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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
निम्ननिखित जािकारी का ध्यािपूर्वक अध्ययि कीनजए और िीचे निए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर

Eight people - Amit, Bablu, Charu, Daksh, Emran, Faizal, Gaurav and Himesh sit
around a square table such that four of them sit at corner and the remaining
sit at the middle of the sides but not necessarily in the same order. They all
face towards the centre.
Bablu is an immediate neighbor of Faizal. Charu sits adjacent to Gaurav. Daksh
sits second to the left of Gaurav. Daksh doesn’t sit at the middle of the side of
the table. Faizal sits second to the right of Himesh. Emran sits adjacent to
Himesh and opposite to Bablu.

आठ व्यखि - अनित, बबिू , चारू, िक्ष, इिराि, फैजि, गौरर् और नििेश एक र्गाव कार
िेज के चारनों ओर इस प्रकार बैठे िैं नक उििें से चार कनिे पर बैठे िैं और शे ष भुजाओों के
िध्य िें बैठे िैं िे नकि आर्श्यक ििीों इसी क्रि िें िनों। र्े सभी केंद्र की ओर उन्मुि िैं ।

बबिू फैजि का निकटति पडनसी िै . चारु गौरर् के बगि िें बैठी िै । िक्ष, गौरर् के बायें
से िू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा िै । िक्ष िेज की भुजा के िध्य िें ििीों बैठा िै । फैजि, नििेश के
िायें से िू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा िै । इिराि, नििेश के आसन्न और बबिू के नर्परीत बैठा िै ।

1) Which among the following statement(s) is/are true?

निम्ननिखित िें से कौि सा/से कथि सत्य िै /िैं ?

I. Gaurav sits fourth to the right of Faizal
II. Himesh sits at the corner
III. Charu sits adjacent to Daksh

A. Only II
B. Both I and II
C. Only I
D. Both I and III
E. All I, II and III

2)Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group.
Find the one who doesn’t belong to the group?
निम्ननिखित पाों च िें से चार एक निनित रूप से सिाि िैं और इस प्रकार एक सिूि बिाते
िैं । र्ि ज्ञात कीनजए जन सिूि से सोंबोंनित ििीों िै ?

A. Faizal
B. Bablu
C. Amit
D. Charu
E. Emran

3)How many people sit between Bablu and the one who sits immediate right
of Daksh when counted from the left of Bablu?

बबिू के बायें से नगििे पर बबिू और िक्ष के ठीक िायें बैठे व्यखि के िध्य नकतिे व्यखि
बैठे िैं ?

A. Two
B. One
C. Three
D. More than four
E. Four

4)If all the people sit in alphabetical order in clockwise direction starts from
Amit, then the position of how many people will remain unchanged (excluding

यनि सभी िनग अनित से शु रू िनकर िनक्षणार्तव निशा िें र्णाव िुक्रि िें बैठते िैं , तन नकतिे
िनगनों की खस्थनत अपररर्नतव त रिे गी (अनित कन छनड़कर)?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. None

5) Name the person sitting at one corner and between Emran and Charu.

एक कनिे पर और इिराि और चारु के बीच बैठे व्यखि का िाि बताइए।

A. Faizal
B. Bablu
C. Amit
D. Charu
E. Gaurav



Solution :

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

निम्ननिखित जािकारी का ध्यािपूर्वक अध्ययि कीनजए और िीचे निए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर


Eight people – Purvi, Kumar, Ramesh, Suresh, Trisha, Umesh, Vishal and Yash
get vaccinated one after another but not necessarily in the same order.
Three people get vaccinated between Vishal and Suresh. Two people get
vaccinated between Ramesh and Purvi. Vishal gets vaccinated two people
before Ramesh. Kumar is not the first person to get vaccinated. Umesh gets
vaccinated after Purvi and just before Yash. Trisha gets vaccinated before
Purvi. Kumar gets vaccinated just before Suresh.

