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Pharmacology of shock:
Robert N. Sladen MBCHB, MRCP(UK), FRCPC(C) an update
Pathogenesis of shock cause substantial myocardial dysfunction. A more
Appropriate pharmacotherapy in shock is facilitated by accurate and descriptive term is “distributive shock”.
a concise hemodynamic analysis of its pathogenesis.1 A Protracted shock of any etiology culminates in the
first step is to consider the systemic circulation as a sim- accumulation of lactic acid. This has important conse-
ple circuit. A pump, the heart, is subtended by an arte- quences for the vascular bed, as will be detailed later.
rial system that governs systemic vascular resistance Lactic acid dilates the more sensitive pre-capillary
(SVR) and afterload, a capillary bed that provides tissue sphincter, which allows blood to reflow into the capil-
nutrition and metabolite removal, and a venous system lary bed but not out of it. Hydrostatic pressure builds
that determines venous return and preload. Shock may up and increases capillary leak and interstitial edema,
be defined simply as inadequate perfusion of vital capil- further impairing cellular nutrition. The blood that
lary beds. It may be further classified by its primary clin- remains in the capillaries becomes increasingly viscous
ical manifestation as vasoconstricted or vasodilated, and and sludges, triggering platelet activation and dissemi-
analyzed hemodynamically by “Ohm’s Law of the nated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Lactic acidosis
Circulation”, i.e., blood pressure (BP) is the product of and DIC are hallmarks of all forms of protracted shock.
cardiac output (CO) and SVR:
Pharmacotherapy of cardiogenic shock
BP = CO × SVR.
The development of cardiogenic shock implies the loss
Vasoconstricted shock may be caused by cardio- of more than 40% of functioning myocardium. It may
genic shock or hypovolemic shock. The primary event develop as a consequence of acute myocardial infarc-
is either pump failure or hypovolemia leading to a fall tion, acute intraoperative ischemia and reperfusion
in CO and hypotension (“low output shock”). As a injury (e.g., during cardiopulmonary bypass). Stunned
consequence of baroreceptor-induced sympathetic myocardium refers to acute loss of function due to
stimulation, there is both arterial and venous constric- ischemia that may recover with time. Hibernating
tion, which seeks to restore BP to normal levels. myocardium refers to chronic loss of function due to
Because the cerebral and coronary circulations are rel- ischemia (usually identified by positron emission
atively devoid of alpha-adrenergic receptors, blood tomography scan) that may be recruitable with revascu-
flow to the heart and brain is conserved at the expense larization.2 End-stage heart disease due to ischemic,
of other vital organs, notably the kidney, gut and viral or idiopathic cardiomyopathy ultimately culmi-
lungs. At the arteriolar and venular level, there is con- nates in a state of chronic cardiogenic shock with pro-
striction of the pre-and postcapillary sphincters which gressive multisystem organ dysfunction.
further impairs tissue perfusion. Ischemic cardiogenic shock that develops after car-
Vasodilated shock is most often associated with sep- diopulmonary bypass is a classic example of a vicious
sis or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome cycle. Decreased perfusion leads to cardiac injury,
(SIRS). The primary event is profound cutaneous resulting in decreased stroke volume and hypotension.
vasodilation and decrease in SVR, leading to a fall in Catecholamine release (or administration) induces
BP. As a consequence of baroreceptor-induced sympa- tachycardia that further impairs myocardial oxygen
thetic stimulation, CO increases in an attempt to balance and exacerbates acute myocardial injury.1
restore BP to normal levels (“high output shock”). In In chronic cardiomyopathy with sustained release
fact both the terms vasodilated and high output are (or administration) of catecholamines there is progres-
misnomers. Although SVR is decreased, many vascu- sive beta receptor downregulation.3 In the normal
lar beds (renal, splanchnic and pulmonary) are severe- myocardium, about 80% of the inotropic response is
ly vasoconstricted, and circulating depressant factors mediated by beta-1 receptors and 20% by beta-2

From the Department of Anesthesiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, New York, New York, USA.
Address correspondence to: Dr. Robert N. Sladen, Department of Anesthesiology, PH 527B, College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Columbia University, 630 W. 168th Street, New York, NY 10032, USA. Phone: 212-305-8633; Fax: 212-305-8287;

