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Nana Sayura Educational programme

Department of Educational NCP

Crade I I
ZOZI {2A21 May) G.C.E (O/L) target

Pre-test Paper

Western Music II
- Oz IW
Time - 2 hours

Answer question No. 1 which is compulsory and FOUR others selecting Two
From each Part A and B. Answers Must be written on this paper itself

Index No:

(41) lTestem Mugic II

Part Question No. lfarks Awarded

I t

A 3

B 6

Nana Sayura Educationai programme

Department of Educational NCP ::n
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2021 (2A21 May) G.C.E (O/L) target
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Pre-test Paper - 0Z

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t- L Western l\4usic II Tirne - 2 hours

Answer question one which is comparlsory and 04 others, selecting fivo from each part A & ts

0i .The questions are based on the given rnusic.

Altregrerto ..\.io;:Aii-i'

a. Write the Nationality and the period of the composer ... .

b. Name anottrer conlposer of the same period

ii. Write 02 lines about the camposer

::: : :: :

iii ;,;* **y;r,;;;'-.,,"01-'..;*:-:;":,

iv. Into which key has it moduiated at bars Z &j ..
v. Name the fbrm of the piece .....: .

vi.Write the appropriate Rornan nurneral (chord indication) shown by dots -barl6... ..

vii. Narne the cadence in bar 7 &S ( shown by a square)

viii. Bar | &'2 are repeating several times in the piece.How nlany times does it occur

ix. Erplain the title " La ci da renr

x. Explain the tempo marlr

xi & xii. write bars 1 &.2 of the Treble a Major' 2 nd higher .

PART A ( Two questions only)

AZI$) Add the correct accidentals to make the scale of F harmonic rninor.

(ii) Compose a 4 bar melody using tlie notes of B minor in Simple Triple Time. End the melody rvith
the tonic note.

(iii)Name the ke1,of tl-re following tune.

(iv) trvrite the abave melody again using ihe corecr key- sign
3/{i} l{ame the f,*llowing Intcn'als rnarkeC in the f+trlowing passagc. { 3 marl<s}

1..... ...:....2... ...3..

(ii)Write a rhythrn pattern on a rnonotone to the given words.( 2 marks)

Down yonder green valley , where streamlets meander whentt

(iii). Write the Triad shou'n by the Ronran nurneral in the Bass.( 4 Marks)

I lvb \rY Ib

(iv). Convert the lollowing melody into oriental rictation. ( 3 marks)

04. i.Add nvo llew chords(as a minim & a semibreve) as the cadence given to complete the follorving
in four parts .( 9 marks)

lmper{ect Cadence Perfect cadence lnterrupted cadence

ii. Cornplete th€ rnelody b)'adding an answering phrase in the same sfyle. Add suitable marks of
Ternpo.( 3 marks)

PART B ( Two questions only)

05.i. Name tlte chords indicated by brackets in the follo*,ing extract in B nrinor - 3 nrarks

ii. Re-write this passage in open score using Treble , Alto, Tenor & Bass clefs.
fyp*s and styles ancl
6, (i) ]rlanre a roinplgscr lvlto lYtUte the ibilc,r.virtg

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the ir biilh and E'riie onc ci{ litetii'

(!i) i.racc lhe fblkr.,r,ir.lg corilrr()sci.s iir rhe ordcr sf

Ve:rcJi. l,,isz.t. ( 1iopin, [:]er:i]toven' Vlozitt'i

07.i.Name the following instruments and write a sirort note on any one of them.

ii. Describe shortiy 'the conventian observed at an orchestral concert "'

Nana Sayura Educational programme

Department of Educational I'JCP

2021 (zOZt May) G.C E (O/L) target

Pre-test Paper - Oz

Crade 11 Western Music I Time - t hour

* illtl;.use tlre rnasl saitEiisle ililswlen

u i. wniclr of the ioiiowing sigus wili nct have any efi=ect on tire sirengtir o1'souni ?

iu {2i f"\ {4) FF

0?. lilhich of the 1o1tau/!*g rsinposers wrli *st bclong to th+ saffle perird in the irjstcry oi'l.Vesterrr f"{usic ?

i 1) *ebussy i2) Ravel {_1} Gershwin t4) Schulrert

83. Which of the foliowing wili describe the grven two notes ?

{1) Chramatic sernitone

i?) Dietcnic semitcne
{3} Enharmonic equivalent
i4) Whole Tone

ti4. of the following notcs woulcl indicate tire puise in f tirne ?

{1) {2) {3}

- 5, wtiich of the follovring tirne signatures is nat suitable ibr a lr[arch ?

A o
1/r \ ^L ' a\
iir '?
1.!} /

il6. :&tjch of the foiiawing wrLl be the caryect chcrd indicati,:n fol F n:ajor root position '?

i1) i2) t3) {4}

*7. Srhich sf the follawing is ttre nams cf the instrument which is commr:niy re fcrr*d ia as Fianc 'i
ii) Pianissir*o izi Pianof*rfe i3i b'{ezzopiano {4} Arry* ,:i'the a.hove.

ti8. \vtich af ths fbil*wing wiil be used to obtain different notcs in aTrombcne ?
{1} Cr**ks {2} Reeds i3) siidcs {4) Fistons.

