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Important Information Regarding Your Coverage

Cartus Household Goods Insurance
Cartus Corporation
40 Apple Ridge Road
Danbury, CT 06810 USA

Important: This handbook applies only to shipments covered by Cartus’ insurance program. Receipt of this booklet
does not bind coverage for any shipments. This handbook does not apply to shipments insured through other
insurance providers as designated by your employer, the mover, self-moves/truck rentals, or other shipments not
eligible for coverage. Please check with your consultant if you have any questions on coverage.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Setting a Realistic Value (Pre-Move) ................................................................ 3
Base Shipment Value Calculations ........................................................................ 3
Declaration of High Value Items ........................................................................... 4
Total Shipment Value ......................................................................................... 5
COD Insurance —When This Applies ..................................................................... 5
Policy Coverage and Exclusions ............................................................................ 7
Step 2: Your Roles and Responsibilities at Departure and Destination................................ 8
Origin Preparation ............................................................................................. 8
Destination Preparation ...................................................................................... 9
Step 3: How to File A Claim ...................................................................................... 9
Property Damage .............................................................................................. 9
Household Goods Claims .................................................................................... 9
UNIRISC Office Locations.................................................................................. 10
Instructions for Completing the Claim Form.......................................................... 11
Important – General Claim Information ............................................................... 12

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
Your Role in Insuring Your Household Goods
Cartus will arrange for insurance coverage on behalf of your employer. Your household goods are covered for replacement
value subject to that all procedures in this booklet are being followed. This document is a summary of the policy, to help
you ensure the proper level of insurance protection is placed on your shipment(s). It instructs you on the procedures
required in documenting the inventories at origin and destination to ensure coverage should damages or missing items
occur. Your insurance coverage and claim settlement will be impacted if these procedures are not adhered to. Please review
all instructions and policy guidelines thoroughly.

Step 1: Setting a Realistic Value (Pre-Move)

The insurance policy requires a minimum base valuation. Determining
the total insured value of a shipment starts by using the shipment
weight multiplied by a rate per pound (this is the Minimum (base)
Insured value). The total of High Value Items, described in detail later
in this document, will be added to the Minimum (base) valuation to
establish your total shipment value.

Minimum Shipment Value Calculations

The minimum required insurance placed on your shipment is calculated based on weight, and var ies by shipment type:

Minimum Value
Move Type Calculation Example
U.S. and Canada Domestic
Shipments: Including intra Shipment weight 10,000 lbs. multiplied by
Canada and Canadian Cross $14 per lb. = $140,000
Border (excluding Hawaii, Puerto $14 U.S. dollars per pound
Total Minimum (base) Insured Value:
Rico, and U.S. Territories and $140,000
Surface Shipment weight 8,000 lbs.
International Shipments: Including Surface Shipments: (sea and
multiplied by $16 per lb. = $128,000 Total
offshore shipments to Hawaii, road)
Minimum (base) Surface Value:
Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories $16 U.S. dollars per pound
and Possessions (excluding intra
Air Shipment weight 500 lbs. multiplied by
Canada and Canadian Cross Air Shipments:
$24 per lb. = $12,000
Border). $24 U.S. dollars per pound
Total Minimum (base) Air Value: $12,000
Domestic Permanent Storage: Domestic Permanent Storage weight 3,000 lbs.
Domestic Permanent
Permanent Storage will be multiplied by $14 per lb. = $42,000 Total
physically located in the Minimum (base) Insured Value:
$14 U.S. dollars per pound
continental USA and Canada. $42,000
International Permanent Storage: International Permanent Shipment weight
Permanent Storage will be International Permanent 3,000 lbs. multiplied by $16 per lb. =
physically located outside the Storage: $48,000
continental USA and Canada. $16 U.S. dollars per pound Total Minimum (base) Insured Value:

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
Declaration of High Value Items

You must follow the instructions on completing and submitting the Declaration of the High Value Items form prior to your
move to ensure your shipment is properly insured. High Value Items are defined as, but not limited to, any single item of:
must be listed regardless of value) ANTIQUES CAMERA EQUIPMENT
Please do not list the above
items if they are $10,000 or less. Please do not list the above items if they are $2,500 or
Please do not list the above items if
less unless they are items of unusual value.
they are $5,000 or less.
Please refer to the instructions tab or Cartus
Household Goods Insurance Program booklet for an
explanation of Items of Unusual Value.