CAN J ANESTH 2002 / 49: 6 / pp R1–R5


receptors. In chronic cardiomyopathy, the proportion monary bypass with acute right ventricular failure.
mediated by beta-2 receptors increases to 40%, and Dopexamine is an investigational agent (available in
the response to beta-1 adrenergic agents such as Europe) which acts predominantly through beta-2
dopamine becomes progressively impaired, while that mediated afterload reduction, with secondary release
to beta-2 agents such as dobutamine becomes pro- of norepinephrine that enhances its inotropic effect.7
gressively more important.4 Isoproterenol is limited by its potent chronotropic
Hemodynamic management of impaired CO should effect, which precedes its inotropic effect, and its use
be organized in an orderly sequence, with reassessment is largely confined to pharmacologic pacing.
to response at each step. Establishment of normal rate
and rhythm is an essential first step in creating a stable PDE inhibitors
milieu in which the subsequent interventions may be Administration of PDE inhibitors has particular
applied. Inadequate preload should be augmented, advantages in patients with cardiomyopathy or pro-
excessive preload decreased. Inotropic support is then tracted cardiac failure, who have down-regulation of
applied, with reduction of increased SVR, or augmen- beta receptors.8 Their action in preventing the break-
tation of inadequate SVR (see below).5 down of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is
There are two groups of inotropic agents: beta independent of the beta receptor.9 In cardiac muscle
adrenergic agonists and phosphodiesterase (PDE) III the increase in cAMP promotes intracellular calcium
inhibitors. release and muscle contraction (inotropic effect). In
smooth muscle it has the opposite effect, preventing
Beta adrenergic agonists the release of calcium and promoting smooth muscle
Beta-adrenergic agents are administered to enhance relaxation (vasodilation). The PDE inhibitors function
inotropy (force of contraction), but will also enhance as true inodilators, and provide afterload reduction for
chronotropy (heart rate), dromotropy (conduction both the left and right ventricles. They also promote
velocity) and bathmotropy (ectopic beats and diastolic relaxation (positive lusitropic effect), which
rhythms). The dromotropic effect is illustrated by the enhances myocardial oxygen balance. They are less
increase in atrio-ventricular conduction and heart rate bathmotropic (arrhythmogenic) than catecholamines.
when catecholamines are administered to patients Finally, and very importantly, their combination with
with atrial fibrillation. It should be expected that any catecholamines provides a synergistic increase in
beta-adrenergic agent may induce tachycardia and stroke volume, i.e., cAMP is increased by a combina-
tachyarrhythmias. tion of increased production (catecholamines) and
It is useful to classify beta-adrenergic agents decreased breakdown (PDE inhibition).10
according to their effect on the peripheral circulation. Milrinone has largely replaced amrinone as the
Inoconstrictors confer inotropy with alpha-adrenergic archetype PDE inhibitor. It is about 15 times more
induced vasoconstriction, and inodilators confer potent than amrinone, there is a lower risk of thrombo-
inotropy with beta-2 adrenergic induced vasodilation. cytopenia and it has a shorter elimination half-life (2.4
Inoconstrictors include the naturally occurring cat- hr vs 5.8 hr). Unlike amrinone, milrinone does not
echolamines, norepinephrine, epinephrine and decompose in dextrose solutions and does not need
dopamine. Norepinephrine is a potent, direct-acting protection from the light, and it contains no bisulfite,
beta-1 adrenergic agent as well as alpha adrenergic which can induce asthma in susceptible subjects. The
vasoconstrictor. This makes it especially useful in states loading dose, which should be administered over at
of vasodilated shock, where myocardial depression and least ten minutes, is 50 µg·kg–1, and the maintenance
profound vasodilation coexist. Because of its beta-2 infusion ranges from 0.375–0.75 µg·kg–1·min–1.
adrenergic action, epinephrine has a more unpre- The hemodynamic effects of milrinone are mediat-
dictable effect on SVR and is more prone to precipi- ed by a combination of afterload reduction and
tate tachycardia and tachyarrhythmias. enhanced inotropy, and result in about 30% increase in
The beta adrenergic inodilators are all synthetic CO.11 Compared to dobutamine, its effects are
derivatives of dopamine, and include dobutamine, greater on the SVR but there is less tachycardia and
dopexamine and isoproterenol. Dobutamine is a fewer tachyarrhythmias.
potent direct acting beta adrenergic agent, whose There are certain limitations and caveats with the use
beta-2 mediated inotropic effect is particularly helpful of PDE inhibitors. Careful loading is required because
in chronic cardiomyopathy.6 Its beta-2 vasodilator acute hypotension can occur, especially in hypovolemic
effects also provide pulmonary artery vasodilation that patients. Fluid challenges should be administered at the
may be helpful in weaning patients off cardiopul- first signs of hypotension, and the loading infusion

