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Name – Pawan Dixit

Class – XII – B
Roll no – 23

NO.___________________ This is to
certify that Master Mohammad Ayub
Khan has satisfactorily carried out the
required practical work in Physics and
that the Journal represents his bonafied
work during the year 2022-2023.

I have taken efforts in this project. However it
would not have been without the kind support and
help of many individuals and organisations. I would
like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I would like to express my gratitude to my principal
Mrs. Joshi and my physics teacher Mr. Mohammad
Ayub Khan whose valuable guidance has helped me
patch this project and make it full proof success.
Her suggestions and instructions have served as the
major contributor towards the completion of the
Then I would like to thank my parents and friends
who have helped me with their valuable
suggestions and guidance which has been helpful in
various phases of completion of the project.
✓ Introduction
✓ Aim
✓ Components Required

Mankind has always harnessed the elements of nature for different purposes.
Water for irrigation and Electricity generation (Hydro Electric Power), wind for
wind mill used for many applications ranging from turning turbines that generate
electricity, to quarry for crushing stones, sun for drying, heating and cooking
especially when brought to focus. From time immemorial humans used the sun to
dry many things, a process known as sun drying. Sun drying is carried out in the
farm, home, industry, laboratory, hospitals and other institution for a number of
reasons. These reasons range from totally driving out water molecules from the
things being dried, outright drying, like clothes, some farm produce, during
building work, and in sculpture to exposing certain electronic
materials/components directly to the sun so that the ultra-violet rays from the
sun can cause some changes in the component, and in pharmaceutical/chemical
industries where certain plants used for pharmaceutical purpose/chemicals are
exposed to direct sunlight for a little while to cause some chemical changes in
them and even at home sometimes when we open our windows to allow the sun
rays to fall into our room to eliminate dampness and allows for proper aeration.
When rain falls, it will cause a setback to all the reasons for sun-drying
enumerated above, especially when the materials being sun dried are not
retrieved quickly. Thus, designing and constructing a device which gives one a
heads-up the instant it starts to rain hopefully giving you time to retrieve the
materials being sun dried, close your window, and bring in possession is not only
apropos but also absolutely imperative. Also, since it can rain at any time without
any warning, clothes in a clothes line outside the house that are almost dry may
get wet if we do not realise it is raining on time.

Thus, this project will also help house wives and other users to be quickly alerted
to avoid rain from wetting shirts/dresses being sun dried at the clothes line
outside the house. Rain water detector is used in the irrigation field, home
automation, communication, automobiles etc.
To prepare a working
model of rain alarm
and study the principle
and working of the rain
Components Required
➢ Resistor
➢ n-p-n transistor
➢ p-n-p transistor
➢ Speaker
➢ Battery
➢ Switch
➢ Rain sensors
It’s based on the air pressure
measurement of the environment.
Before it starts to rain, pressure
dramatically drops. There are many
common moisture & water detectors
readily available. They work like this: 2
conductors are placed close together but
aren’t touching. When water contacts
the conductors, the circuit is completed,
and whatever is designed to happen
next, happens. It could be an alarm, light
or a signal to an overall supervisory
system such as in a factory basement or
Water is a conductor of electricity. When water is in
contact with the probe then there is a flow of current
toward the base of NPN transistor, which conducts. With
the conduction of NPN transistor, electron reaches to Q2,
which is a PNP transistor. PNP transistor also conducts
and current flows through the speaker. In a speaker
there is inductive coil which cause motion in one
direction after that produces induce current which is in
opposite direction to the flow of current. This induced
current in the form of pulse, flows through a capacitor,
resistance and makes NPN transistor off for an inter-well
and after that it relaxes to previous state. This process
repeats again and again till probe is in contact with water
and oscillations are created in the circuit. Speaker
diaphragm vibrates and gives a tone. Frequency of the
circuit depends on the value of Coil Impendence,
Capacitor and Resistance value.
The rain water detector-alarm system will
be useful in both domestic and industrial
applications. It alerts the users of the
presence of rain when it is just about to rain
as even the minutest droplets of water
triggers it ‘ON’ thereby giving the user
ample time to retrieve possessions, shut
windows and in some cases prepare to
harvest rain water. The device when
properly placed to receive the first set of
droplets of rain water can save the user
from damaging possessions that were being
sundried/prevent rain from entering
homes, offices and silos to mention but a
• In the irrigation, it will detect the rain
and immediately alert the farmer.
• In automobiles, when the rain
detector detects the rain it will
immediately activate the wipers.
• In communications, it will boost the
power of the antenna and increase the
signal strength to send or receive the
• In normal household, with the help of
rain water detectors, we can
automatically save the rain water
• This can also be used if there is a
chemical rain also. This is very common
in industrial areas.
❖ Book of electronics

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