*Items of Unusual Value: In addition, you are required to declare any Items of Unusual Value; examples: an individual
dress or suit in excess of $1,000, or a coffee maker valued at $1,500 would be considered an Item of Unusual Value
and must be declared on your High Value form. Large quantities of expensive clothing or accessories/handbags or
purses should also be declared (i.e. 15 suits with a combined value of $15,000).

Cars, motorcycles, and boats are insured for depreciated value (book value). The value of motorcycles and boats is included
as part of the total shipment weight calculation and does not need to be declared on high value form unless the value
exceeds $10,000. Automobiles must be listed on the high value form when they are being shipped with household goods
regardless of value. When vehicles are transported via a separate car carrier you should not list the vehicle on the
Declaration of High Value form. If you have a specialty or antique automotive, please discuss this with your Cartus

High value items not properly documented on the Declaration of High Value Item form will be limited in coverage to the
maximum as stated for the Item/Category should damage or loss occur. Cartus recommends:
• Items of extreme value be appraised.
• You have clear photographs and/or sales receipts to substantiate high value items.
• You keep all appraisals, receipts, proof of ownership/value, and photos with you - separate from your household
goods shipment, as they may be needed during the claim process.

Important considerations when filling out your Declaration of High Value Items form:
• The Declaration of High Value Item form must be completed and returned to your consultant (not to the van
line/freight forwarder) prior to your shipment load date.
• Listing an item on the Declaration of High Value Item form does not guarantee coverage if it is specifically excluded
from the insurance policy.

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
• The value of your personal belongings is determined by
the cost to replace them at destination location, should a
loss occur.
• Calculate the value of the item at today’s replacement
value, not your original purchase price.
• The value you place on this form will be the maximum
value you will be paid. Proof of ownership or value may be
required by the insurance settlement firm.
• Failure to declare an item of high value, or not returning
the form prior to loading, will limit your claim settlement
as per the policy limitations.
• You have an opportunity to document the need for additional insurance should the base shipment value plus the
total of high value items not provide sufficient coverage. Please refer to the Total Shipment Value section below
for details.

Properly Documenting High Value Items: There are separate tabs on the Excel document. High Value Items must be listed
on the corresponding tab to the mode of transport in which the item will be shipped.
• Domestic US and Canada (as per description above)
• International Air
• International Surface (Sea or Trucked)
• Permanent Storage

Total Shipment Value

Before your household goods are loaded by the movers, you need to validate the insured value placed on your shipments
is adequate. Your Cartus Consultant can assist you in determining the base value of your goods. Cartus will use the
estimated weight from the mover’s survey plus the total of high value items you have submitted to arrive at the total
estimated insured value. You may also indicate the need for Additional Insurance should you feel the base valuation plus
the high value items do not provide adequate insurance coverage for your shipment.

Additional Insurance: An example of the need for Additional Insurance would include; you have higher than average
priced personal effects and they do not meet the definition provided for “high value items”. Note the amount of any
additional insurance required on the high value form in the upper left corner, as “additional insurance required”
for each mode of transport as applicable. Please see below for where to document.

