August 20 Shabbat Announcements

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Parshat Eikev

Torah Artscroll, 980 Hertz, 780 Haftorah Artscroll, 1197 Hertz, 794

August 20, 2011 20 Av, 5771

Rabbi Frand on Parshat Eikev

The Silent Witness And you shall write them on the doorposts of your homes and your gates. (Devarim 11:20) The Mezuzah stands like a sentinel at the door, we pass it whenever we enter or leave the room. What are we to think as we look upon the mezuzah? What are we to contemplate when we see the letter shin on the case and are reminded of the holy scrolls within? The Rambam, at the from our slumber and come to the realization that nothing in this world is permanent other than the Almighty, His Torah. Why does the mezuzah remind us of these concepts? ideologies and their demise. In the last century alone, our hypothetical mezuzah would have seen humanism, capitalism, materialism, existentialism, each embraced as life philosophies and then discredited. It would have seen the rise of the Soviet Union and Communism and their ignominious collapse. It would have seen the creation of the Third Reich, the ThousandYear Reich, its perpetration of the Holocaust against the Jewish people and its ultimate defeat and destruction. It would have seen the birth of Israel and it growth to maturity.


Candle Lighting Friday Mincah Hashkama Youth Main Minyan Beit Midrash Gemorah Shiur Mincha Shabbat Ends Sunday August 21 Mon., Thurs.

7:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:15 am 6:25 pm 7:25 pm

8:36 pm

7:30/8:30 am end of his 6:35/7:45 am

presentation of the laws of mezuzah, Tues., Wed. Fri. 6:45/7:45 am tells us to think about the eternal Mincha 7:25 pm nature of the Sun/Thurs. Almighty. This will Latest times for inspire us to awaken
Shema/Shmoneh Esrei August 20 August 27 9:35/10:43 am 9:37/10:44 am

Perhaps it is because the mezuzah is a silent witness to the ebb and flow of history and human events. Think about the mezuzah of an old shul or some other venerable edifice. It has been hanging there for decades if not centuries. It has seen infants brought into the shul to be circumcised, and it has seen these same people grown old brought into the shul to be eulogized and buried. It has seen generations come and go. It has seen empires rise and fall. It has seen the birth of When the railroads

Next Shabbat Reeh Candle lighting Mincha 7:19 pm 7:00 pm

Kiddush is sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue

Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Leah Winkler And Bobby Wasserman in honor of their upcoming wedding.

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Eikev 5771

were introduced in the 19th century, people thought the new technology was so perfect that it would never change. The railroad companies sold corporate bonds for centuries in advance. And where are they all today? On the scrap heap, along with their rusting trains. Human beings are always seeking immortality. This invention, this idea, this building, this book, this one will capture that elusive immortality, this one will stand the test of time, this is one for the ages, this one will make me immortal. But it doesn't work.

SUMMER LEARNING PROGRAM Sponsor list in formation

Josh Olshin in memory of Sally Olshin, zl. Pam & Baruch Toledano in memory of Harold Kovar, zl. Gil Aronowitz in memory of Samuel Movsas, zl. Debbie & Hal Chadow in memory of Samuel Movsas, zl. Sonia Movsas in memory of Samuel Movsas, zl. Carol Buckmann in memory of Mayer Siegel, zl. The Torah tells us (Bamidbar 32:42), "And In memory of Barbara S. Horowitz, zl. Novach went and captured Kenas and its Mark & Adina Abraham in memory of his parents suburbs, and he named it (lah) Novach in his Shalom & Sara Abraham, zl. name." According to the rules of Hebrew Brenda & Ed Parver in memory of Shifra bat Yaakov Yisrael, zl. grammar, the word lah should end with a Jack & Hadassah Wachstock in memory of mappik heh, a mark of emphasis, but it doesn't. It ends with a weak heh. The Midrash Phil Machnikoff, zl. Ruth & Milton Mitzner in memory of tells us that the weak heh lets us know that Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine, zl. the city did not last. It was eventually Harvey & Helen Ishofsky in memory of destroyed. their parents. Rafael Gad in memory of Why does the Torah consider it important to Sara bat Nissan Gad, zl. let us know this information? It is meant to Alisa & Michael Hoenig. teach us the futility of immortalization. Joan & Gerald Begun. Marc Epstein in memory of Toby Epstein zl Novach wanted to immortalize himself by creating something permanent - an entire city, Lilly & Gary Chubak in memory of no less! - and crowning it with his own name. parents Malvina Graf and But he failed. The city was destroyed, and his Ida & Benjamin Chubak, z"l. Rita Gordonson in memory of name would be forgotten if it were not Lewis C. Gordonson and mentioned in the Torah. Dora & Leon Gershkowitz, zl. Jolanta & Frank Rosenstein in memory of Everything constantly changes. Nothing is Sally Olshin zl and Phil Machnikoff zl. permanent. Only the Almighty and His Torah Sam Levitt in memory of Eugene Levitt zl. are permanent. The mezuzah can bear Annie & Robert Mendelson in memory of Walter Mendelson and Robert Meisel zl. witness. Gladys Moslin in memory of Phil Machnikoff, zl. Ellie & David Werber in memory of Great Neck Synagogue Jacob Werber, zl and Rosa & Michael Preis, Zl. Shabbat Activities Program Lorraine & Harold Domnitch
Great Neck Synagogue Shabbat Activities Program