.09" S'hich of the.toliawing notes will be the i*ot of a Prin:ary chr:rd i:: -D tlalmajcr ?
10. Whicir of the fbllor.ving is equal to 6 quavers ?
( l) Dotted minirn (2) Semibreve (3 ) Dotted semibreve (4) Dotfed crotchet

li , \\rhich of tLrc following is tire correct grouping in
tiine ?

(r) (2) (3) (4)

12. Which of thc following will be the correct time signature for the given bar of music ?

(z) o;
(r) i (3) ; (4) ;
13. Which of the fbllowing rvould lnean the number of vibrations per second ?

( 1) Acoustics (2) Amplitude (3) Frequency (4) Energy

14. Which of tire ioilor.ving rvould indicate the first inversion of a Triad ?
( i) ; (2) i (3) t ' (4)

i5. Which of the following would be the interval betrveen B - G ?

/' t \ l\ .-: ^- U
\, / rvlctJLrl
tZ) Augmcntcd 4* (3) l"{inor 5'n (4) Diminished 7"'

I6. Which ol tlic follorving is the relative minor of G Flat major ?

(l) B Flat minor (2) E, Flat minor (3) A Flat minor (4) G minor

l7 . Which of'the tbllowing is a r,vholc bar rest in 6

tirne ?


(i) (2) (3)

t8. Which of thc following is a Diatonic Semitone ?

T9, Wliich of the following is the corect way of writing the F clef ?

(4) All thcse

20- Wbich of the following r,vould form the Dourinant Chord of C sharp mi*or ?

(2) (3)
2I. Which of the following time signaturcs is suitablc for a duplet to be Lrsccl ?

(1) (2) 3 (3) i (1)

1 i
22. which of the following is the tonic major of B miiror ?

(1) B Flat minor (2) B Flat major (3) i3 tulajor (4) C Flar nrajor

(1) (2)
24. Which of the following is a simple inrcrval ?

(l) (2) - \r (3) ('t) All thcsc

25. Which of the following woulC best clcscribe a r:rr-isicai corr:positicn lor chcrus Vocal sclo basecl arr a l.riblicll
story ?

(1) . Violin sonata in G (2) La-cicleram (3) Messiali (4) I{armonious Blacksmith

26. Which of the fbllowing rvould happen to the frequcncy n,hen the pitch nses ?

( 1) It remains the samc (2) It increases (i) it sioi,vs (4) it lessens

1*7 Which of the following is a composition by Schubert ?

( l) Submerged Cathedral (2) Rhapsody in Blue (3) The Troui Qr-riiitct (4) Warcr Music sr-rirc
LA. Which of the follow'ing is a play which is sung ?
( l) Symphony (2) Ballet (3) Opera ('l) N4ass

29, Which of the following originated inAmerica ?

(1) Lieder (2) Sonata (3) Harpsichord (4) Iazz

30- lVhich of the following notes would be the tunirrg olstrings of the Dauble Bass ?

(1) GDAE (2) EADG (3) CGDA (,+) ADGP

31. Which of the following combinations woulcl suitc ihc piano Ti ia ?

(t) 3 Pianos (2) Tirrcc perfbrrlers on one piano

(3) Piano, Cello, Double Bass (4) iliano, Violin, Celio
32.. Which of the following notes has only one other enhannonic equivalent ?

(1) D sharp (2) F sharp (3) G sharp (4i A sharp

33. Which of the follorving would best describe a musical composition tbr Cello and Orchestra ?

( 1) String quartet 12) Cello quafiet (3 ) Ceilo ciuet (4) Cello conccrto
34. Which of the following instrument originated in Southern Province of Sri Lanka'/
(l ) Davula (2) Maddala (3) Yak bera (4) Buurmediya

3 5. \,Vhicir of tlic follcwing coirld be performe,i as a separate piece of music ?

(1) Chord (2) Introduction (3) Plclude (4) Episode

Questions 36 to 40 ure bssed on the followirtg ertract given below.


'36. [n u,hich key is this piecc ?

{l) F Major (7) Eo Major (3) Bo Major (4) C Major

31. Vi hat type of beat is shown in the time- signatures ?
(i) lvlinirn beats (2) Quaver beats (3) Semi quaverbeats (4) Crotchet beats

38. I'{ame the interval between the tr.vo notes markcd rvith asterisks (S ) in bar 8.
(1) Augmentcd 8th (2) Perfect 12 th (3) Diminished 12th (1) Major l2th
39. What is the Cadcnce that ends this piece ?

(l) Lnperfect (2) Plagal (3) Perfect (4) Intem,pted

4A. To which period does this piece belong to ?

( 1) Romantic (2) Baroque (3) Modern (4) Classical


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