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
COD Insurance —When This Applies
If there is any portion of the insurance that your employer will not pay, it will be your responsibility to cover the premium
in order for your shipment to be fully insured. Examples of when this situation might arise are:
• Your employer limits the insurance coverage (maximum value they will pay for insurance) as part of their relocation
policy. You will be responsible to pay all costs related to additional insurance required to fully insure your shipment.
• Your employer limits the weight you may ship. Should your shipment exceed the authorized weight allowance you
will be responsible to pay all costs related to the shipping and insurance of the excess weight beyond the policy
• Your employer limits what items you may ship, (e.g., your employer will not ship pianos as part of their relocation
allowance). Should you choose to ship a piano, the cost of shipping and insuring the piano would be your expense.
• Uninsured Items: If any item(s) are shipped uninsured, any damages caused by uninsured items to insured items
are NOT covered by insurance. (e.g., Wine/Alcohol is excluded from policy; you ship wine but decline to insure the
wine. Should wine break and spill on your sofa, then both the damaged wine and damage to sofa would not be
• If your employer is no longer paying for permanent storage, you may be eligible to continue your coverage through
the Cartus Insurance Program on a COD basis.
• If you have requested additional insurance, some employers will not pay for the excess insurance.
• Other situations may arise on a case-by-case basis.

Should your employer limit the amount of coverage they will pay for, you should ask your Cartus consultant to review
COD insurance options with you so you may adequately insure your shipment. COD insurance may be paid via
CartusOnline using a credit card, a check or wire and must be processed prior to shipment load date.

• Should you decline the COD insurance, your shipment will be considered “co-insured” and should you have a claim,
your settlement will be adjusted based on the percentage your shipment that was underinsured.
• If full shipment premiums are COD to you and they are not paid timely (prior to load or conversion of insurance to
COD), and there is a loss or damage on your shipment, the shipment is considered uninsured and all claims will be
• You do have the option of securing insurance on your own outside of Cartus. We caution you to validate the
coverage and limitations prior to your decision. Examples of risk include: coverage limited to catastrophic damage
only, coverage limited for distance of move, damage limited to transit or storage, but not both.

Co-Insured (Underinsured) Example Uninsured Example

A $200,000 shipment insured for only $100,000 sustains Your employer is no longer paying for storage; you continue
partial damage; claimant would only be entitled to 50% making payments directly to the storage facility. You may
of the amount that otherwise would have been paid. If a arrange for insurance outside of Cartus, or the Cartus
$1,000 couch was destroyed, the claimant would receive arranged policy can be extended to you. Should you stop
a settlement of 50% of the amount that otherwise would paying the premiums or decl ine the coverage, when the
have been paid, i.e., a prorated amount based on the shipment eventually is delivered, you would not be able to
percentage of the shipment is under-insured. file a claim on the Cartus policy.

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
Policy Coverage and Exclusions
Policy Limit
The policy limit of any one shipment is $1 Million USD. Shipments exceeding $1 Million USD will require an additional policy.
Should require additional insurance please discuss with your Cartus Consultant prior to your shipment date.

Policy Inclusions: The insurance policy covers personal effects and property to be used in a “dwelling” or standard to use in
a household while in the custody of the carrier. Items used for a personal business or owned by your employer, are not
covered. The following details coverage under the Cartus arranged insurance program.
• All risk of physical loss or damage by external causes, including fire and smoke, vandalism, flood and earthquake,
collision, etc.
• Damage to Pairs and Sets (excluding clothing)
• Mold and Mildew – as a result of water damage
• Mold and Mildew – as a result of climatic conditions (atmospheric conditions such as humidity, moisture, dryness),
or extreme changes in temperature (coverage is limited to $25,000).
• Climatic Conditions– damages resulting climatic conditions (atmospheric conditions such as humid ity, moisture,
dryness), or extreme changes in temperature (coverage is limited to $25,000).
• Car, boat, ATV, and Jet Ski claims are adjusted based on depreciated value (book value).
• Mechanical or Electrical Derangement - damage to electronic equipment (TVs, laptops, DVD’s, etc.) due to normal
road vibration. Worn and/or defective parts (including recalls) due to age or normal use will not be covered under
the terms of the insurance policy.
• Temporary storage in an approved mover's warehouse:
‒ For Domestic US Shipments - 365 days of storage
‒ For International Shipments - 180 days of storage

