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• Data Representation
• The CISC Stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer, developed by the
Intel. It has a large collection of complex instructions that range from
simple to very complex
• CISC approaches reducing the number of instruction on each program
and ignoring the number of cycles per instruction.
• Examples of CISC processors are VAX, AMD, Intel x86 and the System/360.
Characteristics of CISC Processor
1. Instructions can be larger than a single word.
2. The length of the program is short, so it requires very little RAM.
3. CISC or complex instructions may take longer than a single clock cycle to
execute the code.
4. It is composed of fewer registers and more addressing nodes, typically 5 to 20.
5. It emphasizes the building of instruction on hardware because it is faster to
create than the software.
CISC Processors Architecture
• The CISC architecture helps reduce
program code by embedding
multiple operations on each program
• The CISC architecture-based
computer is designed to decrease
memory costs because large
programs or instruction required
large memory space to store the
Advantages of CISC Processors
1. The compiler requires little effort to translate high-level programs or statement
languages into assembly or machine language in CISC processors.
2. The code length is quite short, which minimizes the memory requirement.
3. To store the instruction on each CISC, it requires very less RAM.
4. Execution of a single instruction requires several low-level tasks.
5. It uses fewer instructions set to perform the same instruction as the RISC.
Disadvantages of CISC Processors
1. CISC chips are slower than RSIC chips to execute per instruction cycle on each
2. The performance of the machine decreases due to the slowness of the clock
3. Executing the pipeline in the CISC processor makes it complicated to use.
4. The CISC chips require more transistors as compared to RISC design.
5. In CISC it uses only 20% of existing instructions in a programming event.
• RISC, or Reduced Instruction Set Computer is a
type of processor architecture that utilizes a small,
highly-optimized set of instructions, rather than a
more specialized set of instructions often found in
other types of architectures.
• Certain design features of most RISC processors
• One Cycle Execution Time
• Pipelining.
• Large Number of Registers.
• Less number of addressing modes
• Example: Motorola, Power-PC, ARM
Why RISC over CISC?
• Simple and Fixed Size Instructions: CISC used to have complex instructions.
• Few Data Types: In CISC, complex data structures are used relatively
• Simple and Less Addressing Modes
• Identical General Purpose Registers: Allowing any register to be used in any
context, simplifying compiler design
• Harvard Architecture Based.-Higher performance compares to CISC.
Advantages of RISC Processor

1. RISC instructions are simpler machine instruction.

2. RISC instructions are hardwired to fasten the execution.
3. There are very fewer instructions in s RISC instruction set.
4. RISC instruction has simple addressing modes.
5. RISC instruction executes faster because most of instruction operates on processor
register and there is no need to access memory for each instruction.
6. It is easy to pipeline RISC instruction as all instruction is of fixed size and opcode and
operand are located in the same position in the word.
7. RISC instructions execute one instruction per clock cycle.
Disadvantages of RISC Processor

1. RISC instruction size is reduced but more instructions are required to

perform an operation when compared with CISC. So, we can say that the
length of the program is increased.
2. The machine instructions are hardwired in RISC so, it would cost if any
instruction needs modification.
3. RISC instructions do not allow direct memory to memory transfer, it
requires Load and Store instructions to do so.
It is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is a Complex Instruction Set Computer.
It emphasizes on software to optimize the instruction set. It emphasizes on hardware to optimize the instruction set.
It is a hardwired unit of programming in the RISC Processor. Microprogramming unit in CISC Processor.

It requires multiple register sets to store the instruction. It requires a single register set to store the instruction.
RISC has simple decoding of instruction. CISC has complex decoding of instruction.
Uses of the pipeline are simple in RISC. Uses of the pipeline are difficult in CISC.
It uses a limited number of instruction that requires less time to It uses a large number of instruction that requires more time to
execute the instructions. execute the instructions.
It uses LOAD and STORE that are independent instructions in the It uses LOAD and STORE instruction in the memory-to-memory
register-to-register a program's interaction. interaction of a program.
RISC has more transistors on memory registers. CISC has transistors to store complex instructions.
The execution time of RISC is very short. The execution time of CISC is longer.
RISC architecture can be used with high-end applications like CISC architecture can be used with low-end applications like home
telecommunication, image processing, video processing, etc. automation, security system, etc.

It has fixed format instruction. It has variable format instruction.

The program written for RISC architecture needs to take more Program written for CISC architecture tends to take less space in
space in memory. memory.
Example of RISC: ARM, PA-RISC, Power Architecture, Alpha, AVR, Examples of CISC: VAX, Motorola 68000 family, System/360, AMD
ARC and the SPARC. and the Intel x86 CPUs.
Different Types of Data

The computer industry uses the term “multimedia” to define information that contains numbers, text, images,
audio and video.
Data inside the computer

• All data types are store in into a computer through a universal representation
This universal representation is called a bit pattern or a string of bits
• Data are transformed back to their original form when retrieved.

Figure: A bit pattern

Storage of different data types
• A number is changed to the binary system before being stored in the
computer memory.
1. How to store the sign of the number.
2. How to show the decimal point.
Binary Number Representation
Unsigned Numbers Representation
• Unsigned numbers don’t have any sign, so N bit binary number represent its magnitude only.
• Zero (0) is also unsigned number.
• Every number in unsigned number representation has only one unique binary equivalent form, so this is
unambiguous representation technique.
• The range of unsigned binary number is from 0 to (2n-1)
• Example-1: Represent decimal number 92 in unsigned binary number.
• Simply convert it into Binary number, it contains only magnitude of the given number.= (92)10
= (1x26+0x25+1x24+1x23+1x22+0x21+0x20)10
= (1011100)2
Signed Numbers Representation
• There are three types of representations for signed binary numbers.
• Sign-Magnitude form
• 1’s complement form
• 2’s complement form
Sign-Magnitude form
• For n bit binary number, MSB bit is reserved for sign symbol.
• If the value of sign bit is 0, then the given number will be positive, else if the
value of sign bit is 1, then the given number will be negative.
• Remaining (n-1) bits represent magnitude of the number.
• Since magnitude of number zero (0) is always 0, so there can be two
representation of number zero (0), positive (+0) and negative (-0), which
depends on value of sign bit.
• Hence these representations are ambiguous generally because of two
representation of number zero (0).
• The range of Sign-Magnitude form is from (2(n-1)-1) to (2(n-1)-1).
1’s complement
• Here, the MSB is reserved for signed bit, and rest (n-1)bits are stored in
form 1’s complement of the number.
• To get 1’s complement of a binary number, simply invert the given
• For example, 1’s complement of binary number 110010 is
• Range of Numbers: -( 2 (k-1) -1) to ( 2 (k-1) -1).
2’s complement
• 2’s complement of a number is obtained by inverting each bit of given number plus 1 to
least significant bit (LSB).
• So, we represent positive numbers in binary form and negative numbers in 2’s complement
• There is extra bit for sign representation. If value of sign bit is 0, then number is positive
and you can directly represent it in simple binary form, but if value of sign bit 1, then
number is negative and you have to take 2’s complement of given binary number.
• In this representation, zero (0) has only one (unique) representation which is always positive.
• The range of 2’s complement form is from (2(n-1)) to (2(n-1)-1)
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