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,zl, Rabbi Emeritus Michael Bleicher, Daniel Schwechter, Rabbinic Interns Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, zl, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Joseph Hecht, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Roshei Yeshiva Lecture Series


On Various Topics of Jewish Learning


RabbiDanielFeldman Revenge&GrudgeBearing

August23,2011at8:00pm(followingMinchaat7:30pm) RabbiBaruchSimon TheShabbatPaymentPlan: GettingPaidonShabbat?

TheGNSTalmudTorahisnowaccepting AMENSONLYEVENING registrationforthe20112012semester. OFWAGYUANDBREW TheGNSTalmudTorahisafullJewish MONDAYAUGUST22,FROM79AT afterschoolprogramdedicatedtoexcellencein 18BIRCHWOODLANE anengagingandrespectfullearning YOUWILLLEARNSTEPBYSTEP environmentinwhichJewishchildrencan HOWTOPREPAREANDBARBECUE becomeproud,caring,responsible,and WAGYUBEEFRIBS dedicatedmembersoftheJewishpeople CHILIFRIES andAmericansociety. KICKEDUPCORN Ourgoalistocreatelifelonglearnerswhocan GRILLEDFRUIT identifywiththeirheritageandforwhom CLASSWILLBETAUGHTBYCINDYHODKIN Judaismisacentralpartoftheirlives. RECIPESANDSHOPPINGLISTSPROVIDED ClassestakeplaceonMondayandWednesday afternoons,4:30to6:30pm,attheGreatNeck ALLFOODANDPREPARATIONSAREUNDERTHE Synagogue.TheTalmudTorah,directedby SUPERVISIONOF RabbiPolakoff,servesmemberfamiliesand RABBIPOLAKOFFANDRABBILICHTER studentsfromKindergartenthrough8thgrade. Weofferavariedleveledcurriculumfocusedon COSTIS$75PERPERSON yourchildscompetenciesdeliveredby CHECKSPAYABLETOGNSMENSCLUB experiencedJewisheducators.Formore SPACEISLIMITED informationpleaseemailMarkTwerskyat RSVPBYAUGUST17THTO CINDYHODKIN[]



HASHKAMA KIDDUSH Hashkama Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Pari & Henry Schwartz in memory of his mother Ruth Schwartz, zl. SISTERHOOD UPCOMING EVENTS SELECTION MEETING AND BAKING DEMONSTRATION Please join us on Wednesday evening, September 14th at 7:30pm in the Braun Youth Center for our Sisterhood election meeting of the executive and general board members. If you would like to nominate yourself or a friend for a position on the board, please email Diane Rein at by September 1st. A proposed slate of officers will be presented at the meeting for voting. Immediately following the meeting, we are excited to have Cindy Hodkin do a pre-Rosh Hashanah rugelach baking demonstration. Everyone can participate and bring home rugelach to bake. Advance reservations are required for the baking event. We are grateful to Cindy Hodkin for sponsoring this event in memory of her father Bernard Korman zl.

Within Our Family

Mazal Tov to Bracha & Cantor Zeev Kron on the birth of a grandson born to their children Rivi & Moshe Moskovitz. Mazal Tov to Esther & Jacob Ambalu on the birth of a grandson born to their children, Sara & Daniel Ambalu and also on the engagement of their son Oren, to Naomi, daughter of Naira & Roman Ismailov also Mazal Tov to great-grandmother and grandmother Lisa Vardi. Mazal Tov to Magda & Sam Yehaskel on the birth of a granddaughter, Lea Simmone, born to their children Michelle & Joseph Yehaskel in London. Mazal Tov to Rhonda & Jack Lipsky on the engagement of their daughter Rachel to Michael Bohnen son of Anne & John Bohnen of Toronto, also Mazal Tov to grandparents Annette & Irving Forman.