If your household goods are at a Cartus mover’s warehouse for longer than the periods described above,
arrangements will need to be made to extend the ins urance coverage. Please discuss options with your Cartus
Consultant should storage coverage need to be extended:
• Your employer may approve additional storage & insurance;
• Your employer does not approve additional storage & insurance; you can elect to co ntinue the insurance through
Cartus via CartusOnline using a credit card, a check or wire and must be processed prior to insurance conversion to
COD date;
• You can source your own insurance outside Cartus.

Policy Exclusion: While coverage is comprehensive, the items listed below are the most notable exclusions to the policy:
• Missing, damaged, or broken items from cartons not packed by the carrier. Packed by Owner cartons (PBO’s) or
items in the original carton which have not been unopened/inspected) are excluded from coverage. Only those
items professionally packed by the carrier will be insured.
• Jewelry (including costume jewelry), watches, cuff links, precious stones, coins, currency
• Important papers such as awards, certificates, bills, stocks, deeds, passports, professional papers, evidence of debt,
and other personal documents
• Stamp or coin collections, sports memorabilia including trading cards, other collections not specifically declared on
the Declaration of High Value form prior to your move
• Irreplaceable items or items of sentimental value; coverage limited to actua l value (example: an album of wedding
photos would be covered for the value of the actual album, not the sentimental value)
• Loss of data on disks and tapes (recommend back up hard drive and move separately)
• Boats over 20 ft.
• Damage caused by insects, moths, vermin, or inherent vice
• Wrinkled or soiled clothing

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
• Ordinary wear and tear, age, or normal use
• Personal Businesses, and items used in/for business including samples, exhibitions
• Automobiles, motorcycles, and ATV’s, unless exceptions are noted at time of delivery for external damage
• Missing items not noted on origin inventory as being shipped
• Missing items that are not noted on the delivery inventories at destination
• Marred, scratched, chipped, or dented items coded as "conditions unknown" (CU) at origin by mover
• Plants or frozen and perishable foods
• Spoilage or leakage of alcoholic beverages – Alcohol must be disclosed in advance for breakage coverage
• Goods delivered from or to self-storage facilities, (those delivering to self-storage will constitute final delivery and
only exceptions taken at delivery to the warehouse will be honored—100 days to file)
• Any perils or loss associated with war or nuclear exposures
• Shipments to or from any country listed that may have sanctions, prohibitions, or restrictions under United Nations
resolutions, or trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of any jurisdiction
• Property damage

Consider separating items not covered by insurance from the rest of your goods and plan to hand carry them to your
destination or make alternative shipping arrangements. Please direct any questions to your Cartus Consultant prior to your

Step 2: Your Roles and Responsibilities at Departure and Destination

Your Insurance Benefits may be affected by Your Actions

Origin Preparation
• Before the movers arrive, separate items that you
are taking with you and, if applicable, items that are
going by air, surface, or into storage.
• Think about what you will need upon arrival at the
new residence and plan accordingly. Loss as a result
of not having a particular item available to you
because of delay, or while being repaired, if
damaged, is not covered.
• Make sure you have returned your
Declaration of High Value Item form to your Cartus
consultant prior to the movers arriving. Do not give
the form to your mover and do not fill out the
mover’s high value form.
• Important documents, jewelry, and valuables (money, stamps, card collections, etc.) are not covered by
insurance and should not be shipped with your household goods. Please secure these prior to your pack & load.
(e.g. passports, financial documents, medical records)
• Before packing begins, you may want to document your household goods for your records by taking photos or
• It is your responsibility to review the inventories at origin before signing them and note any discrepancies. When
you sign the mover’s copy of the inventory, you are agreeing that the list is complete, accurate, and you are in
agreement with the condition of items as described on inventory.
• Do a walk-through and check all closets, cupboards, and storage areas before the moving company leaves your
home. Make sure no items are left behind. Items left behind are not the mover’s responsibility and may not be
claimed as missing.
• Property damage is the responsibility of the mover and must be documented while they are present. During the
walk-through, mark on the driver’s paperwork if there is any damage caused to your home.

