Candida azyma Applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Yoshikawa et al., 2014 [91]
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122
M.R. Monteiro et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 88 (2018) 109–122

used as one of the reactants, in a gas with a fuel characteristic. This protein and lipid content similar that of proteins in high-quality feed
leads to a change in the chemical structure of the fuel particles due to (such as fishmeal and soybean meal), make glycerol a possible alter-
the high temperatures (above 700 °C) required for the conversion pro- native raw material for animal feed [110].
cess [100,101]. As described by Couto et al. [102], the main sequence Eiras et al. [111] studied the effect of glycerol as a partial re-
of events that occur in the co-gasification process are: 1) pyrolysis / placement of corn on feed intake, digestion, feed efficiency and animal
devolatilization at low temperature, with thermal cracking reactions, performance of young bulls in confinement for 240 days, with diets
producing liquid and gaseous fractions; 2) decomposition of these containing glycerol in amounts of 60, 120 and 178 g/kg of dry matter
products by the additional supply of heat, which creates a gaseous and diets without glycerol. It was verified that the apparent digestibility
mixture of molecules of smaller size; and 3) char gasification, which of nutrients increased with the increase of glycerol in the diet, allowing
results in syngas (composed of CO, CO2, H2 and light hydrocarbons), a a 33% increase in feed conversion efficiency when it was included in
product with higher added value. the amount of 120 g/kg of dry matter.
Skoulou and Zabaniotou [103] evaluated co-gasification of glycerol Glycerol has great chemical potential for the development of new
with olive kernels in a fixed-bed reactor at 750–850 °C at three different products and raw materials with higher added value. The structural
mixing levels (24 wt%, 32 wt% and 49 wt% of crude glycerol in olive characteristics of its molecule allow a wide variation of strategies for
kernels) in an effort to maximize the generation of hydrogen from the the development of new products, processes and applications. Table 4
gas obtained in the gasification process. The results showed that the co- summarizes some uses of glycerol and different procedures for ob-
gasification process of crude glycerol with olive kernels was favorable taining products with specific applications.
in obtaining gas, from 0.4 to 1.2 Nm3/kg in the mixed condition of 49%
by weight of crude glycerol with the biomass. 5. Final considerations
These results encourage production even on a small scale, especially
in rural areas where there is availability of lignocellulosic biomass, a The increase in the world production of biodiesel has led to the
renewable and abundant resource that can be used in the sustainable generation of increasing amounts of glycerol. It is vital that alternative
production of chemical products and transportation fuels [104]. sustainable technologies be found for the use of glycerol, so that diffi-
A similar study was carried out by Wei et al. [105] on co-gasifica- culties in using and disposing of this substance do not inhibit biodiesel
tion of hardwood chips with crude glycerol at various pilot scale load production.
levels using a pilot scale fixed-bed downdraft gasifier. To obtain syngas, Glycerol also represents an important alternative in the sustain-
hardwood chips were mixed with 5%, 10% and 20% crude glycerol by ability of biodiesel production. Flexibility in the use of glycerol enables
weight, remaining stored in sealed containers. After one week of rest, it to be used as a raw material for the manufacturing of chemical in-
the material was ready for the co-gasification process. termediates or products in several industrial segments.
The results showed that the co-gasification of hardwood chips with The chemical, food, polymer, fuel additive, hydrogen production,
up to 20% (by weight) crude glycerol allowed for obtaining syngas with and energy generation industries, in addition to those related to the co-
concentrations of impurities (such as tar) within the limits considered gasification, co-liquefaction and co-digestion of organic residues, are
tolerable in comparison with the same limits used for internal com- important potential destinations for the supply of glycerol resulting
bustion engines. In addition, the use of glycerol also allows for a de- from biodiesel.
crease in the percentage of lignocellulosic biomass used in the gasifi- With the objective of broadening this discussion, the present study
cation process, without affecting the yield of the process and the quality described the main technological innovations associated with the use of
of the products. Thus, after the filtration process, syngas is free of im- glycerol resulting from the production of biodiesel. Of the 1716 patents
purities and can be used in both the production of electricity and as a filed between 2002 and 2015, 1471 (85.7%) were grouped into four
raw material in biofuels or other chemical products [105]. categories of applications: 1) manufacture of chemical products; 2)
Another process that allows the use of crude glycerol is the so-called production of polymer compounds; 3) production of biofuels and
co-liquefaction process, where residual organic matter can be converted biogas; and 4) purification and use of glycerol.
into a liquid, similar to heavy fuel oil [106–108]. This makes it possible The possibilities of utilization of glycerol resulting from biodiesel
to improve the production of so-called bio-oil, which is a viscous oil production in a wide variety of products has garnered the interest of
with physicochemical characteristics similar to petroleum, considered researchers from public and private companies. This can be demon-
as a fuel of the future [108]. The use of this process also represents a strated by the number and diversity of patents and scientific studies
viable alternative to the use of glycerol regarding the waste generated. cited in this article, all of which are related to the search for alternatives
It can be observed that, according to the literature, this process has that can add value to the products in the biodiesel production chain.
more applications for the use of crude glycerol with swine manure, From this perspective, studies related to the reformulation of ap-
since liquid products are more favorable for the use of co-liquefaction to plication, feasibility, and production models still have room for the
obtain bio-oil [107,109], which is another advantage of co-liquefaction. development of more efficient methods, with the aim of obtaining
Ye et al. [106] proposed that reaction pathways for conversion of swine products with higher added value that also meet conditions for sus-
manure and crude glycerol to bio-oil involve an esterification reaction, tainability of the production chain.
which occurs not only because of the methanol present in crude gly- The present article reports on efforts to consolidate innovations that
cerol, but also because of the presence of methanol produced by the could be applied in glycerol worldwide. Future research should con-
hydrothermal reactions of glycerol. sider the economic viability of the selected processes and the appro-
Glycerol may also be used as feedstock in animal feed; however, due priateness of the technologies, considering the infrastructure, synthetic
to the presence of impurities, treatment steps are required prior to this routes, and industrial technology employed in the countries that are the
use. One way to overcome this situation is to carry out fermentation of main producers of biodiesel.
glycerol by the use of food-grade fungi, such as Rhizopus microsporus
var. oligosporus. This appears to be an alternative that can be integrated References
into the biodiesel producing industries, since it requires minimal al-
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