should be given over a longer period of time (e.g., acute arginine vasopressin (AVP) deficiency; and 3)
20–30 min) in unstable patients. Because of the large widespread activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase
volume of distribution, the loading dose should be (iNOS) and massive release of nitric oxide (NO).15
increased when it is given during cardiopulmonary
bypass. It has been demonstrated that institution of the Opening of KATP channels
maintenance dose alone, without a loading dose, Vasoconstrictors such as norepinephrine and
achieves a clinical effect within 30 min.12 angiotensin stimulate G-protein coupled endothelial
Although milrinone is rapidly redistributed, unlike receptors that open cell membrane calcium channels
catecholamines it is eliminated much more slowly and and promote an influx of calcium. This, together with
depends on the kidneys for about 40% of its excretion. It the release of calcium from intracellular stores, acti-
accumulates with time and has a long duration of action, vates a kinase that enhances the phosphorylation of
especially in patients with renal dysfunction, in whom the myosin and results in muscle contraction and vaso-
maintenance dose should be decreased.13 Finally, these constriction. In the presence of intracellular acidosis,
drugs are not cheap. In the US, a 48-hr course of milri- lactate accumulation and ATP depletion, membrane
none has an acquisition cost of about $500. KATP channels open and allow an efflux of potassium.
This hyperpolarizes the membrane and closes the cal-
Counterpulsation cium channels, resulting in vasodilation that is refrac-
Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation provides an impor- tory to norepinephrine.15
tant means of restoring myocardial oxygen balance.
During early to mid-diastole, balloon inflation augments Acute AVP deficiency
coronary perfusion pressure; at end-diastole balloon A few years ago it was serendipitously found that a rela-
deflation decreases myocardial afterload. Decreased sys- tively modest dose of AVP by infusion (0.5–6 units·hr–1)
tolic pressure is required for cardiac ejection during the results in remarkable improvement in BP and urine flow
following beat. No combination of inotropic, vasodilator in patients with vasodilated septic shock, allowing rapid
or vasoconstrictor therapy can truly mimic the advantage tapering of catecholamines.17 Normally, AVP exerts an
provided by intra-aortic counterpulsation.14 Indeed, the antidiuretic effect on V2-receptors in the distal renal
error that is occasionally made after cardiopulmonary tubule and collecting duct in response to tiny (1%) ele-
bypass is to delay the insertion of an intra-aortic balloon. vations in serum osmolality. Plasma AVP over the range
Excessive persistence with pharmacotherapeutic support of 1 through 5 pg·L–1 increases urine osmolality from
alone may expose the myocardium to a period of hypop- 300 to 1200 mOsm·kg–1. Severe hypotension induces a
erfusion, tachycardia and increased contractility that exac- baroreceptor response that releases large amounts of
erbates myocardial ischemia and creates a vicious cycle. AVP from the posterior pituitary. Plasma AVP of 10
through 200 pg·L–1 exerts a vasoconstrictor effect on V1-
Pharmacotherapy of vasodilated shock receptors in vasculature and helps to restore BP.
Vasodilated shock describes a clinical entity character- However, it was found that patients in severe vasodilated
ized by severe hypotension caused by refractory vasodi- septic shock had paradoxically low plasma AVP (about 3
lation.15 However, vasodilation is not uniform, and pg·L–1).17 Subsequently it has been demonstrated in ani-
there is associated hypoperfusion of the renal, splanch- mal models of hemorrhagic shock that within an hour of
nic and pulmonary vascular beds (distributive shock). the induction of profound hypotension, AVP stores in
In the early phase, cardiac index may be increased above the posterior pituitary become quite depleted.15 Thus,
normal, but ultimately myocardial depression becomes the response to infused AVP is in part accounted for by
more and more apparent. The archetype of vasodilated the restoration of plasma AVP to appropriate levels for
shock is septic shock, in which a profound decrease in the degree of hypotension.
SVR, mediated by endotoxin and cytokines, is the pre- In addition, AVP appears to block the KATP channel,
senting feature. However, vasodilated shock may occur thereby restoring membrane polarity and vascular
in many other instances, including protracted cardio- responsiveness to catecholamines and angiotensin.
genic shock, protracted hypovolemic shock, massive AVP also has a salutary effect on renal function because
contact activation (induced by cardiopulmonary bypass it preferentially constricts the efferent arteriole, there-
or ventricular assist device) or as a consequence of mil- by enhancing glomerular filtration pressure, filtration
rinone-induced vasodilation.16 rate and urinary flow.
There are now considered to be at least three impor- There are certain important caveats regarding infu-
tant mechanisms of vasodilatory shock: 1) opening of sion of AVP. It is contraindicated in cardiogenic shock
potassium-adenosine triphosphate (KATP) channels; 2) and should not be used to “make BP” in situations of

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