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
Destination Preparation
• If possible, have two or more people present during the delivery. As the boxes are carried into your home, one
person will need to check off the inventory sheets validating the item has arrived and noting any obvious damage
or missing items on the mover’s copy of the inventory. The additional person can direct the movers to the room or
location that the boxes or furniture should be placed. This is the most important step you can take from an
insurance perspective.
• You must note any obvious damage, opened, re-taped, or missing boxes on the inventories at the time of delivery.
Failure to do this will result in a denied claim any items you claim as missing.
• If the truck is empty and you still show boxes or items that have not been checked off, bring it to th e attention of
the driver. If they are unable to locate the missing item(s) or cartons, make sure you note it on the driver’s copy of
the paperwork and both you and the driver sign the documents.
• Do not discard any damaged items or attempt to have them repaired or replaced. Failure to make an item available
for inspection will nullify a claim.
• Do not move items to a different location after delivery. Items must be available for inspection at original delivery
• Do a walk-through and identify that needs to be noted on the drivers paperwork. Property damage must be noted
before the moving company leaves your new home. This damage is handled by the mover directly.
• Call your Cartus consultant or visit CartusOnline for claim instructions.
• Be sure to fully unpack your goods prior to filing a claim as only one claim may be filed per shipment mode.

Step 3: How to File a Claim

Property Damage
Please notify the mover and your Cartus consultant immediately should property damage occur to your residence. This claim
will be filed with the mover directly.

Household Goods Claims

For damage to your household goods, do not file your claim with the mover/freight forwarder, but rather with UNIRISC as
described below. Questions on our claims process should be directed to your Cartus consultant.

The maximum time to file your claim for damage and missing items is 100 days from delivery date. (Please confirm the
deadline with your Cartus Consultant) Please contact your local UNIRISC office if you require an emergency claim.

UNIRISC is the settlement company Cartus uses to handle claims for all Cartus insured shipments. You may obtain the
claim form from the Cartus website or from your Cartus consultant. You can file your claim either online or by submitting
a hard copy of a claim form by fax or mail to the UNIRISC office based on the location of your delivery. UNIRISC has
several offices across the USA. Please see below for instructions on which UNIRISC office will be responsible for settling
you claim.

The insurance company has the right to inspect all damages, and to salvage the item if they pay you the full replacement
value. Please remember, unless otherwise instructed by UNIRISC:
• Do not discard damaged items
• Do not have damaged items repaired or replaced
• Do not remove items from the delivery location

Claim payments will be based on the lesser of the following amounts:

• The cost of reasonably restoring the article to its pre-move condition.
• The cost of replacing the article with “like kind and quality.” (damaged articles may be taken as salvage by the
settlement firm)

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
UNIRISC Office Locations


800 E. Campbell Road, Suite 80 West Century Road, Suite 301 2000 North 14th Street, Suite 500
123 Paramus, NJ 07652 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone:
Richardson, TX 75081 Phone: 201-967-7810 703-797-3300
Phone: 972-702-0557 Fax: 201-967-7110 Fax: 703-524-7933
Fax: 972-702-0573 Mgr.: Denice Valluzzi Mgr.: Dana Robbins
Mgr.: Kim Provo

 All moves to Puerto Rico, Mexico and Virgin Islands: Send claims to Virginia Office
 All outbound international moves: Send claims to Virginia Office
 All Canadian provinces: Send claims to Texas Office
 All moves to Alaska and Hawaii: Send claims to Texas Office

Use the map provided below to determine which UNIRISC office will be responsible for handling your domestic claim
within the 48 contiguous United States. If your destination state is highlighted in blue, please file your claim with the
UNIRISC New Jersey office. If your destination state is highlighted in green, please file your claim with the UNIRISC Texas
office. Please see below for move destinations outside the 48 contiguous United States.


