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Nutrition For Children With Autism

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Can you visualize being unable to socialize with your peers due to your lack of any social

skills, non-verbal communication attributes, and also the inability to deliver a speech? Research

suggests that about one in every fifty-four children is affected by a form of autism which is

caused by environmental and genetic factors. The mothers need to live an appropriate lifestyle

during their pregnancy period as a poor lifestyle like toxins use such as alcohol and

contamination like rubella are a major contributing factor in the development of the condition.

Gastrointestinal disorder as a condition that occurs as a result of autism affects the

Gastrointestinal tract, the parts of the gastrointestinal tract include the stomach, the large and

small intestines, the esophagus, and rectum. It also involves other organs that help in the

digestion process which include the pancreas, gall bladder, and liver (Chivers, 1994).

Gastrointestinal disorder signs start to be visible when the child is about two to three years old if

treatment is done at that early stage of the condition there are always improvements as the child

develops. The gastrointestinal tract possesses huge amounts of neurons that provide a connection

between the tract and the brain. It also habitats thousands of bacteria which generally dictates the

health condition of the brain, an individual's mood and mental state at a particular time is

influenced as a result (Mackie, 1999)t. It is worth noting that the mode in which the nervous

system evolves is highly influenced by stress factors at the early stages of the human cycle, such

conditions always have an impact on the gastrointestinal tract leading to its dysfunction and in

other cases giving rise to diseases in the tract. The gastrointestinal tract is controlled by the stress

or other emotional condition of an individual at a particular time, hence individual tends to

consume a varying quantity of food or even no food at all (Bhatia,2005). A rare form of

contraction that involves the gastrointestinal tract is mostly misunderstood to be a heart attack

but only brought about by severe stress. Nausea, bloating and pain in the gastrointestinal tract are

felt more easily due to due to stress magnifying the discomforting state.

The diseases and infections that occur in the oral cavity are mostly not regarded as part

of the gastrointestinal tract diseases, the most obvious state condition that occurs in the oral

cavity is that are catalyzed by plaque. Some of the conditions include dental caries, periodontitis,

and gingivitis (Savage,1977). Other medical condition that is said to involve the gastrointestinal

tract and also habitat the oral cavity do so alone, they include sideropenia dysphagia that in most

cases results in the glottis, Gardner's syndrome that is highly attributed to the inability of the

tooth to erupt from the gums and also halitosis and acid erosion of the tooth brought about by

gastroesophageal reflux infection. The esophagus entails the passage that delivers food materials

to the stomach for digestion, due to being the passway of materials and bacteria there is a high

risk of an infection occurring on it if it won't be able to be neutralized by the enzymes in the

saliva content from the oral cavity (Eras,1972). The most common form of infection that occurs

in the esophagus is gastroesophageal reflux disease, barret’s esophagus associated with

gastroesophageal reflux results in the variation of the epithelial inside the esophagus. Severe

forms of infection that may occur on the oesophageal tract include consumption of caustic

substances, infections of the esophagus like oesophagitis, Boerhaave syndrome, and the

oesophageal variceal that are associated with the exaltation of the blood vessels in the

oesophageal tract (Khatz,2001). Other infections occur on the esophagus for a longer time, they

include the oesophageal webbing and Zenker's diverticulum.

Gastrointestinal infections are most commonly reported from young adults to newborn, it

is due to their gastrointestinal tract still developing and experiencing new forms of matters

passing through them, such matter is the system is not familiar with end up being rejected of

which if not eliminated from the body system will result in the development of new infections

(Doorly,2012). The most common signs of gastrointestinal diseases are fatigue and nausea,

fatigue is felt when the neurons that transmit information to the brain are interrupted by the

bacteria habiting the gastrointestinal tract as a result of infections in the gut system.

Gastrointestinal diseases have effects on the general economy of where when an individual

suffering from a gastrointestinal infection comes to be of age, there will be demand for social

and economic support as in most scenarios they will not be able to provide from themselves,

others will developmental conditions in their late years of growth hence will require to be

institutionalized to be able to cope with their situation. A major concern is the functional

gastrointestinal disorder’s characteristic of shortening life (Dumic,2019), most children that

suffer from this condition and not identified in time make their treatment much more difficult

hence resulting in high mortality rates. With an increase in technology in the 21st century, there

have been advancements in the process of disease identification that makes their treatment much

easier. The most common causes of gastrointestinal infection are divided into two categories

where some are caused by environmental conditions and those are genetically transmitted. Some

of those that involve surrounding factors include, firstly, low fiber diet is key in the development

of digestive diseases, fiber helps in the digestion process of food substances where the

recommended volume of fiber intake in children is about 10 to 20 grams. Fiber is readily

available as it can be found in most foods materials like vegetables and fruits (Mythen,2009).

Secondly, as a result of either environmental factors or genetic interference, an individual’s

intolerance to certain food materials is another contributing factor to gastrointestinal disorders,

compared to food allergies that only result in breathing problems, the inability to tolerate certain

foods influences the digestive system. For example, when an individual’s digestive system is not

able to tolerate gluten, a protein component associated with wheat and barley, there will be the

development of nonceliac gluten celiac response, and celiac diseases. Some other factors

involved are too much consumption of dairy products as they contain proteins and fats that are

difficult to digest, drinking little water as it helps in the softening of stool and ease the digestion

process, and being stressed.

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