SISTERHOOD FLOWER POWER FUNDRAISING The Sisterhood has set up an account with Flower Power Fundraising and we welcome our entire synagogue membership to place orders at under the name "Sisterhood of Great Neck Synagogue". 50% of every purchase on this website goes to Sisterhood. We look forward to your support and we thank Rebbetzin Ellen Polakoff NSHA 8th ANNUAL GOLF, TENNIS, MAH JONGG AND CHARITY POKER for this wonderful idea! Monday, September 19th, NSHA will hold a golf, tennis, card games mahjongg lessons, brunch, BBQs and a sunset cocktail MENS CLUB UPCOMING EVENTS party with a million dollar Jet Blue Challenge followed by a Been fishing! Now going COOKING! A mens only evening of sumptuous buffet dinner, with prizes, raffles and auctions and wagyu and brew will be held on Monday, August 22, between an evening Charity Texas Hold'em Tournament with amazing 7-9 at 18 Birchwood Lane. You will learn step by step how prizes. For additional information: please email Arnie Flatow at to prepare and barbecue wagyu beef ribs, chili fries, kicked or call 487-8687 ext 133. up corn, and grilled fruit. Class will be taught by Cindy Hodkin. Recipes and shopping lists will be provided. All food CALENDARS and preparations are under the supervision of Rabbi Polakoff New calendars are available in the shul office. and Rabbi Lichter. Cost is $75 per person. Checks payable to GNS Mens Club. Space is limited. Please RSVP by August 17th to Cindy Hodkin [] The Magen David Adom does a terrific job in Israel and around the world. On Sunday, September 18, at 10:00 am, Karen Berger, Associate Northeast Regional Director of the American Friends of the MDA, will explain Magen David Adoms Mission: Saving Lives in Israel. An informational and educational morning, with no solicitations. Prostate Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases for men. On Tuesday, September 20, at 8:00 pm, Dr. David B. Samadi, Chief of Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, will speak on Prostate Cancer - Prevention, Treatment and Survival. THANK YOU To our August Chesed Collection Chair people: Steven Blumner, Erica Heisler, Sigalit Katz for all their help to collect 50 Eye glasses, 40 cellphones and over 300 pair of shoes. All of these items have been sent to: New Eyes for the needy, Soles 4 souls and Cell Phones For Soldiers. We thank all of you who donated and helped to make this possible. DOS YIDDISH VORT What happens when Kasrilevke collides with the Lower East Side? Find out on Wednesday, August 17 when DOS YIDDISH VORT meets at 1:30 pm. All welcome. For info: Roz Wagner 487-9795.

AUGUST CHESED COLLECTION We are collecting school supplies and books for the Jewish Board of Family Services in Brooklyn. Supplies and books will be for children and young adults of all ages. Collection will take place on Wednesday August 17, and on Thursday, August 25, at the homes of Marcy Aharon, 7 Orchard Street (by the front door) or Erica Zucker Heisler, 71 Bayview Ave. (by the garage).

Brian Smith and Family would like to thank Rabbi Polakoff, Rabbi Lichter, Sisterhood, Shiva Chesed Committee and the entire community for their wonderful kindness and support following the loss of his father Louis Smith, zl.
Saturday, 20 Av Harriet Frederick for Ida Sillen Paul Weinberg for Ise Klein Sunday, 21 Av Jeffrey Bilfeld for Florence Bilfeld Esther Verbit for Gila Shpall Lantz Monday, 22 Av Carl Rosenberg for Bluma Muller Tuesday, 23 Av Eva Bachrach for Gertrud Grunfarb Anne Gold for Morris Feinstein Ilana Kessler for Victoria Hercz Robert Knepper for Maxwell Knepper Morris Nasser for Victoria Hercz Carl Rosenberg for Julia Muller Wednesday, 24 Av Andrew Adler for Bernard Adler Mahin Aryeh for Yahya Aryeh Thursday, 25 Av Cindy Ludwig for Mary Gelber Henry Schwartz for Ruth Schwartz Friday, 26 Av Hannah Kleinberg for Samuel Gross


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