All outbound international claims,

moves to Puerto Rico, Mexico or
the Virgin Islands will be handled in
the Virginia office
All moves to Alaska and
Hawaii will be handled in
the Texas office

All personal information that comes into the possession of UNIRISC is treated as confidential and protected as such. No
Customer personal information will be disclosed either orally, electronically, or in a written format to anyone that is not
authorized to have this information. This information is retained by UNIRISC only for the purposes of either placing coverage
on your goods for your relocation, handling your claim as a result of your relocation, and only during the course of either of
these activities. For EU citizens, should you not consent to this, please notify us of this fact right away.

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
Instructions for Completing the Claim Form

Claims forms must be completed in full. Missing information may delay your claim. It is important to be as detailed at
possible and include replacement cost, date of purchase (year is fine), and the amount claimed.

Inventory number Enter the item number from the mover’s inventory that corresponds to the article
damaged or lost.

Description of article Identify each item including its brand name, if applicable (i.e.: Ethan Allen dresser,
Schwinn Imperial bicycle).

Nature and extent of damage Describe in detail (i.e.: right leg scratched, left arm rubbed and Chipped, picture tube
broken, etc.)

Replacement cost Enter the cost of replacing this item with like kind and quality.

Date of purchase List the date of purchase of the item. If the item was a gift, list the date it was given
to you.

Amount claimed You must enter an amount that you are claiming as compensation for every item. If
you prefer an item to be repaired, do not enter an amount; instead write “repair” in
this column. Keep in mind that the insurer has the right to repair rather than replace
damaged articles. Please attach any receipts, estimates, etc. which will assist in
validating the claim.

Missing items If items are claimed missing, a copy of the inventory with written exceptions taken
at delivery, and signed by the driver, must be submitted along with the claim form.
In submitting this claim, you are certifying that the copies of the inventories
attached, inclusive of all notations, signatures, and exceptions were executed at the
time of delivery, in the presence and with the knowledge of the moving

Automobile If your vehicle was transported in the moving van with your household goods, please
utilize this form for claiming any damages. Please submit an estimate for repairs and
the destination vehicle condition report with your claim form. If your vehicle was
moved via a car carrier, any claim must be directed to them for processing.

If available, please include copies of the carrier’s Bill of Lading. Send the original to the UNIRISC office responsible for
processing your claim and keep a copy for your records.

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.
Important – General Claim Information
Your claim should be a statement of all loss and/or damage
resulting from your move. Please make sure you have
unpacked all cartons and have checked all furnishings for
damage before you submit your claim. You may file only one
claim per shipment.

All damaged articles, including items that are damaged

beyond repair, must be kept for inspection by the adjuster.
Failure to have these articles available will result in the claim
being denied. The insurance company may claim any
damaged articles, which are replaced, for salvage.

If you report a carton missing, you must itemize the contents, including the date of purchase and replacement cost for
each article. Please include anything you ha ve that may help substantiate value and ownership; i.e. purchase receipts,
canceled checks, credit card receipts, etc. If items are claimed missing, a copy of the inventory with written exceptions
taken at delivery, signed by the driver, must be submitted along with the claim form. Please forward anything else you
feel relevant for supporting your claim, receipts, pictures, appraisals, etc.

All claims should be filed as soon as possible after your move. Claims must be received by UNIRISC within 100 days from
the date of delivery. Claims received beyond the 100 day filing limit will be denied.

Please direct any questions on your insurance coverage to your Cartus consultant.

Wishing you and your household goods a safe journey to your

new destination!

C ARTUS | H ousehold G oods Insurance P rogram

© 2 0 21 Cartus Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Cartus and the Cartus logo are registered trademarks of C artus Corporation.

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