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- When did the first post-glacial groups of hunter-gatherers arrive in the territory of
12800 years ago
- When farming was introduced into Scotland in 4500 BC, what did the early-farmers
continue using?
stone tools and weapons
- What is the name of this period?
- What was characteristic of the wheel houses?
the outer wall which was a circle of stone piers

- What did the Roman Empire build? What did they want to protect?
they built 2 impressive fortifications (Hadrian’s wall to defend the Northern border and
the Antonine wall across central Scotland to advance it forward)

- Where did AD Vikings begin to settle? Where did the Vikings begin to settle?
In the west
- What was the name of the new kingdom?
Kingdom of Alba
- What is the name of one of the best-known early Scottish Kings?
- Who ruled Scotland for the following two centuries?
Mael olium III

- Which kingdom became a feudal society during the reign of Alexander the second?
The kingdom of Alba

- What happened after the death of Alexander the third in 1286?

It left several rivals for succession
- Who became king in 1292?
John Balliol
- What happened in 1295?
Edward tried to force the Scots to join him in a war against France (with Balliol)
- At what battle was the English army defeated?
At the battle of Stirling Bridge
- When/how did the unrest finish?
In the 14th century

- Who did Robert the Bruce and his army defeated in the battle of Bannockburn?

- Which is the name of the house that Robert II established?

(not artistics but intellectuals)

- Name the last stuart monarch

- (no, in Scotland)
- True or False:
“In the industrial revolution of the 18th century Scotland became one of the
commercials, artistics and industrial power houses of Europe”

- True or False:
“David Hume, or Adam Smith are still celebrated for their achievements and industrial
advancements in London”

- What did the industrial revolution of the 18th century (the intellectual movement)
ranged across? philosophy…
- In what century did Tobacco, sugar and cotton urbanize life in Scotland?
- Name a strong political topic that has become a political topic with serious debates
on Scottish independence
- In which year was there a referendum in Scotland about leaving the British Union?
- True or False:
“Scotland is not part of the British Union now”

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