आठ िनगनों - पूर्ी, कुिार, रिेश, सुरेश, तृ षा, उिेश, नर्शाि और यश कन एक के बाि

एक टीका िगाया जाता िै िे नकि जरूरी ििीों नक इसी क्रि िें िन।
नर्शाि और सुरेश के बीच तीि िनगनों का टीकाकरण िनता िै । रिेश और पूर्ी के बीच िन
िनगनों का टीकाकरण िनता िै । नर्शाि िे रिेश से पििे िन िनगनों कन टीका िगाया।
कुिार टीके िगािे र्ािे पििे व्यखि ििीों िैं । उिेश कन पूर्ी के बाि और यश के ठीक
पििे टीका िगाया जाता िै । पूर्ी से पििे निशा का टीकाकरण िनता िै । सुरेश से ठीक
पििे कुिार कन टीका िगाया जाता िै ।

1)How many people get vaccinated before Purvi?

पूर्ी से पििे नकतिे िनगनों कन टीका िगाया जाता िै ?

A. Two
B. Five
C. Three
D. Four

E. More than five

2)Who among the following gets vaccinated first?

निम्ननिखित िें से नकसे सबसे पििे टीका िगाया जाता िै ?

A. Trisha
B. Yash
C. Purvi
D. Vishal
E. None of these

3)Four of the following five pairs are alike in a certain way and hence form a
group. Find the one which doesn’t belong to the group?

निम्ननिखित पााँ च युग्नों िें से चार एक निनित रूप से सिाि िैं , और इस प्रकार एक सिूि
बिाते िैं । र्ि ज्ञात कीनजए जन सिूि से सोंबोंनित ििीों िै ?

A. Suresh-Umesh
B. Trisha-Kumar
C. Purvi-Yash
D. Ramesh-Suresh
E. Vishal-Trisha

4)Which among the following statement(s) is/are true?

निम्ननिखित िें से कौि सा/से कथि सत्य िै /िैं ?

I. More than three people get vaccinated after Kumar

II. Kumar gets vaccinated before Trisha
III. Ramesh gets vaccinated just before Purvi

A. Only II
B. Both II and III
C. Only I
D. Both I and III
E. All I, II and III

5)How many people get vaccinated before Trisha?

निशा से पििे नकतिे िनगनों कन टीका िगाया जाता िै ?

A. One
B. Five
C. Three
D. Four
E. More than five



Solution :

Study the given information and answer the following questions:

Eight people Purvi, Qazi, Ramesh, Suresh, Tabish, Umesh, Vishal and Yash are
sitting in a straight line at an equal distance between each other, but not
necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing north and some are
facing south.
There are two people sit between Suresh and Vishal. Suresh is the immediate
neighbor of Purvi, who sits 2nd to the right of Qazi. Vishal faces to the north
and sits at one of the extreme ends. Qazi sits 3rd to the right of Suresh. Tabish
does not sit at extreme ends. No two people sitting adjacent to each other face
in the same direction.Umesh sits 4th to the right of Ramesh. Ramesh is neither
an immediate neighbor of Qazi nor Suresh.

आठ व्यखि पूर्ी, काजी, रिेश, सुरेश, ताबीश, उिेश, नर्शाि और यश एक िू सरे के

बीच सिाि िू री पर एक सीिी रे िा िें बैठे िैं , िे नकि जरूरी ििीों नक इसी क्रि िें िनों।
उििें से कुछ का िुि उत्तर की ओर िै और कुछ का िुि िनक्षण की ओर िै ।

सुरेश और नर्शाि के िध्य िन व्यखि बैठे िैं । सु रेश, पूर्ी का निकटति पडनसी िै , जन
काजी के िायें से िू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा िै . नर्शाि का िुि उत्तर की ओर िै और र्ि नकसी
एक अोंनति छनर पर बैठा िै । काजी, सुरेश के िायें से तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा िै । तनबश
अोंनति छनर पर ििीों बैठा िै । एक िू सरे के आसन्न बैठे कनई भी िन व्यखि सिाि निशा िें
उन्मुि ििीों िैं । उिेश, रिेश के िायें से चौथे स्थाि पर बैठा िै । रिेश ि तन काजी और ि
िी सुरेश का निकटति पडनसी िै .

1)Who among the following sits to the immediate left of Suresh?

निम्ननिखित िें से कौि सुरेश के ठीक बायें बैठा िै ?

A. Qazi
B. Purvi
C. Tabish
D. Ramesh

E. None of these

2)How many people sit between Qazi and Ramesh?

काजी और रिेश के िध्य नकतिे व्यखि बैठे िैं ?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. More than four

3)Who among the following pair of people sits at extreme ends?

निम्ननिखित व्यखियनों िें से कौि अोंनति छनर पर बैठा िै ?

A. Qazi, Ramesh
B.Yash, Vishal
C. Tabish, Suresh
D. Ramesh, Vishal
E. None of these

4)How many people are facing the south direction?

नकतिे व्यखियनों का िुि िनक्षण निशा की ओर िै ?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. More than four

5)Who among the following sits to the immediate left of Ramesh?

निम्ननिखित िें से कौि रिेश के ठीक बायें बैठा िै ?

A. Vishal
B. Purvi
C. Tabish
D. Ramesh
E. None of these




Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.

There are nine members A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, and I in a family among
them only six male members. I is the daughter of A7. A8 and A6 are brothers
and both are child of A7. A1 is married to A4. Each female has two sons and
one daughter except the third generation’s female. A4 is the grandmother of I
who has no children. A2 is the daughter of A1, whose spouse is alive.

1. What is the relation between A7 with respect to A3?

(a) Aunt
(b) Nephew
(c) Daughter
(d) Sister
(e) Brother-in-law

2. Who is the son of A7?

(a) A8
(b) A6
(c) Both A8 and A6
(d) A4
(e) None of these
3. Who is the son-in-law of A1?
(a) A7
(b) A4
(c) A6
(d) A8
(e) None of these

4. Who is the nephew of A5?

(a) A7
(b) A2
(c) A1
(d) A8
(e) None of these

5. What is the relation of A5 with respect to I?

(a) Son
(b) Uncle
(c) Daughter
(d) father
(e) None of these


1. e

2. c
3. a
4. d
5. b

Q.) In each of the questions below few statements are given followed by two
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given
statements disregarding commonly known facts.

1. Statements:
All champions are players.
Only a few players are honest.
All winner are honest.

I. Some champions being honest is a possibility.
II. At least some winner are players.

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

2. Statements:
Only a few socks are belt.

All belt are hooks.
Only a few hooks are shoes.

I. No socks is shoes.
II. All hooks can be shoes.

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

3. Statements:
Only a few helmet are caps.
No caps are hats.
All hats are turban.

I. Some helmet are not hats.
II. Some turban are not caps.

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

4. Statements:
No money is cash.
All cash are gold.
Only a few gold are dollar.

I. Some cash are dollar.
II. No gold is money.

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

5. Statements:
All clock are watch.
Only a few watch is hourglass.
Some hourglass are not chronograph.

I. Some clock are not chronograph.
II. Some watch are not hourglass.

Options :
A. Only I follows.
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows


1. A
2. D
3. E

4. D
5. B

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

In a certain code language,

"Sugandh Meena Suresh Shyam" is coded as "UT XZ AB SD"

"Shyam Meena Akash anmol" is coded as "SD XZ XC WR"
"anmol Suresh Bina chaya" is coded as "WR AB IS JH"
"Sugandh chaya Danny John" is coded as "UT JH NS DF"

1. What could be the code for ‘WR’?

A) Sugandh
B) Meena
C) anmol
D) Suresh
E) Danny

2.'WR NA JH' can be a code of which of the following?

A) Suresh anmol chaya
B) anmol Sheri chaya

C) anmol Danny chaya
D) Cannot Be Determined
E) None of These

3. What could be the code of "Meena" in the given language?

E) Either C or D

4.'AB XZ JH' can be a code of which of the following?

A) Suresh Meena chaya
B) Suresh Shyam chaya
C) Suresh Sugandh chaya
D) Either A or B
E) None of These

5. What can be the code of "Sugandh" in the given language?



1) C
2) B
3) E
4) D
5) B

Study the following information and answer the question:

247 468 642 733 432

1. If the 1st and 3rd digit of the numbers are interchanged and then the
numbers are arranged in descending order what will be the second highest
a) 247
b) 468
c) 642
d) 733
e) 432

2. What is the difference between the 2nd digit of the 3rd number from the
left and 3rd digit of the 4th number from the right?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 3

e) None of the above

3. If the 1st and 2nd digit of each number is interchanged, which of the
following numbers is the lowest?
a) 247
b) 468
c) 642
d) 733
e) 432

4. If the 1st and 3rd digit of the number is Interchanged which will be the
largest number?
a) 468
b) 642
c) 432
d) 733
e) 247

5. If the digits of all the numbers are arranged in descending order then which
of the following will be the sum of the middle digit of all the numbers?
a) 20
b) 32
c) 28
d) 25
e) 29




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